#' Adjust retention time
#' This function produces the new warping functions (RT lists) with the
#' realignment result.
#' @param xcmsLargeWin A \code{\link[xcms]{xcmsSet-class}} object.
#' @param ncGTWinput A \code{\link{ncGTWinput}} object.
#' @param ncGTWoutput A \code{\link{ncGTWoutput}} object.
#' @param ppm Should be set as same as the one when performing the peak
#' detection function in \code{xcms}.
#' @details This function produces the new warping functions (RT lists) with the
#' realignment result.
#' @return A \code{\link{ncGTWwarp}} object.
#' @examples
#' # obtain data
#' data('xcmsExamples')
#' xcmsLargeWin <- xcmsExamples$xcmsLargeWin
#' xcmsSmallWin <- xcmsExamples$xcmsSmallWin
#' ppm <- xcmsExamples$ppm
#' # detect misaligned features
#' excluGroups <- misalignDetect(xcmsLargeWin, xcmsSmallWin, ppm)
#' # obtain the paths of the sample files
#' filepath <- system.file("extdata", package = "ncGTW")
#' file <- list.files(filepath, pattern="mzxml", full.names=TRUE)
#' tempInd <- matrix(0, length(file), 1)
#' for (n in seq_along(file)){
#' tempCha <- file[n]
#' tempLen <- nchar(tempCha)
#' tempInd[n] <- as.numeric(substr(tempCha, regexpr("example", tempCha) + 7,
#' tempLen - 6))
#' }
#' # sort the paths by data acquisition order
#' file <- file[sort.int(tempInd, index.return = TRUE)$ix]
#' \dontrun{
#' # load the sample profiles
#' ncGTWinputs <- loadProfile(file, excluGroups)
#' # initialize the parameters of ncGTW alignment with default
#' ncGTWparam <- new("ncGTWparam")
#' # run ncGTW alignment
#' ncGTWoutputs <- vector('list', length(ncGTWinputs))
#' for (n in seq_along(ncGTWinputs))
#' ncGTWoutputs[[n]] <- ncGTWalign(ncGTWinputs[[n]], xcmsLargeWin, 5,
#' ncGTWparam = ncGTWparam)
#' # adjust RT with the realignment results from ncGTW
#' ncGTWres <- xcmsLargeWin
#' ncGTWRt <- vector('list', length(ncGTWinputs))
#' for (n in seq_along(ncGTWinputs)){
#' adjustRes <- adjustRT(ncGTWres, ncGTWinputs[[n]], ncGTWoutputs[[n]], ppm)
#' xcms::peaks(ncGTWres) <- ncGTWpeaks(adjustRes)
#' ncGTWRt[[n]] <- rtncGTW(adjustRes)
#' }
#' # apply the adjusted RT to a xcmsSet object
#' xcms::groups(ncGTWres) <- excluGroups[ , 2:9]
#' xcms::groupidx(ncGTWres) <- xcms::groupidx(xcmsLargeWin)[excluGroups[ , 1]]
#' rtCor <- vector('list', length(xcms::filepaths(ncGTWres)))
#' for (n in seq_along(file)){
#' rtCor[[n]] <- vector('list', dim(excluGroups)[1])
#' for (m in seq_len(dim(excluGroups)[1]))
#' rtCor[[n]][[m]] <- ncGTWRt[[m]][[n]]
#' }
#' slot(ncGTWres, 'rt')$corrected <- rtCor
#' }
#' @export
adjustRT <- function(xcmsLargeWin, ncGTWinput, ncGTWoutput, ppm){
if (!is(xcmsLargeWin, 'xcmsSet'))
stop('xcmsLargeWin should be a "xcmsSet" object.')
if (!is(ncGTWinput, 'ncGTWinput'))
stop('ncGTWinput should be a "ncGTWinput" object.')
if (!is(ncGTWoutput, 'ncGTWoutput'))
stop('ncGTWoutput should be a "ncGTWoutput" object.')
if (ppm <= 0)
stop('ppm should be larger than 0.')
peaks <- xcmsLargeWin@peaks
groupInfo <- ncGTWinput@groupInfo
groupInd <- groupInfo['index']
rtXCMS <- xcmsLargeWin@rt$corrected
rtRaw <- xcmsLargeWin@rt$raw
scanRangeOld <- ncGTWinput@rtRaw
dataOri <- ncGTWinput@profiles
data <- ncGTWoutput@alignData
path <- ncGTWoutput@ncGTWpath
scanRange <- ncGTWoutput@scanRange
downSample <- ncGTWoutput@downSample
## Find unique peaks
XCMSPeaks <- findUniPeak(peaks, groupInd, xcmsLargeWin@groupidx, ppm)
## Find the maximum number of peaks within a sample
sampleCount <- table(XCMSPeaks[ , 'sample'])
groupNum <- max(sampleCount)
## Find corresponding scan and RT between XCMS and ncGTW
ncGTWpeaks <- XCMSPeaks
ncGTWpeaks[ , c('rt', 'rtmin', 'rtmax')] <- 0
peakScanRt <- matrix(0, dim(ncGTWpeaks)[1], 11)
colnames(peakScanRt) <-
c('scan_XCMS', 'scan_ncGTW', 'subscan_ncGTW', 'rt_ncGTW',
'scanmin_XCMS', 'scanmin_ncGTW', 'rtmin_ncGTW',
'scanmax_XCMS', 'scanmax_ncGTW', 'rtmax_ncGTW', 'sample')
warpOrder <-
sort(XCMSPeaks[ , 'maxo'], index.return = TRUE, decreasing = TRUE)$ix
for (nn in seq_len(dim(ncGTWpeaks)[1])){
n <- warpOrder[nn]
samInd <- XCMSPeaks[n, 'sample']
samPath <- path[[samInd]]
samRtXCMS <- rtXCMS[[samInd]][scanRange[samInd, ]]
samRtXCMSOld <- rtXCMS[[samInd]][scanRangeOld[samInd, ]]
samRtRaw <- rtRaw[[samInd]][scanRange[samInd, ]]
samRtRawOld <- rtRaw[[samInd]][scanRangeOld[samInd, ]]
meanDif <- mean(diff(samRtXCMSOld))
### Find the true apex points
fRange <- round(1 / meanDif)
scanXCMS <- rt2scan(XCMSPeaks[n, 'rt'], samRtXCMSOld)
scanXCMSrange <- max(1, (scanXCMS - fRange)) :
min(length(samRtXCMSOld), (scanXCMS + fRange))
rE <- scanXCMSrange[length(scanXCMSrange)]
for (rangeInd in seq_len(fRange)){
ind <- scanXCMS + rangeInd
if (ind > length(samRtXCMSOld))
if (samRtXCMSOld[ind] - samRtXCMSOld[ind - 1] > 2 * meanDif){
rE <- ind - 1
rS <- scanXCMSrange[1]
for (rangeInd in seq_len(fRange)){
ind <- scanXCMS - rangeInd
if (ind < 1)
if (samRtXCMSOld[ind + 1] - samRtXCMSOld[ind] > 2 * meanDif){
rS <- ind + 1
scanXCMSrange <- rS:rE
scanXCMS <- scanXCMSrange[which.max(dataOri[samInd, scanXCMSrange])]
XCMSrt <- samRtXCMSOld[scanXCMS]
scanSubXCMS <- rt2scan(XCMSrt, samRtXCMS)
### Match the apex point
scanSubncGTW <-
round(mean(samPath[which(samPath[ ,2] == scanSubXCMS), 1]))
scanncGTW <- (scanSubncGTW - 1) * downSample
if (scanncGTW > dim(scanRangeOld)[2])
scanncGTW <- dim(scanRangeOld)[2]
if (scanncGTW < 1)
scanncGTW <- 1
ncGTWrt <- rtRaw[[samInd]][scanRangeOld[samInd, scanncGTW]]
peakScanRt[n, 'rt_ncGTW'] <- ncGTWrt
peakScanRt[n, 'subscan_ncGTW'] <- scanSubncGTW
peakScanRt[n, 'scan_XCMS'] <-
which(scanRangeOld[samInd, ] == scanRange[samInd, scanSubXCMS])
peakScanRt[n, 'scan_ncGTW'] <- scanncGTW
### Avoid overlapping apex points
samPeaks <-
cbind(peakScanRt[peakScanRt[ , 'sample'] == samInd, , drop=FALSE],
peakInd=which(peakScanRt[ , 'sample'] == samInd))
for (m in seq_len(dim(samPeaks)[1])){
tempInd <- samPeaks[m, 'peakInd']
apexDif <- XCMSPeaks[n, 'rt'] - XCMSPeaks[tempInd, 'rt']
tempSign <- apexDif / abs(apexDif)
if (apexDif > 0){
widthDif <- XCMSPeaks[n, 'rt'] - XCMSPeaks[n, 'rtmin'] +
XCMSPeaks[tempInd, 'rtmax'] - XCMSPeaks[tempInd, 'rt']
} else{
widthDif <- XCMSPeaks[n, 'rtmax'] - XCMSPeaks[n, 'rt'] +
XCMSPeaks[tempInd, 'rt'] - XCMSPeaks[tempInd, 'rtmin']
peakRtDif <- min(abs(apexDif), widthDif)
if (tempSign * (peakScanRt[n, 'rt_ncGTW'] - samPeaks[m, 'rt_ncGTW'])
< peakRtDif){
peakScanRt[n, 'scan_ncGTW'] <-
rt2scan(samPeaks[m, 'rt_ncGTW'] +
tempSign * peakRtDif, samRtXCMSOld)
peakScanRt[n, 'rt_ncGTW'] <-
samRtRawOld[peakScanRt[n, 'scan_ncGTW']]
### Match the start and end points
peakScanRt[n, 'rtmin_ncGTW'] <-
XCMSPeaks[n, 'rtmin'] - XCMSPeaks[n, 'rt'] +
peakScanRt[n, 'rt_ncGTW']
peakScanRt[n, 'rtmax_ncGTW'] <-
XCMSPeaks[n, 'rtmax'] - XCMSPeaks[n, 'rt'] +
peakScanRt[n, 'rt_ncGTW']
peakScanRt[n, 'scanmin_ncGTW'] <-
rt2scan(peakScanRt[n, 'rtmin_ncGTW'], samRtRawOld)
peakScanRt[n, 'scanmax_ncGTW'] <-
rt2scan(peakScanRt[n, 'rtmax_ncGTW'], samRtRawOld)
peakScanRt[n, 'scanmin_XCMS'] <- peakScanRt[n, 'scanmin_ncGTW'] -
peakScanRt[n, 'scan_ncGTW'] + peakScanRt[n, 'scan_XCMS']
peakScanRt[n, 'scanmax_XCMS'] <- peakScanRt[n, 'scanmax_ncGTW'] -
peakScanRt[n, 'scan_ncGTW'] + peakScanRt[n, 'scan_XCMS']
peakScanRt[n, 'sample'] <- XCMSPeaks[n, 'sample']
ncGTWpeaks[n, c('rt', 'rtmin', 'rtmax')] <-
peakScanRt[n, c('rt_ncGTW', 'rtmin_ncGTW', 'rtmax_ncGTW')]
peaks[ncGTWpeaks[n, 'peakInd'], c('rt', 'rtmin', 'rtmax')] <-
ncGTWpeaks[n, c('rt', 'rtmin', 'rtmax')]
## Find a sample as the center for kmeans
groupSam <- as.numeric(names(which(sampleCount == groupNum)))
maxNum <- 0
maxRange <- 0
maxInd <- 1
for (ind in seq_len(length(groupSam))){
samPeaks <- XCMSPeaks[XCMSPeaks[ , 'sample'] == groupSam[ind], 'rt']
tempNum <- length(samPeaks)
if (tempNum < maxNum )
tempRange <- max(samPeaks) - min(samPeaks)
if (tempNum > maxNum ){
maxNum <- tempNum
maxRange <- tempRange
maxInd <- groupSam[ind]
} else if (tempRange > maxRange){
maxRange <- tempRange
maxInd <- groupSam[ind]
groupSam <- maxInd
## kmeans grouping
cenInd <- which(peakScanRt[ , 'sample'] == groupSam)
kcenter <- peakScanRt[cenInd, 'rt_ncGTW', drop=FALSE]
intOrder <- sort(XCMSPeaks[cenInd, 'maxo'],
index.return=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE)$ix[seq_len(groupNum)]
kcenter <- kcenter[intOrder, , drop=FALSE]
kcenter <- unique(kcenter)
groupNum <- length(kcenter)
if (length(kcenter) == 1){
kmeansncGTW <- kmeans(peakScanRt[ , 'rt_ncGTW', drop=FALSE], 1)
} else{
kmeansncGTW <- kmeans(peakScanRt[ , 'rt_ncGTW', drop=FALSE], kcenter)
## Put peaks into their groups
peakGroup <- vector('list', groupNum)
tempPeaks <- matrix(NA, max(peaks[ , 'sample']), dim(peakScanRt)[2] + 2)
colnames(tempPeaks) <- c(colnames(peakScanRt), 'detect', 'maxo')
colnames(tempPeaks)[c(1, 5, 8)] <-
c('scan_Raw', 'scanmin_Raw', 'scanmax_Raw')
for (n in seq_len(groupNum))
peakGroup[[n]] <- tempPeaks
for (n in seq_len(dim(peakScanRt)[1])){
gInd <- kmeansncGTW$cluster[n]
sInd <- peakScanRt[n, 'sample']
if (is.na(peakGroup[[gInd]][sInd, 1]) ||
(XCMSPeaks[n, 'maxo'] > peakGroup[[gInd]][sInd, 'maxo'])){
peakGroup[[gInd]][sInd, ] <-
c(peakScanRt[n, ], 1, XCMSPeaks[n, 'maxo'])
## Remove groups with too few samples
rmInd <- matrix(TRUE, length(peakGroup), 1)
for (n in seq_len(groupNum)){
tempPeaks <- peakGroup[[n]]
# if (sum(is.na(tempPeaks[,1])) > dim(tempPeaks)[1] * (3 / 4) )
if (sum(!is.na(tempPeaks[,1])) <
sum(groupInfo[9:length(groupInfo)]) * (1 / 4) )
rmInd[n] <- FALSE
peakGroup <- peakGroup[rmInd]
groupNum <- length(peakGroup)
peakGroupMed <- tempPeaks[seq_len(groupNum), , drop = FALSE]
for (n in seq_len(groupNum))
for (m in seq_len(dim(peakGroupMed)[2]))
peakGroupMed[n, m] <- median(peakGroup[[n]][ , m], TRUE)
## Fill in missing peaks for each group
tempLabel <- c('scan_ncGTW', 'rt_ncGTW', 'subscan_ncGTW','scanmin_ncGTW',
'rtmin_ncGTW', 'scanmax_ncGTW', 'rtmax_ncGTW')
for (n in seq_len(groupNum)){
tempPeaks <- peakGroup[[n]]
for (m in seq_len(dim(tempPeaks)[1])){
if (!is.na(tempPeaks[m, 1]))
tempPeaks[m , tempLabel] <- peakGroupMed[n, tempLabel]
samPath <- path[[m]]
apexInd <- samPath[which(samPath[ , 1] ==
round(peakGroupMed[n, 'subscan_ncGTW'])), 2]
apexInd <- apexInd[which.max(data[m, apexInd])]
tempPeaks[m, 'scan_Raw'] <-
which(scanRangeOld[m, ] == scanRange[m, apexInd])
tempPeaks[m, 'scanmin_Raw'] <- peakGroupMed[n, 'scanmin_ncGTW'] +
tempPeaks[m, 'scan_Raw'] - peakGroupMed[n, 'scan_ncGTW']
tempPeaks[m, 'scanmax_Raw'] <- peakGroupMed[n, 'scanmax_ncGTW']+
tempPeaks[m, 'scan_Raw'] - peakGroupMed[n, 'scan_ncGTW']
tempPeaks[m, 'sample'] <- m
peakGroup[[n]] <- tempPeaks
## Warp RT of peaks of each samples
rtncGTW <- rtXCMS
rtncGTWsub <- scanRangeOld * NA
rtRawSub <- scanRangeOld * NA
for (n in seq_len(length(rtRaw)))
rtRawSub[n, ] <- rtRaw[[n]][scanRangeOld[n, ]]
tempShift <- 5
while (any(t(diff(t(rtRawSub))) > 5)){
for (n in seq_along(rtRaw)){
rtRawSub[n, ] <- rtRaw[[n]][scanRangeOld[n, ] - tempShift]
tempShift <- tempShift + 5
for (n in seq_len(groupNum)){
tempPeaks <- peakGroup[[n]]
for (m in seq_len(dim(tempPeaks)[1])){
rawSta <- tempPeaks[m, 'scanmin_Raw']
rawEnd <- tempPeaks[m, 'scanmax_Raw']
ncGTWSta <- tempPeaks[m, 'scanmin_ncGTW']
ncGTWEnd <- tempPeaks[m, 'scanmax_ncGTW']
if (rawEnd > dim(scanRangeOld)[2]){
ncGTWEnd <- ncGTWEnd - (rawEnd - dim(scanRangeOld)[2])
rawEnd <- dim(scanRangeOld)[2]
if (ncGTWEnd > dim(rtRawSub)[2]){
rawEnd <- rawEnd - (ncGTWEnd - dim(rtRawSub)[2])
ncGTWEnd <- dim(rtRawSub)[2]
if (rawSta < 1){
ncGTWSta <- ncGTWSta + (1 - rawSta)
rawSta <- 1
rawInd <- rawSta:rawEnd
overlapFlag <- !is.na(rtncGTWsub[m, rawInd])
rtncGTWsub[m, rawInd] <- rtRawSub[m, ncGTWSta:ncGTWEnd]
if (sum(overlapFlag) == 0)
### Solve overlapping peaks
olInd <- which(overlapFlag)
olSta <- rawInd[olInd[1]] - 1
if (olSta == 0)
olSta <- 1
olEnd <- rawInd[olInd[length(olInd)]] + 1
if (olEnd > dim(scanRangeOld)[2])
olEnd <- dim(scanRangeOld)[2]
while (is.na(rtncGTWsub[m, olSta]))
olSta <- olSta + 1
while (is.na(rtncGTWsub[m, olEnd]))
olEnd <- olEnd - 1
while (rtncGTWsub[m, olSta] > rtncGTWsub[m, olEnd]){
olStaOld <- olSta
olEndOld <- olEnd
if ((olSta - 1 > 0) && !is.na(rtncGTWsub[m, olSta - 1]))
olSta <- olSta - 1
if ((olEnd + 1 < dim(rtncGTWsub)[2]) &&
!is.na(rtncGTWsub[m, olEnd + 1]))
olEnd <- olEnd + 1
if (olSta == 0)
olSta <- 1
if (olEnd > dim(scanRangeOld)[2])
olEnd <- dim(scanRangeOld)[2]
if (olStaOld == olSta && olEndOld == olEnd){
temp <- rtncGTWsub[m, olSta]
rtncGTWsub[m, olSta] <- rtncGTWsub[m, olEnd]
rtncGTWsub[m, olEnd] <- temp
rtncGTWsub[m, olSta:olEnd] <- approx(c(olSta, olEnd),
rtncGTWsub[m, c(olSta, olEnd)], n = length(olSta:olEnd))$y
## Filling non-peak part of each sample
for (n in seq_len(dim(rtncGTWsub)[1])){
while (!is.na(which(is.na(rtncGTWsub[n, ]))[1])){
ipSta <- which(is.na(rtncGTWsub[n, ]))[1]
ipEnd <- which(!is.na(rtncGTWsub[n, ipSta:dim(rtncGTWsub)[2]]))[1]
if (is.na(ipEnd)){
ipEnd <- dim(rtncGTWsub)[2]
} else {
ipEnd <- ipEnd + ipSta - 2
if (ipSta == 1){
ipStaRt <- rtncGTW[[n]][max(scanRangeOld[n, ipSta] - 1, 1)]
} else{
ipStaRt <- rtncGTWsub[n, ipSta - 1]
if (ipEnd == dim(rtncGTWsub)[2]){
tempEnd <- min(length(rtncGTW[[n]]), scanRangeOld[n, ipEnd] + 1)
ipEndRt <- rtncGTW[[n]][tempEnd]
} else{
ipEndRt <- rtncGTWsub[n, ipEnd + 1]
if (ipStaRt > ipEndRt){
tempDif <- median(diff(rtncGTW[[n]]))
if (ipSta == 1){
ipStaRt <- ipEndRt - (ipEnd - ipSta) * tempDif
} else{
ipEndRt <- ipStaRt + (ipEnd - ipSta) * tempDif
ipRt <- approx(c(ipSta - 1, ipEnd + 1), c(ipStaRt, ipEndRt),
n = length((ipSta - 1):(ipEnd + 1)))$y
rtncGTWsub[n, ipSta:ipEnd] <- ipRt[2:(length(ipRt) - 1)]
## Fix decreasing RT
for (n in seq_len(dim(rtncGTWsub)[1])){
for (m in 2:dim(rtncGTWsub)[2]){
if (rtncGTWsub[n, m] >= rtncGTWsub[n, m - 1])
pl <- m - 1
pr <- m
while (rtncGTWsub[n, pl] > rtncGTWsub[n, pr]){
if (pl > 1)
pl <- pl - 1
if (pr < dim(rtncGTWsub)[2])
pr <- pr + 1
rtncGTWsub[n, pl:pr] <- approx(c(pl, pr),
rtncGTWsub[n, c(pl, pl)], n = length(pl:pr))$y
for (n in seq_len(dim(rtncGTWsub)[1]))
rtncGTW[[n]][scanRangeOld[n,]] <- rtncGTWsub[n, ]
return(new("ncGTWwarp", rtncGTW=rtncGTW, ncGTWpeaks=peaks))
findUniPeak <- function(peaks, groupInd, groupidx, ppm=1e6, sampleInd=NULL){
ppm <- ppm / 1e6
Peaks <- cbind(peaks[groupidx[[groupInd]], ],
if (!is.null(sampleInd))
Peaks <- Peaks[is.element(Peaks[ , 'sample'], sampleInd), , drop=FALSE]
if (dim(Peaks)[1] == 0)
tempInd <- sort(Peaks[ , 'maxo'], index.return = TRUE, decreasing = TRUE)$ix
Peaks <- Peaks[tempInd, , drop = FALSE]
Peaks <- Peaks[!duplicated(Peaks[,c('rt', 'sample'), drop = FALSE]), , drop = FALSE]
tempInd <- sort(Peaks[ , 'peakInd'], index.return = TRUE)$ix
Peaks <- Peaks[tempInd, , drop = FALSE]
rmInd <- matrix(TRUE, dim(Peaks)[1], 1)
for (n in seq_len(dim(Peaks)[1] - 1)){
if (rmInd[n] == FALSE)
if (abs(Peaks[n, 'rtmax'] - Peaks[n, 'rtmin']) > 30){
rmInd[n] <- FALSE
samPeakInd <-
which(Peaks[ , 'sample'] == Peaks[n, 'sample'] & rmInd == TRUE)
samPeakInd <- setdiff(samPeakInd, n)
samPeaks <- cbind(Peaks[samPeakInd, , drop=FALSE])
for (m in seq_len(dim(samPeaks)[1])){
if (abs(Peaks[n, 'mz'] - samPeaks[m, 'mz']) / Peaks[n, 'mz'] >= ppm)
if (abs(Peaks[n, 'rt'] - samPeaks[m, 'rt']) >= 3)
if (Peaks[n, 'maxo'] < samPeaks[m, 'maxo']){
rmInd[n] <- FALSE
} else{
rmInd[samPeakInd[m]] <- FALSE
return(Peaks[rmInd, , drop = FALSE])
label2path <- function(cut, gtwInfo){
#label2path4Aosokin Convert label of src and sink to path in primal graph
# For the graph representation of Aosokin's codes
# Src and sink edges do not use explicit node names, but other edges do
# cs = find(labels==0);
ct <- which(cut == 1)
nEdgeGrid <- gtwInfo$nEdgeGrid
nNodeGrid <- gtwInfo$nNodeGrid
nPix <- gtwInfo$nPix
pEdgeSS <- gtwInfo$pEdgeSS
pEdgeEE <- gtwInfo$pEdgeEE
dEdgeIntSS <- gtwInfo$dEdgeIntSS
ssTmpPos <- gtwInfo$ssTmpPos
ss <- gtwInfo$ss
ee <- gtwInfo$ee
# cut for within grid
# not suitable do this pixel by pixel due to the spatial edge
dtmp <- matrix(0, dim(ee)[1], 2)
ia <- matrix(is.element(ee[ ,c(1,2)], ct), dim(ee)[1], 2)
dtmp[ia] <- 1
isCutEE <- dtmp[ ,1] != dtmp[ , 2]
# cut to mapping pattern in primal graph
resPath <- vector('list', nPix)
for (nn in seq_len(nPix)){
# cuts within grid
idx1 <- nEdgeGrid * (nn - 1) + 1
idx2 <- nEdgeGrid * nn
cutNow <- isCutEE[idx1:idx2]
resEE <- pEdgeEE[cutNow, ]
# src and sink cuts
idx1 <- nNodeGrid * (nn - 1) + 1
idx2 <- nNodeGrid * nn
s0 <- ss[idx1:idx2, ]
b0 <- cut[idx1:idx2]
# idxSrcCut = find(s0(:,1)>0 & b0==1); % nodes that cuts
idxSrcCut <- which(ssTmpPos[ , 1] != (nPix * nPix + 1) & b0 == TRUE)
ia <- is.element(dEdgeIntSS[ , 2], idxSrcCut)
# get corresponding edges, src -> node
resSrc <- pEdgeSS[ia, ] # the primal edges
# idxSinkCut = find(s0(:,2)>0 & b0==0);
idxSinkCut <- which(ssTmpPos[ , 2] != nPix * nPix + 1 & b0 == 0)
ia <- is.element(dEdgeIntSS[ , 1], idxSinkCut) # node -> sink
resSink <- pEdgeSS[ia, ]
tempPath <- rbind(resEE, resSrc, resSink)
sorted <- sort.int(tempPath[ , 1], index.return = TRUE)
resPath[[nn]] <- tempPath[sorted$ix, ]
warpCurve <- function(curve, path){
nTps <- length(curve)
warped <- matrix(0, 1, nTps)
p0 <- path[ , c(1,2)]
idxValid <- (p0[ , 1] >= 1) & (p0[ , 1] <= nTps) & (p0[ , 2] >= 1) &
(p0[ , 2] <= nTps)
p0 <- p0[idxValid, ]
for (tt in seq_len(dim(p0)[1])){
pRef <- p0[tt, 2]
pTst <- p0[tt, 1]
warped[pTst] <- max(warped[pTst], curve[pRef])
pathCombine <- function(parPath, path2, parInd){
dataNum <- max(parInd)
temp2path <- vector('list', dataNum)
for (tempInd in seq_len(dataNum)){
ind <- which(parInd == tempInd, TRUE)
tempPath1 <- parPath[[ind[2]]][[ind[1]]]
tempPath2 <- path2[[ind[2]]]
newPath <- c(0,0)
for (pixInd in 2:dim(tempPath1)[1]){
tempPix <- tempPath1[pixInd, 1]
tempPix2 <- tempPath2[which(tempPath2[ , 2] == tempPix)]
tempM <- matrix(0, length(tempPix2), 2)
tempM[ , 1] <- tempPix2
tempM[ , 2] <- tempPath1[pixInd, 2]
newPath <- rbind(newPath, tempM)
for (pixInd in seq(dim(newPath)[1], 2, -1)){
if ((newPath[pixInd - 1, 1] > newPath[pixInd, 1]) ||
(newPath[pixInd - 1, 2] > newPath[pixInd, 2])){
newPath[pixInd, ] <- 0
newPath <- cbind(newPath, rbind(newPath[2:dim(newPath)[1], ],
tempPath2[dim(tempPath2)[1], 3:4]))
temp2path[[tempInd]] <- newPath
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