## @rdname is used to document more than one function in the same file
## the syntax convention for naming class methods is <generic>.<class>
## where a generic function is just an intermediary which determines which
## implementation of a function to call based on the class of its input
#' @rdname filters
#' @name filters
#' @title HCA Filter Construction
#' @description `facet_options()` returns a character vector of possible facets
#' to use during filtering.
#' @return `facet_options()` returns a vector of all permissible query
#' facets for the HCA api.
#' @importFrom jsonlite read_json
#' @examples
#' facet_options()
#' @export
facet_options <- function() {
json <- .hca_openapi()
parameters <- json$paths[["/index/{entity_type}"]]$get$parameters
parameter_names <- vapply(parameters, `[[`, character(1), "name")
filter_parameter_idx <- which(!is.na(match(parameter_names, "filters")))
filter_parameter <- parameters[[filter_parameter_idx]]
## internal only
.filters_validate <- function(x) {
## allowed verbs
verbs <- c("is", "within", "intersects", "contains")
## facets and verbs are the same for index/files and index/samples
## 'filter' must be a list
## length 0 or elements must have names
length(x) == 0L || !is.null(names(x)),
## Docs: Backticks are used for non-standard variable names.
## each element in the list must also be a list
`'filters()' arguments must be named lists` =
all(vapply(x, inherits, logical(1), "list")),
## each list element must not be empty
`'filters()' arguments must be non-empty lists` =
all(vapply(x, function(x){length(x) >= 1L}, logical(1))),
## allowed verbs only
`'filters()' verbs must be 'is', 'within', 'intersects' or 'contains'` =
all(vapply(x, names, character(1)) %in% verbs),
## allowed facets only
## `'filters()' facets must be in permissible list` =
## all(names(x) %in% facets),
## do no allow values to have line breaks (i.e. newline or return chars)
`'filters()' facets values must not contain line breaks` =
!any(vapply(unlist(x), function(x) grepl("\n", x), logical(1)))
## allowed facets
facets <- facet_options()
if (!all(names(x) %in% facets)) {
## invalid facet message
facet_msg <- .wrap_lines(c(
"'filters()' facets must be one of: ",
paste(facets, collapse = ", ")
#' @rdname filters
#' @description `filters()` takes user input to be used as query
#' filters. Each named argument is a list with a name specifying a
#' verb (e.g., `"is"`) and a character vector of allowed values,
#' as in the examples. This input is then validated, reformatted
#' to JSON, and encoded into a properly formatted URL.
#' @param ... named arguments, each of which is a `list()` specifying
#' a query facet and its corresponding value to be used in the
#' query
#' @return `filters()` returns a `filters` object representing
#' validated filters in a format suitable for use in `projects()`
#' and related functions.
#' @examples
#' filters()
#' filters(
#' organ = list(is = "pancreas")
#' )
#' filters(
#' organ = list(is = "pancreas"),
#' genusSpecies = list(is = "Homo sapiens")
#' )
#' filters(
#' fileFormat = list(is = c("fastq", "fastq.gz"))
#' )
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
#' @importFrom utils URLencode
#' @export
filters <- function(...) {
filters_list <- list(...)
## make sure zero-length filters have names
if (length(filters_list) == 0L) {
names(filters_list) <- character()
## validate list of filters
valid_filters <- .filters_validate(filters_list)
## transform to json, via toJSON()
## do elements of `filters` need to be wrapped in `list()`?
## ??? filters <- lapply(filters list) ???
json <- toJSON(valid_filters)
encoding <- URLencode(json, reserved = TRUE)
## create a 'filters' object (S3 for now)
## S3 classes have simple linear inheritance, and `c("filters","hca")`
## says that the `filters` class is a subclass of `hca`.
## It doesn't matter that `hca` is not defined anywhere.
result <- list(encoding = encoding, filters = valid_filters)
class(result) <- c("filters", "hca")
## return result
## internal only
## class accessors, not exported
.filters_encoding <- function(x) x$encoding
.filters_filters <- function(x) x$filters
.filters_json <- function(x) {
toJSON(.filters_filters(x), pretty = TRUE)
#' @rdname filters
#' @param x for `length()` and `print()`, an object of class `filters`.
#' @export
length.filters <- function(x) {
## length() is a generic which chooses its implementation based on the class
## of its input
#' @rdname filters
#' @export
print.filters <- function(x, ...) {
## cat() is an internal function which concatenates inputs and prints
## print() is also a generic which chooses its implementation based
## on the class of its input
json <- paste(
strsplit(as.character(.filters_json(x)), "\n")[[1]],
collapse = "\n "
"class: ", paste(class(x), collapse = ", "), "\n",
"length: ", length(x), "\n",
" ", json, "\n",
sep = ""
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