GetTaxoFromXML <- function(xml.file) {
# Converts an XML file containing an X!Tandem taxonomy to a rTTaxo object
# Args:
# xml.file: the path to an XML file containing a X!Tandem taxonomy.
# Returns
# an object of class rTTaxo
if (file.access(xml.file, mode=4) == -1) {
stop(as.character(xml.file), " cannot be read. Verify that the file exists and that you have the permissions necessary to read it.", call. = TRUE)
taxo.doc <- xmlTreeParse(xml.file, getDTD = FALSE, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
length <- length(getNodeSet(taxo.doc, "//file"))
taxo.root <- xmlRoot(taxo.doc)
row.count = 1
taxonomy <- rTTaxo()
for (taxon.node in xmlChildren(taxo.root)) {
if (xmlName(taxon.node) == "taxon") {
for (path.node in xmlChildren(taxon.node)){
if (xmlName(path.node) == "file") {
taxonomy[row.count,] <- c(taxon, format, URL)
row.count = row.count + 1
} # end of path loop
} # end of taxon loop
}# end of GetTaxoFromXML
GetParamFromXML<- function(xml.file) {
# Converts an X!Tandem xml parameter file to a rTParam object
# Args:
# xml.file: the path to an XML file containing X!Tandem parameters
# Returns:
# an object of class rTParam
if (file.access(xml.file, mode=4) == -1)
stop(as.character(xml.file), " cannot be read. Verify that the file exists and that you have the permissions necessary to read it.", call. = TRUE)
doc<-xmlTreeParse(xml.file, getDTD=F)
RTinput<- rTParam()
for (x in xmlChildren(root) ) {
if(xmlName(x)=="note" && "type" %in% names(xmlAttrs(x)) && xmlAttrs(x)['type']=="input") {
if( xmlAttrs(x)['label'] %in% names(RTinput) ) {
if(length(as.character(xmlValue(x))) != 0 ) { # To avoid aving character(0) objects that are a pain to deal with
} else{
# message("\"", as.character(xmlAttrs(x)['label']),
# "\" is not a parameter described in X!Tandem API. It will still be passed to X!Tandem, but it would be wise to check whether a typo has not slipped in this parameter description (for example, \"spectrum,path\" instead of \"spectrum, path\").")
} # for x in xmlChildren loop
} # .inputFromXML2 definition
WriteParamToXML <- function(param, file, embeddedParam=c("write","skip","merge"), embeddedTaxo=c("write","skip")) {
# Write an XML file in the X!Tandem param format from a rTParam object
# Args:
# param: a rTParam object containing
# file: a string giving the path and name of the output file.
# embeddedParam: if a the input object contains another rTParam object (in the 'list path, default parameter'
# slot), the option "merge" will merge the two object together; the option "write" will call WriteParamToXML
# on the embedded rTParam object and write it to the the given file name plus suffixe "_default_param" and
# will replace the embedded object by its path in the container object, the option "skip" will just ignore
# this slot.
# embeddedTaxo: if the input object contains a rTTaxo object (in 'list path, taxonomy information'), the
# option "write" will call WriteTaxoToXML on the object and write it to the input file name plus suffixe
# "_taxonomy" and replace the rTTaxo object by its path in the container rTParam object; the option "skip"
# will just ignore this slot of the container rTParam object.
# Returns:
# No return, the function is called for its side effect of creating an xml file.
# if (file.access(file, mode=2) == -1) {
# stop("You can't write to ", as.character(file), ". Check that you have writing permission to this directory.", call. = TRUE)
# }
embeddedParam <- match.arg(embeddedParam)
embeddedTaxo <- match.arg(embeddedTaxo)
bioml.node <- xmlNode(name="bioml", attrs=NULL, value=NULL)
for(i in 1:length(param)) {
# Embedded taxonomy file
if ("rTTaxo" %in% class(param[[i]])){
if (embeddedTaxo=="skip") {
if (embeddedTaxo=="write"){
taxo.file <- paste(file, "_taxonomy", sep="")
WriteTaxoToXML(param[[i]], taxo.file)
param[[i]] <- taxo.file
# Embedded parameter file
if ("rTParam" %in% class(param[[i]])) {
if (embeddedParam=="skip") {
if (embeddedParam=="write") {
param.file <- paste(file, "_default_param", sep="")
WriteParamToXML(param[[i]], param.file, embeddedParam="skip")
param[[i]] <- param.file
if (embeddedParam=="merge") {
embeddedParam <- param[[i]]
# writing the parameters to file
if (![[i]])) {
bioml.node <- addChildren(bioml.node,
attrs=c(type="input", label=names(param)[[i]]),
saveXML(bioml.node, file=file, prefix='<?xml version="1.0"?>\n')
WriteTaxoToXML <- function(taxo, file) {
# Write an XML file in the X!Tandem taxonomy format from a rTTaxo object.
# Args:
# taxo: a rTTaxo object whose content will be written to an xml file.
# file: a string giving the path and name of the file to be created.
# Returns:
# No return, the function is calle for its side effect of creating an xml file.
bioml.node <- xmlNode(name="bioml", attrs=c(label="x! taxon-to-file matching list"), value=NULL)
taxa <- levels(as.factor(taxo$taxon))
for (taxon in taxa) {
taxon.node <- xmlNode(name="taxon", attrs=c(label=taxon))
for (i in 1:nrow(taxo)){
if( taxo[[i,1]] == taxon) {
taxon.node <- addChildren(taxon.node,
xmlNode(name="file", attrs=c(format=taxo[[i,2]], URL=taxo[[i,3]])))
bioml.node <- addChildren(bioml.node, taxon.node)
saveXML(bioml.node, file=file, prefix='<?xml version="1.0"?>\n')
GetResultsFromXML <- function(xml.file) {
# Parse an X!Tandem result file and create a result object
# Args:
# xml.file: the path to an X!Tandem xml output file.
# Returns:
# an object of the class rTResult
## Dummy declaration to prevent "no visible binding" when using data.table subset:
rm(uid, prot.uid, at,
if (file.access(xml.file, mode=4) == -1)
stop(as.character(xml.file), " cannot be read. Verify that the file exists and that you have the permissions necessary to read it.", call. = TRUE)
env1 <- new.env()
# Result file
env1$results <- new('rTResult')
env1$results@used.parameters <- rTParam()
env1$results@result.file <- xml.file
# Temporary information holders
env1$prot.dt <- data.table("uid"=rep(0L,1000),
"num.peptides"=rep(0L,1000) )
env1$pep.dt <- data.table("prot.uid"=rep(0L,1000),
"mh"=rep(0,1000), "delta"=rep(0,1000),
"sequence"=rep("",1000) )
env1$ptm.dt <- data.table(""=rep("",1000),
"modified"=rep(0,1000) )
# Booleans and counters for tree navigation
env1$perform.params <- FALSE
env1$used.params <- FALSE
env1$unused.params <- FALSE
env1$prot.key <- 0L
env1$pep.key <- 0L
env1$ptm.key <- 0L
env1$ptm.dt.key <- 1000L
env1$pep.dt.key <- 1000L
env1$prot.dt.key <- 1000L
# node attributes information (to be accessed by the children nodes)
env1$group.attrs <- NULL
env1$protein.attrs <- NULL
env1$domain.attrs <- NULL
env1$content <- NULL
text <- function(content,...) { ##handler function
env1$content <- content
environment(text) <- env1
group <- function(name, attrs, ...){ ##handler function
env1$group.attrs <- attrs
if ("parameters" %in% env1$group.attrs) {
if ('performance parameters' %in% env1$group.attrs) {
env1$perform.params <- TRUE
env1$used.params <- FALSE
env1$unused.params <- FALSE
} else if ('unused input parameters' %in% env1$group.attrs) {
env1$perform.params <- FALSE
env1$used.params <- FALSE
env1$unused.params <- TRUE
} else if ('input parameters' %in% env1$group.attrs) {
env1$perform.params <- FALSE
env1$used.params <- TRUE
env1$unused.params <- FALSE
} else {
env1$perform.params <- FALSE
env1$used.params <- FALSE
env1$unused.params <- FALSE
environment(group) <- env1
protein <- function(name, attrs, ...) { #handler function
env1$protein.attrs <- attrs
env1$prot.key <- env1$prot.key + 1L
if ( env1$prot.dt.key < env1$prot.key) {
prot2.dt <- data.table("uid"=rep(0L,1000), "expect.value"=rep(0,1000), "label"=rep("",1000), "sequence"=rep("",1000), "file"=rep("",1000), "description"=rep("",1000), "num.peptides"=rep(0L,1000) )
env1$prot.dt <- rbindlist(list(env1$prot.dt, prot2.dt))
env1$prot.dt.key <- env1$prot.dt.key + 1000L
set(env1$prot.dt, env1$prot.key, 1L, as.integer(attrs['uid']))
set(env1$prot.dt, env1$prot.key, 2L, as.numeric(attrs['expect']))
set(env1$prot.dt, env1$prot.key, 3L, attrs['label'])
environment(protein) <- env1
file <- function(name, attrs, ...) { #handler function
set(env1$prot.dt, env1$prot.key, 5L,attrs['URL'])
environment(file) <- env1
domain <- function(name, attrs, ...) { #handler function
env1$domain.attrs <- attrs
env1$pep.key <- env1$pep.key + 1L
if(! env1$content=="") {
set(env1$prot.dt, env1$prot.key, 4L, env1$content)
if( env1$pep.dt.key < env1$pep.key) {
pep2.dt <- data.table("prot.uid"=rep(0L,1000), ""=rep("",1000), ""=rep(0L,1000), ""=rep(0.0,1000), "spectrum.z"=rep(0L,1000),"spectrum.sumI"=rep(0.0,1000), "spectrum.maxI"=rep(0.0,1000), "spectrum.fI"=rep(0.0,1000), "expect.value"=rep(0.0,1000), "tandem.score"=rep(0.0,1000), "mh"=rep(0.0,1000), "delta"=rep(0.0,1000), "peak.count"=rep(as.integer(0),1000), "missed.cleavages"=rep(0L,1000), "start.position"=rep(0L,1000), "end.position"=rep(0L,1000), "sequence"=rep("",1000) )
env1$pep.dt <- rbindlist(list(env1$pep.dt, pep2.dt))
env1$pep.dt.key <- env1$pep.dt.key + 1000L
set(env1$pep.dt, env1$pep.key, 1L, as.integer(env1$protein.attrs['uid']))
set(env1$pep.dt, env1$pep.key, 2L, env1$domain.attrs['id'] )
set(env1$pep.dt, env1$pep.key, 3L, as.integer(env1$group.attrs['id']))
set(env1$pep.dt, env1$pep.key, 4L, as.numeric(env1$group.attrs['mh']))
set(env1$pep.dt, env1$pep.key, 5L, as.integer(env1$group.attrs['z']))
set(env1$pep.dt, env1$pep.key, 6L, as.numeric(env1$group.attrs['sumI']))
set(env1$pep.dt, env1$pep.key, 7L, as.numeric(env1$group.attrs['maxI']))
set(env1$pep.dt, env1$pep.key, 8L, as.numeric(env1$group.attrs['fI']))
set(env1$pep.dt, env1$pep.key, 9L, as.numeric(env1$domain.attrs['expect']))
set(env1$pep.dt, env1$pep.key, 10L, as.numeric(env1$domain.attrs['hyperscore']))
set(env1$pep.dt, env1$pep.key, 11L, as.numeric(env1$domain.attrs['mh']))
set(env1$pep.dt, env1$pep.key, 12L, as.numeric(env1$domain.attrs['delta']))
set(env1$pep.dt, env1$pep.key, 13L, as.integer(env1$domain.attrs['peak_count']))
set(env1$pep.dt, env1$pep.key, 14L, as.integer(env1$domain.attrs['missed_cleavages']))
set(env1$pep.dt, env1$pep.key, 15L, as.integer(env1$domain.attrs['start']))
set(env1$pep.dt, env1$pep.key, 16L, as.integer(env1$domain.attrs['end']))
set(env1$pep.dt, env1$pep.key, 17L, as.character(env1$domain.attrs['seq']))
environment(domain) <- env1
aa <- function(name, attrs, ...) { #handler function
env1$ptm.key <- env1$ptm.key + 1L
if ( env1$ptm.dt.key < env1$ptm.key ) {
ptm2.dt <- data.table(""=rep("",1000), "type"=rep("",1000), "at"=rep(0L,1000), "modified"=rep(0,1000) )
env1$ptm.dt <- rbindlist(list(env1$ptm.dt, ptm2.dt))
env1$ptm.dt.key <- env1$ptm.dt.key + 1000L
set(env1$ptm.dt, env1$ptm.key, 1L, env1$domain.attrs['id'])
set(env1$ptm.dt, env1$ptm.key, 2L, attrs['type'])
set(env1$ptm.dt, env1$ptm.key, 3L, attrs['at'])
set(env1$ptm.dt, env1$ptm.key, 4L, attrs['modified'])
environment(aa) <- env1
note <- function(x, ...) { #branches function
label <- as.character(xmlAttrs(x)['label'])
value <- as.character(xmlValue(x))
# In protein node
if (label == "description") {
# In theory, there could be many different descriptions lines. Here, we only take the last one.
set(env1$prot.dt, env1$prot.key, 6L, value)
# In group/performance parameters node
if (env1$perform.params) {
if( !'list path, sequence source #', label))) {
label <- 'list path, sequence source'}
'list path, sequence source' = {
env1$results@sequence.source.paths <-
append(env1$results@sequence.source.paths, value)},
'modelling, estimated false positives' = {
env1$results@estimated.false.positive <- as.integer(value)},
'modelling, total peptides used' = {
env1$results@total.peptides.used <- as.integer(value)},
'modelling, total proteins used' = {
env1$results@total.proteins.used <- as.integer(value)},
'modelling, total spectra assigned' = {
env1$results@total.spectra.assigned <- as.integer(value)},
'modelling, total spectra used' = {
env1$results@total.spectra.used <- as.integer(value)},
'modelling, total unique assigned' = {
env1$results@total.unique.assigned <- as.integer(value)},
'process, start time' = {
env1$results@start.time <- value},
'process, version' = {
env1$results@xtandem.version <- value},
'quality values' = {
env1$results@quality.values <- lapply(strsplit(value, "\\s", perl=TRUE), as.integer)},
'refining, # input models' = {
env1$results@nb.input.models <- as.integer(value)},
'refining, # input spectra' = {
env1$results@nb.input.spectra <- as.integer(value)},
'refining, # partial cleavage' = {
env1$results@nb.partial.cleavages <- as.integer(value)},
'refining, # point mutations' = {
env1$results@nb.point.mutations <- as.integer(value)},
'refining, # potential C-terminii' = {
env1$results@nb.potential.C.terminii <- as.integer(value)},
'refining, # potential N-terminii' = {
env1$results@nb.potential.N.terminii <- as.integer(value)},
'refining, # unanticipated cleavage' = {
env1$results@nb.unanticipated.cleavages <- as.integer(value)},
'timing, initial modelling total (sec)' = {
env1$ <- as.numeric(value)},
'timing, initial modelling/spectrum (sec)' = {
env1$results@initial.modelling.time.per.spectrum <- as.numeric(value)},
'timing, load sequence models (sec)' = {
env1$results@load.sequence.models.time <- as.numeric(value)},
'timing, refinement/spectrum (sec)' = {
env1$results@refinement.per.spectrum.time <- as.numeric(value)}
# In group/input parameters
} else if (env1$used.params) {
attrs <- xmlAttrs(x)
if ('input' %in% attrs) {
#In group/ unused parameters
} else if (env1$unused.params) {
string <- paste(label, value, sep=" = ")
env1$results@unused.parameters <-
c(env1$results@unused.parameters, string)
environment(note) <- env1
xmlEventParse(xml.file, handlers=list(group=group, protein=protein, file=file, domain=domain, aa=aa, text=text), branches=list(note=note))
# Removing empty rows from prot.dt, pep.dt and ptm.dt
env1$prot.dt <- subset(env1$prot.dt, uid != 0L)
setkey(env1$prot.dt, uid)
env1$prot.dt <- unique(env1$prot.dt)
env1$pep.dt <- subset(env1$pep.dt, prot.uid !=0L)
setkey(env1$pep.dt, prot.uid)
env1$ptm.dt <- subset(env1$ptm.dt, at != 0L)
num.peptides.values <- lapply(env1$prot.dt[,uid], function(x){
nrow(subset(env1$pep.dt, prot.uid==x, select=prot.uid))})
for(i in 1:nrow(env1$prot.dt)){set(env1$prot.dt, i, 7L, num.peptides.values[[i]])}
env1$results@proteins <- env1$prot.dt
env1$results@peptides <- env1$pep.dt
env1$results@ptm <- env1$ptm.dt
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.