SparseArray-summarization: SparseArray summarization methods

SparseArray-summarizationR Documentation

SparseArray summarization methods


The SparseArray package provides memory-efficient summarization methods for SparseArray objects. The following methods are supported at the moment: anyNA(), any(), all(), min(), max(), range(), sum(), prod(), mean(), var(), sd().

More might be added in the future.

Note that these are S4 generic functions defined in base R and in the BiocGenerics package, with default methods defined in base R. This man page documents the methods defined for SparseArray objects.


All these methods operate natively on the COO_SparseArray or SVT_SparseArray representation, for maximum efficiency.


See man pages of the corresponding default methods in the base package (e.g. ?base::range, ?base::mean, etc...) for the value returned by these methods.

See Also

  • SparseArray objects.

  • The man pages of the various default methods defined in the base package e.g. base::range, base::mean, base::anyNA, etc...


svt0 <- SVT_SparseArray(dim=c(4, 5, 2))
svt0[c(1:2, 8, 10, 15:17, 24:26, 28, 40)] <- (1:12)*10L
svt0[4, 3, 1] <- NA



range(svt0, na.rm=TRUE)

sum(svt0, na.rm=TRUE)

sd(svt0, na.rm=TRUE)

## Sanity checks:
a0 <- as.array(svt0)
  identical(anyNA(svt0), anyNA(a0)),
  identical(range(svt0), range(a0)),
  identical(range(svt0, na.rm=TRUE), range(a0, na.rm=TRUE)),
  identical(sum(svt0), sum(a0)),
  identical(sum(svt0, na.rm=TRUE), sum(a0, na.rm=TRUE)),
  all.equal(sd(svt0, na.rm=TRUE), sd(a0, na.rm=TRUE))

Bioconductor/SparseArray documentation built on Feb. 23, 2025, 2:55 a.m.