.ZarrRemote <-
contains = "ZarrArchive",
slots = c(endpoint = "character", bucket = "character")
.getBaseURL <- function(url) {
res <- urltools::url_parse(url)
res["path"] <- res["fragment"] <- NA_character_
.getBucketURL <- function(url, endpoint) {
gsub(endpoint, "", url)
#' @rdname ZarrRemote-class
#' @title A remote S3-like representation of Zarr folders
#' @description The `ZarrRemote` class allows one to display and import Zarr
#' files on the web that are accessible via the `S3Fs` python module
#' <https://s3fs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/> and based on the AWS S3 service.
#' @param endpoint character(1) The base URL of the remote Zarr folders
#' @param bucket character(1) The bucket name portion and any subdirectories in
#' the full URL.
#' @param resource character(1) Optional. A full URL typically composed of both
#' `endpoint` and `bucket` components.
#' @param ... Additional inputs to the lower level class constructor
#' @details The `endpoint` component consists of both the `scheme` and the
#' `domain`. The complete URL is the combination of the `endpoint` and
#' `bucket` components. A complete URL can also be provided via the `resource`
#' argument.
#' @examples
#' zr <- ZarrRemote(
#' endpoint = "https://mghp.osn.xsede.org/",
#' bucket = "bir190004-bucket01/TMA11/zarr/"
#' )
#' zr <- ZarrRemote(
#' resource = "https://mghp.osn.xsede.org/bir190004-bucket01/TMA11/zarr/"
#' )
#' zr
#' \dontrun{
#' zarray <- import(zr, filename = "5.zarr")
#' dim(zarray)
#' ## [1] 64 3007 3007
#' format(object.size(zarray), units = "GB", standard = "SI")
#' ## [1] "2.3 GB"
#' }
#' @export
ZarrRemote <-
function(endpoint, bucket, resource, ...)
if (missing(bucket) && missing(resource))
stop("Provide either a 'resource' or both 'endpoint' and 'bucket'")
if (missing(resource))
resource <- paste0(endpoint, bucket)
else {
endpoint <- .getBaseURL(resource)
bucket <- .getBucketURL(resource, endpoint)
.ZarrRemote(resource = resource, endpoint = endpoint, bucket = bucket, ...)
#' @importFrom GenomicFiles files
#' @exportMethod files
setMethod("files", "ZarrRemote", function(x, ...) {
fs <- .s3fs()$S3FileSystem(
anon = TRUE, key = "dummy", secret="dummy",
client_kwargs = reticulate::dict(endpoint_url = x@endpoint)
paste0(x@endpoint, fs$ls(x@bucket))
#' @importFrom utils head tail
#' @export
"tree", "ZarrRemote",
files <- files(x)
afiles <- BiocBaseUtils::selectSome(basename(files))
fnames <- c(
"\U251C\U2500\U2500", head(afiles, -1L), "\n"
paste("\U2514\U2500\U2500", tail(afiles, 1L), "\n")
#' @importFrom BiocIO import
#' @importFrom BiocBaseUtils isScalarCharacter
#' @exportMethod import
setMethod("import", "ZarrRemote", function(con, format, text, ...) {
dots <- list(...)
file <- dots[["filename"]]
if (is.null(file) || !isScalarCharacter(file))
stop("Provide a 'filename' input found in the bucket")
fs <- .s3fs()$S3FileSystem(anon = TRUE, key = "dummy", secret="dummy",
client_kwargs = reticulate::dict(endpoint_url = con@endpoint))
files <- fs$ls(con@bucket)
if (!file %in% basename(files))
stop("'filename': ", file, " not found")
mapper <- fs$get_mapper(paste0(con@bucket, file))
#' @export
"show", "ZarrRemote",
"class: ", class(object), "\n",
pretty_path("endpoint", object@endpoint),
pretty_path("bucket", object@bucket),
sep = ""
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