##take an adjacency matrix, where the genes are columns, and a test
##stat vector and find the interesting sums
findAMstats = function(Amat, tstats) {
pwLens = rowSums(Amat)
expDE = Amat %*% tstats
names(expDE) <- rownames(Amat)
pw1s = pwLens > 1
return(list(eDE = expDE[pw1s], lens=pwLens[pw1s]))
## Amat: adjacency matrix of gene -> categories
applyByCategory = function(stats, Amat, FUN=mean, ...)
stop("'Amat' needs to be a matrix.")
if(ncol(Amat) != length(stats) )
stop("'ncol(Amat)' needs to be the same as 'length(stats)'.")
stop("'Amat' needs to be logical or numeric.")
Amat = (Amat!=0)
res = apply(Amat, 1, function(x) FUN(stats[x], ...))
names(res) = rownames(Amat)
##given a set of AffyIDs, which have pathway data
probes2Path = function(pids, data="hgu133plus2") {
pEnv = getAnnMap("PATH", data)
inPW = mget(pids, pEnv, ifnotfound=NA)
getPathNames = function(iPW, organism = "hsa") {
klist <- KEGGREST::keggList("pathway", organism = organism)
knames <- paste0("path:", organism, iPW)
kind <- lapply(stats::setNames(nm = knames), match, names(klist))
kres <- vapply(kind, as.character, character(1L))
kres[!is.na(kind)] <- klist[unlist(kind[!is.na(kind)])]
lapply(strsplit(kres, " - "), `[`, 1L)
ttperm = function(x, fac, B=100, tsO=TRUE) {
obs = rowttests(x, fac, tstatOnly= tsO)
ans = vector(mode="list", length=B)
for(i in 1:B) {
p1 = sample(fac)
ans[[i]] = rowttests(x, p1, tstatOnly = tsO)
return(list(obs=obs, perms=ans))
makeEBcontr = function(f1, hival) {
if (!requireNamespace("EBarrays", quietly=TRUE))
stop("need the EBarrays package for this feature")
contr = rep(1, length(f1))
p1 = paste(contr, collapse=",")
contr2 = contr
contr2[f1 == hival] = 2
p2 = paste(contr2, collapse=",")
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