#" (internal) Extract header field element from httr response
#' @importFrom httr headers
.gdc_header_elt <- function(response, field, element) {
value <- headers(response)[[field]]
if (is.null(value))
stop("response header does not contain field '", field, "'")
value <- strsplit(strsplit(value, "; *")[[1L]], "= *")
key <- vapply(value, `[[`, character(1), 1L)
idx <- element == key
if (sum(idx) != 1L)
stop("response header field '", field,
"' does not contain unique element '", element, "'")
#" (internal) Rename a file 'from' to 'to'
.gdc_file_rename <- function(from, to, overwrite) {
if (overwrite && file.exists(to))
reason <- NULL
status <- withCallingHandlers({
file.rename(from, to)
}, warning=function(w) {
reason <<- conditionMessage(w)
if (!status)
stop("failed to rename downloaded file:\n",
"\n from: '", from, "'",
"\n to: '", to, "'",
"\n reason:",
"\n", .wrapstr(reason))
else if (!is.null(reason))
warning(reason) # forward non-fatal file rename warning
#" (internal) GET endpoint / uri
#' @importFrom httr GET add_headers stop_for_status
.gdc_get <-
function(endpoint, parameters=list(), token=NULL, ..., base=.gdc_base)
stopifnot(is.character(endpoint), length(endpoint) == 1L)
uri <- sprintf("%s/%s", base, endpoint)
uri <- sprintf("%s%s", uri, .parameter_string(parameters))
if(getOption('gdc.verbose',FALSE)) {
message("GET request uri:\n",uri)
response <- GET(uri, add_headers(`X-Auth-Token`=token),
#config = httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = FALSE),
#" (internal) POST endpoint / uri
#' @importFrom httr POST add_headers write_disk stop_for_status
.gdc_post <-
function(endpoint, body, token=NULL, ..., base=.gdc_base)
stopifnot(is.character(endpoint), length(endpoint) == 1L)
uri <- sprintf("%s/%s", base, endpoint)
if(getOption('gdc.verbose',FALSE)) {
message("POST request uri:\n",uri)
message("POST body: ",jsonlite::toJSON(body))
if('fields' %in% names(body))
body[['fields']] = paste0(body[['fields']],collapse=',')
response <- POST(
uri, add_headers(
`X-Auth-Token` = token,
Accept = "application/json",
`Content-Type` = "application/json"
#config = httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = FALSE),
body=body, encode="json")
#" (internal) Download one file from GDC, renaming to remote filename
#' @importFrom httr GET write_disk add_headers stop_for_status
.gdc_download_one <-
function(uri, destination, overwrite, progress, token=NULL, base=.gdc_base)
uri = sprintf('%s/%s',base,uri)
if(getOption('gdc.verbose',FALSE)) {
message("GET request uri:\n",uri)
if(!dir.exists(destination)) {
destfile = file.path(destination, '.partial_download')
response <- GET(uri, write_disk(destfile, overwrite = TRUE),
if (progress) progress() else NULL,
if (progress) cat("\n")
filename <- .gdc_header_elt(response, "content-disposition", "filename")
to <- file.path(destination, filename)
.gdc_file_rename(destfile, to, overwrite)
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