
Defines functions .updateObject

### =========================================================================
### AnnotationHubResource objects
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------

setClass("AnnotationHubResource", representation(hub="Hub"))

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Accessors

setMethod("hubCache", "AnnotationHubResource",
    function(x) hubCache(x@hub)

setMethod("hubUrl", "AnnotationHubResource",
    function(x) hubUrl(x@hub)

setMethod("getHub", "AnnotationHubResource",
    function(x) x@hub

setMethod("isLocalHub", "AnnotationHubResource",
    function(x) x@isLocalHub

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
###  Show

setMethod("show", "AnnotationHubResource",
    cat("class:", class(object), "\n")

setGeneric(".get1", function(x, ...) {
    stopifnot(is(x, "AnnotationHubResource"), length(x) == 1L)

setMethod(".get1", "AnnotationHubResource",
    function(x, ...)
    msg <- sprintf("no '.get1' method defined for object
        of class %s, consider defining your own.",
    stop(paste(strwrap(msg), collapse="\n"))

.updateObject <- function(x)
    if (isS4(x)) {
        ## Make sure that the package where the class of 'x' is defined is
        ## loaded before calling 'updateObject()' on 'x'. We should normally
        ## be able to rely on 'attr(class(x), "package")' to get the name of
        ## that package. However, it seems that for some hub resources
        ## 'attr(class(x), "package")' is set to ".GlobalEnv" rather than to
        ## the name of that package. This is the case for example for
        ## CellMapperList instances EH170 to EH175 in ExperimentHub. Not
        ## sure how that's allowed but let's just deal with it.
        classdef_pkg <- attr(class(x), "package")
        if (!(is.null(classdef_pkg) || identical(classdef_pkg, ".GlobalEnv")))
    ## Make sure to use 'check=FALSE' to skip validation of the returned
    ## object. The reason we want to skip validation is because 'validObject()'
    ## is broken on some S3 objects e.g. on igraph objects:
    ##   ah <- AnnotationHub()
    ##   x <- ah[["AH60903"]]
    ##   class(x)  # igraph
    ##   validObject(x)
    ##   Error in .classEnv(classDef) : 
    ##     trying to get slot "package" from an object of a basic class ("NULL")
    ##     with no slots
    updateObject(x, check=FALSE)

## implementations

## FaFile

setClass("FaFileResource", contains="AnnotationHubResource")

setMethod(".get1", "FaFileResource",
    function(x, ...)
    fa <- cache(getHub(x))

setClass("BamFileResource", contains="AnnotationHubResource")

setMethod(".get1", "BamFileResource",
    function(x, ...)
    bam <- cache(getHub(x))

## Rds / RDS

## Michael's AHCytoData is the only package (I think) that uses RDS.
## Added Rds to be compatible with Rda naming scheme.
setClass("RdsResource", contains="AnnotationHubResource")
setMethod(".get1", "RdsResource",
    function(x, ...)

setClass("RDSResource", contains="RdsResource")
setMethod(".get1", "RDSResource", function(x, ...) callNextMethod(x, ...))

## Rda

setClass("RdaResource", contains="AnnotationHubResource")
setMethod(".get1", "RdaResource",
    function(x, ...)

setClass("data.frameResource", contains="RdaResource")

setClass("GRangesResource", contains="RdaResource")
setMethod(".get1", "GRangesResource",
    function(x, ...)
    gr <- callNextMethod(x, ...)
    .tidyGRanges(x, gr)

setClass("VCFResource", contains="RdaResource")
setMethod(".get1", "VCFResource",
    function(x, ...)
    callNextMethod(x, ...)

## UCSC chain file
setClass("ChainFileResource", contains="AnnotationHubResource")

## trace(AnnotationHub:::.get1, tracer=browser, signature ="ChainFileResource")
setMethod(".get1", "ChainFileResource",
    function(x, ...)
    chain <- cache(getHub(x))
    tf <- .gunzip(chain, tempfile())
    tf <- rtracklayer::import.chain(tf)

setClass("TwoBitFileResource", contains="AnnotationHubResource")

setMethod(".get1", "TwoBitFileResource",
    function(x, ...)
    bit <- cache(getHub(x))

setClass("GTFFileResource", contains="AnnotationHubResource")

setMethod(".get1", "GTFFileResource",
    function(x, ...)
    message("Importing File into R ..")
    yy <- getHub(x)
    gtf <- rtracklayer::import(cache(yy), format="gtf", genome=yy$genome, ...)
    .tidyGRanges(x, gtf)

setClass("GFF3FileResource", contains="AnnotationHubResource")

setMethod(".get1", "GFF3FileResource",
    function(x, ...)
    yy <- getHub(x)
    rtracklayer::import(cache(yy), format="GFF", ...)

setClass("BigWigFileResource", contains="AnnotationHubResource")

setMethod(".get1", "BigWigFileResource",
    function(x, ...)
    er <- cache(getHub(x))

setClass("dbSNPVCFFileResource", contains="AnnotationHubResource")

setMethod(".get1", "dbSNPVCFFileResource",
    function(x, ...)
        ## retrieve the resource
        er <- cache(getHub(x))
    }, warning=function(w) {
        if (grepl("^Failed to parse headers:", conditionMessage(w))[1])
            ## warning() something different, or...
## SQLiteFile

setClass("SQLiteFileResource", contains="AnnotationHubResource")

setMethod(".get1", "SQLiteFileResource",
    function(x, ...)

## GRASP2 SQLiteFile

setClass("GRASPResource", contains="SQLiteFileResource")

setMethod(".get1", "GRASPResource",
    function(x, ...)

setClass("ZipResource", contains="AnnotationHubResource")

setMethod(".get1", "ZipResource",
    function(x, filenames, ...)
    zip <- cache(getHub(x))
    for (fl in filenames)
        unzip(zip, fl, exdir=tempdir())
    file.path(tempdir(), filenames)

setClass("ChEAResource", contains="ZipResource")

setMethod(".get1", "ChEAResource",
    function(x, ...)
    fl <- callNextMethod(x, filenames="chea-background.csv")
    read.csv(fl, header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
        col.names=c("s.no","TranscriptionFactor", "TranscriptionFactor-PubmedID",
        "TranscriptionFactorTarget", "PubmedID", "Experiment", "CellType",

setClass("BioPaxResource", contains="RdaResource")

setMethod(".get1", "BioPaxResource",
    function(x, ...)
    callNextMethod(x, ...)

setClass("PazarResource", contains="AnnotationHubResource")

setMethod(".get1", "PazarResource",
    function(x, ...)
    er <- cache(getHub(x))
    colClasses <-
        setNames(c(rep("character", 6), rep("integer", 2),
                   rep("factor", 2), "character", "NULL"),
                 c("PazarTFID","EnsemblTFAccession", "TFName",
                   "PazarGeneID", "EnsemblGeneAccession", "Chr", "GeneStart",
                   "GeneEnd", "Species", "ProjectName","PMID",
    dat <- read.delim(er, header=FALSE, col.names=names(colClasses),
                      na.strings="-", colClasses=colClasses)
    if (!anyNA(dat[["GeneStart"]])) {
        dat <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(dat,
        dat <- .tidyGRanges(x, dat)

setClass("CSVtoGrangesResource", contains="AnnotationHubResource")

setMethod(".get1", "CSVtoGrangesResource",
   function(x, ...)
    yy <- getHub(x)
    dat <- read.csv(cache(yy), header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    dat <- dat[,!(names(dat) %in% "width")]
    gr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(dat, keep.extra.columns=TRUE)
    .tidyGRanges(x, gr)

setClass("ExpressionSetResource", contains="RdaResource")

setMethod(".get1", "ExpressionSetResource",
    function(x, ...)
    callNextMethod(x, ...)

setClass("GDSResource", contains="AnnotationHubResource")

setMethod(".get1", "GDSResource",
    function(x, ...)
    yy <- cache(getHub(x))
    dat <- gdsfmt::openfn.gds(yy)

## H5FileResource
setClass("H5FileResource", contains = "AnnotationHubResource")

setMethod(".get1", "H5FileResource",
    function(x, ...)

## CompoundDb 
setClass("CompDbResource", contains = "AnnotationHubResource")

setMethod(".get1", "CompDbResource",
    function(x, ...)
    yy <- cache(getHub(x))
    dat <- CompoundDb::CompDb(yy)

## FilePathResource - to download raw file and return path
setClass("FilePathResource", contains = "AnnotationHubResource")

setMethod(".get1", "FilePathResource",
    function(x, ...)

## DCF
setClass("dcfResource", contains = "AnnotationHubResource")

setMethod(".get1", "dcfResource", function(x, ...) {
    dcf <- cache(getHub(x))
    read.dcf(dcf, ...)

## keras HDF5 model
setClass("kerasHDF5ModelResource", contains = "AnnotationHubResource")

setMethod(".get1", "kerasHDF5ModelResource", function(x, ...) {
    mod <- cache(getHub(x))

## keras HDF5 model weights
setClass("kerasHDF5ModelWeightsResource", contains = "AnnotationHubResource")

setMethod(".get1", "kerasHDF5ModelWeightsResource", function(x, ...) {
    wts <- cache(getHub(x))
Bioconductor/AnnotationHub documentation built on Nov. 2, 2024, 4:38 p.m.