#' DiSTATIS plot of posterior or bootstrap samples
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %<>%
#' @import dplyr
#' @import parallel
#' @import ggrepel
#' @importFrom DistatisR distatis
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
#' @importFrom tidyr unnest
#' @export
#' @param obj Object of class \code{cytoeffect_poisson} or \code{cytoeffect_poisson_mcle}
#' computed by \code{\link{poisson_lognormal}} or \code{\link{poisson_lognormal_mcle}}
#' @param ndraws Number of posterior or bootstrap samples
#' @param ncores Number of cores
#' @param show_donors Include donor random effect
#' @param show_markers Include markers
#' @param repel Repel marker names
#' @return \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot2}} object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set.seed(1)
#' df = simulate_data()
#' str(df)
#' fit = poisson_lognormal(df,
#' protein_names = names(df)[3:ncol(df)],
#' condition = "condition",
#' group = "donor",
#' r_donor = 2,
#' warmup = 200, iter = 325, adapt_delta = 0.95,
#' num_chains = 1)
#' plot_distatis(fit, ndraws = 125)
#' fit = poisson_lognormal_mcle(df,
#' protein_names = names(df)[3:ncol(df)],
#' condition = "condition",
#' group = "donor",
#' ncores = 1)
#' plot_distatis(fit, ndraws = 125)
#' }
plot_distatis = function(obj, ndraws = 1000, ncores = 1,
show_donors = TRUE, show_markers = TRUE, repel = TRUE) {
if(!is(obj, "cytoeffect_poisson") & !is(obj, "cytoeffect_poisson_mcle"))
stop("Not a cytoeffect_poisson or cytoeffect_poisson_mcle object.")
arrow_color = "darkgray"
marker_color = "darkgray"
segment_color = "black"
marker_size = 5
options(mc.cores = ncores)
# sample all tables
if(is(obj, "cytoeffect_poisson")) {
# posterior samples
sample_info_k = c(obj$group,obj$condition,"k")
n_chains = length(obj$fit_mcmc@stan_args)
stan_args = obj$fit_mcmc@stan_args[[1]]
nsamples = n_chains * (stan_args$iter - stan_args$warmup)
ndraws = min(nsamples, ndraws)
expr_median = mclapply(
function(i) {
posterior_predictive_log_lambda(obj, k = i, show_donors = show_donors) %>%
group_by(.dots = sample_info_k) %>%
} else {
# parametric bootstrap samples
boot = function(tb_args) {
boot_list = lapply(1:nrow(tb_args), function(i) {
Y_donor = MASS::mvrnorm(n = tb_args$n[i],
mu = tb_args$fit[[i]]$beta,
Sigma = tb_args$fit[[i]]$Sigma)
colnames(Y_donor) = obj$protein_names
Y_donor %>% as_tibble %>% summarize_all(median)
tb_args %>%
dplyr::select(-Y, -fit, -n) %>%
add_column(b = boot_list) %>%
tidyr::unnest(b) %>%
expr_median = mclapply(1:ndraws, function(i) boot(obj$tb_args))
# prepare three way arrary for distatis
dist_matrix = lapply(expr_median, function(x) {
x %>%
ungroup() %>%
select_at(obj$protein_names) %>%
dist %>%
dist_matrix_arr = simplify2array(dist_matrix)
# run distatis
fit_distatis = DistatisR::distatis(dist_matrix_arr, nfact2keep = 2)
distatis_coords = fit_distatis$res4Splus[["PartialF"]]
consensus_coords = fit_distatis$res4Splus[["F"]]
# reshape distatis results
distatis_coords_list = lapply(
function(i) bind_cols(expr_median[[i]],
tb_distatis_coords = distatis_coords_list %>%
bind_rows() %>%
tb_distatis_coords %<>% dplyr::rename(MDS1 = `Factor 1`,
MDS2 = `Factor 2`)
tb_consensus_coords = bind_cols(
expr_median[[1]] %>% dplyr::select_at(vars(obj$group, obj$condition)),
as_tibble(consensus_coords)) %>%
tb_consensus_coords %<>% dplyr::rename(MDS1 = `Factor 1`,
MDS2 = `Factor 2`)
# prepare plot distatis canvas
ggmds = ggplot(tb_distatis_coords, aes_string(x = "MDS1", y = "MDS2",
color = obj$condition))
# prepare circle of correlation data
protein_sd = apply(as.data.frame(tb_distatis_coords)[,obj$protein_names],2,sd)
# only keep makers that have some variability
protein_selection = obj$protein_names[protein_sd != 0]
# correlations between variables and MDS axes
expr_cor = cor(as.data.frame(tb_distatis_coords)[,protein_selection],
tb_distatis_coords[,c("MDS1","MDS2")]) %>% as_tibble
# scaling factor (otherwise too crowded)
expr_cor %<>% add_column(protein_selection)
# add arrows coordinates
expr_cor %<>% add_column(x0 = rep(0,nrow(expr_cor)))
expr_cor %<>% add_column(y0 = rep(0,nrow(expr_cor)))
scale_arrow = max(sqrt(tb_consensus_coords$MDS1^2 +
cor_max = max(sqrt(expr_cor$MDS1^2+expr_cor$MDS2^2))
expr_cor %<>% mutate(
MDS1 = scale_arrow * MDS1/cor_max,
MDS2 = scale_arrow * MDS2/cor_max
# add uncertainty countours
ggmds = ggmds +
xlab("Factor 1") +
ylab("Factor 2") +
scale_color_manual(values = c("#5DA5DA", "#FAA43A"),
name = obj$condition) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#5DA5DA", "#FAA43A"),
name = obj$condition) +
stat_density_2d(aes_string(fill = obj$condition),
geom = "polygon", alpha = 0.05)
# add correlation arrows
if(show_markers) {
ggmds = ggmds + annotate("segment",
x = expr_cor$x0, xend = expr_cor$MDS1,
y = expr_cor$y0, yend = expr_cor$MDS2,
colour = arrow_color,
alpha = 1.0,
arrow = arrow(type = "open", length = unit(0.03, "npc")))
## add marker names labels
if(repel) {
ggmds = ggmds + geom_text_repel(data = expr_cor,
aes(x = MDS1, y = MDS2,
label = protein_selection),
color = marker_color,
alpha = 1.0)
} else {
ggmds = ggmds + geom_text(data = expr_cor,
aes(x = MDS1, y = MDS2,
label = protein_selection),
color = marker_color,
alpha = 1.0)
# add line segments connecting donor centers
con_levels = levels(pull(tb_consensus_coords, obj$condition))
segments =
tb_consensus_coords[tb_consensus_coords[,obj$condition] == con_levels[1],],
tb_consensus_coords[tb_consensus_coords[,obj$condition] == con_levels[2],],
by = obj$group
segments %<>% dplyr::select(
obj$group, MDS1.x, MDS2.x, MDS1.y, MDS2.y
ggmds = ggmds + geom_segment(
aes(x = MDS1.x, xend = MDS1.y, y = MDS2.x, yend = MDS2.y),
colour = segment_color, alpha = 1.0,
data = segments)
# add donors centers
if(show_donors) {
ggmds = ggmds +
data = tb_consensus_coords,
aes_string(shape = obj$group,
x = tb_consensus_coords$MDS1,
y = tb_consensus_coords$MDS2),
size = 4,
color = "black"
) +
values =
64 + # from shape table (so that it starts at A)
pull(tb_consensus_coords, obj$group) %>%
unique %>%
length %>%
seq(1, .)
) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
# add title
if(is(obj, "cytoeffect_poisson")) {
ggmds + ggtitle("Posterior DiSTATIS of Latent Variable"~lambda)
} else {
ggmds + ggtitle("Parametric Bootstrap DiSTATIS of Latent Variable"~lambda)
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