checkChrOrg <- function(org) {
supportedChrOrgs <- c("ORGANISM:Homo sapiens", "ORGANISM:Mus musculus")
if (!(org %in% supportedChrOrgs)) {
msg <- paste(sprintf("'%s' is not a supported.\n", org),
"organism must be one of:",
paste(supportedChrOrgs, collapse=", "))
stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
probes2MAP <- function (pids, data = "hgu133plus2") {
pEnv = getAnnMap("MAP", chip=data)
inMAP = mget(pids, pEnv, ifnotfound = NA)
### ------------------------------------------------------------------
cleanMapAndsOrs <- function(e2m, org) {
func <- switch(org,
"ORGANISM:Homo sapiens"= cleanMapAndsOrs_Hs,
"ORGANISM:Mus musculus"= function(x) x)
cleanMapAndsOrs_Hs <- function(e2m) {
## The map data is a bit odd and we get things like: "Xq28 and Yq12"
## and "Xp22.3 or Yp11.3". This function maps these to a proper
## vector of length 2.
for (eg in ls(e2m)) {
e2m[[eg]] <- unlist(strsplit(e2m[[eg, exact=TRUE]], " and | or "))
cleanMapWeird <- function(e2m, org) {
func <- switch(org,
"ORGANISM:Homo sapiens"= cleanMapWeird_Hs,
"ORGANISM:Mus musculus"= function(x) x)
cleanMapWeird_Hs <- function(e2m) {
## Current MAP annotation data contains weird entries like:
## "1 69.9 cM"
## "1 E4"
## "11 29.0 cM"
## "11 B1.3"
## "19 23.0 cM"
## "19 C1"
## "1q23.1 according to Sierra (Genomics 79, 177, 2002) [AFS]"
## "2 A1"
## This function removes these for now. The strategy is simply to
## look for annotations with spaces and drop them.
for (eg in ls(e2m)) {
val <- e2m[[eg, exact=TRUE]]
badIdx <- grep(" ", val)
if (length(badIdx) > 0) {
good <- val[-badIdx]
if (length(good) == 0)
good <- as.character(NA)
} else {
good <- val
e2m[[eg]] <- good
cleanRanges <- function(e2m, org) {
func <- switch(org,
"ORGANISM:Homo sapiens"= cleanRanges_Hs,
"ORGANISM:Mus musculus"= cleanRanges_Mm)
cleanRanges_Hs<- function(e2m) {
## We use (p|q) even though it will match nonsense annotations like
## "6p23-q24". These seem to appear in the data. But it is OK
## since we are taking the longest common suffix and that will just
## be the chromosome in these cases.
rangePat <- "[0-9XY]+(q|p)([0-9.]+|ter)-(q|p)([0-9.]+|ter)"
cenPat <- "cen"
for (eg in ls(e2m)) {
e2m[[eg]] <- sapply(e2m[[eg, exact=TRUE]], function(z) {
if (length(grep("-", z, fixed=TRUE))) {
if (length(grep(rangePat, z, perl=TRUE))) {
arm.loc <- gregexpr("(q|p|-)", z)[[1L]]
lhs <- substr(z, 1L, arm.loc[2L]-1L)
rhs <- paste(substr(z, 1L, arm.loc[1L]-1L),
substr(z, arm.loc[2L]+1L, nchar(z)), sep="")
ans <- lcPrefixC(c(lhs, rhs))
nc <- nchar(ans)
if (substr(ans, nc, nc) == ".")
ans <- substr(ans, 1L, nc - 1L)
} else if (length(grep(cenPat, z, perl=TRUE))) {
## for range including centromere, we just
## take the entire chromosome.
## Could we do better and include arm info?
substr(z, 1L, regexpr("cen|q|p", z) - 1L)
} else {
parts <- strsplit(z, "-", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
ans <- lcPrefix(parts)
if (nchar(ans) < 1)
ans <- substr(z, 1L, regexpr("cen|q|p", z) - 1L)
warning("unexpected band notation: ", z, " using ", ans,
} else {
cleanRanges_Mm<- function(e2m) {
## We use (p|q) even though it will match nonsense annotations like
## "6p23-q24". These seem to appear in the data. But it is OK
## since we are taking the longest common suffix and that will just
## be the chromosome in these cases.
cmPat <- "[[:space:]].*cM$"
cenPat <- "[[:space:]]centromere$"
rangePat <- "[0-9XY]+[[:space:]][A-Z]+(-|/)[A-Z]+"
for (eg in ls(e2m)) {
e2m[[eg]] <- sapply(e2m[[eg, exact=TRUE]], function(z) {
if (length(grep(rangePat, z, fixed=TRUE))) {
arm.loc <- gregexpr("(q|p|-)", z)[[1L]]
}else if (length(grep(cenPat, z, perl=TRUE))){
substr(z, 1L, regexpr(cenPat, z) - 1L)
} else if (length(grep(cmPat, z, perl=TRUE))){
substr(z, 1L, regexpr(cmPat, z) - 1L)
else {
annBaseName <- function(p) {
baseName <- p@datPkg@baseName
makeChrMapToEntrez <- function(datPkg, univ) {
.getMap <- function(map)
getAnnMap(map=map, chip=datPkg@name)
probe2chr <- .getMap(map="MAP")
org <- getOrganism(datPkg@name)
if (!is.environment(probe2chr))
probe2chr <- list2env(as.list(probe2chr))
egs <- unique(unlist(mget(ls(probe2chr), ID2EntrezID(datPkg))))
egs <- egs[!]
if (!is.null(univ))
egs <- intersect(egs, univ)
egs <- as.character(egs)
eg2chr <- new.env(parent=emptyenv(), hash=TRUE,
size=as.integer(1.20 * length(egs)))
## XXX: need to define a revmap method for environments
eg2p <- list2env(mget(egs, revmap(ID2EntrezID(datPkg))))
for (eg in egs) {
bands <- mget(eg2p[[eg, exact=TRUE]], probe2chr)
bands <- bands[!]
if (length(bands))
eg2chr[[eg]] <- unique(unlist(bands))
eg2chr <- cleanMapAndsOrs(eg2chr, org)
eg2chr <- cleanMapWeird(eg2chr, org)
eg2chr <- cleanRanges(eg2chr, org)
m2eg <- reverseSplit(as.list(eg2chr))
## XXX: remove all annotations that remain that have '- or /'
hasRange <- grep("-|/", names(m2eg))
if (length(hasRange)) {
warning("dropping ", length(hasRange), " items with weird range")
m2eg <- m2eg[-hasRange]
onlyDot <- grep("^\\.$", names(m2eg))
if (length(onlyDot))
m2eg <- m2eg[-onlyDot]
## leave that way for the moment but could be cleaner
if(org == "ORGANISM:Homo sapiens"){
invalid <- grep("[^0-9.qpXYter]+", names(m2eg))
if (length(invalid)) {
warning("dropping invalid items: ",
paste(names(m2eg)[invalid], collapse=", "))
m2eg <- m2eg[-invalid]
cb_parse_band_Hs <- function(x) {
## Given a chromosome band annotation (see examples below),
## return a vector giving the path from the root:
## 20p12.2 => 20, 20p, 20p1, 20p12, 20p12.2
## x1 <- "2q32"
## x2 <- "4q21.22"
## x3 <- "20p12.2"
## x4 <- "2qter"
arm.pos <- regexpr("p|q", x)
if (arm.pos < 0)
chr <- substr(x, 1, arm.pos - 1)
chrArm <- substr(x, 1, arm.pos)
if (substr(x, arm.pos + 1, arm.pos + 3) == "ter")
return(c(chr, chrArm, x))
if (nchar(x) == nchar(chrArm))
return(c(chr, chrArm))
sbs <- strsplit(substr(x, arm.pos+1, nchar(x)), "")[[1]]
bands <- character(length(sbs)+1)
bands[1] <- chrArm
i <- 1
j <- 2
prev <- bands[1]
while (TRUE) {
if (sbs[i] == ".") {
prev <- paste(prev, ".", sep="")
i <- i + 1
bands[j] <- paste(prev, sbs[i], sep="")
prev <- bands[j]
i <- i + 1
j <- j + 1
if (i > length(sbs))
if (i == j) # there was a '.'
c(chr, bands[1:(i-1)])
c(chr, bands)
makeChrBandGraph <- function(chip, univ=NULL) {
if(class(chip) == "character"){
##chip must be a datPkg (of correct type)
chip = DatPkgFactory(chip)
org <- getOrganism(chip@name)
parser <- switch(org,
"ORGANISM:Homo sapiens"= cb_parse_band_Hs,
"ORGANISM:Mus musculus"= cb_parse_band_Mm)
m2p <- makeChrMapToEntrez(chip, univ)
allMaps <- lapply(names(m2p), parser)
vv <- lapply(allMaps, function(x) {
L <- length(x)
## XXX: some will have L == 1, will induce NA's
rbind(x[1:(L - 1)], x[2:L])
vvAll <-, vv)
vvStr <- paste(vvAll[1, ], vvAll[2, ], sep="+")
## remove duplicate edges
dupIdx <- which(duplicated(vvStr))
if (length(dupIdx) > 0 && any(dupIdx > 0))
vvUniq <- vvAll[, -dupIdx]
vvUniq <- vvAll
dimnames(vvUniq) <- list(c("from", "to"), NULL)
vvT <- t(vvUniq)
allNodes <- unique(unlist(allMaps))
## remove NA's
NAitems <- which([, 2]))
if (length(NAitems) > 0 && any(NAitems > 0))
vvT <- vvT[-NAitems, ]
## remove self-loops
selfLoops <- which(vvT[, 1] == vvT[, 2])
if (length(selfLoops) > 0 && any(selfLoops > 0))
vvT <- vvT[-selfLoops, ]
## add root node
chrNames <- names(getAnnMap("CHRLENGTHS", chip@name))
orgLinks <- cbind(rep(org, length(chrNames)), chrNames)
vvT <- rbind(orgLinks, vvT)
g <- ftM2graphNEL(vvT, edgemode="directed")
g <- addChrBandAnnotation(g, m2p)
addChrBandAnnotation <- function(g, m2p) {
nodeDataDefaults(g, "geneIds") <- as.character(NA)
bands <- rev(tsort(g)[-1]) # remove root node
gEdges <- edges(g)
for (n in bands) {
ids <- m2p[[n, exact=TRUE]]
kids <- gEdges[[n, exact=TRUE]]
if (length(kids)) {
ids <- unique(c(ids, unlist(nodeData(g, n=kids, "geneIds"))))
if (length(ids) > 0)
nodeData(g, n, "geneIds") <- list(ids[!])
makeChrBandInciMat <- function(chrGraph) {
gnodes <- nodes(chrGraph)
rootIdx <- grep("^ORGANISM", gnodes)
v1 <- nodeData(chrGraph, n=gnodes[-rootIdx] , attr="geneIds")
v1 <- v1[sapply(v1, function(z) !any(]
v1 <- lapply(v1, as.character)
allGeneIDs <- unique(unlist(v1))
nr <- length(v1)
nc <- length(allGeneIDs)
mat <- matrix(0L, nrow=nr, ncol=nc)
dimnames(mat) <- list(names(v1), allGeneIDs)
for (cb in names(v1)) {
mat[cb, v1[[cb, exact=TRUE]]] <- 1L
makeChrBandGSC <- function(chrGraph) {
gnodes <- nodes(chrGraph)
rootIdx <- grep("^ORGANISM", gnodes)
v1 <- nodeData(chrGraph, n=gnodes[-rootIdx] , attr="geneIds")
v1 <- v1[sapply(v1, function(z) !any(]
v1 <- lapply(v1, as.character)
GeneSetCollection(mapply(GeneSet, v1, setIdentifier = names(v1),
setName = names(v1),
MoreArgs = list(geneIdType = EntrezIdentifier())))
MAPAmat <- function(chip, univ=NULL, minCount=0) {
m <- makeChrBandInciMat(makeChrBandGraph(chip=chip, univ=univ))
if (minCount > 0) {
rs <- rowSums(m)
m <- m[rs >= minCount, ]
ann_list_to_mat <- function(L) {
gsets <- names(L)
nr <- length(gsets)
allgenes <- unique(unlist(L))
nc <- length(allgenes)
M <- matrix(0L, nrow=nr, ncol=nc,
dimnames=list(gsets, allgenes))
for (gs in gsets) {
M[gs, L[[gs]]] <- 1L
cb_children <- function(n, chrGraph) {
if (length(n) != 1)
stop("arg 'n' must be a length one character vector")
if (!(n %in% nodes(chrGraph)))
edges(chrGraph)[[n, exact=TRUE]]
cb_childAnnList <- function(n, g) {
## n - node label, e.g., 12p1
## g - graph object representing the tree of chrom bands
## Returns a list named by children of n, values
## are vectors of gene IDs. If n is not a node in
## g or has no children, return list()
kids <- cb_children(n, g)
if (length(kids))
nodeData(g, n=kids, attr="geneIds")
cb_buildInciMat <- function(n, g) {
## Return an incidence matrix for the gene sets
## (rows) specified by n in graph
## g. The columns are the gene IDs
dat <- nodeData(g, n=n, attr="geneIds")
expCounts <- function(tab, wh.row=1L) {
## Expected counts for cells in wh.row of a
## contingency table
## Rule of thumb: E <= 5 implies ChiSq not reliable
N <- sum(tab)
rs <- sum(tab[wh.row, ])
cs <- colSums(tab)
(cs * rs) / N
## chiSqrSummands <- function(tab, wh.row=1L) {
## ## this is just abs(residual)
## E <- expCounts(tab, wh.row=wh.row)
## sqrt((tab[wh.row, ] - E)^2 / E)
## }
cb_buildContinTable <- function(imat, selids, min.expected=1L, min.k=1L) {
## Return a 2 x k contingency table. First row is selected,
## second is not. Columns are gene sets (rows of imat). Columns
## with expected count for selected row < min.expected are
## omitted. Tables with fewer than min.k columns result in a
## return of integer(0).
if (any(dim(imat) == 0))
if (nrow(imat) < min.k)
wh <- match(selids, colnames(imat), 0)
submat <- imat[ , wh, drop=FALSE]
if (ncol(submat) == 0)
tot <- rowSums(imat)
found <- rowSums(submat)
tab <- t(cbind(found, tot - found))
dimnames(tab) <- list(c("selected", "not"), rownames(imat))
eCnt <- expCounts(tab)
keep.cols <-
if (!is.null(min.expected))
eCnt > min.expected
tab <- tab[ , keep.cols, drop=FALSE]
if (ncol(tab) > 0)
cb_contingency <- function(selids, chrVect, chrGraph, testFun=chisq.test,
min.expected=5L, min.k=1L) {
## filter unknown nodes
chrVect <- chrVect[chrVect %in% nodes(chrGraph)]
chrMat <- cb_buildInciMat(chrVect, chrGraph)
conTab <- cb_buildContinTable(chrMat, selids,
min.expected=min.expected, min.k=min.k)
if (is.matrix(conTab) && nrow(conTab) > 1 && ncol(conTab) > 1)
list(table=conTab, result=testFun(conTab))
cb_sigBands <- function(b, p.value=0.01) {
bands <- lapply(b, function(x) {
if (x$result$p.value < p.value)
ans <- unlist(bands[!])
if (!length(ans))
## ----
## This is another non-incidence matrix approach to
## generating the contingency tables. Probably can
## junk this.
makeContinTable <- function(selids, ann_dat) {
## selids - vector of Gene IDs
## ann_dat - a list of vectors of Gene IDs; each
## represents the IDs in a cateogry.
## We assume the categories are close
## to a partition of the genes.
## Returns a matrix with rows 'selected' and 'not' and a column for
## each element of ann_dat giving the counts for the contingency
## table., lapply(ann_dat, function(x) {
found <- sum(selids %in% x)
c(selected=found, not=(length(x) - found))
cb_makeContinTable <- function(n, g, selids) {
dat <- cb_childAnnList(n, g)
if (length(dat))
makeContinTable(selids, dat)
## ----
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