## New helper to lookup which org object or package should be used
## based on the taxonomy ID. It takes a tax ID and returns an appropriate OrgDb object.
.packageTaxIds <- function(){
.taxIdToOrgDb <- function(taxid) {
## These are the packaged TaxIds
packageTaxIds <- .packageTaxIds()
if (taxid %in% names(packageTaxIds)) {
pkg <- packageTaxIds[names(packageTaxIds) %in% taxid]
nmspc <- loadNamespace(pkg)
res <- get(pkg, nmspc)
} else {
## If we don't have a package, then lets get the taxIds and AHIds
## for the hub objects
ah <- AnnotationHub::AnnotationHub()
ah <- subset(ah, ah$rdataclass=='OrgDb')
mc <- mcols(ah)[,'taxonomyid', drop=FALSE]
## Then just get the object
AHID <- rownames(mc[mc$taxonomyid==taxid,,drop=FALSE])
if (!length(AHID))
stop("no OrgDb package found for taxid ", taxid)
else res <- ah[[AHID]]
## examples:
## .taxIdToOrgDb(9606)
## .taxIdToOrgDb(9986)
## Need another helper to get us from taxID to the OrgDbName...
.taxIdToOrgDbName <- function(taxid) {
packageTaxIds <- .packageTaxIds()
if (taxid %in% names(packageTaxIds)) {
pkg <- packageTaxIds[names(packageTaxIds) %in% taxid]
nmspc <- loadNamespace(pkg)
path <- dbfile(get(pkg, nmspc))
res <- sub("sqlite$", "db", basename(path))
} else {
## If we don't have a package, then lets get the taxIds and AHIds
## for the hub objects
ah <- AnnotationHub::AnnotationHub()
ah <- subset(ah, ah$rdataclass=='OrgDb')
mc <- mcols(ah)[,c('taxonomyid','title'), drop=FALSE]
## Then just get the object
data <- mc[mc$taxonomyid==taxid,,drop=FALSE]
res <- sub("sqlite","db", data$title)
## examples
## .taxIdToOrgDbName(9606)
## .taxIdToOrgDbName(9986)
## simplify DB retrievals from metadata table
.getMetaDataValue <- function(db, name){
con <- AnnotationDbi::dbconn(db)
res <- dbGetQuery(con,
paste0("SELECT value FROM metadata WHERE name='", name,"'"))[[1]]
stop("missing metadata table value for: ", name)
## function to allow us to convert a list into the inernally preferred form...
.mungeGraphData <- function(graphData){
##pkgs <- sapply(graphData, names) ## This is no good. :(
pkgs <- matrix(unlist(lapply(graphData, names)), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
keys <- matrix(unlist(graphData), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
graphData <- cbind(pkgs, keys)
colnames(graphData) <- c("xDbs","yDbs","xKeys","yKeys")
## early sanity checks for graphData
.testGraphData <- function(graphData){
if(ncol(graphData) !=4L)
stop("'graphData' must contain exactly 4 columns.")
## test keys for graphData BEFORE we make any objects (which just
## means that we are not going to use data from the @resources slot
## for this function)
.testKeys <- function(fkeys){
pkgs <- unlist(lapply(names(fkeys), get))
res <- logical(length(pkgs))
for(i in seq_len(length(pkgs))){
res[i] <- fkeys[i] %in% columns(pkgs[[i]])
stop("some foreign keys are not present in their associated databases")
## helper to list bioc Annot packages (for filling in things like
## suggests fields)
.biocAnnPackages <- function(){
availAnns <- as.data.frame(available.packages(
## Helper to set up to just load packages that need loading.
.extractDbFiles <- function(gd, deps){
pkgs <- unique(names(.extractPkgsAndCols(gd)))
## Before we can proceed, we may need to call library on the deps...
lapply(deps, library, character.only = TRUE)
files <- unlist(lapply(pkgs, function(x){dbfile(get(x))}))
setNames(files, pkgs)
## We want makeOrganismPackage to be self contained (have all it needs)
## IOW we want to store .sqlite files in a local inst/extdata when
## they are not known packages.
makeOrganismPackage <- function(pkgname,
## there should only be one template
template_path <- system.file("OrgPkg-template",package="OrganismDbi")
## We need to get a list of dependencies:
## 1st convert graphData into a data.frame
gd <- .mungeGraphData(graphData)
allDeps <- unique(as.vector(gd[,1:2]))
## Filter dependencies to make sure they are really package names
biocPkgNames <- .biocAnnPackages()
deps <- allDeps[allDeps %in% biocPkgNames]
depsStr <- paste(deps,collapse=", ")
## We need to define some symbols in order to have the
## template filled out correctly.
symvals <- list(
PKGTITLE=paste("Annotation package for the",pkgname,"object"),
PKGDESCRIPTION=paste("Contains the",pkgname,"object",
"to access data from several related annotation packages."),
ORGANISMBIOCVIEW=gsub(" ","_",organism),
## Check the graphData object and rename if needed
## Try to call require on all the supporting packages.
## pkgs <- unique(names(.extractPkgsAndCols(gd)))
## for (pkg in pkgs)
## .initPkg(pkg)
## #########################################################################
## Extract the dbFile information from each object and store that
## into resources
## EXCEPT Don't: (I can't really do this for 'packages' as the data
## is system specific)
## TODO: change this so that it isn't getting a bunch of dbFiles
## and then throwing them aways (or so that it's optional with a
## parameter or whatever seems appropriate for this function)
resources <- .extractDbFiles(gd, deps)
resources <- unlist(lapply(resources, function(x){return("")}))
## #########################################################################
## Also check that the fkeys are really columns for the graphData
fkeys <- .extractPkgsAndCols(gd)
## Should never have duplicates
if (any(duplicated(names(symvals))))
stop("'symvals' contains duplicated symbols")
## All symvals should by single strings (non-NA)
is_OK <- sapply(symvals, isSingleString)
if (!all(is_OK)) {
bad_syms <- paste(names(is_OK)[!is_OK], collapse="', '")
stop("values for symbols '", bad_syms, "' are not single strings")
## Now just do work to save the data.frame (pass that in instead of the
## other stuff) in /data as a serialized R file.
## There will already be a /data dir in the template
## So just save to it:
graphData <- gd
graphInfo <- list(graphData=graphData, resources=resources)
## create data dir (because R CMD build removes empty dirs)
## And then save the data there.
save(graphInfo, file=file.path(destDir,pkgname,"data","graphInfo.rda"))
## Get and other things that need to be saved and stash them into
## /inst/extdata
otherDeps <- allDeps[!allDeps %in% biocPkgNames]
.saveFromStr <- function(x, file){saveDb(x=get(x), file=file)}
## Then we have to save stuff locally
extPath <- file.path(destDir,pkgname,"inst","extdata")
dir.create(extPath, recursive=TRUE)
mapply(.saveFromStr, x=otherDeps, file=file.path(extPath,
## Now for some create functions that are more specialized:
## To create OrgansimDb objects from UCSC or from biomaRt
## the initial versions of these will just create the object (and not
## a package)
## Also: there are some pre-agreed upon expectations for this
## function. It will make a specific kind of OrganismDb object. One
## that contains certain specific elements (GO, OrgDb and TxDb - to
## start). And the expectation is that we will always have those
## things when this function finishes. So the contract is less
## general than before.
## Helper to set up to just load packages that need loading. BUT this
## version of this function is less agressive and doesn't try to load
## a file if it already exists. This is a different behavior than we
## want for packaging where things should be more strict.
.gentlyExtractDbFiles <- function(gd, deps){
pkgs <- unique(names(.extractPkgsAndCols(gd)))
## Before we can proceed, we may need to call library on the deps...
.library <- function(dep){
library(dep, character.only = TRUE)
lapply(deps, .library)
files <- unlist(lapply(pkgs, function(x){dbfile(get(x))}))
setNames(files, pkgs)
## from TxDb
## There are some issues with this as it's currently implemented:
## Because its not using the txdb that is passed in but is instead
## making one up and then assigning it to the global namespace. This
## is what we want for makeOrgansimDbFromXXX when XXX is UCSC or
## BiomaRt, but its *not* what we want for a simple exsting txdb.
## It's straightforward to do something different when the txdb
## exists(). But: how to I look up it's original name in the
## .GlobalEnv ??? I need to know it's name for the graphData list
## below.
## The other big problem is that if my TxDb objects don't have a
## dbfile() then they can't be saved and re-loaded later. But this
## problem is not "new" for this object.
## Still TODO: 1) either put the assigned functions in a special env that is accesible to these objects OR else make a subclass that can hold those objects.
## 2) make a save method that complains if any of the objects has not had saveDb called on it before calling a constructor. And also add a warning to the constructor when somethings dbfile() is an empty string.
### Private environment for storing TxDb objects as needed (failed strategy)
## To work I would have to make the env public. - It was never a
## great idea fo r this use case.
## TxDbObjs <- new.env(hash=TRUE, parent=emptyenv())
## I may still want to go with the other option of stashing this data
## into a subclass... For one thing, that option can't have name
## clashes...
## Also: the name this local TxDb gets assigned to cannot be the same as is used by a package. Otherwise a shortened 'custom' TxDb can be overwritten by a name clash with a package name... This could end up being true even if I store the TxDb locally inside of a named sub-class.
## Also also: the name should not be made 'special' in the case where makeOrganismDbFromTxDb is called as a helper function from within makeOrganismDbFromUCSC or makeOrganismDbFromBiomart.
makeOrganismDbFromTxDb <- function(txdb, keytype=NA, orgdb=NA){
if (!is(txdb, "TxDb"))
stop("'txdb' must be a TxDb object")
if(!is(orgdb, "OrgDb") && !is.na(orgdb))
stop("'orgdb' must be an OrgDb object or NA")
if (!isSingleStringOrNA(keytype))
stop("'keytype' must be a single string or NA")
## Then assign that object value to the appropriate name:
txdbName <- makePackageName(txdb)
## We temp assign to global scope
## (b/c you need it there if you 'generated' it)
## After we can remove it? (will be stored in the object)
assign(txdbName, txdb, .GlobalEnv)
## Then get the tax ID:
taxId <- taxonomyId(txdb)
## Then get the name and valued for the OrgDb object
if (!is(orgdb, "OrgDb") && is.na(orgdb)){
orgdbName <- .taxIdToOrgDbName(taxId)
orgdb <- .taxIdToOrgDb(taxId)
assign(orgdbName, orgdb, .GlobalEnv)
org <- metadata(orgdb)[metadata(orgdb)$name=='ORGANISM',2]
org <- sub(" ", "_", org)
orgdbName <- paste0('org.',org,'.db')
orgdb <- orgdb
assign(orgdbName, orgdb, .GlobalEnv)
## get the primary key for the OrgDb object:
geneKeyType <- chooseCentralOrgPkgSymbol(orgdb)
geneKeyType <- keytype
graphData <- list(join1 = setNames(object=c('GOID', 'GO'),
nm=c('GO.db', orgdbName)),
join2 = setNames(object=c(geneKeyType, 'GENEID'),
nm=c(orgdbName, txdbName)))
## get the organism
organism <- organism(txdb)
## Process and then test the graph Data
gd <- .mungeGraphData(graphData)
allDeps <- unique(as.vector(gd[,1:2]))
biocPkgNames <- .biocAnnPackages()
deps <- allDeps[allDeps %in% biocPkgNames]
resources <- .gentlyExtractDbFiles(gd, deps)
## Check that the fkeys are really columns for the graphData
fkeys <- .extractPkgsAndCols(gd)
## Then make the object:
graphInfo <- list(graphData=gd, resources=resources)
## from UCSC
makeOrganismDbFromUCSC <- function(genome="hg19",
if (!missing(url))
.Deprecated(msg="'url' argument is deprecated and was ignored")
## So call the function to make that TxDb
txdb <- makeTxDbFromUCSC(genome=genome,
makeOrganismDbFromBiomart <- function(biomart="ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL",
orgdb = NA){
if (!missing(port))
warning("The 'port' argument is deprecated and will be ignored.")
## So call the function to make that TxDb
txdb <- makeTxDbFromBiomart(biomart=biomart,
makeOrganismDbFromTxDb(txdb, keytype=keytype, orgdb=orgdb)
## PROBLEM: .extractDbFiles(gd, deps) requires (strictly) that all objects be available as files somewhere (no exceptions allowed)
## This means that when I get to this stage, with biomaRt, it fails because there is not a TxDb on disc...
.getMaxEns <- function(srcUrl){
release <- sub("^ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-","",srcUrl)
release <- unique(sub("/gtf/.*gtf.gz$","", release))
## I need a function that will list the GTFs that end users can use to
## make into TxDbs (will probably not overlap perfectly with available
## OrgDbs)
available.GTFsForTxDbs <- function() {
ah <- AnnotationHub::AnnotationHub()
## get OrgDb species
aho <- subset(ah, ah$rdataclass=='OrgDb')
oTaxids <-unique(aho$taxonomyid)
## get GTF species from ensembl
ahg <- subset(ah, grepl('gtf.gz$',ah$sourceurl))
ahg <- subset(ahg, ahg$dataprovider=='Ensembl')
max <- .getMaxEns(ahg$sourceurl)
maxStr <- paste0("ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-",max)
ahg <- subset(ahg, grepl(maxStr,ahg$sourceurl))
gTaxids <-unique(ahg$taxonomyid)
## intersect of taxIds
taxInt <- intersect(oTaxids, gTaxids)
## subset down to just the ahgs that can work...
ahg <- subset(ahg, ahg$taxonomyid %in% taxInt)
## for now return the subsetted annotationHubObject
## And I need a function that will make the transformation for them
makeHubGTFIntoTxDb <- function(ahg){
if(length(ahg) > 1){
stop('This function expects only one hub object at a time.')}
## get the available GTFs.
ahgs <- available.GTFsForTxDbs()
## Is this one of those? If so, then make it happen
if(names(ahg) %in% names(ahgs)){
txMeta <- data.frame(name='Data source', value='Ensembl GTF')
txdb <- makeTxDbFromGRanges(ahg[[1]],
metadata= txMeta,
## requires using the 'ENSEMBL' keytype (for these TxDbs)
## odb <- makeOrganismDbFromTxDb(txdb, keytype='ENSEMBL')
odb <- makeOrganismDbFromTxDb(txdb)
stop('No OrgDb information for ', ahg$species)
## testing:
## ahgs <- OrganismDbi:::available.GTFsForTxDbs()
## ahg <- ahgs[1]
## odb <- OrganismDbi:::makeHubGTFIntoTxDb(ahg)
## debug(OrganismDbi:::makeHubGTFIntoTxDb)
## debug(OrganismDbi:::makeOrganismDbFromTxDb)
## debug(OrganismDbi:::.gentlyExtractDbFiles)
## 1st bad problem is that it basically can't find this:
## org.Ailuropoda_melanoleuca.eg.db. This is bad since it is one more
## thing that I have to put into the global namespace (temp hack).
## This will need to be done a different way! Should I use a special
## package environment? Will it help if I put a slot in that can hold
## an OrdDb? Or should I find a way to make the resources vector more
## generic by having it only apply to hub items (IOW combine a generic
## character vector with hubcache information). - It is clear that the
## resources vector cannot work for all kinds of paths and situations
## though. Since people can put objects ANYWHERE.
## 2nd bad problem (even worse if you can believe it), is that these
## orgDbs don't have ensembl IDs in them. This is bad because that
## basically means that none of these organisms can be supported for
## these TxDbs (which will use ensembl based gene identifiers. I can
## update the OrgDbs, it's just a crucial missing piece that has to be
## retrieved before I can proceed.
## 3rd problem this uncovered is that I had to use AH cars for the
## object just to get easy access to the metadata. It seems like we
## could benefit from a universal application of that metadata to the
## contents that come out of these cars... Then it would be
## straightforward to write a method like I wanted to here.
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