function(output, genome, chrs, dels, ins, invs, dups, trans, size, sizeDels, sizeIns, sizeInvs, sizeDups, regionsDels, regionsIns, regionsInvs, regionsDups, regionsTrans, maxDups, percCopiedIns, percBalancedTrans, bpFlankSize, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize, repeatBias, weightsMechanisms, weightsRepeats, repeatMaskerFile, bpSeqSize, random, seed, verbose){
options(stringsAsFactors=FALSE, scipen=10)
## default for random is TRUE
## is only one value given, set it for all SVs where regions were specified (only place, where a FALSE makes sense)
if(length(random) == 1){
r = rep(TRUE, 5)
r[!c(missing(regionsDels), missing(regionsIns), missing(regionsInvs), missing(regionsDups), missing(regionsTrans))] = random
random = r
.validateInput(output, genome, chrs, dels, ins, invs, dups, trans, sizeDels, sizeIns, sizeInvs, sizeDups, regionsDels, regionsIns, regionsInvs, regionsDups, regionsTrans, maxDups, percCopiedIns, percBalancedTrans, percSNPs, indelProb, weightsMechanisms, weightsRepeats, bpSeqSize, random, seed)
## see if genome is given
## if not, read the hg19 by default
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Loading human genome (hg19)")
genome = .getHG19(NA)
genome = .getHG19(chrs)
gaps = genome[[2]]
genome = genome[[1]]
chrs = names(genome)
genomeOrganism = "hg19"
## if genome is given, there are two possibilities:
## 1. genome is a filename pointing to a FASTA-file
## 2. genome is a named DNAStringSet
if(class(genome) == "character"){
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Loading genome from FASTA file: ", genome)
genome = readDNAStringSet(filepath=genome) ## read genome from FASTA-file
chrs = names(genome)
genome = genome[match(chrs, names(genome))]
## compute gaps within the given genome (N-sequences)
gaps = GRanges()
for(chr in chrs){
Ns = whichAsIRanges(as.integer(genome[[chr]]) == as.integer(DNAString("N")))
if(length(Ns) > 0){
gaps = c(gaps, GRanges(Ns, seqnames=chr))
genomeOrganism = "unknown"
gaps =[, 1:3]
genomeCoords = GRanges(IRanges(start=1, end=width(genome)), seqnames=names(genome))
## for the default case, i.e. simulation on the hg19:
## set the weights for the sv formation mechanisms and their occurence within certain repeat regions
## default values for SV formation mechanisms were derived from:
## deletions, insertions/duplications: Mills et al., Mapping copy number variation by population-scale genome sequencing
## inversions: Pang et al., Mechanisms of Formation of Structural Variation in a Fully Sequenced Human Genome
## translocations: Ou et al., Observation and prediction of recurrent human translocations mediated by NAHR between nonhomologous chromosomes & Chen et al., Mapping translocation breakpoints by next-generation sequencing
## default values for repeat regions enriched for SV formation mechanisms were derived from:
## Lam et al., Nucleotide-resolution analysis of structural variants using BreakSeq and a breakpoint library (Supplemental Table 5)
## in this order: NAHR, NHR, TEI, VNTR, other
mechanisms = c("NAHR","NHR","TEI","VNTR","Other")
bpTypes = c("L1","L2","Alu","MIR","SD","TR","Random")
## for simulation on hg19 set the weights for the repeat elements (if not given by the user)
## for simulation on any other organism (user specified genome), set the weights to zero except for random simulation (i.e. turn this feature off)
if(genomeOrganism == "hg19" & repeatBias){
data("weightsMechanisms", package="RSVSim", envir=environment())
weightsMechanisms = data.frame(
dels = c(0,0,0,0,1),
ins = c(0,0,0,0,1),
invs = c(0,0,0,0,1),
dups = c(0,0,0,0,1),
trans = c(0,0,0,0,1)
rownames(weightsMechanisms) = mechanisms
if(genomeOrganism == "hg19" & repeatBias){
data("weightsRepeats", package="RSVSim", envir=environment())
weightsRepeats = data.frame(
NAHR = c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0),
NHR = c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0),
TEI = c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0),
VNTR = c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0),
Other = c(0,0,0,0,0,0,1)
rownames(weightsRepeats) = bpTypes
## several options to get the repeatmasker regions:
## 1. bp shall be placed randomly (no bpWeights)
## then, only use all the genomic coordinates without special weighting for repeats
if(genomeOrganism != "hg19" | !repeatBias | all(random) == FALSE){
if(genomeOrganism == "hg19"){
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Bias for hg19 repeat regions is turned OFF")
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Breakpoints will be distributed uniformly across the genome")
bpRegions = vector(mode="list", length=1)
names(bpRegions) = "Random"
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Bias for hg19 repeat regions is turned ON")
## 2. repeatMasker regions were loaded and saved to disk once befoe in the data directory of the package
## then just load the data
if(file.exists(file.path(path.package("RSVSim"), "data", "repeats_hg19.RData"))){
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Loading hg19 repeat regions")
data("repeats_hg19", package="RSVSim", envir=environment()) ## loads object named "repeats"
## 3. filename of repeatmasker file is given (file downloaded from
## then, read the file, extract LINES,SINES and read segmental duplications from UCSC
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Loading hg19 repeat regions for the first time from given RepeatMasker output file")
repeats = .readRepeatMaskerOutput(repeatMaskerFile)
if(file.exists(file.path(path.package("RSVSim"), "data", "repeats_hg19.RData"))){
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Repeat regions were saved to ", file.path(path.package("RSVSim"), "data", "repeats_hg19.RData"), " for faster access next time")
warning("Saving of repeat regions to ", file.path(path.package("RSVSim"), "data", "repeats_hg19.RData"), " failed")
## 4. no repeatMasker file is given
## then, read the repeatMasker track and the segmental duplications from UCSC via rTracklayer package
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Loading hg19 repeat regions for the first time from the UCSC Browser's RepeatMasker track (this may take up to 45 minutes)")
repeats = .loadFromUCSC_RepeatMasks(save=TRUE, verbose=verbose)
if(file.exists(file.path(path.package("RSVSim"), "data", "repeats_hg19.RData"))){
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Repeat regions were saved to ", file.path(path.package("RSVSim"), "data", "repeats_hg19.RData"), " for faster access next time")
warning("Saving of repeat regions to ", file.path(path.package("RSVSim"), "data", "repeats_hg19.RData"), " failed")
repeats = lapply(repeats, function(r) return(r[seqnames(r) %in% chrs]))
repeats = lapply(repeats, function(r) return(reduce(r, min.gapwidth=50))) # merge repeats which are only 100bp away from each other
bpRegions = vector(mode="list", length=length(repeats)+1)
names(bpRegions) = bpTypes
bpRegions[1:length(repeats)] = repeats
## put SVs anywhere in the genome if no regions were specified
## if regions were given, take care, that the regions lie within the available chromosomes
regionsDels = genomeCoords
regionsDels = regionsDels[seqnames(regionsDels) %in% intersect(chrs, as.character(seqnames((regionsDels))))]
if(length(regionsDels) == 0){
stop("No regions on given chromosomes")
## for non-random distribution, set number of deletions to number of given regions
if(random[1] == FALSE){
dels = length(regionsDels)
regionsIns = genomeCoords
if(random[2] == TRUE){
regionsIns = regionsIns[seqnames(regionsIns) %in% intersect(chrs, as.character(seqnames((regionsIns))))]
regionsIns = regionsIns[seqnames(regionsIns) %in% intersect(chrs, as.character(seqnames((regionsIns)))) & regionsIns$chrB %in% chrs]
ins = length(regionsIns)
if(length(regionsIns) == 0){
stop("No regions on given chromosomes")
regionsInvs = genomeCoords
regionsInvs = regionsInvs[seqnames(regionsInvs) %in% intersect(chrs, as.character(seqnames((regionsInvs))))]
if(length(regionsInvs) == 0){
stop("No regions on given chromosomes")
## for non-random distribution, set number of inversions to number of given regions
if(random[3] == FALSE){
invs = length(regionsInvs)
regionsDups = genomeCoords
dupTimes = sample(1:(maxDups-1), dups, replace=TRUE) + 1
regionsDups = regionsDups[seqnames(regionsDups) %in% intersect(chrs, as.character(seqnames((regionsDups))))]
if(length(regionsDups) == 0){
stop("No regions on given chromosomes")
## for non-random distribution, set number of duplications to number of given regions
dupTimes = sample(1:(maxDups-1), length(regionsDups), replace=TRUE) + 1
if(random[4] == FALSE){
dups = length(regionsDups)
if(ncol(mcols(regionsDups)) > 0){
if("times" %in% colnames(mcols(regionsDups))){
dupTimes = mcols(regionsDups)$times
regionsTrans = genomeCoords
if(random[5] == TRUE){
regionsTrans = regionsTrans[seqnames(regionsTrans) %in% intersect(chrs, as.character(seqnames((regionsTrans))))]
regionsTrans = regionsTrans[seqnames(regionsTrans) %in% intersect(chrs, as.character(seqnames((regionsTrans)))) & regionsTrans$chrB %in% chrs]
trans = length(regionsTrans)
if(length(regionsTrans) == 0){
stop("No regions on given chromosomes")
## restrict SV regions to given chromosomes
## inversion and deletion sizes
if((length(sizeDels) > 1 & length(sizeDels) != dels) | (length(sizeIns) > 1 & length(sizeIns) != ins) | (length(sizeInvs) > 1 & length(sizeInvs) != invs) | (length(sizeDups) > 1 & length(sizeDups) != dups)){
warning("Length of vectors with SV sizes vary from the number of SVs")
sizeDels = sizeIns = sizeInvs = sizeDups = size
sizeDels = rep(sizeDels, dels)[1:dels]
sizeIns = rep(sizeIns, ins)[1:ins]
sizeInvs = rep(sizeInvs, invs)[1:invs]
sizeDups = rep(sizeDups, dups)[1:dups]
## bpSeqSize will be used two times, in upstream and downstream direction; so divide it hear by two
bpSeqSize = round(bpSeqSize / 2)
## Simulation ############################################################
## 1. simulate regions for translocations:
type = "translocation"
translocations = posTrans_1 = posTrans_2 = NULL
if(random[5] == TRUE){
## 1.1 for chromosome terminals
if(trans > 0){
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Calculating coordinates: ", trans, " translocations")
subtrahend = gaps[, c("seqnames","start","end")]
subtrahend = GRanges(IRanges(subtrahend$start, subtrahend$end), seqnames=subtrahend$seqnames)
regionsTrans = .subtractIntervals(regionsTrans, subtrahend)
bpRegions[["Random"]] = regionsTrans
t = .simTranslocationPositions(trans, bpRegions, weightsMechanisms[, "trans", drop=FALSE], weightsRepeats, genome, percBalancedTrans, c(), verbose)
translocations = t[[1]]
posTrans_1 = t[[2]]
posTrans_2 = t[[3]]
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Using given coordinates: Translocations")
trans = length(regionsTrans)
posTrans_1 =
posTrans_1$names = rownames(posTrans_1)
posTrans_2 =[, c("chrB","startB","endB")]
colnames(posTrans_2) = c("seqnames","start","end")
## Add balanced information (default:TRUE) if not given
if(!("balanced" %in% colnames(posTrans_1)) | !("balanced" %in% colnames(posTrans_2))){
posTrans_1$balanced = posTrans_2$balanced = TRUE
## Determine wich translocations need to be inverted (segments on different ends of chromosomes)
idx = which((posTrans_1$start == 1 & posTrans_2$start != 1) | (posTrans_1$start != 1 & posTrans_2$start == 1))
posTrans_1$inverted = posTrans_2$inverted = FALSE
posTrans_1$inverted[idx] = posTrans_2$inverted[idx] = TRUE
size1 = posTrans_1$end-posTrans_1$start+1
size2 = posTrans_2$end-posTrans_2$start+1
translocations = cbind(posTrans_1$names, posTrans_1[, c("seqnames","start","end")], size1, posTrans_2[, c("seqnames","start","end")], size2, posTrans_2$balanced)
colnames(translocations) = c("Name", "ChrA", "StartA", "EndA", "SizeA", "ChrB", "StartB", "EndB", "SizeB","Balanced")
## 2. simulate insertions
type = "insertion"
insertions = posIns_1 = posIns_2 = NULL
if(random[2] == TRUE){
if(ins > 0){
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Calculating coordinates: ", ins, " insertions")
subtrahend = rbind(gaps[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posTrans_1[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posTrans_2[, c("seqnames","start","end")])
subtrahend = GRanges(IRanges(subtrahend$start, subtrahend$end), seqnames=subtrahend$seqnames)
regionsIns = .subtractIntervals(regionsIns, subtrahend)
bpRegions[["Random"]] = regionsIns
i = .simInsertionPositions(ins, bpRegions, weightsMechanisms[, "ins", drop=FALSE], weightsRepeats, genome, sizeIns, percCopiedIns, verbose)
insertions = i[[1]]
posIns_1 = i[[2]]
posIns_2 = i[[3]]
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Using given coordinates: Insertions")
ins = length(regionsIns)
posIns_1 =
size = posIns_1$end-posIns_1$start+1
posIns_1$names = rownames(posIns_1)
posIns_2 =[, c("chrB","startB")]
posIns_2$endB = posIns_2$startB + size - 1
colnames(posIns_2) = c("seqnames","start","end")
## Add duplicate information (default:FALSE) if not given
if(!("copied" %in% colnames(posIns_1))){
posIns_1$copied = posIns_2$copied = FALSE
insertions = cbind(posIns_1$names, posIns_1[rownames(posIns_1), c("seqnames","start","end")], posIns_2[rownames(posIns_1), c("seqnames","start","end")], size, posIns_1$copied)
colnames(insertions) = c("Name", "ChrA", "StartA", "EndA", "ChrB", "StartB", "EndB", "Size", "Copied")
## 3. simulate deletions
type = "deletion"
deletions = posDel = NULL
if(random[1] == TRUE){
if(dels > 0){
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Calculating coordinates: ", dels, " deletions")
subtrahend = rbind(gaps[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posIns_1[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posIns_2[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posTrans_1[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posTrans_2[, c("seqnames","start","end")])
subtrahend = GRanges(IRanges(subtrahend$start, subtrahend$end), seqnames=subtrahend$seqnames)
regionsDels = .subtractIntervals(regionsDels, subtrahend)
bpRegions[["Random"]] = regionsDels
d = .simPositions(dels, bpRegions, weightsMechanisms[, "dels", drop=FALSE], weightsRepeats, sizeDels, "deletion", verbose)
deletions = d[[1]]
posDel = d[[2]]
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Using given coordinates: Deletions")
dels = length(regionsDels)
posDel =
posDel$names = rownames(posDel)
deletions = cbind(posDel$names, posDel[, c("seqnames","start","end")], size)
colnames(deletions) = c("Name", "Chr", "Start","End","Size")
## 4. simulate inversions
type = "inversion"
inversions = posInv = NULL
if(random[3] == TRUE){
if(invs > 0){
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Calculating coordinates: ", invs, " inversions")
subtrahend = rbind(gaps[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posDel[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posIns_1[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posIns_2[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posTrans_1[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posTrans_2[, c("seqnames","start","end")])
subtrahend = GRanges(IRanges(subtrahend$start, subtrahend$end), seqnames=subtrahend$seqnames)
regionsInvs = .subtractIntervals(regionsInvs, subtrahend)
bpRegions[["Random"]] = regionsInvs
i = .simPositions(invs, bpRegions, weightsMechanisms[, "invs", drop=FALSE], weightsRepeats, sizeInvs, type, verbose)
inversions = i[[1]]
posInv = i[[2]]
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Using given coordinates: Inversions")
invs = length(regionsInvs)
posInv =
posInv$names = rownames(posInv)
inversions = cbind(posInv$names, posInv[, c("seqnames","start","end")], size)
colnames(inversions) = c("Name","Chr", "Start","End", "Size")
## 5. simulate tandem duplications
type = "tandemDuplication"
tandemDups = posDup = NULL
if(random[4] == TRUE){
if(dups > 0){
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Calculating coordinates: ", dups, " tandem duplications")
subtrahend = rbind(gaps[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posDel[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posIns_1[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posIns_2[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posInv[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posTrans_1[, c("seqnames","start","end")], posTrans_2[, c("seqnames","start","end")])
subtrahend = GRanges(IRanges(subtrahend$start, subtrahend$end), seqnames=subtrahend$seqnames)
regionsDups = .subtractIntervals(regionsDups, subtrahend)
bpRegions[["Random"]] = regionsDups
td = .simPositions(dups, bpRegions, weightsMechanisms[, "dups", drop=FALSE], weightsRepeats, sizeDups, type, verbose)
tandemDups = td[[1]]
posDup = td[[2]]
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Using given coordinates: Tandem Duplications")
dups = length(regionsDups)
posDup =
posDup$names = rownames(posDup)
tandemDups = cbind(posDup$names, posDup[, c("seqnames","start","end")], size)
colnames(tandemDups) = c("Name","Chr", "Start","End", "Size")
## Execution: implement regions into genome sequence ############################################################
## 1. inversions
if(invs > 0){
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Rearranging genome: Inversions")
if(verbose==TRUE) pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = invs, style = 3)
for(i in 1:invs){
chr = as.character(posInv$seqnames[i])
rearrangement = .execInversion(genome[[chr]], chr, posDel, posIns_1, posIns_2, posInv, posDup, posTrans_1, posTrans_2, bpSeqSize, i, bpFlankSize, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
genome[[chr]] = rearrangement[[1]]
posDel = rearrangement[[2]]
posIns_1 = rearrangement[[3]]
posIns_2 = rearrangement[[4]]
posInv = rearrangement[[5]]
posDup = rearrangement[[6]]
posTrans_1 = rearrangement[[7]]
posTrans_2 = rearrangement[[8]]
if(verbose==TRUE) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
if(verbose==TRUE) close(pb)
## 2. translocations
if(trans > 0){
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Rearranging genome: Translocations")
if(verbose==TRUE) pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = trans, style = 3)
for(i in 1:trans){
chr1 = as.character(posTrans_1$seqnames[i])
chr2 = as.character(posTrans_2$seqnames[i])
rearrangement = .execTranslocation(genome[[chr1]], genome[[chr2]], chr1, chr2, posDel, posIns_1, posIns_2, posInv, posDup, posTrans_1, posTrans_2, i, bpSeqSize, bpFlankSize, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
genome[[chr1]] = rearrangement[[1]]
genome[[chr2]] = rearrangement[[2]]
posDel = rearrangement[[3]]
posIns_1 = rearrangement[[4]]
posIns_2 = rearrangement[[5]]
posInv = rearrangement[[6]]
posDup = rearrangement[[7]]
posTrans_1 = rearrangement[[8]]
posTrans_2 = rearrangement[[9]]
if(verbose==TRUE) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
if(verbose==TRUE) close(pb)
## 3. insertions
if(ins > 0){
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Rearranging genome: Insertions")
if(verbose==TRUE) pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = ins, style = 3)
for(i in 1:ins){
chr1 = as.character(posIns_1$seqnames[i])
chr2 = as.character(posIns_2$seqnames[i])
rearrangement = .execInsertion(genome[[chr1]], genome[[chr2]], chr1, chr2, posDel, posIns_1, posIns_2, posInv, posDup, posTrans_1, posTrans_2, i, bpSeqSize, bpFlankSize, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
genome[[chr1]] = rearrangement[[1]]
genome[[chr2]] = rearrangement[[2]]
posDel = rearrangement[[3]]
posIns_1 = rearrangement[[4]]
posIns_2 = rearrangement[[5]]
posInv = rearrangement[[6]]
posDup = rearrangement[[7]]
posTrans_1 = rearrangement[[8]]
posTrans_2 = rearrangement[[9]]
if(verbose==TRUE) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
if(verbose==TRUE) close(pb)
## 4. tandem duplications
if(dups > 0){
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Rearranging genome: Tandem duplications")
## add a column for the number of duplications
tandemDups = cbind(tandemDups[, c("Name", "Chr", "Start","End", "Size")], 0, "")
names(tandemDups) = c("Name", "Chr", "Start","End", "Size", "Duplications", "BpSeq")
if(verbose==TRUE) pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = dups, style = 3)
for(i in 1:dups){
# times = sample(2:maxDups,1) ## how many times the sequence is duplicated
times = dupTimes[i]
chr = as.character(posDup$seqnames[i])
rearrangement = .execTandemDuplication(genome[[chr]], chr, posDel, posIns_1, posIns_2, posInv, posDup, posTrans_1, posTrans_2, bpSeqSize, times, i, bpFlankSize, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
genome[[chr]] = rearrangement[[1]]
posDel = rearrangement[[2]]
posIns_1 = rearrangement[[3]]
posIns_2 = rearrangement[[4]]
posInv = rearrangement[[5]]
posDup = rearrangement[[6]]
posTrans_1 = rearrangement[[7]]
posTrans_2 = rearrangement[[8]]
tandemDups$BpSeq[i] = rearrangement[[9]]
tandemDups$Duplications[i] = times
if(verbose==TRUE) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
if(verbose==TRUE) close(pb)
## 5. deletions
if(dels > 0){
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Rearranging genome: Deletions")
if(verbose==TRUE) pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = dels, style = 3)
for(i in 1:dels){
chr = as.character(posDel$seqnames[i])
rearrangement = .execDeletion(genome[[chr]], chr, posDel, posIns_1, posIns_2, posInv, posDup, posTrans_1, posTrans_2, bpSeqSize, i, bpFlankSize, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
genome[[chr]] = rearrangement[[1]]
posDel = rearrangement[[2]]
posIns_1 = rearrangement[[3]]
posIns_2 = rearrangement[[4]]
posInv = rearrangement[[5]]
posDup = rearrangement[[6]]
posTrans_1 = rearrangement[[7]]
posTrans_2 = rearrangement[[8]]
if(verbose==TRUE) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
if(verbose==TRUE) close(pb)
## Retrieve breakpoint sequences for translocations, deletions and inversions (for duplications, it works during execution)
if(invs > 0){
inversions$BpSeq_5prime = inversions$BpSeq_3prime = ""
for(i in 1:invs){
bpSeq = .getBpSeq(genome, posInv, bpSeqSize, i)
inversions$BpSeq_5prime[i] = bpSeq[1]
inversions$BpSeq_3prime[i] = bpSeq[2]
if(dels > 0){
deletions$BpSeq = ""
for(i in 1:dels){
pos = posDel
pos$end = pos$start
bpSeq = .getBpSeq(genome, pos, bpSeqSize, i)
deletions$BpSeq[i] = bpSeq[1]
if(trans > 0){
translocations$BpSeqB = translocations$BpSeqA = ""
for(i in 1:trans){
if(posTrans_1$balanced[i] == TRUE){
bpSeq = .getBpSeq(genome, posTrans_1, bpSeqSize, i)
translocations$BpSeqA[i] = bpSeq[which(bpSeq != "")][1]
bpSeq = .getBpSeq(genome, posTrans_2, bpSeqSize, i)
translocations$BpSeqB[i] = bpSeq[which(bpSeq != "")][1]
if(ins > 0){
insertions$BpSeqB_3prime = insertions$BpSeqB_5prime = insertions$BpSeqA = ""
for(i in 1:ins){
if(posIns_1$copied[i] == FALSE){
bpSeq = .getBpSeq(genome, posIns_1, bpSeqSize, i)
insertions$BpSeqA[i] = bpSeq[1]
bpSeq = .getBpSeq(genome, posIns_2, bpSeqSize, i)
insertions$BpSeqB_5prime[i] = bpSeq[1]
insertions$BpSeqB_3prime[i] = bpSeq[2]
## Output ############################################################
if(output == "."){
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Writing output to current directory")
if(verbose==TRUE) message("Writing output to ", output)
if(dels > 0){
write.table(deletions, file.path(output, "deletions.csv"), col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t", quote=FALSE)
if(ins > 0){
write.table(insertions, file.path(output, "insertions.csv"), col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t", quote=FALSE)
if(invs > 0){
write.table(inversions, file.path(output, "inversions.csv"), col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t", quote=FALSE)
if(dups > 0){
write.table(tandemDups, file.path(output, "tandemDuplications.csv"), col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t", quote=FALSE)
if(trans > 0){
write.table(translocations, file.path(output, "translocations.csv"), col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t", quote=FALSE)
writeXStringSet(genome, file.path(output, "genome_rearranged.fasta"), append=FALSE, format="fasta")
idx = c(dels>0, ins>0, invs>0, dups>0, trans>0)
## names(svs) = c("deletions", "insertions", "inversions","tandemDuplications","translocations")[idx]
metadata(genome) = list(deletions=deletions, insertions=insertions, inversions=inversions, tandemDuplications=tandemDups, translocations=translocations)[idx]
.validateInput <- function(output, genome, chrs, dels, ins, invs, dups, trans, sizeDels, sizeIns, sizeInvs, sizeDups, regionsDels, regionsIns, regionsInvs, regionsDups, regionsTrans, maxDups, percCopiedIns, percBalancedTrans, percSNPs, indelProb, weightsMechanisms, weightsRepeats, bpSeqSize, random, seed){
## output
stop("Output directory does not exist")
## genome and chrs
if(class(genome) == "DNAStringSet"){
stop("Please enter chromosome names in your genome DNAStringSet")
if(!all(chrs %in% names(genome))){
stop("Invalid argument: Specified chromosomes and chromosome names in the genome do not match")
if(class(genome) == "BSgenome"){
stop("Please extract the desired sequences from the BSgenome package and combine them into a named DNAStringSet")
## Number and size of SVs
if(any(c(dels, ins, invs, dups, trans, sizeDels, sizeIns, sizeInvs, sizeDups) < 0)){
stop("Invalid argument: Number of SVs and their size cannot be smaller than zero. Makes sense, doesn't it?")
## percBalancedTrans, percCopiedIns, percSNPs, indelProb
if(percBalancedTrans < 0 | percBalancedTrans > 1 | percCopiedIns < 0 | percCopiedIns > 1 | percSNPs < 0 | percSNPs > 1 | indelProb < 0 | indelProb > 1){
stop("Invalid argument: Percentages have to be given as value between 0 and 1.")
## random and regions
if(length(random) != 1 & length(random) != 5){
stop("Invalid argument: Give either one value for argument random for all SVs or five values for each SV in this order: deletions, insertions, inversions, tandem duplications, translocations")
if(random[1] == FALSE & missing(regionsDels)){
stop("Missing argument: Please specifiy the regions for deletions")
if(random[2] == FALSE & missing(regionsIns)){
stop("Missing argument: Please specifiy the regions for insertions")
if(random[3] == FALSE & missing(regionsInvs)){
stop("Missing argument: Please specifiy the regions for inversions")
if(random[4] == FALSE & missing(regionsDups)){
stop("Missing argument: Please specifiy the regions for tandem duplications")
if(random[5] == FALSE & missing(regionsTrans)){
stop("Missing argument: Please specifiy the regions for translocations")
## regions
if(!missing(regionsIns) & random[2] == FALSE){
if(!all(c("chrB","startB") %in% colnames(mcols(regionsIns)))){
stop("Invalid argument: regionsIns is missing columns chrB and startB")
if(!missing(regionsTrans) & random[5] == FALSE){
if(!all(c("chrB","startB","endB") %in% colnames(mcols(regionsTrans)))){
stop("Invalid argument: regionsTrans is missing columns chrB, startB and endB")
## repeat weights
mechanisms = c("NAHR","NHR","TEI","VNTR","Other")
bpTypes = c("L1","L2","Alu","MIR","SD","TR","Random")
svTypes = c("dels", "invs", "ins", "dups", "trans")
if(!all(rownames(weightsMechanisms) %in% mechanisms) | !all(colnames(weightsMechanisms) %in% svTypes)){
stop("Invalid argument: Please make sure that the row names of parameter weightsMechanisms equal \"NAHR\",\"NHR\",\"TEI\",\"VNTR\" and the column names equal \"Other\"\"dels\", \"invs\", \"ins\", \"dups\", \"trans\".")
if(!all(rownames(weightsRepeats) %in% bpTypes) | !all(colnames(weightsRepeats) %in% mechanisms)){
stop("Invalid argument: Please make sure that the row names of parameter weightsRepeats equal \"L1\",\"L2\",\"Alu\",\"MIR\",\"SD\",\"TR\",\"Random\" and the column names equal \"NAHR\",\"NHR\",\"TEI\",\"VNTR\",\"Other\".")
## Deprecated: Transposons (maybe useful for future release)
# if(trans[3] > 0){
# ## 1.3 for intra-chromosomal translocations
# message("Calculating coordinates: ", trans[3], " intra-chromosomal translocations")
# intrachrom=TRUE
# subtrahend = RangedData(rbind(gaps[, c("space","start","end")], posTrans_1[, c("space","start","end")], posTrans_2[, c("space","start","end")]))
# regionsTrans = .subtractIntervals(regionsTrans, subtrahend)
# t = .simTranslocationPositions(trans[3], regionsTrans, genome, percInvertedTrans, percBalancedTrans, sizeTrans2, "intrachrom")
# translocations = rbind(translocations, t[[1]])
# posTrans_1 = rbind(posTrans_1, t[[2]])
# posTrans_2 = rbind(posTrans_2, t[[3]])
# }
## Maybe add gene annotation in future release (if it makes sense)
# require(biomaRt)
# ensembl=useMart("ensembl")
# dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl"
# ensembl=useDataset(dataset, mart=ensembl)
# bmAttributes = c(
# "hgnc_symbol",
# "chromosome_name",
# "start_position",
# "end_position"
# )
# bmFilter=c("chromosomal_region")
# bmValues = as.list(paste(substr(d$Chr, 4, nchar(d$Chr)), d$Start, d$End, sep=":"))
# genes = getBM(attributes=bmAttributes, filter=bmFilter, values=bmValues, mart=ensembl)
# d$Genes = ""
# for(i in 1:nrow(d)){
# gene_overlap = subset(genes, (chromosome_name == substr(d$Chr[i], 4, nchar(d$Chr))) & (IRanges(start_position, end_position) %in% IRanges(d$Start[i], d$End[i])) & hgnc_symbol != "")
# d$Genes[i] = paste(unique(gene_overlap$hgnc_symbol), collapse=",")
# }
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