# Tests the basic functions of a SQLiteDataFrame.
# library(testthat); library(SQLiteDataFrame); source("setup.R"); source("test-SQLiteDataFrame.R")
for (tp in c("sqlite", "duckdb")) {
pth <- switch(tp,
sqlite = tf,
duckdb = tf1)
x <- SQLDataFrame(pth, dbtype = tp, "mtcars")
test_that("backend-specific constructor works", {
if (tp == "sqlite") {
x1 <- SQLiteDataFrame(pth, "mtcars")
} else if (tp == "duckdb") {
x1 <- DuckDBDataFrame(pth, "mtcars")
expect_s4_class(x1, "SQLDataFrame")
expect_identical(x, x1)
test_that("basic methods work for a SQLDataFrame", {
expect_identical(ncol(x), ncol(example_df))
expect_identical(nrow(x), nrow(example_df))
expect_identical(colnames(x), colnames(example_df))
unnamed <- example_df
rownames(unnamed) <- NULL
expect_identical(as.data.frame(x), unnamed)
test_that("renaming collapses to an ordinary DFrame", {
copy <- x
replacements <- sprintf("COL%i", seq_len(ncol(x)))
colnames(copy) <- replacements
expect_s4_class(copy, "DFrame")
expect_identical(colnames(copy), replacements)
copy <- x
replacements <- sprintf("COL%i", seq_len(nrow(x)))
rownames(copy) <- replacements
expect_s4_class(copy, "DFrame")
expect_identical(rownames(copy), replacements)
## Unless the new names are the same as the old names.
copy <- x
rownames(copy) <- NULL
expect_s4_class(copy, "SQLDataFrame")
copy <- x
colnames(copy) <- colnames(x)
expect_s4_class(copy, "SQLDataFrame")
test_that("slicing by columns preserves type of a SQLDataFrame", {
copy <- x[,1:2]
expect_s4_class(copy, "SQLDataFrame")
expect_identical(colnames(copy), colnames(example_df)[1:2])
expect_identical(ncol(copy), 2L)
unnamed <- example_df[,1:2]
rownames(unnamed) <- NULL
expect_identical(as.data.frame(copy), unnamed)
cn <- colnames(x)[c(4,2,3)]
copy <- x[,cn]
expect_s4_class(copy, "SQLDataFrame")
expect_identical(colnames(copy), cn)
expect_identical(ncol(copy), 3L)
keep <- startsWith(colnames(x), "d")
copy <- x[,keep]
expect_s4_class(copy, "SQLDataFrame")
expect_identical(colnames(copy), colnames(example_df)[keep])
expect_identical(ncol(copy), sum(keep))
copy <- x[,5,drop=FALSE]
expect_s4_class(copy, "SQLDataFrame")
expect_identical(colnames(copy), colnames(example_df)[5])
## Respects mcols.
x2 <- x
mcols(x2) <- DataFrame(whee=seq_len(ncol(x)))
copy <- x2[,3:1]
expect_identical(mcols(copy)$whee, 3:1)
test_that("extraction of a column yields a SQLColumnVector", {
col <- x[,5]
expect_s4_class(col, "SQLColumnVector")
expect_identical(as.vector(col), example_df[,5])
nm <- colnames(example_df)[5]
col <- x[[nm]]
expect_s4_class(col, "SQLColumnVector")
expect_identical(as.vector(col), example_df[[nm]])
test_that("slicing by rows collapses to an ordinary DFrame", {
i <- sample(nrow(x))
copy <- x[i,]
expect_s4_class(copy, "DFrame")
expect_identical(colnames(copy), colnames(example_df))
expect_identical(as.vector(copy[[1]]), example_df[[1]][i])
test_that("subset assignment usually collapses to an ordinary DFrame", {
copy <- x
copy[,c(1,2,3)] <- copy[,c(4,5,6)]
expect_s4_class(copy, "DFrame")
expect_s4_class(copy[[1]], "SQLColumnVector")
ref <- example_df
ref[,c(1,2,3)] <- ref[,c(4,5,6)]
rownames(ref) <- NULL
expect_identical(as.data.frame(copy), ref)
copy <- x
copy[1:5,] <- copy[9:13,]
expect_s4_class(copy, "DFrame")
expect_s4_class(copy[[1]], "DelayedArray")
ref <- example_df
ref[1:5,] <- ref[9:13,]
rownames(ref) <- NULL
expect_identical(as.data.frame(copy), ref)
copy <- x
copy[,"foobar"] <- runif(nrow(x))
expect_s4_class(copy, "DFrame")
expect_identical(colnames(copy), c(colnames(x), "foobar"))
copy <- x
copy[[1]] <- copy[[3]]
expect_s4_class(copy, "DFrame")
expect_s4_class(copy[[1]], "SQLColumnVector")
ref <- example_df
ref[[1]] <- ref[[3]]
rownames(ref) <- NULL
expect_identical(as.data.frame(copy), ref)
copy <- x
copy$some_random_thing <- runif(nrow(x))
expect_s4_class(copy, "DFrame")
expect_identical(colnames(copy), c(colnames(x), "some_random_thing"))
test_that("no-op subset assignment returns a SQLDataFrame", {
copy <- x
copy[,1] <- copy[,1]
expect_s4_class(copy, "SQLDataFrame")
copy <- x
copy[,colnames(x)[2]] <- copy[,colnames(x)[2],drop=FALSE]
expect_s4_class(copy, "SQLDataFrame")
copy <- x
copy[[3]] <- copy[[3]]
expect_s4_class(copy, "SQLDataFrame")
test_that("rbinding collapses to an ordinary DFrame", {
copy <- rbind(x, x)
expect_s4_class(copy, "DataFrame")
expect_s4_class(copy[[1]], "DelayedArray")
ref <- rbind(example_df, example_df)
rownames(ref) <- NULL
expect_identical(as.data.frame(copy), ref)
test_that("cbinding may or may not collapse to an ordinary DFrame", {
## Same path, we get another PDF.
copy <- cbind(x, x)
expect_s4_class(copy, "SQLDataFrame")
expect_identical(colnames(copy), rep(colnames(x), 2))
## Different DataFrame class causes collapse.
copy <- cbind(x, example_df)
expect_s4_class(copy, "DFrame")
expect_identical(colnames(copy), rep(colnames(example_df), 2))
## We can try combining them with xxColumnVectors.
copy <- cbind(x, foo=x[["carb"]])
expect_s4_class(copy, "DFrame")
expect_identical(colnames(copy), c(colnames(example_df), "foo"))
copy <- cbind(x, carb=x[["carb"]]) # if the name is the same, we preserve the SDF type.
expect_s4_class(copy, "SQLDataFrame")
expect_identical(colnames(copy), c(colnames(example_df), "carb"))
copy <- cbind(carb=x[["carb"]], x) # works in the other direction, too.
expect_s4_class(copy, "SQLDataFrame")
expect_identical(colnames(copy), c("carb", colnames(example_df)))
## Different paths causes collapse.
if (tp == "sqlite") { ## duckdb cannot be copied/linked with contents
tmp <- tempfile()
file.link(pth, tmp)
x2 <- SQLDataFrame(tmp, tp, table="mtcars")
copy <- cbind(x, x2) ## cbind SDF with different path
expect_s4_class(copy, "DFrame")
copy <- cbind(x, carb=x2[["carb"]]) # cbind SDF with SCV with different path
expect_s4_class(copy, "DFrame")
expect_identical(colnames(copy), c(colnames(example_df), "carb"))
test_that("cbinding carries forward any metadata", {
x1 <- x
mcols(x1) <- DataFrame(whee="A")
x2 <- x
mcols(x2) <- DataFrame(whee="B")
copy <- cbind(x1, x2)
expect_s4_class(copy, "SQLDataFrame")
expect_identical(mcols(copy)$whee, rep(c("A", "B"), each=ncol(x)))
mcols(x1) <- NULL
copy <- cbind(x1, x2)
expect_s4_class(copy, "SQLDataFrame")
expect_identical(mcols(copy)$whee, rep(c(NA, "B"), each=ncol(x)))
metadata(x1) <- list(a="YAY")
metadata(x2) <- list(a="whee")
copy <- cbind(x1, x2)
expect_s4_class(copy, "SQLDataFrame")
expect_identical(metadata(copy), list(a="YAY", a="whee"))
test_that("as.data.frame works with duplicated columns", {
duplicates <- c(1,1,2,2,3,4,3,5)
copy <- x[,duplicates]
unnamed <- example_df[,duplicates]
rownames(unnamed) <- NULL
expect_identical(as.data.frame(copy), unnamed)
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