#' Retention time prediction workflow
#' Whole retention time prediction workflow. Function creates predictor set with RCDK based on SMILES.
#' Trains a chosen predcition model and validates the approach with a cross validation.
#' @param data data.frame with columns NAME, RT, SMILES
#' @param method prediction algorithm, either glmnet or xgboost
#' @param verbose additional print outputs to user if TRUE
#' @param data_set_name name of dataset will appear on validation plot
#' @param final_model TRUE if final model trained on whole dataset should be returned
#' @param preprocessed TRUE if data is already preprocessed and descriptor varialbes are already added
#' @param include_polynomial TRUE if polynomial terms should be added to descriptor set
#' @param degree_polynomial specifies degree up until which polynomials will be added if include_polynomials == TRUE
#' @param interaction_terms TRUE if interaction terms between all variables should be added
#' @param nfolds number of folds for cross validation
#' @param scale if TRUE, all variables will be centered to a mean of 0 and scaled to a standard deviation of 1
#' @keywords FastRet
#' @import shiny
#' @import shinyhelper
#' @import shinybusy
#' @export
fastret.workflow <- function(data, method = "glmnet",
verbose = FALSE,
data_set_name = "data set",
final_model = TRUE,
preprocessed = FALSE,
interaction_terms = FALSE,
nfolds = 2,
include_polynomial = FALSE,
degree_polynomial = 2,
scale = TRUE) {
reverse_split <- FALSE
split_method<- "CV"
# calculate Chemical descriptors, clear data
# and add additional columns (polynomials and
# interactions)
db_rt <- preprocess.data(data, preprocessed = preprocessed,
include_polynomial = include_polynomial,
interaction_terms = interaction_terms,
degree_polynomial = degree_polynomial)
# Build a model to center and scale the data
if (scale) {
preProc <- caret::preProcess(db_rt[, -1], method = c("center",
"scale"), rangeBounds = c(0, 1))
db_rt <- stats::predict(preProc, db_rt)
} else {
preProc <- 0
# outer cross validation split (either CV
# with n-folds or Medoids-kmean with n medoids)
split <- create.split(split_method, db_rt, n = nfolds)
models <- list()
stats <- list()
i <- 1
for (inSplit in split) {
if (reverse_split) {
training <- db_rt[inSplit, ]
testing <- db_rt[-inSplit, ]
} else {
training <- db_rt[-inSplit, ]
testing <- db_rt[inSplit, ]
# Train Model
model <- switch(method,
xgboost = fit.xgboost(training),
glmnet = fit.glmnet(training),
stop(paste("method \"",method, "\" is invalid ")))
models[[i]] <- model
# analyse performance of model
title <- paste0(data_set_name, ", ", method)
if (length(db_rt$RT) == nfolds) {
stat <- stats::predict(object = model, newx = as.matrix(testing[,
} else {
stat <- get.stats(testing, model, name = paste0(title,
" iteration ", i))
stats[[i]] <- stat
print(paste0("Iteration: ", i))
i <- i + 1
return_object <- list()
if (final_model) {
#train model on whole data set
model <- switch(method,
xgboost = fit.xgboost(db_rt),
glmnet = fit.glmnet(db_rt),
stop(paste("method \"",method, "\" is invalid ")))
pred <- data.frame(stats::predict(model,as.matrix(db_rt[,-1])))
p <- graphics::plot(x=db_rt$RT,y=t(pred),xlab= "RT",ylab="predicted RT")
p <- graphics::abline(a=0,b=1,col="red")
return_object$plot <- p
# create return object and return all
# potential interesting variables
return_object$final_model <- model
return_object$method <- method
return_object$data_set_name <- data_set_name
return_object$model <- models
return_object$stats <- stats
return_object$predictor_set <- db_rt
return_object$split <- split
return_object$scaling_model <- preProc
print("Workflow completed")
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