### =========================================================================
### Bind multidimensional arrays along an arbitrary dimension
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
.normarg_along <- function(along)
if (!isSingleNumber(along))
stop(wmsg("'along' must be a single number"))
if (!is.integer(along))
along <- as.integer(along)
if (along <= 0L)
stop(wmsg("'along' must be a positive integer"))
### Return a matrix with one row per dim and one column per object if the
### objects are "bindable". Otherwise return a string describing why they
### are not. This design allows the function to be used in the context of
### a validity method.
get_dims_to_bind <- function(objects, along)
along <- .normarg_along(along)
dims <- lapply(objects, dim)
ndims <- lengths(dims)
if (any(ndims < along))
stop(wmsg("the array-like objects to bind must have at least ",
along, " dimensions for this binding operation"))
ndim <- ndims[[1L]]
if (!all(ndims == ndim))
return(paste0("all the objects to bind must have ",
"the same number of dimensions"))
tmp <- unlist(dims, use.names=FALSE)
if (is.null(tmp))
return("the objects to bind have no dimensions")
dims <- matrix(tmp, nrow=ndim)
tmp <- dims[-along, , drop=FALSE]
if (!all(tmp == tmp[ , 1L]))
return("the objects to bind have incompatible dimensions")
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### combine_dims_along() and combine_dimnames_along()
### Compute the expected dims and dimnames of abind()'s result.
### Both combine_dims_along() and combine_dimnames_along() generalize what
### rbind/cbind do in the 2D case to the multidimensional case.
### A NOTE ABOUT CRAN PACKAGE abind 1.4-5: By default, abind::abind() does
### NOT follow the same rules as rbind() and cbind() for propagation of the
### dimnames. This is despite its man page (?abind::abind) claiming that it
### does (see documentation of the 'use.first.dimnames' argument), when in
### fact it has it backward! Very misleading!
### The abind0() function defined below in this file is a simple wrapper
### around abind::abind() that fixes that.
### Combine the dims the rbind/cbind way.
combine_dims_along <- function(dims, along)
along <- .normarg_along(along)
stopifnot(along <= nrow(dims))
ans_dim <- dims[ , 1L]
ans_dim[[along]] <- sum(dims[along, ])
### Assume all the arrays in 'objects' have the same number of dimensions.
.combine_dimnames <- function(objects)
function(n) {
for (object in objects) {
dn <- dimnames(object)[[n]]
if (!is.null(dn))
### Combine the dimnames the rbind/cbind way.
combine_dimnames_along <- function(objects, dims, along)
isSingleInteger(along), along >= 1L, along <= nrow(dims))
dimnames <- .combine_dimnames(objects)
along_names <- lapply(objects, function(object) dimnames(object)[[along]])
along_names_lens <- lengths(along_names)
if (any(along_names_lens != 0L)) {
fix_idx <- which(along_names_lens != dims[along, ])
along_names[fix_idx] <- lapply(dims[along, fix_idx], character)
along_names <- unlist(along_names, use.names=FALSE)
if (!is.null(along_names))
dimnames[[along]] <- along_names
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### simple_abind()
### 'objects' is assumed to be a list of vector-like objects.
### 'nblock' is assumed to be a single integer value (stored as a numeric)
### that is a common divisor of the object lengths.
.intertwine_blocks <- function(objects, nblock, ans_dim)
x0 <- unlist(lapply(objects, `[`, 0L), recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)
objects_lens <- lengths(objects)
if (all(objects_lens == 0L))
return(set_dim(x0, ans_dim))
idx <- which(vapply(objects,
function(object) { typeof(object) != typeof(x0) },
if (length(idx) != 0L)
objects[idx] <- lapply(objects[idx], `storage.mode<-`, typeof(x0))
.Call2("C_abind", objects, nblock, ans_dim, PACKAGE="S4Arrays")
### A stripped-down version of abind::abind().
### Some differences:
### (a) Treatment of dimnames: simple_abind() treatment of dimnames is
### consistent with base::rbind() and base::cbind(). This is not the
### case for abind::abind() which does some strange things with the
### dimnames.
### (b) Performance: simple_abind() is much faster than abind::abind()
### (between 3x and 15x). Also note that in the 'along=1L' and 'along=2L'
### cases, it's generally as fast (and most of the time faster) than
### base::rbind() and base::cbind().
### For example, with 'm <- matrix(1:30000000, nrow=5000)',
### 'simple_abind(m, m, m, along=1L)' is 14x faster than
### 'abind::abind(m, m, m, along=1L)' and 11x faster than
### 'base::rbind(m, m, m)'.
### (c) abind::abind() is broken on matrices of type "list".
simple_abind <- function(..., along)
along <- .normarg_along(along)
objects <- S4Vectors:::delete_NULLs(list(...))
if (length(objects) == 0L)
## Check dim compatibility.
dims <- get_dims_to_bind(objects, along)
if (is.character(dims))
if (length(objects) == 1L)
## Perform the binding.
nblock <- prod(dims[-seq_len(along), 1L]) # numeric that can be >
# .Machine$integer.max
ans <- .intertwine_blocks(objects, nblock, combine_dims_along(dims, along))
## Combine and set the dimnames.
set_dimnames(ans, combine_dimnames_along(objects, dims, along))
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### simple_abind2()
### A wrapper to simple_abind() that adds some of the capabilities originally
### found in abind::abind():
### 1. Not all arrays (supplied via 'objects') are required to have the same
### number of dimensions. If N is the number of dimensions of the arrays
### with the most dimensions, then artifical (a.k.a. ineffective) dimensions
### are added to the arrays with less dimensions so that they also have
### N dimensions.
### 2. 'along' can be any integer value between 1 and N+1. When set to N+1,
### then one more artifical dimension is added to all arrays.
### 3. simple_abind2() supports the 'rev.along' argument which can be any
### value between 0 and N.
### 4. Arguments 'along' and 'rev.along' can be omitted, in which case binding
### happens along the N-th dimension.
.normarg_rev_along <- function(rev.along)
if (!isSingleNumber(rev.along))
stop(wmsg("'rev.along' must be a single number"))
if (!is.integer(rev.along))
rev.along <- as.integer(rev.along)
if (rev.along < 0L)
stop(wmsg("'rev.along' must be a non-negative integer"))
### To be re-used by other abind() methods e.g. by the method for SparseArray
### objects.
get_along <- function(N, along=NULL, rev.along=NULL)
if (is.null(along) && is.null(rev.along))
if (is.null(rev.along)) {
along <- .normarg_along(along)
if (along > N + 1L)
stop(wmsg("'along' must be <= N + 1, where N is the number of ",
"dimensions of the arrays with the most dimensions"))
} else {
rev.along <- .normarg_rev_along(rev.along)
if (rev.along > N)
stop(wmsg("'rev.along' must be <= N, where N is the number of ",
"dimensions of the arrays with the most dimensions"))
along <- N + 1L - rev.along
### 'ndim' is expected to be >= number of dimensions of the arrays with
### the most dimensions.
### To be re-used by other abind() methods e.g. by the method for SparseArray
### objects.
add_missing_dims <- function(objects, ndim)
stopifnot(is.list(objects), isSingleInteger(ndim))
function(object) {
object_dim <- dim(object)
object_ndim <- length(object_dim)
if (object_ndim >= ndim)
set_dim(object, c(object_dim, rep.int(1L, ndim - object_ndim)))
simple_abind2 <- function(objects, along=NULL, rev.along=NULL)
objects <- S4Vectors:::delete_NULLs(objects)
if (length(objects) == 0L)
ndims <- vapply(objects, function(object) length(dim(object)), integer(1))
N <- max(ndims)
along <- get_along(N, along=along, rev.along=rev.along)
ans_ndim <- max(N, along)
objects <- add_missing_dims(objects, ans_ndim)
do.call(simple_abind, c(objects, list(along=along)))
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### abind0()
### A simple wrapper around abind::abind() that uses 'use.first.dimnames=TRUE'
### by default to correct mishandling of the dimnames.
### See "A NOTE ABOUT CRAN PACKAGE abind 1.4-5" above in this file.
abind0 <- function(..., use.first.dimnames=TRUE)
abind::abind(..., use.first.dimnames=use.first.dimnames)
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### The abind() generic and default method
### Like in the original abind::abind(), the default for 'along' is the last
### dimension. However, here in the generic function, the default value is
### NULL instead of 'N', but it means the same thing.
setGeneric("abind", signature="...",
function(..., along=NULL, rev.along=NULL) standardGeneric("abind")
### All argument names of abind::abind(), ignoring the ellipsis.
.ORGINAL_ABIND_ARGNAMES <- setdiff(names(formals(abind::abind)), "...")
### Return the supplied objects in an ordinary list. Any argument that is
### not a "recognized" argument of the original abind::abind() is considered
### an object.
.extract_objects <- function(...)
objects <- list(...)
### Return the list of supplied arguments that belong to the original
### abind::abind() interface.
.extract_crazy_args <- function(...)
dots <- list(...)
dots[intersect(names(dots), .ORGINAL_ABIND_ARGNAMES)]
### One object in 'objects' **must** be an Array derivative, but not all!
### Try to re-dispatch on an existing abind() method defined for some Array
### derivative. If such method is found, then it should return an Array
### derivative.
.abind_as_Array <- function(objects, is_Array, is_array,
along=NULL, rev.along=NULL)
is.logical(is_Array), length(is_Array) == length(objects),
is.logical(is_array), length(is_array) == length(objects))
if (!all(is_Array | is_array))
stop(wmsg("all objects passed to abind() must be array-like ",
"objects when some of them are Array derivatives"))
## Avoid infinite recursion if re-dispatch fails to find an abind()
## method defined for some Array derivatives.
if (all(is_Array)) {
x1 <- objects[[1L]]
stop(wmsg("no abind() method found for ", class(x1)[[1L]], " objects"))
## Coerce all arrays or matrices to the class of the first Array
## derivative found in 'objects'.
x1 <- objects[[which(is_Array)[[1L]]]]
objects[is_array] <- lapply(objects[is_array], S4Vectors:::coerce2, x1)
## Call the abind() generic in the hope that method dispatch will find
## a method defined for objects of class 'class(x1)'.
do.call(S4Arrays::abind, c(objects, list(along=along, rev.along=rev.along)))
### .default_abind() tries to dispatch on the following functions, in this
### order:
### 1. Dispatch on the abind() generic: If the objects to bind are supplied
### in a list then .default_abind() will dispatch on the abind() generic.
### However this time the objects are passed to abind() as individual
### arguments. This gives the abind() generic the opportunity to dispatch
### on the appropriate S4 method (e.g. on the abind() method for SparseArray
### objects if all the objects are SparseArray derivatives). If no specific
### S4 method is found then .default_abind() will be called again but note
### that infinite recursion is naturally avoided.
### 2. Dispatch on .abind_as_Array(): If at least one of the objects to
### bind is an Array derivative then .default_abind() will dispatch
### on .abind_as_Array().
### 3. Dispatch on simple_abind2(): When all the objects to bind are ordinary
### arrays (including matrices) and no "crazy arguments" are supplied,
### then .default_abind() will dispatch on simple_abind2(). Note that
### a "crazy argument" is any formal argument located after the ellipsis
### in abind::abind() except 'along' and 'rev.along'.
### 4. Finally, if all the above fails, then dispatch on abind::abind()
### wrapper abind0().
.default_abind <- function(..., along=NULL, rev.along=NULL)
objects <- .extract_objects(...)
if (length(objects) == 0L)
crazy_args <- .extract_crazy_args(...)
all_extra_args <- c(list(along=along, rev.along=rev.along), crazy_args)
ok1 <- vapply(objects, is.list, logical(1))
ok2 <- vapply(objects, is.array, logical(1))
ok3 <- vapply(objects, is, logical(1), "Array")
if (any(ok1 & !(ok2 | ok3))) {
## 1. Dispatch on the abind() generic.
if (length(objects) != 1L)
stop(wmsg("when supplying a list, all the objects ",
"to bind must be supplied via the list"))
x <- objects[[1L]]
return(do.call(S4Arrays::abind, c(x, all_extra_args)))
if (any(ok3)) {
## 2. Dispatch on .abind_as_Array().
if (length(crazy_args) != 0L) {
argnames <- paste0("'", names(crazy_args), "'", collapse=",")
stop(wmsg("unsupported argument(s) when calling abind() ",
"on Array derivatives: ", argnames))
return(.abind_as_Array(objects, ok3, ok2,
along=along, rev.along=rev.along))
if (all(ok2) && length(crazy_args) == 0L) {
## 3. Dispatch on simple_abind2(), which is significantly faster than
## abind::abind().
return(simple_abind2(objects, along=along, rev.along=rev.along))
## 4. Dispatch on abind::abind() wrapper abind0().
all_extra_args <- S4Vectors:::delete_NULLs(all_extra_args)
do.call(abind0, c(objects, all_extra_args))
setMethod("abind", "ANY", .default_abind)
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### Bind arrays along their 1st or 2nd dimension
### TODO: No need for these functions to be generics. They should just be
### simple wrappers to 'abind(..., along=1L)' and 'abind(..., along=2L)',
### respectively.
setGeneric("arbind", function(...) standardGeneric("arbind"))
setGeneric("acbind", function(...) standardGeneric("acbind"))
setMethod("arbind", "ANY", function(...) abind(..., along=1L))
setMethod("acbind", "ANY", function(...) abind(..., along=2L))
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