
Defines functions getUniverseHelper getUniverseViaPfam getUniverseViaPfam_db getUniverseViaKegg getUniverseViaKegg_db getUniverseViaGo

setMethod("universeBuilder", signature(p="KEGGHyperGParams"),
          function(p) {

setMethod("universeBuilder", signature(p="GOHyperGParams"),
          function(p) {

setMethod("universeBuilder", signature(p="PFAMHyperGParams"),
          function(p) {

## this is for OBO
setMethod("universeBuilder", "OBOHyperGParams",
    allAnnotatedGenes <- unique(unlist(geneIds(p@datPkg@geneSetCollection)))
    intersect(unlist(universeGeneIds(p)), allAnnotatedGenes)

getUniverseViaGo <- function(p) {
    datPkg <- p@datPkg
    ontology <- ontology(p)
    entrezIds <- universeGeneIds(p)
    ## Return all Entrez Gene Ids that are annotated at one or more
    ## GO terms belonging to the specified GO ontology.
    ## If 'entrezIds' is given, return the intersection of 'entrezIds'
    ## and the normal return value.
    ontology <- match.arg(ontology, c("BP", "CC", "MF"))
    ## FIXME: put dispatch code here depending on whether we get DB-based
    ## maps or env-based maps
    ontIds <- aqListGOIDs(ontology)
    probe2go <- eapply(ID2GO(datPkg), function(goids) {
        if (length(goids) == 0 || (length(goids) == 1 && is.na(goids)))
        ## FIXME: *Mapping packages don't have a list,
        ##        but just the GO ID, so we have to branch
        if (!is.character(goids[[1]])) ## the Affy case
          goids <- subListExtract(goids, "GOID", simplify=TRUE)
        if (any(goids %in% ontIds))
    probe2go <- probe2go[unlist(probe2go)]
    probes <- names(probe2go)
    getUniverseHelper(probes, datPkg, entrezIds)

getUniverseViaKegg_db <- function(p) {
    entrezIds <- universeGeneIds(p)
    SQL <- "select distinct gene_id from genes, kegg where genes._id = kegg._id"
    univ <- dbGetQuery(p@datPkg@getdb(), SQL)[[1]]
    if (!is.null(entrezIds) && length(entrezIds) > 0)
      univ <- intersect(univ, unlist(entrezIds))
    if (length(univ) < 1)
      stop("No Entrez Gene ids left in universe")

getUniverseViaKegg <- function(p) {
    entrezIds <- universeGeneIds(p)
##    probe2kegg <- as.list(getDataEnv("PATH", annotation(p)))
    probe2kegg <- as.list(ID2KEGG(p@datPkg))
    notNA <- sapply(probe2kegg, function(x) !(length(x) == 1 && is.na(x)))
    probe2kegg <- probe2kegg[notNA]
    probes <- names(probe2kegg)
    getUniverseHelper(probes, p@datPkg, universeGeneIds(p))

getUniverseViaPfam_db <- function(p) {
    entrezIds <- universeGeneIds(p)
    SQL <- "select distinct gene_id from genes, pfam where genes._id = pfam._id"
    univ <- dbGetQuery(p@datPkg@getdb(), SQL)[[1]]
    if (!is.null(entrezIds) && length(entrezIds) > 0)
      univ <- intersect(univ, unlist(entrezIds))
    if (length(univ) < 1)
      stop("No ids left in gene universe")

## modified to do the same thing as before (but another way)
getUniverseViaPfam <- function(p) {
    entrezIds <- universeGeneIds(p)
    obj <- get(paste0(annotation(p),'.db'))
    keytype <- .setKeytype(p)
    probes <- keys(obj, keytype=keytype, column='PFAM')
    getUniverseHelper(probes, p@datPkg, entrezIds)

getUniverseHelper <- function(probes, datPkg, entrezIds) {
    univ <- unique(unlist(mget(probes, ID2EntrezID(datPkg))))
    if (!missing(entrezIds) && !is.null(entrezIds) && length(entrezIds) > 0)
      univ <- intersect(univ, unlist(entrezIds))
    if (length(univ) < 1)
      stop("After filtering, there are no valid IDs that can be used as the Gene universe.\n  Check input values to confirm they are the same type as the central ID used by your annotation package.\n  For chip packages, this will still mean the central GENE identifier used by the package (NOT the probe IDs).")
Bioconductor/Category documentation built on Nov. 2, 2024, 6:33 a.m.