.updateHubDB <-
function(bfc, .class, url, proxy, localHub)
res <- bfcquery(bfc, paste0(tolower(.class), ".sqlite3"),
field="rname", exact=TRUE)
cnt <- bfccount(res)
if (is.null(proxy)) proxy=""
# Using localHub (no internet)
if (localHub){
if (cnt == 0){
stop("Invalid Cache: sqlite file",
"\n Hub has not been added to cache",
"\n Run again with 'localHub=FALSE'")
}else if (cnt > 1){
stop("Corrupt Cache: sqlite file",
"\n See AnnotationHub's TroubleshootingTheHubs vignette section on corrupt cache",
"\n cache: ", bfccache(bfc),
"\n filename: ",
paste0(tolower(.class), ".sqlite3"),
} else {
rid <- res %>% collect(Inf) %>% `[[`("rid")
db_path <- bfcpath(bfc, rids=rid)
# Checking remote file for updates
} else{
# hub database yet to be added to cache
if (cnt == 0){
remote_db <- paste0(url, "/metadata/", tolower(.class), ".sqlite3")
db_path <- bfcadd(bfc,
rname=paste0(tolower(.class), ".sqlite3"),
fpath=remote_db, proxy=proxy)
} else if (cnt > 1){
stop("Corrupt Cache: sqlite file",
"\n See AnnotationHub's TroubleshootingTheHubs vignette section on corrupt cache",
"\n cache: ", bfccache(bfc),
"\n filename: ",
paste0(tolower(.class), ".sqlite3"),
# found! check if needs update
} else {
rid <- res %>% collect(Inf) %>% `[[`("rid")
check_update <- bfcneedsupdate(bfc, rids=rid)
if(is.na(check_update)) check_update = TRUE
db_path <- ifelse(check_update,
bfcdownload(bfc, rid=rid, ask=FALSE,
bfcpath(bfc, rids=rid))
}, error=function(err) {
warning("Could not check database for updates.\n",
" Database source currently unreachable.\n",
" This should only be a temporary interruption. \n",
" Using previously cached version.", call.=FALSE)
db_path <- bfcpath(bfc, rids=rid)
.db_is_valid <- function(path) {
conn <- .db_open(path)
## Some very minor testing to make sure metadata DB is intact.
## required tables present?
expected <- c("biocversions", "input_sources", "location_prefixes",
"rdatapaths", "recipes", "resources", "statuses",
"tags", "timestamp")
if (!all(expected %in% dbListTables(conn)))
stop("missing tables")
## any resources?
sql <- "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM resources"
if (.db_query(conn, sql)[[1]] == 0L)
warning("empty 'resources' table; database may be corrupt")
}, error=function(err) {
stop("Corrupt Hub Database",
"\n See AnnotationHub's TroubleshootingTheHubs vignette section on corrupt database",
"\n database: ", sQuote(path),
"\n reason: ", conditionMessage(err),
# Redownload Hub sqlite file helper
refreshHub <- function(..., hub, cache, proxy,
hubClass=c("AnnotationHub", "ExperimentHub"))
stop("Please specify hubClass: AnnotationHub or ExperimentHub")
.class <- match.arg(hubClass)
if(tolower(.class) == "annotationhub"){
if(missing(hub)) hub <- getAnnotationHubOption("URL")
if(missing(cache)) cache <- getAnnotationHubOption("CACHE")
if(missing(proxy)) proxy <- getAnnotationHubOption("PROXY")
if(missing(hub)) hub <- ExperimentHub::getExperimentHubOption("URL")
if(missing(cache)) cache <- ExperimentHub::getExperimentHubOption("CACHE")
if(missing(proxy)) proxy <- ExperimentHub::getExperimentHubOption("PROXY")
localHub <- FALSE
if (is.null(proxy)){
connect <- curl::has_internet()
} else {
connect <- TRUE
message("Cannot determine internet connection.",
"\n This operations requires internet connection.",
"\n If you experience connection issues please try again later")
if(!connect) stop("This function requires internet connection")
bfc <- BiocFileCache(cache=cache)
res <- bfcquery(bfc, paste0(tolower(.class), ".sqlite3"),
field="rname", exact=TRUE)
cnt <- bfccount(res)
if (is.null(proxy)) proxy=""
if (cnt == 0){
remote_db <- paste0(url, "/metadata/", tolower(.class), ".sqlite3")
db_path <- bfcadd(bfc,
rname=paste0(tolower(.class), ".sqlite3"),
fpath=remote_db, proxy=proxy)
} else if (cnt > 1){
stop("Corrupt Cache: sqlite file",
"\n See AnnotationHub's TroubleshootingTheHubs vignette section on corrupt cache",
"\n cache: ", bfccache(bfc),
"\n filename: ",
paste0(tolower(.class), ".sqlite3"),
} else {
rid <- res %>% collect(Inf) %>% `[[`("rid")
bfc_path <- bfcdownload(bfc, rid=rid, ask=FALSE,
.Hub(.class, url=hub, cache=cache, proxy=proxy, localHub=localHub, ...)
### --------------------------------------------------------------------------
### snapshotDate helpers
## returns the release date for BiocManager::version()
.biocVersionDate <- function(biocversion) {
if (length(biocversion) > 1L)
stop("length(biocversion) must == 1")
yaml <- httr::content(GET("https://bioconductor.org/config.yaml"),
encoding="UTF-8", as="text")
obj <- yaml.load(yaml)
release_dates <- obj$release_dates
version_date <- release_dates[biocversion == names(release_dates)]
## convert to snapshot format
if (length(version_date))
as.character(as.POSIXlt(version_date[[1]], format='%m/%d/%Y'))
## single date closest to the release date for BiocManager::version()
.restrictDateByVersion <- function(path) {
dates <- as.POSIXlt(.possibleDates(path), format='%Y-%m-%d')
restrict <- as.POSIXlt(.biocVersionDate(BiocManager::version()),
if (length(restrict)) ## release
as.character(max(dates[dates <= restrict]))
else ## devel
## all possible dates
.possibleDates <- function(path) {
conn <- .db_open(path)
query <- 'SELECT DISTINCT rdatadateadded FROM resources'
dateAdded <- .db_query(conn, query)[[1]]
query <- 'SELECT DATE(timestamp) FROM timestamp'
dateModified <- .db_query(conn, query)[[1]]
c(dateAdded, dateModified)
## dates restricted by snapshotDate (and hence BiocManager::version())
possibleDates <- function(x) {
path <- dbfile(x)
dates <- .possibleDates(path)
restrict <- .restrictDateByVersion(path)
dates[as.POSIXlt(dates) <= as.POSIXlt(restrict)]
## The following helper was previously not used (and now is), but we
## do need a way to have a path for the data that is separate from the
## path for the .sqlite metadata (they don't need to always be at the
## same server) - IOW these should be decoupled anyhow).
.hub_data_path <-
## "http://gamay:9393/fetch"
## "https://annotationhub.bioconductor.org/fetch"
sprintf("%s/fetch", huburl)
# make full fetch for each resource needed
.hub_resource_path <-
function(hub, resource)
## "https://annotationhub.bioconductor.org/fetch/5012"
sprintf("%s/%s", hub, resource)
## This is the function that gets stuff (metadata AND files) from S3
.hub_resource <-
function(x, resource, cachepath, proxy, verbose=FALSE)
len <- length(resource)
if (len > 0L) {
msg <- sprintf("retrieving %d resource%s", len,
if (len > 1L) "s" else "")
if (verbose) message(msg)
hub <- .hub_data_path(hubUrl(x))
bfc <- .get_cache(x)
hubpath <- .hub_resource_path(hub, resource)
mapply(.hub_cache_resource, hubpath, names(cachepath), cachepath, MoreArgs=list(proxy=proxy,
## example of hub resource (sometimes convenient)
## hub = 'https://annotationhub.bioconductor.org/metadata/annotationhub.sqlite3'
.hub_cache_resource <- function(hubpath, namescachepath, cachepath, bfc, proxy)
if (is.null(proxy)) proxy=""
rnames <- paste(namescachepath, cachepath, sep=" : ")
res <- bfcquery(bfc, rnames, fields="rname", exact=TRUE)
cnt <- bfccount(res)
rid <- res %>% collect(Inf) %>% `[[`("rid")
if (cnt > 1){
stop("Corrupt Cache: resource id",
"\n More than one entry in cache for: ",
"\n See AnnotationHub's TroubleshootingTheHubs vignette section on corrupt cache", call.=FALSE)
} else if (cnt == 0){
bfcadd(bfc, rname=rnames, fpath=hubpath, proxy=proxy)
} else {
bfcdownload(bfc, rid=rid, ask=FALSE, proxy=proxy)
}, error=function(err) {
warning("download failed",
"\n hub path: ", sQuote(hubpath),
"\n cache resource: ", sQuote(rnames),
"\n reason: ", conditionMessage(err),
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Subsetting
.Hub_get1 <-
function(x, force, verbose)
if (!length(x))
stop("no records found for the given index")
if (length(x) != 1L)
stop("'i' must be length 1")
## Add 'Resource' postfix to DispatchClass name
className <- sprintf("%sResource", .dataclass(x))
if (is.null(getClassDef(className))) {
msg <- sprintf("'%s' not available in this version of the
package; use BiocManager::install() to update?",
stop(paste(strwrap(msg, exdent=2), collapse="\n"), call.=FALSE)
class <- new(className, hub=x)
}, error=function(err) {
stop("failed to create 'HubResource' instance",
"\n name: ", names(x),
"\n title: ", x$title,
"\n reason: ", conditionMessage(err),
fls <- cache(getHub(class), force=force, verbose=verbose)
}, error=function(err) {
if (!isLocalHub(getHub(class))){
message("Error loading resource.",
"\n attempting to re-download")
fls <- cache(getHub(class), force=TRUE, verbose=verbose)
}, error = function(err){
stop("failed to load resource",
"\n name: ", names(x),
"\n title: ", x$title,
"\n reason: ", conditionMessage(err),
} else {
stop("failed to load resource",
"\n name: ", names(x),
"\n title: ", x$title,
"\n reason: ", conditionMessage(err),
"Consider rerunning with localHub=FALSE",
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### converting Legacy to New
convertHub <- function(oldcachepath=NULL, newcachepath=NULL,
hubType=c("AnnotationHub", "ExperimentHub"),
force=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
hubType <- match.arg(hubType)
if (is.null(oldcachepath)){
.CACHE_ROOT_orig <- ifelse(hubType=="AnnotationHub", ".AnnotationHub", ".ExperimentHub")
path <- switch(.Platform$OS.type, unix = path.expand("~/"),
windows= file.path(gsub("\\\\", "/",
Sys.getenv("HOME")), "AppData"))
oldcachepath <- file.path(path, .CACHE_ROOT_orig)
orig_files <- dir(oldcachepath)
download_files <- setdiff(orig_files,
c("annotationhub.sqlite3", "experimenthub.sqlite3",
if(verbose) message("Attempting to redownload: ", length(download_files), " hub resources")
hub <- AnnotationHub()
hub <- ExperimentHub::ExperimentHub()
} else {
hub <- AnnotationHub(cache=newcachepath)
hub <- ExperimentHub::ExperimentHub(cache=newcachepath)
mapping_ids <- .named_cache_path(hub)
cachepath <- mapping_ids[which(mapping_ids %in% as.numeric(download_files))]
dxFnd <- as.numeric(download_files) %in% mapping_ids
notFnd <- download_files[!dxFnd]
subHub <- hub[which(hub$ah_id %in% names(cachepath))]
proxy=proxy, max.downloads=max.downloads,
force=force, verbose=verbose)
}, error = function(err) {
warning("Not all resources downloaded correctly.",
"It may be beneficial to rerun 'convertHub()'",
"\n reason: ", conditionMessage(err),
if (length(notFnd) != 0){
warning("The following files could not be re-downloaded.",
"\n ",
paste0(file.path(oldcachepath, notFnd), collapse = "\n "),
# alldatainfo <- .IdsInfo(hub)
# datainfo <- alldatainfo[match(notFnd, alldatainfo$fetch_id),]
"\n For more information on these files, See: ?getInfoOnIds")
# should their be an option to
# delete old cache and files?
# could get complicated if older files not found etc.
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