.DRS_MARTHA <- "https://us-central1-broad-dsde-prod.cloudfunctions.net/martha_v3"
.DRS_RAWLS <- paste0(
drs = character(),
fileName = character(),
size = integer(),
gsUri = character(),
accessUrl = character(),
timeUpdated = character(),
hashes = list(),
bucket = character(),
name = character(),
googleServiceAccount = list()
.drs_is_uri <-
isCharacter(source) & grepl("drs://[^/]+", source)
#' @importFrom httr POST add_headers
.martha_v3 <-
function(drs, template, access_token)
headers <- add_headers(
Authorization = paste("Bearer", access_token),
"content-type" = "application/json"
body <- list(
fields = setdiff(names(template), "drs"),
url = jsonlite::unbox(drs)
body_json <- jsonlite::toJSON(body)
response <- POST(.DRS_MARTHA, headers, body = body_json, encode="raw")
avstop_for_status(response, "DRS resolution")
## add drs field to response
lst <- c(as.list(response), list(drs = drs))
## unbox accessUrl; if accessUrl == NULL, then this is a no-op
lst$accessUrl <- unlist(lst$accessUrl, use.names = FALSE)
## nest list elements so length == 1L
is_list <-
vapply(lst, is.list, logical(1))
lst[is_list] <- lapply(lst[is_list], list)
## return as tibble
tbl <- as_tibble(lst[lengths(lst) == 1L])
.tbl_with_template(tbl, template)
.drs_stat_impl <-
function(source, template)
if (!requireNamespace("AnVILGCP", quietly = TRUE))
stop("Install 'AnVILGCP' to use resolve DRS URLs", call. = FALSE)
access_token <- AnVILGCP::gcloud_access_token("drs")
if (identical(.Platform$OS.type, "windows")) {
mc.cores <- 1L
} else {
mc.cores <- getOption("mc.cores", max(min(length(source), 8L), 1L))
response <- withCallingHandlers({
source, .martha_v3, template, access_token,
mc.cores = mc.cores
}, warning = function(condition) {
## handled below
if (!length(response))
## length(source) == 0L
response <- list(
.tbl_with_template(as_tibble(list()), template)
## validate response
ok <- vapply(response, inherits, logical(1), "tbl_df")
if (!all(ok)) {
first_error_idx <- head(which(!ok), 1L)
first_error <-
conditionMessage(attr(response[[first_error_idx]], "condition"))
"failed to resolve ", sum(!ok), " DRS url(s):\n",
" url(s):\n",
" ", paste(source[!ok], collapse = "\n "), "\n",
"first error:\n ",
## remember ok and failed drs rows
failed_drs <- .tbl_with_template(tibble(drs = source[!ok]), template)
response <- c(response[ok], list(failed_drs))
## ensure tbl order matches input order
tbl <- bind_rows(response)
order_idx <- match(source, tbl$drs)
tbl <- tbl[order_idx, ]
class(tbl) <- c("drs_stat_tbl", class(tbl))
#' @name drs-defunct
#' @title DEFUNCT - DRS (Data Repository Service) URL management
#' @description `drs_stat()` resolves zero or more DRS URLs to their
#' google bucket location.
#' @details `drs_stat()` sends requests in parallel to the DRS server,
#' using 8 forked processes (by default) to speed up queries. Use
#' `options(mc.cores = 16L)`, for instance, to set the number of
#' processes to use.
#' `drs_stat()` uses the AnVIL 'pet' account associated with a
#' runtime. The pet account is discovered by default when evaluated on
#' an AnVIL runtime (e.g., in RStudio or a Jupyter notebook in the
#' AnVIL), or can be found in the return value of `avruntimes()`.
#' Errors reported by the DRS service are communicated to the user,
#' but can be cryptic. The DRS service itself is called
#' 'martha'. Errors mentioning martha might commonly involve a
#' mal-formed DRS uri. Martha uses a service called 'bond' to
#' establish credentials with registered third party entities such as
#' Kids First. Errors mentioning bond might involve absence of
#' credentials, within Terra, to access the resource; check that, in
#' the Terra / AnVIL graphical user interface, the user profiles
#' 'External Entities' includes the organization to which the DRS uri
#' is being resolved.
#' @param source character() DRS URLs (beginning with 'drs://') to
#' resources managed by the 'martha' DRS resolution server.
#' @param region character(1) Google cloud 'region' in which the DRS
#' resource is located. Most data is located in \code{"US"} (the
#' default); in principle \code{"auto"} allows for discovery of
#' the region, but sometimes fails. Regions are enumerated at
#' \url{https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/locations#available-locations}.
#' @return `drs_stat()` returns a tbl with the following columns:
#' - fileName: character() (resolver sometimes returns null).
#' - size: integer() (resolver sometimes returns null).
#' - contentType: character() (resolver sometimes returns null).
#' - gsUri: character() (resolver sometimes returns null).
#' - timeCreated: character() (the time created formatted using ISO
#' 8601; resolver sometimes returns null).
#' - timeUpdated: character() (the time updated formatted using ISO
#' 8601; resolver sometimes returns null).
#' - bucket: character() (resolver sometimes returns null).
#' - name: character() (resolver sometimes returns null).
#' - googleServiceAccount: list() (null unless the DOS url belongs to
#' a Bond supported host).
#' - hashes: list() (contains the hashes type and their checksum
#' value; if unknown. it returns null)
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @export
drs_stat <-
function(source = character(), region = "US")
`'source' must be DRS URIs, i.e., starting with "drs://"` =
newpackage = "AnVILGCP",
package = "AnVIL",
cycle = "defunct",
title = "drs"
tbl <- .drs_stat_impl(source, .DRS_STAT_TEMPLATE)
select(tbl, -c("googleServiceAccount"))
.drs_access_url_1 <-
function(gsUri, data, project, region)
## write the service account credentials to a temporary file
key_file <- tempfile()
writeLines(jsonlite::toJSON(data[[1]], auto_unbox = TRUE), key_file)
## invoke gsutil signurl
response <- .gsutil_do(c(
"-r", region, # 'auto' fails when not using a service account
"-b", project, # project to be billed
key_file, gsUri
## signed url in last line, fourth tab-delimited field
strsplit(tail(response, 1L), "\t")[[1]][[4]]
.drs_access_url <-
function(tbl, region)
.drs_access_url_1, tbl$gsUri, tbl$googleServiceAccount,
MoreArgs = list(project = gcloud_project(), region = region)
use.names = FALSE
#' @rdname drs-defunct
#' @description `drs_access_url()` returns a vector of 'signed' URLs
#' that allow access to restricted resources via standard https
#' protocols.
#' @return `drs_access_url()` returns a vector of https URLs
#' corresponding to the vector of DRS URIs provided as inputs to
#' the function.
#' @export
drs_access_url <-
function(source = character(), region = "US")
`'source' must be DRS URIs, i.e., starting with "drs://"` =
newpackage = "AnVILGCP",
package = "AnVIL",
cycle = "defunct",
title = "drs"
template_idx <- c("drs", "gsUri", "googleServiceAccount")
template <- .DRS_STAT_TEMPLATE[template_idx]
tbl <- .drs_stat_impl(source, template)
result <- rep(NA_character_, NROW(tbl))
available <- lengths(tbl$googleServiceAccount) != 0L
if (!all(available))
"'source' not available as signed URLs:\n",
paste0(" '", source[!available], "'\n"),
call. = FALSE
result[available] <- .drs_access_url(filter(tbl, available), region)
if (!is.null(names(source)))
names(result) <- names(source)
#' @rdname drs-defunct
#' @description `drs_cp()` copies 0 or more DRS URIs to a google
#' bucket or local folder
#' @param destination `character(1)`, google cloud bucket or local
#' file system destination path.
#' @param ... additional arguments, passed to `gsutil_cp()` for file
#' copying.
#' @param overwrite logical(1) indicating that source `fileName`s
#' present in `destination` should downloaded again.
#' @return `drs_cp()` returns a tibble like `drs_stat()`, but with
#' additional columns
#' - simple: logical() value indicating whether resolution used a
#' simple signed URL (`TRUE`) or auxilliary service account.
#' - destination: character() full path to retrieved object(s)
#' @export
drs_cp <- function(source, destination, ..., overwrite = FALSE) {
newpackage = "AnVILGCP",
package = "AnVIL",
cycle = "defunct",
title = "drs"
#' @export
drs_cp.drs_stat_tbl <-
function(source, destination, ..., overwrite = FALSE)
`'source' contains duplicate 'fileName's` =
anyDuplicated(source$fileName) == 0L,
`'destination' must be a google bucket or existing local directory` =
.gsutil_is_uri(destination) || .is_local_directory(destination),
destination <- sub("/$", "", destination)
tbl <- source
## use gsutil_cp to copy each resource
result <- gsutil_cp(
if (!overwrite) "-n",
## add to drs_stat_tbl
tbl <-
tbl |>
mutate(destination = file.path(destination, basename(.data$gsUri)))
#' @export
drs_cp.character <-
function(source, destination, ..., region = "US", overwrite = FALSE)
`'source' must be DRS URIs, e.g., starting with "drs://"` =
`'destination' must be a google bucket or existing local directory` =
.gsutil_is_uri(destination) || .is_local_directory(destination)
tbl <- drs_stat(source, region)
drs_cp(tbl, destination, ..., overwrite = overwrite)
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