### =========================================================================
### extract_array()
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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### Low-level helpers
### Return the slice as a list.
.extract_data_frame_slice <- function(x, index)
slice <- subset_by_Nindex(x, index)
## Turn into a list and replace factors with character vectors.
lapply(slice, as.vector)
.extract_DataFrame_slice0 <- function(x)
## Make sure that this remains consistent with .get_DataFrame_type()
## defined in R/type.R
x0 <- x[0L, , drop=FALSE]
df0 <- as.data.frame(x0)
if (ncol(df0) != ncol(x))
stop(wmsg("DataFrame object 'x' can be used as the seed of ",
"a DelayedArray object only if as.data.frame(x) ",
"preserves the number of columns"))
.extract_DataFrame_slice <- function(x, index)
slice <- subset_by_Nindex(x, index)
slice <- as.data.frame(slice)
## Turn into a list and replace factors with character vectors.
lapply(slice, as.vector)
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### extract_array() generic and methods
### Note that extract_array() is part of the "seed contract" as defined in
### the "Implementing A DelayedArray Backend" vignette from the DelayedArray
### package.
### Similar to SparseArray:::.contact_author_msg2().
.contact_author_msg1 <- function(.Generic, x_class)
msg <- c("Please contact the authors/maintainers of the ",
x_class, " class")
class_package <- attr(x_class, "package")
if (!is.null(class_package))
msg <- c(msg, " (defined in the ", class_package, " package)")
c(msg, " about this, and point them to the man page for the ",
.Generic, "() generic function defined in the S4Arrays ",
"package ('?S4Arrays::", .Generic, "').")
check_returned_array <- function(ans, expected_dim, .Generic, x_class)
if (!is.array(ans))
stop(wmsg("The ", .Generic, "() method for ", x_class, " ",
"objects didn't return an ordinary array. ",
.Generic, "() methods should **always** return an ",
"ordinary array. ",
.contact_author_msg1(.Generic, x_class)))
if (!identical(dim(ans), expected_dim))
stop(wmsg("The ", .Generic, "() method for ", x_class, " ",
"objects returned an array with incorrect ",
"dimensions. ", .contact_author_msg1(.Generic, x_class)))
### 'index' is expected to be an unnamed list of subscripts as positive
### integer vectors, one vector per dimension in 'x'. *Missing* list elements
### are allowed and represented by NULLs.
### The extract_array() methods don't need to support anything else.
### They must return an ordinary array. No need to propagate the dimnames.
setGeneric("extract_array", signature="x",
function(x, index)
x_dim <- dim(x)
if (is.null(x_dim))
stop(wmsg("the first argument to extract_array() must be an ",
"array-like object (i.e. it must have dimensions)"))
ans <- standardGeneric("extract_array")
expected_dim <- get_Nindex_lengths(index, x_dim)
check_returned_array(ans, expected_dim, "extract_array", class(x))
### subset_by_Nindex() uses `[` internally to perform the subsetting, so
### this default extract_array() method will work on any object 'x' that
### supports `[` and as.array().
setMethod("extract_array", "ANY",
function(x, index)
slice <- subset_by_Nindex(x, index)
setMethod("extract_array", "array",
function(x, index) subset_by_Nindex(x, index)
### Equivalent to
### subset_by_Nindex(as.matrix(x), index)
### but avoids the cost of turning the full data frame 'x' into a matrix so
### memory footprint stays small when 'index' is small.
setMethod("extract_array", "data.frame",
function(x, index)
slice0 <- BiocGenerics:::extract_data_frame_slice0(x)
slice <- .extract_data_frame_slice(x, index)
data <- unlist(c(slice0, slice), recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)
array(data, dim=get_Nindex_lengths(index, dim(x)))
### Equivalent to
### subset_by_Nindex(as.matrix(as.data.frame(x)), index)
### but avoids the cost of turning the full DataFrame 'x' first into a data
### frame then into a matrix so memory footprint stays small when 'index' is
### small.
setMethod("extract_array", "DataFrame",
function(x, index)
slice0 <- .extract_DataFrame_slice0(x)
slice <- .extract_DataFrame_slice(x, index)
data <- unlist(c(slice0, slice), recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)
array(data, dim=get_Nindex_lengths(index, dim(x)))
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### A convenience wrapper around extract_array()
### An enhanced version of extract_array() that accepts an Nindex (see
### Nindex-utils.R) and propagates the dimnames.
### WARNING: The list elements in 'Nindex' can only be NULLs, integer
### vectors, or RangeNSBS objects at the moment. extract_array_by_Nindex()
### will break if they are not! See FIXME below.
extract_array_by_Nindex <- function(x, Nindex)
## TODO: Once we have a full Nindex normalization mechanism in place
## (see FIXME below), use it to normalize the supplied 'Nindex' in 2
## steps: (1) by normalizing with something like 'as.NSBSlist=TRUE'
## to produce an Nindex with NSBS list elements, then (2) by doing
## something like:
## lapply( , function(i) if (is.null(i)) NULL else as.integer(i))
## on the Nindex obtained at (1).
## Pass the Nindex obtained at (1) to subset_dimnames_by_Nindex() and
## the Nindex obtained at (2) to extract_array().
ans_dimnames <- subset_dimnames_by_Nindex(dimnames(x), Nindex)
## FIXME: The list elements of an Nindex can be anything (see
## Nindex-utils.R) so it's not enough to expand only those list elements
## that are RangeNSBS objects. For example the call to extract_array()
## below will fail if some subscripts in 'Nindex' are character vectors
## or Rle objects. We need to perform a full normalization of 'Nindex'
## like we do in new_DelayedSubset() (see DelayedOp-class.R). Note that
## we're good for now because extract_array_by_Nindex() is only used
## in the context of show_compact_array() and the default "read_block"
## method where the supplied 'Nindex' is guaranteed to contain only
## NULLs, integer vectors, or RangeNSBS objects.
ans <- extract_array(x, expand_Nindex_RangeNSBS(Nindex))
set_dimnames(ans, ans_dimnames)
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### as.array(x) (in-memory realization of an array-like object)
### Realize the object i.e. execute all the delayed operations and turn the
### object back into an ordinary array.
.from_Array_to_array <- function(x, drop=FALSE)
if (!isS4(x)) {
## The arrow package does not define any as.array method for
## arrow::Array objects (or their ancestors) at the moment, so this is
## a preventive hack only. See as.vector.Array below for the details.
x_class <- class(x)
if (length(x_class) >= 2L) {
## Call "next" S3 as.array method.
class(x) <- tail(x_class, n=-1L)
on.exit(class(x) <- x_class)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(drop))
stop("'drop' must be TRUE or FALSE")
index <- vector("list", length=length(dim(x)))
ans <- extract_array(x, index)
ans <- set_dimnames(ans, dimnames(x))
if (drop)
ans <- drop(ans)
### S3/S4 combo for as.array.Array
as.array.Array <- function(x, ...) .from_Array_to_array(x, ...)
setMethod("as.array", "Array", .from_Array_to_array)
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### Other coercions to in-memory representations
### All these coercions are based on as.array().
### S3/S4 combo for as.data.frame.Array
as.data.frame.Array <- function(x, row.names=NULL, optional=FALSE, ...)
if (!isS4(x)) {
## The arrow package does not define any as.data.frame method for
## arrow::Array objects (or their ancestors) at the moment, so this is
## a preventive hack only. See as.vector.Array below for the details.
x_class <- class(x)
if (length(x_class) >= 2L) {
## Call "next" as.data.frame S3 method.
class(x) <- tail(x_class, n=-1L)
on.exit(class(x) <- x_class)
return(base::as.data.frame(x, row.names=row.names,
optional=optional, ...))
as.data.frame(as.array(x, drop=TRUE),
row.names=row.names, optional=optional, ...)
setMethod("as.data.frame", "Array", as.data.frame.Array)
### S3/S4 combo for as.vector.Array
### Note that without the hack below this method breaks as.vector() on an
### Array object (R6 object) from the arrow package. See
### https://github.com/Bioconductor/DelayedArray/issues/114 for the details.
as.vector.Array <- function(x, mode="any")
if (!isS4(x)) {
## Ugly hack to accomodate Array objects (R6 objects) from the arrow
## package. For these objects, class() returns the following:
## > library(arrow)
## > my_array <- Array$create(1:10)
## > class(my_array)
## [1] "Array" "ArrowDatum" "ArrowObject" "R6"
## Note that the arrow package does NOT define the as.vector.Arrow
## method. Instead it defines the as.vector.ArrowDatum method which
## is what we must call here. However, we don't call
## arrow:::as.vector.ArrowDatum explicitly to avoid introducing a
## dependency on the arrow package, and also to make the hack a little
## bit more generic.
x_class <- class(x)
if (length(x_class) >= 2L) {
## Call "next" as.vector S3 method (will be as.vector.ArrowDatum
## if 'x' is an arrow::Array object).
class(x) <- tail(x_class, n=-1L)
on.exit(class(x) <- x_class)
return(base::as.vector(x, mode))
ans <- as.array(x, drop=TRUE)
as.vector(ans, mode=mode)
setMethod("as.vector", "Array", as.vector.Array)
### S3/S4 combo for as.logical.Array
as.logical.Array <- function(x, ...)
if (!isS4(x)) {
## The arrow package does not define any as.logical method for
## arrow::Array objects (or their ancestors) at the moment, so this is
## a preventive hack only. See as.vector.Array above for the details.
x_class <- class(x)
if (length(x_class) >= 2L) {
## Call "next" as.logical S3 method.
class(x) <- tail(x_class, n=-1L)
on.exit(class(x) <- x_class)
return(base::as.logical(x, ...))
as.vector(x, mode="logical", ...)
setMethod("as.logical", "Array", as.logical.Array)
### S3/S4 combo for as.integer.Array
as.integer.Array <- function(x, ...)
if (!isS4(x)) {
## Ugly hack to accomodate Array objects (R6 objects) from the arrow
## package. See as.vector.Array above for the details.
x_class <- class(x)
if (length(x_class) >= 2L) {
## Call "next" as.integer S3 method (will be
## arrow:::as.integer.ArrowDatum if 'x' is an arrow::Array object).
class(x) <- tail(x_class, n=-1L)
on.exit(class(x) <- x_class)
return(base::as.integer(x, ...))
as.vector(x, mode="integer", ...)
setMethod("as.integer", "Array", as.integer.Array)
### S3/S4 combo for as.numeric.Array
as.numeric.Array <- function(x, ...)
if (!isS4(x)) {
## The arrow package does not define any as.numeric method for
## arrow::Array objects (or their ancestors) at the moment, so this is
## a preventive hack only. See as.vector.Array above for the details.
x_class <- class(x)
if (length(x_class) >= 2L) {
## Call "next" as.numeric S3 method.
class(x) <- tail(x_class, n=-1L)
on.exit(class(x) <- x_class)
return(base::as.numeric(x, ...))
as.vector(x, mode="numeric", ...)
setMethod("as.numeric", "Array", as.numeric.Array)
### S3/S4 combo for as.complex.Array
as.complex.Array <- function(x, ...)
if (!isS4(x)) {
## The arrow package does not define any as.complex method for
## arrow::Array objects (or their ancestors) at the moment, so this is
## a preventive hack only. See as.vector.Array above for the details.
x_class <- class(x)
if (length(x_class) >= 2L) {
## Call "next" as.complex S3 method.
class(x) <- tail(x_class, n=-1L)
on.exit(class(x) <- x_class)
return(base::as.complex(x, ...))
as.vector(x, mode="complex", ...)
setMethod("as.complex", "Array", as.complex.Array)
### S3/S4 combo for as.character.Array
as.character.Array <- function(x, ...)
if (!isS4(x)) {
## Ugly hack to accomodate Array objects (R6 objects) from the arrow
## package. See as.vector.Array above for the details.
x_class <- class(x)
if (length(x_class) >= 2L) {
## Call "next" as.character S3 method (will be
## as.character.ArrowDatum if 'x' is an arrow::Array object).
class(x) <- tail(x_class, n=-1L)
on.exit(class(x) <- x_class)
return(base::as.character(x, ...))
as.vector(x, mode="character", ...)
setMethod("as.character", "Array", as.character.Array)
### S3/S4 combo for as.raw.Array
as.raw.Array <- function(x)
if (!isS4(x)) {
## The arrow package does not define any as.raw method for
## arrow::Array objects (or their ancestors) at the moment, so this is
## a preventive hack only. See as.vector.Array above for the details.
x_class <- class(x)
if (length(x_class) >= 2L) {
## Call "next" as.raw S3 method.
class(x) <- tail(x_class, n=-1L)
on.exit(class(x) <- x_class)
as.vector(x, mode="raw")
setMethod("as.raw", "Array", as.raw.Array)
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