## In "makeVariantExperimentFromSNPGDS()", we have customized the "ID"
## (from "snp.rs.id" node if available, "ALLELE1" and "ALLELE2" (from
## "snp.allele" node if available) columns as part of the
## mcols(rowRanges(ve)). "snp.id" was used as default feature id, and
## "sample.id" was used as default sample id. These 2 nodes are
## required by "SNPGDSFileClass" in SNPRelate.
#' @import GDSArray
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges ranges seqnames
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @import gdsfmt
#' @import SNPRelate
## .granges_gdsdata
.granges_snpgds <- function(snpgdsfile, ...){
f <- acquireGDS(snpgdsfile, type = "snpgds")
vid <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(f, "snp.id"))
chr <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(f, "snp.chromosome"))
pos <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(f, "snp.position"))
## reflen <- nchar(seqGetData(x, "$ref"))
## reflen[reflen < 1L] <- 1L
reflen <- 1L ## all snps, length == 1L
gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames=chr,
ranges=IRanges(start=pos, end=pos+reflen-1L),
names(gr) <- as.integer(vid)
## return a DataFrame
.varnode_snpgds_inmem <- function(snpgdsfile, node){
f <- acquireGDS(snpgdsfile)
res <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(f, node))
resDF <- setNames(DataFrame(res), node)
if(node == "snp.allele"){
a <- strsplit(res, split="/")
## genotype data, possible for >2 alt? if yes, use sub() here
## and use DNAStringSetList class for "allele2"
a1 <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(unlist(a)[c(TRUE, FALSE)])
a2 <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(unlist(a)[c(FALSE, TRUE)])
resDF <- setNames(DataFrame(a1, a2), paste0("snp.allele", seq_len(2)))
resDF ## returns a DataFrame with names.
## #' @importFrom methods new
.rowDataColumns_check <- function(gdsfile, ftnode, rowDataColumns) {
if (is.null(rowDataColumns)) {
rowDataColumns <- showAvailable(gdsfile, args = "rowDataColumns", ftnode = ftnode)[[1]]
} else {
idx.within <- rowDataColumns %in%
showAvailable(gdsfile, args = "rowDataColumns", ftnode = ftnode)[[1]]
if(any(!idx.within)) {
misrdcs <- paste(rowDataColumns[!idx.within], collapse = ", ")
rowDataColumns <- rowDataColumns[idx.within]
## if none, return character(0)
.rowDataColumns_check_msg <- function(missingRDCs) {
paste('The feature (snp/variant) annotation of "',
'" does not exist!', "\n",
'Please use showAvailable(file, "rowDataColumns") ',
'to get the available columns for "rowData()."', "\n")
## "snp.id", "variant.id"
.empty_rowData_DF <- function(gdsfile, ftnode, rowDataOnDisk) {
f <- acquireGDS(gdsfile)
ft.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(f, ftnode))
if (rowDataOnDisk) {
} else {
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet
#' @import SNPRelate
#' @importMethodsFrom DelayedArray sub
## .rowRanges_gdsdata
.rowRanges_snpgds <- function(snpgdsfile, ftnode = "snp.id", rowDataColumns, rowDataOnDisk){
rr <- .granges_snpgds(snpgdsfile)
## following code generates the mcols(SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(se))
rowDataColumns <- .rowDataColumns_check(snpgdsfile, ftnode, rowDataColumns)
## if no available rowDataColumns are selected, i.e.,
## rowDataColumns = character(0), return an empty (Delayed)DataFrame
## for mcols()
if (is.character(rowDataColumns) && length(rowDataColumns) == 0) {
resDF <- .empty_rowData_DF(snpgdsfile, ftnode, rowDataOnDisk)
mcols(rr) <- resDF
## if there are valid rowDataColumns
res <- setNames(
lapply(rowDataColumns, function(x) GDSArray(snpgdsfile, x)),
## .varnode_snpgds_ondisk(snpgdsfile, name=x)),
resDF <- DelayedDataFrame(lapply(res, I))
if("snp.allele" %in% names(resDF)){ ## for snpgds
resDF$snp.allele1 <- sub("/.$", "", resDF$snp.allele)
resDF$snp.allele2 <- sub("[TCGA]*/", "", resDF$snp.allele)
resDF[["snp.allele"]] <- NULL
}else{ ## rowDataOnDisk = FALSE...
resDF <- DataFrame(lapply(rowDataColumns, function(x)
.varnode_snpgds_inmem(snpgdsfile, x)))
mcols(rr) <- resDF
.sampnodes_snpgds <- function(snpgdsfile) {
f <- acquireGDS(snpgdsfile)
ls.gdsn(index.gdsn(f, "sample.annot"))
## returns Delayed/GDSArray, not DF.
.sampnode_snpgds_ondisk <- function(snpgdsfile, name) {
sampnodes <- .sampnodes_snpgds(snpgdsfile)
if(name %in% sampnodes){
node <- paste0("sample.annot/", name)
node <- name
GDSArray(snpgdsfile, node)
## colData for samples
.colDataColumns_check <- function(gdsfile, colDataColumns, smpnode) {
allcols <- showAvailable(gdsfile, args = "colDataColumns", smpnode = smpnode)[[1]]
if (is.null(colDataColumns)) {
colDataColumns <- allcols
} else {
idx.within <- colDataColumns %in% allcols
if(any(!idx.within)) {
misrdcs <- paste(colDataColumns[!idx.within], collapse = ", ")
colDataColumns <- colDataColumns[idx.within]
## if none, return character(0)
.colDataColumns_check_msg <- function(missingCDCs) {
paste("\n", 'The sample annotation of "',
'" does not exist!', "\n",
'Please use showAvailable(file, "colDataColumns") ',
'to get the available columns for "colData()."', "\n")
.empty_colData_DF <- function(gdsfile, smpnode, colDataOnDisk) {
f <- acquireGDS(gdsfile)
sample.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(f, smpnode))
if (colDataOnDisk) {
} else {
.colData_snpgds <- function(snpgdsfile, smpnode, colDataColumns, colDataOnDisk) {
colDataColumns <- .colDataColumns_check(snpgdsfile, colDataColumns, "sample.id")
## if no available colDataColumns are selected, i.e.,
## colDataColumns = character(0), return an empty (Delayed)DataFrame
if (is.character(colDataColumns) && length(colDataColumns) == 0) { ## character(0)
.empty_colData_DF(snpgdsfile, "sample.id", colDataOnDisk)
} else { ## if there are valid rowDataColumns
if (colDataOnDisk) {
sample.id <- .sampnode_snpgds_ondisk(snpgdsfile, smpnode)
annot <- setNames(
lapply(colDataColumns, function(x)
.sampnode_snpgds_ondisk(snpgdsfile, x)),
DelayedDataFrame(lapply(annot, I),
} else {
f <- acquireGDS(snpgdsfile)
sample.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(f, smpnode))
node <- paste0("sample.annot/", colDataColumns)
annot <- lapply(node, function(x) read.gdsn(index.gdsn(f, x)))
names(annot) <- colDataColumns
DataFrame(annot, row.names=sample.id)
.showAvailable_check <- function(file, args = c("colDataColumns", "infoColumns"), ftnode, smpnode) {
ff <- .get_gds_fileFormat(file)
smpannonode <- switch(ff, SEQ_ARRAY = "sample.annotation", SNP_ARRAY = "sample.annot")
infonode <- "annotation/info" ## only applies to 'SEQ_ARRAY'
res <- switch(args,
colDataColumns = .showAvailable_check_dims(file, smpannonode, smpnode),
infoColumns = .showAvailable_check_dims(file, infonode, ftnode),
.showAvailable_check_dims <- function(file, nodename, idxnode) {
allnodes <- gdsnodes(file)
if (any(grepl(nodename, allnodes))) {
nds <- gdsnodes(file, nodename)
ndlens <- vapply(nds, function(x) .get_gdsnode_desp(file, x, "dim"), integer(1))
nds <- nds[ndlens == .get_gdsnode_desp(file, idxnode, "dim")]
res <- gsub(".*\\/", "", nds)
} else {
res <- character(0)
## http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/SNPRelate/inst/doc/SNPRelate.html
## SNPRelate requires 5 variables: sample.id, snp.id, snp.position, snp.chromosome, genotype
## 2 optional variables: snp.rs.id, snp.allele (when merging gentypes from diff platforms)
.showAvailable_snparray <- function(file,
args = c("assayNames",
ftnode = "snp.id",
smpnode = "sample.id") {
res <- CharacterList()
allnodes <- gdsnodes(file)
if("assayNames" %in% args)
res$assayNames <- "genotype"
if("rowDataColumns" %in% args) {
## "snp.rs.id" and "snp.allele" are options gds nodes for "SNP_ARRAY"
rowcols <- allnodes[allnodes %in% c("snp.rs.id", "snp.allele")]
if (length(rowcols) > 0) {
rowlens <- vapply(rowcols, function(x) .get_gdsnode_desp(file, x, "dim"), integer(1))
rowcols <- rowcols[rowlens == .get_gdsnode_desp(file, ftnode, "dim")]
res$rowDataColumns <- rowcols
if ("colDataColumns" %in% args) {
res$colDataColumns <- .showAvailable_check(file, "colDataColumns", ftnode, smpnode)
#' @rdname makeVariantExperimentFromGDS
#' @export
makeVariantExperimentFromSNPGDS <- function(file,
ftnode = "snp.id",
smpnode = "sample.id",
rowDataColumns = NULL,
colDataColumns = NULL,
rowDataOnDisk = TRUE,
colDataOnDisk = TRUE)
## checkings
if (!isSingleString(file))
stop(wmsg("'file' must be a single string specifying the path to ",
"the gds file where the dataset is located."))
file <- tools::file_path_as_absolute(file)
stopifnot(is.character(assayNames) | is.null(assayNames))
## if (!isSingleStringOrNA(assayNames))
## stop("'assayNames' must be a single string or NA")
stop("`colDataOnDisk` must be logical.")
stop("`rowDataOnDisk` must be logical.")
allnames <- showAvailable(file)$assayNames
if (is.null(assayNames)) {
assayNames <- allnames
} else {
assayNames <- match.arg(assayNames, assayNames)
## colData
colData <- .colData_snpgds(file, smpnode, colDataColumns, colDataOnDisk)
## rowRange with info data if available for seqVarGDSClass
rowRange <- .rowRanges_snpgds(file, ftnode, rowDataColumns, rowDataOnDisk)
## assays: make sure all assays are in correct dimensions (feature*sample*else)
assays <- setNames(lapply(assayNames, function(x) GDSArray(file, x)), assayNames)
ans_nrow <- length(rowRange)
ans_ncol <- nrow(colData)
assays <- lapply(assays, .permdim, dim1 = ans_nrow, dim2 = ans_ncol)
se <- VariantExperiment(
assays = assays,
colData = colData,
rowRanges = rowRange)
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