#' @title Normalization of Independent Test Set
#' @description This function aims to normalize properly an actual
#' independent test set by taking information from the Learning set
#' that will be used to transform the new sample(s).
#' @param Learning_set A SummarizedExperiment object or a data frame/matrix
#' of raw count data. The learning set is supposed to be a raw counts
#' dataset of the expressed features (not all features).
#' Rows and Cols should be features and samples, respectively.
#' @param Ind_Test_set A SummarizedExperiment object or a data frame/matrix
#' of raw count data. The independent test set is supposed to be a raw counts
#' dataset with the same features of 'Learning_set'.
#' Rows and Cols should be features and samples, respectively.
#' @param normtype Type of normalization to be applied:
#' \code{varianceStabilizingTransformation}
#' (\code{vst}), \code{rlog} or \code{logcpm} are allowed;
#' default is "\code{vst}".
#' @param method Type of method to estimate the dispersion, applied to the
#' independent test set to normalize data. Only 'precise' and 'quick' are
#' allowed. In the first case, the dispersion is estimated by the Learning
#' set and applied to the independent test set. In the second case, is
#' estimated from the independent test set. Default is "precise".
#' See details in \link{dispersionFunction}
#' @details
#' The Learning_set is supposed to be a raw counts dataset of the
#' expressed features. Moreover, the independent test set is supposed
#' to be a raw counts dataset with the same features of 'Learning_set'.
#' The independent test set is normalized, taking into account the dispersion
#' parameter, estimated by the Learning set ('precise' method) or by the
#' independent test set itself ('quick' method).
#' @return A matrix containing a normalized expression matrix (log2 scale)
#' @references Michael I Love, Wolfgang Huber and Simon Anders (2014):
#' Moderated estimation of
#' fold change and dispersion for RNA-Seq data with DESeq2. Genome Biology
#' @author Mattia Chiesa, Luca Piacentini
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{varianceStabilizingTransformation}, \link{rlog} \link{cpm}}
#' @examples
#' # use example data:
#' data(SE)
#' @export
DaMiR.iTSnorm <- function(Learning_set,
# check missing arguments
if (missing(Learning_set))
stop("'Learning_set' argument must be provided")
if (missing(Ind_Test_set))
stop("'Ind_Test_set' argument must be provided")
if (missing(normtype)){
normtype <- normtype[1]
if (missing(method)){
method <- method[1]
# check the type of argument
if (!(
is(Learning_set, "SummarizedExperiment") |
is.data.frame(Learning_set) |
stop("'Learning_set' must be a 'data.frame', a 'matrix'
or a 'SummarizedExperiment' object")
if (!(
is(Ind_Test_set, "SummarizedExperiment") |
is.data.frame(Ind_Test_set) |
stop("'Ind_Test_set' must be a 'data.frame', a 'matrix'
or a 'SummarizedExperiment' object")
if (length(normtype) > 1)
stop("length(normtype) must be equal to 1")
if (!(all(normtype %in% c("vst", "rlog", "logcpm"))))
stop("'normtype' must be 'vst', 'rlog' or 'logcpm' ")
if (length(method) > 1)
stop("length(method) must be equal to 1")
if (!(all(method %in% c("precise", "quick"))))
stop("'method' must be 'precise' or 'quick' ")
# Specific check
if (is(Learning_set, "SummarizedExperiment")){
Lset <- assay(Learning_set)
Ldf <- as.data.frame(colData(Learning_set))
Lset <- as.matrix(Learning_set)
Ldf <- as.data.frame(colnames(Learning_set))
colnames(Ldf) <- "Samplenames"
rownames(Ldf) <- Ldf$Samplenames
if (is(Ind_Test_set, "SummarizedExperiment")){
ITset <- assay(Ind_Test_set)
ITdf <- as.data.frame(colData(Ind_Test_set))
ITset <- as.matrix(Ind_Test_set)
ITdf <- as.data.frame(colnames(Ind_Test_set))
colnames(ITdf) <- "Samplenames"
rownames(ITdf) <- ITdf$Samplenames
# check the presence of NA or Inf
if (any(is.na(Lset)))
stop("NA values are not allowed in 'Learning_set'")
if (any(is.infinite(as.matrix(Lset))))
stop("Inf values are not allowed in 'Learning_set'")
if (any(is.na(ITset)))
stop("NA values are not allowed in 'Ind_Test_Set'")
if (any(is.infinite(as.matrix(ITset))))
stop("Inf values are not allowed in 'Ind_Test_Set'")
# Lset and ITset must have the same rownames
if(any(rownames(ITset) != rownames(Lset)))
stop("Learning_set and Ind_Test_set must have the same rownames")
# Sort matrices by rownames (Genes must be in the same position)
ITset <- ITset[match(rownames(Lset), rownames(ITset)), ]
# Lset and ITset must have the same rownames
if(any(nrow(ITset) != nrow(Lset)))
stop("Learning_set and Ind_Test_set must have the same features")
# data must be raw counts
if (any((Lset %%1) != 0))
stop("Check 'Learning_set': some values are not raw counts.")
if (any((ITset %%1) != 0))
stop("Check 'Ind_test_set': some values are not raw counts.")
# n. sample must be > 1 if normtype == VST | rlog
if (normtype == "vst" & ncol(ITset) == 1)
stop("With 'vst' and 'rlog' at least 2 samples must be provided")
if (normtype == "rlog" & ncol(ITset) == 1)
stop("With 'vst' and 'rlog' at least 2 samples must be provided")
###################### Body
if (normtype == "vst" | normtype == "rlog"){
cat("You selected the",normtype, "normalization and the",method,"method.",
cat("You selected the logcpm normalization.
The dispersion parameter will not be estimated.", "\n" )
options( warn = -1 )
## Estimate the learning set dispersion
Lset_dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = Lset,
colData = Ldf,
design = ~1)
Lset_dds <- DESeq(Lset_dds, quiet = TRUE)
## Estimate the independent test set dispersion
ITset_dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = ITset,
colData = ITdf,
design = ~1)
ITset_dds <- DESeq(ITset_dds, quiet = TRUE)
####### Normalization
if(normtype == "vst" & method == "precise"){
dispersionFunction(ITset_dds) <- dispersionFunction(Lset_dds)
norm_ITset <- varianceStabilizingTransformation(ITset_dds,
blind = FALSE)
norm_ITset <- assay(norm_ITset)
}else if(normtype == "vst" & method == "quick"){
norm_ITset <- varianceStabilizingTransformation(ITset_dds,
blind = FALSE)
norm_ITset <- assay(norm_ITset)
}else if(normtype == "rlog" & method == "precise"){
dispersionFunction(ITset_dds) <- dispersionFunction(Lset_dds)
norm_ITset <- rlog(ITset_dds, blind = FALSE)
norm_ITset <- assay(norm_ITset)
}else if(normtype == "rlog" & method == "quick"){
norm_ITset <- rlog(ITset_dds, blind = FALSE)
norm_ITset <- assay(norm_ITset)
}else if(normtype == "logcpm"){
norm_ITset <- cpm(assay(ITset_dds),log = TRUE, prior.count = 1)
################ Plots
## RLE
colors <- brewer.pal(12, "Set3")
main="Relative Log Expression",
## Sample by sample distribution
acc_dotplot <- melt(as.data.frame(norm_ITset),
measure.vars = colnames(norm_ITset))
print(ggplot(acc_dotplot, aes(value,
fill = variable,
colours= variable)) +
geom_density(alpha=0.3) +
theme(legend.position = "none") +
ggtitle("Sample by Sample expression value distribution")
#' @title Batch correction of normalized Independent Test Set
#' @description This function aims to perform a batch correction on
#' a normalized independent test set, exploiting the \link{ComBat}
#' function of the sva package.
#' @param adj_Learning_set A SummarizedExperiment object or a
#' data frame/matrix of adjusted and normalized data, obtained by
#' the \link{DaMiR.SVadjust} function.
#' @param norm_Ind_Test_set A data frame or a matrix of normalized data.
#' The independent test set is supposed to be already normlaized by
#' the \link{DaMiR.iTSnorm} function
#' @param iTS_batch (Optional). A factor or a data.frame, containing
#' information regarding experimental batches of the independent test set.
#' Users can ignore this argument, if the independent test set is deemed
#' a single experimental batch.
#' @details
#' The function applied a batch correction procedure to the independent test
#' set, normalized by \link{DaMiR.iTSnorm}.
#' @return A matrix containing a normalized and adjusted expression matrix
#' (log2 scale).
#' @references Jeffrey T. Leek, W. Evan Johnson, Hilary S. Parker, Elana J.
#' Fertig, Andrew E. Jaffe and John D. Storey (2016).
#' sva: Surrogate Variable Analysis. R package version 3.22.0.
#' @author Mattia Chiesa, Luca Piacentini
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{ComBat}}
#' @examples
#' # use example data:
#' data(SE)
#' @export
DaMiR.iTSadjust <- function(adj_Learning_set,
# check missing arguments
if (missing(adj_Learning_set))
stop("'adj_Learning_set' argument must be provided")
if (missing(norm_Ind_Test_set))
stop("'norm_Ind_Test_set' argument must be provided")
# check the type of argument
if (!(
is(adj_Learning_set, "SummarizedExperiment") |
is.data.frame(adj_Learning_set) |
stop("'adj_Learning_set' must be a 'data.frame', a 'matrix'
or a 'SummarizedExperiment' object")
if (!(
is.data.frame(norm_Ind_Test_set) |
stop("'norm_Ind_Test_set' must be a 'data.frame' or a 'matrix'")
# Specific check
if (is(adj_Learning_set, "SummarizedExperiment")){
Lset <- assay(adj_Learning_set)
Ldf <- as.data.frame(colData(adj_Learning_set))
Lset <- as.matrix(adj_Learning_set)
Ldf <- as.data.frame(colnames(adj_Learning_set))
colnames(Ldf) <- "Samplenames"
rownames(Ldf) <- Ldf$Samplenames
ITset <- norm_Ind_Test_set
# check the presence of NA or Inf
if (any(is.na(Lset)))
stop("NA values are not allowed in 'Learning_set'")
if (any(is.infinite(as.matrix(Lset))))
stop("Inf values are not allowed in 'Learning_set'")
if (any(is.na(ITset)))
stop("NA values are not allowed in 'Ind_Test_Set'")
if (any(is.infinite(as.matrix(ITset))))
stop("Inf values are not allowed in 'Ind_Test_Set'")
# Lset and ITset must have the same rownames
if(any(rownames(ITset) != rownames(Lset)))
stop("Learning_set and Ind_Test_set must have the same rownames")
# Sort matrices by rownames (Genes must be in the same position)
ITset <- ITset[match(rownames(Lset), rownames(ITset)), ]
# Lset and ITset must have the same rownames
if(any(nrow(ITset) != nrow(Lset)))
stop("Learning_set and Ind_Test_set must have the same features")
# batch information
batch <- as.data.frame(c(rep("b_a_t_c_h_LS_19041986", dim(Lset)[2]),
rep("batch_2", dim(ITset)[2])))
iTS_batch <- as.data.frame(iTS_batch)
colnames(iTS_batch) <- "batch"
if(dim(iTS_batch)[1] != dim(ITset)[2])
stop("dim(iTS_batch)[1] must be equal to ncol(norm_Ind_Test_set)")
LS_batch<- as.data.frame(c(rep("b_a_t_c_h_LS_19041986", dim(Lset)[2])))
colnames(LS_batch) <- "batch"
batch <- rbind(LS_batch,iTS_batch)
############################ Body
colnames(batch) <- "batch"
data_tot <- rbind(t(Lset), t(ITset)) # data adjust
# use ComBat method to adjust for known batch:
modcombat <- model.matrix(~1, data=batch)
suppressMessages(combat_edata <- ComBat(dat=t(data_tot),
adj_norm_Ind_test_set <- combat_edata[,-which(batch$batch %in% "b_a_t_c_h_LS_19041986")]
################ Plots
## RLE
colors <- brewer.pal(12, "Set3")
main="Relative Log Expression",
## Sample by sample distribution
acc_dotplot <- melt(as.data.frame(adj_norm_Ind_test_set),
measure.vars = colnames(adj_norm_Ind_test_set))
print(ggplot(acc_dotplot, aes(value,
fill = variable,
colours= variable)) +
geom_density(alpha=0.3) +
theme(legend.position = "none") +
ggtitle("Sample by Sample expression value distribution")
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