### =========================================================================
### Dim tuning utilities
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### "Dim tuning" is the act of adding and/or dropping "ineffective
### dimensions" to/from an array-like object, typically via the drop()
### and/or dim() setter. The exact transformation to operate on the vector
### of dimensions of the object can be precisely described by supplying
### a 'dim_tuner' vector.
### See src/dim_tuning_utils.c for additional information.
### NOT exported but used in the DelayedArray package!
normalize_dim_replacement_value <- function(value, x_dim)
if (is.null(value))
stop(wmsg("you can't do that, sorry"))
if (!is.numeric(value))
stop(wmsg("the supplied dim vector must be numeric"))
if (length(value) == 0L)
stop(wmsg("the supplied dim vector cannot be empty"))
if (!is.integer(value))
value <- as.integer(value)
if (S4Vectors:::anyMissingOrOutside(value, 0L))
stop(wmsg("the supplied dim vector cannot contain negative ",
"or NA values"))
prod1 <- prod(value)
prod2 <- prod(x_dim)
if (prod1 != prod2)
stop(wmsg("the supplied dims [product ", prod1, "] do not match ",
"the length of object [", prod2, "]"))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### The tune_Array_dims() low-level generic
### Array derivatives (e.g. SparseArray or DelayedArray objects) only need
### to implement a tune_Array_dims() method to have drop() and the dim()
### setter work out-of-the-box.
### Note that a "dim tuning" operation does NOT change the length of the
### object (which is prod(dim(x))) or alter its content, and should always
### be reversible (except when it drops ineffective dimensions with dimnames
### on them). To revert a "dim tuning" operation, simply tune again
### with '-dim_tuner' (i.e. with minus 'dim_tuner'). More precisely, for
### tune_Array_dims(), 'x2' should always be identical to 'x' here:
### y <- tune_Array_dims(x, dim_tuner)
### x2 <- tune_Array_dims(y, -dim_tuner)
### identical(x2, x) # should be TRUE
### This should be the case for any array-like object 'x' (with no dimnames
### on its ineffective dimensions) and any 'dim_tuner' vector compatible
### with 'dim(x)'.
setGeneric("tune_Array_dims", signature="x",
function(x, dim_tuner) standardGeneric("tune_Array_dims")
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### tune_dims() and tune_dimnames()
### NOT exported but used by the tune_Array_dims() method for SVT_SparseArray
### objects defined in the SparseArray package.
tune_dims <- function(dim, dim_tuner)
.Call2("C_tune_dims", dim, dim_tuner, PACKAGE="S4Arrays")
tune_dimnames <- function(dimnames, dim_tuner)
stopifnot(is.null(dimnames) || is.list(dimnames),
.Call2("C_tune_dimnames", dimnames, dim_tuner, PACKAGE="S4Arrays")
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### drop() method
### base::drop() is kind of messed up in the 1D case. This is a replacement
### that does the right thing.
### NOT exported but used in the SparseArray package!
drop_even_if_1D <- function(a)
stopifnot(is.array(a) || is.vector(a))
if (length(dim(a)) != 1L)
setNames(as.vector(a), names(a))
### Expected to be semantically equivalent to 'drop_even_if_1D(as.array(x))'.
### Will work out-of-the-box on any Array derivative that supports
### tune_Array_dims() and as.array(). Note that the latter is used
### only if 'x' has at most one effective dimension.
.drop_Array <- function(x)
if (!isS4(x)) {
## Avoid S4 dispatch on Array objects that are not S4 objects (e.g.
## Array objects from the arrow package).
is_effective <- dim(x) != 1L
if (sum(is_effective) <= 1L)
return(drop_even_if_1D(as.array(x))) # ordinary vector
dim_tuner <- -as.integer(!is_effective)
tune_Array_dims(x, dim_tuner)
setMethod("drop", "Array", .drop_Array)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### dim() setter
.diff_dims <- function(old_dim, new_dim, x_class)
stopifnot(is.integer(old_dim), is.integer(new_dim))
cannot_map_msg <- c(
"Cannot map the supplied dim vector to the current dimensions of ",
"the object. On a ", x_class, " object, the dim() setter can only ",
"be used to drop and/or add \"ineffective dimensions\" (i.e. ",
"dimensions equal to 1) to the object."
can_map_effective_dimensions <- function(effdim_idx1, effdim_idx2) {
if (length(effdim_idx1) != length(effdim_idx2))
if (length(effdim_idx1) == 0L)
all(old_dim[effdim_idx1] == new_dim[effdim_idx2])
## Get index of old and new effective dimensions.
effdim_idx1 <- which(old_dim != 1L)
effdim_idx2 <- which(new_dim != 1L)
if (!can_map_effective_dimensions(effdim_idx1, effdim_idx2))
compute_dim_tuner <- function(effdim_idx1, effdim_idx2) {
idx1 <- c(effdim_idx1, length(old_dim) + 1L)
idx2 <- c(effdim_idx2, length(new_dim) + 1L)
diffs1 <- S4Vectors:::diffWithInitialZero(idx1)
diffs2 <- S4Vectors:::diffWithInitialZero(idx2)
deltas <- pmax(diffs1, diffs2)
nonzero_runlengths <- deltas - 1L
ans_len <- sum(nonzero_runlengths) + length(effdim_idx1)
ans <- integer(ans_len)
offsets <- c(0L, head(cumsum(deltas), n=-1L))
for (k in seq_along(idx1)) {
d <- diffs2[[k]] - diffs1[[k]]
op <- ifelse(d > 0L, 1L, -1L)
ans[offsets[[k]] + seq_len(abs(d))] <- rep.int(op, abs(d))
compute_dim_tuner(effdim_idx1, effdim_idx2)
.set_Array_dim <- function(x, value)
x_dim <- dim(x)
value <- normalize_dim_replacement_value(value, x_dim)
dim_tuner <- .diff_dims(x_dim, value, class(x))
ans <- tune_Array_dims(x, dim_tuner)
stopifnot(identical(dim(ans), value)) # sanity check
setReplaceMethod("dim", "Array", .set_Array_dim)
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