.BPValidate <- setClass(
slots = c(
symbol = "character",
environment = "character",
unknown = "character"
BPValidate <-
function(symbol = character(), environment = character(),
unknown = character())
if (is.null(symbol))
symbol <- character()
if (is.null(environment))
environment <- character()
.BPValidate(symbol = symbol, environment = environment, unknown = unknown)
.bpvalidateSymbol <- function(x) x@symbol
.bpvalidateEnvironment <- function(x) x@environment
.bpvalidateUnknown <- function(x) x@unknown
.show_bpvalidateSearch <- function(x)
search <- data.frame(
symbol = .bpvalidateSymbol(x),
environment = .bpvalidateEnvironment(x),
row.names = NULL
output <- capture.output(search)
text <- ifelse(NROW(search), paste(output, collapse = "\n "), "none")
c("symbol(s) in search() path:\n ", text)
.show_bpvalidateUnknown <- function(x)
unknown <- .bpvalidateUnknown(x)
text <- ifelse(length(unknown), paste(unknown, collapse = "\n "), "none")
c("unknown symbol(s):\n ", text)
setMethod("show", "BPValidate", function(object) {
"class: ", class(object), "\n",
.show_bpvalidateSearch(object), "\n\n",
.show_bpvalidateUnknown(object), "\n\n",
sep = ""
## Utils
.filterDefaultPackages <-
pkgs <- c(
"stats", "graphics", "grDevices", "utils", "datasets",
"methods", "Autoloads", "base"
drop <- unlist(symbols, use.names = FALSE) %in% paste0("package:", pkgs)
## Filter the variables that will be available after `fun` loads
## packages
.filterLibraries <-
function(codes, symbols, ERROR_FUN)
warn <- err <- NULL
## 'fun' body loads libraries
pkgLoadFunc <- c("require", "library")
i <- grepl(
paste0("(", paste0(pkgLoadFunc, collapse = "|"), ")"),
xx <- lapply(codes[i], function(code) {
## convert character code to expression
expr <- parse(text = code)[[1]]
## match the library/require function arguments
expr <- match.call(eval(expr[[1]]), expr)
## get the package name from the function arguments
pkg <- as.character(expr[[which(names(expr) == "package")]])
which(symbols %in% getNamespaceExports(pkg))
}, error=function(e) {
err <<- append(err, conditionMessage(e))
}), warning=function(w) {
warn <<- append(warn, conditionMessage(w))
if (!is.null(warn) || !is.null(err))
ERROR_FUN("attempt to load library failed:\n ",
paste(c(warn, err), collapse="\n "))
xx <- unlist(xx)
if (length(xx))
symbols <- symbols[-xx]
## find the variables that needed to be exported
.findVariables <-
function(fun, ERROR_FUN = capture.output)
unknown <- findGlobals(fun)
env <- environment(fun)
codes <- deparse(fun)
## TODO: The location where the pkg is loaded is not considered here
## (should we consider it??)
## remove the symbols that will be loaded inside the function
unknown <- .filterLibraries(codes, unknown, ERROR_FUN)
## Find the objects that will ship with the function
while (length(unknown) &&
!identical(env, emptyenv()) &&
!identical(.GlobalEnv, env))
i <- vapply(unknown, function(x) {
!exists(x, envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
}, logical(1))
## Force evaluation of the known arguments to
## make sure they will be exported correctly
known <- unknown[-i]
for (nm in known)
unknown <- unknown[i]
env <- parent.env(env)
## Find the objects that are defined in the search path
## (only if the function/expr depends on the global)
inpath <- list()
if (length(unknown) && identical(.GlobalEnv, env)) {
inpath <- lapply(unknown, function(x) {
where <- find(x)
## Includes only packages and variables in the global
## environment
keep <- startsWith(where, "package:") | where == ".GlobalEnv"
head(where[keep], 1L)
names(inpath) <- unknown
i <- as.logical(lengths(inpath))
unknown <- unknown[!i]
inpath <- inpath[i]
inpath <- .filterDefaultPackages(inpath)
## The package required by the worker
pkgs <- unique(unlist(inpath, use.names = FALSE))
## variables defined in the global environment
globalvars <- names(inpath)[pkgs == ".GlobalEnv"]
pkgs <- pkgs[pkgs != ".GlobalEnv"]
pkgs <- gsub("package:", "", pkgs, fixed = TRUE)
unknown = unknown,
pkgs = pkgs,
globalvars = globalvars,
inpath = inpath
## validate funtions and vairables that need to be exported
bpvalidate <- function(fun, signal = c("warning", "error", "silent"))
typeof <- suppressWarnings(typeof(fun))
if (!typeof %in% c("closure", "builtin"))
stop("'fun' must be a closure or builtin")
if (is.function(signal)) {
ERROR_FUN <- signal
} else {
ERROR_FUN <- switch(
warning = warning,
error = stop,
silent = capture.output
## Filter the symbols that is loaded via library/require
exports <- .findVariables(fun, ERROR_FUN = ERROR_FUN)
inpath <- exports$inpath
result <- BPValidate(
symbol = names(inpath),
environment = unlist(inpath, use.names = FALSE),
unknown = exports$unknown
## error report
msg <- character()
test <- .bpvalidateEnvironment(result) %in% ".GlobalEnv"
if (any(test))
msg <- c(
msg, "symbol(s) in .GlobalEnv:\n ",
paste(.bpvalidateSymbol(result)[test], collapse = "\n "), "\n"
test <- .bpvalidateUnknown(result)
if (length(test))
msg <- c(
msg, "unknown symbol(s):\n ", paste(test, collapse = "\n "), "\n"
if (length(msg))
ERROR_FUN("\n", paste(msg, collapse = ""), call. = FALSE)
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