##Copyright R. Gentleman 2004, all rights reserved
##some functions to do the shortest path analysis
shortestPath <- function(g, GOnode, mapfun=NULL, chip=NULL)
if( !is(g, "graph") )
stop("first argument must be a graph")
if( edgemode(g) != "undirected" )
stop("only undirected graphs for now, sorry")
if( !is.character(GOnode) || length(GOnode) > 1 )
stop("bad GO node description")
##obtain the LLIDs at the GO term
go2egfun <- .get_eg_to_go_fun(mapfun, chip, reverse=TRUE)
LLs <- unique(go2egfun(GOnode)[[1]])
m1 <- match(LLs, nodes(g))
notthere <- LLs[is.na(m1)]
there <- LLs[!is.na(m1)]
if( length(there) <= 1 )
stop("no nodes correspond to the specified term")
nthere <- length(there)
rval <- vector("list", (nthere*(nthere-1))/2)
nms <- rep("", (nthere*(nthere-1))/2)
k <- 1
there <- as.character(there)
for(i in 1:(nthere-1))
for(j in (i+1):nthere) {
nms[k] <- paste(there[i], there[j], sep=":")
rval[[k]] <- sp.between(g,there[i], there[j])
k <- k+1
names(rval) <- nms
return(list(shortestpaths=rval, nodesUsed=there,
compGdist <- function(g, whNodes, verbose=FALSE) {
nNodes = length(whNodes)
if(nNodes <= 1)
stop("can only compute distances between two or more nodes")
if( any( !(whNodes %in% nodes(g))) )
stop("specified nodes are not in the graph")
tfmatrix <- matrix(0, nrow= nNodes, ncol=nNodes)
for(i in 1:nNodes) {
vvX <- dijkstra.sp(g, whNodes[i])
tfmatrix[i,] <- vvX$distance[whNodes]
if( verbose)
print(paste("Processing node", i, "of", nNodes))
dimnames(tfmatrix) <- list(whNodes, whNodes)
compCorrGraph <- function(eSet, k=1, tau=0.6) {
if( tau < 0 || tau > 1 ) stop("bad tau value")
cB <- abs(cor(t(exprs(eSet))))
cB[cB < tau] <- 0
whE = cB>0
##FIXME: any two genes whose exprssion values are perfectly
##correlated will get dropped - seems pretty unlikely
cB[whE] <- ((1-cB)[whE])^k
##set diag to zero, since we do not want self-edges
diag(cB) = 0
requireNamespace("SparseM", quietly=TRUE) || stop("need SparseM package")
v1<-SparseM::as.matrix.csr(cB, nrow=dim(cB)[1], ncol=dim(cB)[2])
sparseM2Graph(v1, featureNames(eSet))
##given a matrix and a logical vector return two lists
##the row names and the column names for each selected entry
idx2dimnames = function(x, idx) {
if(length(idx) != length(x) )
stop("x and idx different lengths")
rowV = row(x)[idx]
colV = col(x)[idx]
return(list(rowNames = dimnames(x)[[1]][rowV],
colNames = dimnames(x)[[2]][colV]))
##take as input a distance matrix
##if the number of infs is 1 less than the number of rows
##then that nod is not connected
notConn = function(dists) {
allInf = (dists==Inf)
dns = idx2dimnames(dists, allInf)
tab1 = table(dns[[1]])
whAll = tab1[tab1 == (nrow(dists)-1)]
if( any(tab1 != (nrow(dists)-1) & tab1 != length(whAll)) )
warning("inf dists seem to be wrong")
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