## This file contains methods definitions for rowttests, colttest, rowFtests, colFtests ##
## The core function for row- and column-wise t-tests - it uses C code
rowcoltt = function(x, fac, tstatOnly, which, na.rm) {
if (!missing(tstatOnly) && (!is.logical(tstatOnly) || is.na(tstatOnly)))
stop(sQuote("tstatOnly"), " must be TRUE or FALSE.")
f = checkfac(fac)
if ((f$nrgrp > 2) || (f$nrgrp <= 0))
stop("Number of groups is ", f$nrgrp, ", but must be >0 and <=2 for 'rowttests'.")
if (typeof(x) == "integer")
x[] <- as.numeric(x)
cc = .Call("rowcolttests", x, f$fac, f$nrgrp, which-1L, na.rm,
res = data.frame(statistic = cc$statistic,
dm = cc$dm,
row.names = dimnames(x)[[which]])
if (!tstatOnly)
res = cbind(res, p.value = 2*pt(abs(res$statistic), cc$df, lower.tail=FALSE))
attr(res, "df") = cc$df
## The core function for F-tests - it uses R matrix algebra
rowcolFt = function(x, fac, var.equal, which) {
if(!(which %in% c(1L, 2L)))
stop(sQuote("which"), " must be 1L or 2L.")
x = t(x)
if (typeof(x) == "integer")
x[] <- as.numeric(x)
sqr = function(x) x*x
stopifnot(length(fac)==ncol(x), is.factor(fac), is.matrix(x))
x <- x[,!is.na(fac), drop=FALSE]
fac <- fac[!is.na(fac)]
## Number of levels (groups)
k <- nlevels(fac)
## xm: a nrow(x) x nlevels(fac) matrix with the means of each factor
## level
xm <- matrix(
sapply(levels(fac), function(fl) rowMeans(x[,which(fac==fl), drop=FALSE])),
nrow = nrow(x),
ncol = nlevels(fac))
## x1: a matrix of group means, with as many rows as x, columns correspond to groups
x1 <- xm[,fac, drop=FALSE]
## degree of freedom 1
dff <- k - 1
## x0: a matrix of same size as x with overall means
x0 <- matrix(rowMeans(x), ncol=ncol(x), nrow=nrow(x))
## degree of freedom 2
dfr <- ncol(x) - dff - 1
## mean sum of squares
mssf <- rowSums(sqr(x1 - x0)) / dff
mssr <- rowSums(sqr( x - x1)) / dfr
## F statistic
fstat <- mssf/mssr
} else{
## a nrow(x) x nlevels(fac) matrix with the group size of each factor
## level
ni <- t(matrix(tapply(fac,fac,length),ncol=nrow(x),nrow=k))
## wi: a nrow(x) x nlevels(fac) matrix with the variance * group size of each factor
## level
sss <- sqr(x-x1)
x5 <- matrix(
sapply(levels(fac), function(fl) rowSums(sss[,which(fac==fl), drop=FALSE])),
nrow = nrow(sss),
ncol = nlevels(fac))
wi <- ni*(ni-1) /x5
## u : Sum of wi
u <- rowSums(wi)
## F statistic
MR <- rowSums(sqr((1 - wi/u)) * 1/(ni-1))*1/(sqr(k)-1)
fsno <- 1/dff * rowSums(sqr(xm - rowSums(wi*xm)/u) * wi)
fsdeno <- 1+ 2* (k-2)*MR
fstat <- fsno/fsdeno
## degree of freedom 2: Vector with length nrow(x)
dfr <- 1/(3 * MR)
res = data.frame(statistic = fstat,
p.value = pf(fstat, dff, dfr, lower.tail=FALSE),
row.names = rownames(x))
attr(res, "df") = c(dff=dff, dfr=dfr)
## ==========================================================================
## rowttests and colttests methods for 'matrix'
## ==========================================================================
setMethod("rowttests", signature(x="matrix", fac="factor"),
function(x, fac, tstatOnly=FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)
rowcoltt(x, fac, tstatOnly, 1L, na.rm))
setMethod("rowttests", signature(x="matrix", fac="missing"),
function(x, fac, tstatOnly=FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)
rowcoltt(x, factor(integer(ncol(x))), tstatOnly, 1L, na.rm))
setMethod("colttests", signature(x="matrix", fac="factor"),
function(x, fac, tstatOnly=FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)
rowcoltt(x, fac, tstatOnly, 2L, na.rm))
setMethod("colttests", signature(x="matrix", fac="missing"),
function(x, fac, tstatOnly=FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)
rowcoltt(x, factor(integer(ncol(x))), tstatOnly, 2L, na.rm))
## ==========================================================================
## rowFtests and colFtests methods for 'matrix'
## ==========================================================================
setMethod("rowFtests", signature(x="matrix", fac="factor"),
function(x, fac, var.equal=TRUE)
rowcolFt(x, fac, var.equal, 1L))
setMethod("colFtests", signature(x="matrix", fac="factor"),
function(x, fac, var.equal=TRUE)
rowcolFt(x, fac, var.equal, 2L))
## ===========================================================================
## Methods for 'ExpressionSet': only for rowttests and rowFtests
## -==========================================================================
setMethod("rowttests", signature(x="ExpressionSet", fac="factor"),
function(x, fac, tstatOnly=FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)
rowcoltt(exprs(x), fac, tstatOnly=tstatOnly, 1L, na.rm))
setMethod("rowttests", signature(x="ExpressionSet", fac="missing"),
function(x, fac, tstatOnly=FALSE, na.rm = FALSE) {
x = exprs(x)
fac = integer(ncol(x))
rowcoltt(x, fac, tstatOnly, 1L, na.rm)
setMethod("rowttests", signature(x="ExpressionSet", fac="character"),
function(x, fac, tstatOnly=FALSE, na.rm = FALSE) {
if (length(fac) != 1)
stop("fac must be length 1 character or a factor")
fac = factor(pData(x)[[fac]])
rowcoltt(exprs(x), fac, tstatOnly, 1L, na.rm)
setMethod("rowFtests", signature(x="ExpressionSet", fac="factor"),
function(x, fac, var.equal=TRUE)
rowcolFt(exprs(x), fac, var.equal, 1L))
setMethod("rowFtests", signature(x="ExpressionSet", fac="character"),
function(x, fac, var.equal=TRUE) {
fac = factor(as.integer(factor(pData(x)[[fac]]))-1L)
rowcolFt(exprs(x), fac, var.equal, 1L)
## ------------------------------------------------------------
## convert fac from factor or numeric to integer and then
## make sure it is an integer
## ------------------------------------------------------------
checkfac = function(fac) {
if(is.numeric(fac)) {
nrgrp = as.integer(max(fac, na.rm=TRUE)+1)
fac = as.integer(fac)
## this must precede the factor test
fac = factor(fac)
if (is.factor(fac)) {
nrgrp = nlevels(fac)
fac = as.integer(as.integer(fac)-1)
stop("'fac' must be factor, character, numeric, or integer.")
if(any(fac<0, na.rm=TRUE))
stop("'fac' must not be negative.")
return(list(fac=fac, nrgrp=nrgrp))
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