
Defines functions glpls1a.mlogit.predict glpls1a.predict

#replaced by the predict method for gpls
glpls1a.predict <- function(X, beta, family="binomial", link="logit")
  if(all(X[,1] == rep(1,nrow(X))))
     eta <- X%*%beta
     eta <- cbind(rep(1,nrow(X)),X)%*%beta

glpls1a.mlogit.predict <- function(X,beta)
    ## prediction for multinomial logit model
    ## beta is the p by J-1 matrix where J is the levels of categories of the outcomoe
    if(all(X[,1] == rep(1,nrow(X))))
        eta <- X%*%beta
        eta <- cbind(rep(1,nrow(X)),X)%*% beta

    p <- exp(eta)
    p.denom <- apply(p,1,function(x) 1+sum(x))
Bioconductor/gpls documentation built on Nov. 2, 2024, 7:25 a.m.