
.test_NaMath_op <- function(a, naa, op)
    FUN <- match.fun(op)
    ## Catch the warning if any. Unfortunately 'FUN(a)' is called twice.
    ## According to
    ##   https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3903157/how-can-i-check-whether-a-function-call-results-in-a-warning
    ## it's possible to avoid this by using handlers but I didn't try it.
    ## The handlers-based solution looks very ugly to start with.
    expected <- tryCatch(FUN(a), warning=identity)
    if (inherits(expected, "warning")) {
        expected_warning_msg <- expected$message
        expect_warning(FUN(naa), expected_warning_msg)
        expected <- suppressWarnings(FUN(a))
        current <- suppressWarnings(FUN(naa))
    } else {
        current <- FUN(naa)
    expect_true(is(current, "NaArray"))
    ## Looks like using expect_identical() is too strict for some operations
    ## on some systems e.g. for "tanpi" on merida1 or lconway (both running
    ## Intel macOS Monterey). Of course we could simply always use
    ## expect_equal() instead of expect_identical() everywhere no matter what.
    ## But then we'd loose the fun of identifying those (operations,systems)
    ## combinations for which expect_identical() fails.
    if ((IS_INTEL_MAC || IS_ARM64_MAC) && op == "tanpi") {
        expect_equal(as.array(current), expected)
    } else {
        expect_identical(as.array(current), expected)

test_that("'Math' ops on NaArray objects", {
    a <- array(NA_real_, 6:4)
    a[1, , 2] <- c(-Inf, -1234.55, -2.1, -1, -0.55)
    a[3, , 2] <- c(-0.55, 0, 1e-10, 0.88, 1)
    a[5, , 2] <- c(pi, 10.33, 3.4567895e8, 1e300, Inf)
    a[6, 3:4, 2] <- c(NA, NaN)
    naa <- as(a, "NaArray")

    ## 'Math' group (+ 'Math2' group, called with 'digits' argument missing).
    for (op in c(SparseArray:::.SUPPORTED_NAARRAY_MATH_OPS, "round", "signif"))
        .test_NaMath_op(a, naa, op)

    ## 'Math2' group, called with various values of the 'digits' argument.
    for (op in c("round", "signif")) {
        for (digits in -6:7) {
            FUN <- match.fun(op)
            expected <- FUN(a, digits)
            current <- FUN(naa, digits)
            expect_true(is(current, "NaArray"))
            expect_identical(as.array(current), expected)
Bioconductor/SparseArray documentation built on Oct. 30, 2024, 12:14 p.m.