
.TEST_matrices <- list(
    matrix(1:15, nrow=3, ncol=5,
           dimnames=list(NULL, paste0("M1y", 1:5))),
    matrix(101:135, nrow=7, ncol=5,
           dimnames=list(paste0("M2x", 1:7), paste0("M2y", 1:5))),
    matrix(1001:1025, nrow=5, ncol=5,
           dimnames=list(paste0("M3x", 1:5), NULL))

.TEST_arrays <- list(
    array(1:60, c(3, 5, 4),
           dimnames=list(NULL, paste0("M1y", 1:5), NULL)),
    array(101:240, c(7, 5, 4),
           dimnames=list(paste0("M2x", 1:7), paste0("M2y", 1:5), NULL)),
    array(10001:10100, c(5, 5, 4),
           dimnames=list(paste0("M3x", 1:5), NULL, paste0("M3z", 1:4)))

test_that("default abind() method", {
    default_abind <- S4Arrays:::.default_abind
    abind0 <- S4Arrays:::abind0

    m1 <- .TEST_matrices[[1L]]
    m2 <- .TEST_matrices[[2L]][1:3, ]
    m3 <- .TEST_matrices[[3L]][1:3, ]

    a1 <- .TEST_arrays[[1L]]
    a2 <- .TEST_arrays[[2L]]
    a3 <- .TEST_arrays[[3L]]

    ## The default abind() method (S4Arrays:::.default_abind()) implements
    ## its own little dispatch mechanism. See S4Arrays/R/abind.R for the
    ## details.

    ## --- 1. Dispatch on the abind() generic ---

    expected <- abind0(.TEST_arrays, along=1)
    expect_identical(default_abind(.TEST_arrays, along=1), expected)
    expect_identical(default_abind(.TEST_arrays, rev.along=3), expected)

    expected <- abind0(.TEST_arrays, along=1, use.first.dimnames=TRUE)
    current <- default_abind(.TEST_arrays, along=1, use.first.dimnames=TRUE)
    expect_identical(current, expected)

    expected <- abind0(.TEST_arrays, along=1, use.first.dimnames=FALSE)
    current <- default_abind(.TEST_arrays, along=1, use.first.dimnames=FALSE)
    expect_identical(current, expected)

    expected_words <- c("all", "objects", "must", "be",
                        "supplied", "via", "list")
    regexp <- paste0("\\b", expected_words, "\\b", collapse=".*")
    expect_error(default_abind(a1, .TEST_arrays), regexp, ignore.case=TRUE)
    expect_error(default_abind(.TEST_arrays, a1), regexp, ignore.case=TRUE)

    ## --- 2. Dispatch on S4Arrays:::.abind_as_Array() ---

    ## This is tested in the SparseArray package by calling abind() on a
    ## mix of SparseArray objects and ordinary arrays.

    ## --- 3. Dispatch on S4Arrays:::simple_abind2() ---

    expected <- abind0(m1, m2, m3)
    expect_identical(default_abind(m1, m2, m3), expected)

    expected <- abind0(m1, m2, m3, rev.along=0)
    expect_identical(default_abind(m1, m2, m3, along=3), expected)
    expect_identical(default_abind(m1, m2, m3, rev.along=0), expected)

    expected <- abind0(a1, m3)
    expect_identical(default_abind(a1, m3), expected)

    expected <- abind0(m3, a1)
    expect_identical(default_abind(m3, a1), expected)

    a4 <- a1[ , , 4, drop=FALSE]
    a5 <- S4Arrays:::set_dim(m3, c(dim(m3), 1L))

    expected <- abind0(a4, a5, rev.along=0)
    expect_identical(default_abind(a4, m3, along=4), expected)
    expect_identical(default_abind(a4, m3, rev.along=0), expected)

    expected <- abind0(a5, a4, rev.along=0)
    expect_identical(default_abind(m3, a4, along=4), expected)
    expect_identical(default_abind(m3, a4, rev.along=0), expected)

    ## --- 4. Dispatch on abind::abind() wrapper abind0() ---

    expected <- abind0(m1, m2, m3, use.first.dimnames=TRUE)
    current <- default_abind(m1, m2, m3, use.first.dimnames=TRUE)
    expect_identical(current, expected)

    expected <- abind0(m1, m2, m3, use.first.dimnames=FALSE)
    current <- default_abind(m1, m2, m3, use.first.dimnames=FALSE)
    expect_identical(current, expected)

    ## --- Some edge cases ---
    expect_identical(default_abind(a1), a1)
    expect_identical(default_abind(), NULL)

test_that("arbind() on matrices", {
    ## on non-empty matrices
    matrices <- .TEST_matrices
    expect_identical(do.call(arbind, matrices), do.call(rbind, matrices))

    ## on empty matrices
    m1 <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=3, dimnames=list(NULL, letters[1:3]))
    m2 <- matrix(1:15, ncol=3, dimnames=list(NULL, LETTERS[1:3]))
    expect_identical(arbind(m1, m2), rbind(m1, m2))
    expect_identical(arbind(m2, m1), rbind(m2, m1))
    expect_identical(arbind(m1, m1), rbind(m1, m1))

    ## on matrices of type "list"
    m3 <- matrix(list(), nrow=0, ncol=5)
    m4 <- matrix(list(10:9, NULL, letters[1:3], TRUE, raw()), nrow=4, ncol=5)
    expect_identical(arbind(m3, m4), rbind(m3, m4))
    expect_identical(arbind(m4, m3), rbind(m4, m3))
    expect_identical(arbind(m3, m3), rbind(m3, m3))
    matrices <- c(matrices, list(m3, m4))
    expect_identical(do.call(arbind, matrices), do.call(rbind, matrices))

test_that("acbind() on matrices", {
    ## on non-empty matrices
    matrices <- lapply(.TEST_matrices, t)
    expect_identical(do.call(acbind, matrices), do.call(cbind, matrices))

    ## on empty matrices
    m1 <- matrix(nrow=3, ncol=0, dimnames=list(letters[1:3], NULL))
    m2 <- matrix(1:15, nrow=3, dimnames=list(LETTERS[1:3], NULL))
    expect_identical(acbind(m1, m2), cbind(m1, m2))
    expect_identical(acbind(m2, m1), cbind(m2, m1))
    expect_identical(acbind(m1, m1), cbind(m1, m1))

    ## on matrices of type "list"
    m3 <- matrix(list(), nrow=5, ncol=0)
    m4 <- matrix(list(10:9, NULL, letters[1:3], TRUE, raw()), nrow=5, ncol=4)
    expect_identical(acbind(m3, m4), cbind(m3, m4))
    expect_identical(acbind(m4, m3), cbind(m4, m3))
    expect_identical(acbind(m3, m3), cbind(m3, m3))
    matrices <- c(matrices, list(m3, m4))
    expect_identical(do.call(acbind, matrices), do.call(cbind, matrices))
    m5 <- matrix(list(), nrow=5, ncol=10)
    expect_identical(acbind(m3, m5), cbind(m3, m5))
    expect_identical(acbind(m5, m3), cbind(m5, m3))
    matrices <- c(matrices, list(m3, m4, m5))
    expect_identical(do.call(acbind, matrices), do.call(cbind, matrices))

test_that("arbind() on arrays", {
    ## on 3D arrays
    current <- do.call(arbind, .TEST_arrays)
    check_2D_slice <- function(k) {
        slices <- lapply(.TEST_arrays, `[`, , , k)
        expected_slice <- do.call(rbind, slices)
        expect_identical(current[ , , k], expected_slice)
    for (k in seq_len(dim(current)[[3L]])) check_2D_slice(k)

    ## on 1D arrays
    a1 <- array(11:15, 5, dimnames=list(LETTERS[1:5]))
    expect_identical(arbind(a1), a1)                # unary op
    b1 <- array(letters[1:3])
    expected <- array(c(a1, b1), 8, dimnames=list(c(LETTERS[1:5], rep("", 3))))
    expect_identical(arbind(a1, b1), expected)      # binary op
    expected <- array(c(b1, a1), 8, dimnames=list(c(rep("", 3), LETTERS[1:5])))
    expect_identical(arbind(b1, a1), expected)      # binary op
    a1b1a1 <- arbind(a1, b1, a1)                    # ternary op
    expect_identical(arbind(a1, arbind(b1, a1)), a1b1a1)
    expect_identical(arbind(arbind(a1, b1), a1), a1b1a1)

test_that("acbind() on arrays", {
    ## transpose first 2 dimensions of arrays in .TEST_arrays
    arrays <- lapply(.TEST_arrays,
        function(a) {
            a_dimnames <- dimnames(a)
            dim(a)[1:2] <- dim(a)[2:1]
            a_dimnames[1:2] <- a_dimnames[2:1]
            dimnames(a) <- a_dimnames

    ## on 3D arrays
    current <- do.call(acbind, arrays)
    check_2D_slice <- function(k) {
        slices <- lapply(arrays, `[`, , , k)
        expected_slice <- do.call(cbind, slices)
        expect_identical(current[ , , k], expected_slice)
    for (k in seq_len(dim(current)[[3L]])) check_2D_slice(k)

    ## on 1D arrays
    a1 <- array(11:15, 5, dimnames=list(LETTERS[1:5]))
    expected <- S4Arrays:::set_dim(a1, c(5, 1))
    expect_identical(acbind(a1), expected)          # unary op
    b1 <- array(letters[1:5])
    expected <- cbind(a1, b1, deparse.level=0)
    expect_identical(acbind(a1, b1), expected)      # binary op
    expected <- cbind(b1, a1, deparse.level=0)
    expect_identical(acbind(b1, a1), expected)      # binary op
    expected <- cbind(a1, b1, a1, deparse.level=0)
    expect_identical(acbind(a1, b1, a1), expected)  # ternary op
Bioconductor/S4Arrays documentation built on Jan. 15, 2025, 4:32 p.m.