#'@name cptSamples
#'@aliases cptSamples
#'@title Sample profile identifier analysis
#'@description Generate sample profile identifiers from sample zscores using change point model.
#'@param x A matrix or data frame of sample GSVA enrichment zscores within which you wish to find a changepoint.
#'@param cpt_data Identify changepoints for data using variance (cpt.var), mean (cpt.mean) or both (cpt.meanvar). Default is cpt.var.
#'@param cpt_method Choice of single or multiple changepoint model. Default is "BinSeg".
#'@param cpt_max The maximum number of changepoints to search for using "BinSeg" method. Default is 60.
#'@details This function assigns samples identified in the first changepoint with the active profile ("1") while the remaining samples are grouped under inactive profile ("0").
#'@return The input data frame with added sample identifiers and estimated changepoints. A plot showing the changepoint locations estimated on the data
#'@seealso changepoint
#'@import plyr
#'@import data.table
#'@include sortData.R
#'@include callGSVA.R
#'g <- 10 ## number of genes
#'s <- 60 ## number of samples
#'## sample data matrix with values ranging from 1 to 10
#'rnames <- paste("g", 1:g, sep="")
#'cnames <- paste("s", 1:s, sep="")
#'expr <- matrix(sample.int(10, size = g*s, replace = TRUE), nrow=g, ncol=s, dimnames=list(rnames, cnames))
#'## genes of interest
#'genes <- paste("g", 1:g, sep="")
#'## Estimates GSVA enrichment zscores.
#'gsva_results <- callGSVA(expr,genes)
cptSamples <- function (x,cpt_data,cpt_method,cpt_max){
## Identify the changepoints for the data
# x : data within which you wish to identify the changepoints
# i : numeric column index of the data frame to sort it by
# b : sorting order, ascending (FALSE) or descending (TRUE)
perDiffcpt = function(x,cpt_data,cpt_method,cpt_max){
max <- length(x)/2
if (cpt_method == "AMOC") {
if(cpt_data == "mean"){
changepoints <- cpt.mean(x,method=cpt_method,Q=1)
}else if(cpt_data == "var"){
changepoints <- cpt.var(x,method=cpt_method,Q=1)
changepoints <- cpt.meanvar(x,method=cpt_method,Q=1)
}else if (cpt_method == "PELT" || cpt_method == "SegNeigh" || cpt_method == "BinSeg") {
if(max > cpt_max){
if(cpt_data == "mean"){
changepoints <- cpt.mean(x,method=cpt_method,Q=cpt_max)
} else if (cpt_data == "var"){
changepoints <- cpt.var(x,method=cpt_method,Q=cpt_max)
} else{
changepoints <- cpt.meanvar(x,method=cpt_method,Q=cpt_max)
}else if(max <= cpt_max){
if(cpt_data == "mean"){
changepoints <- cpt.mean(x,method=cpt_method,Q=5)
} else if (cpt_data == "var"){
changepoints <- cpt.var(x,method=cpt_method,Q=5)
changepoints <- cpt.meanvar(x,method=cpt_method,Q=5)
return ( cpts(changepoints) )
## Add the estimated changepoint locations to the data frame
# x : A data frame containing the data used for change point estimation
# y : vector containing the changepoint locations for the data supplied
cptAdd = function(x,y){
l = 1
for(i in 1:length(y) ) {
for(j in 1:y[i]){
a <- (y[i-1])+1
for(j in a:y[i]){
a <- y[i]+1
for(j in a:nrow(x)){
## Locate all values for the estimated change point locations
# x : A data frame containing the data values used for change point estimation
# y : Vector containing the changepoint locations for the data supplied
# z : Column index of the data values used for changepoint estimation
cptLocate_all = function(x,y,z){
cutoff_all <- character()
for(i in 1:length(y) ) {
cutoff_all[i] <- x[y[i],][z]
cpts_plot_cutoff_all <- cutoff_all[!is.na(cutoff_all)]
cpts_plot_cutoff_all <- as.numeric(cpts_plot_cutoff_all)
cpts_plot_cutoff_all <- round(cpts_plot_cutoff_all,digits=2)
## Plot the single or multiple changepoints identified within the data
# x : A vector containing the data within which changepoints were identified
# y : A vector containing the identified number of changepoints on the data
# LABEL : Y-axis label
cptsPlot <- function(x,y,LABEL){
stop("data is missing!")
stop("changepoint cutoffs are missing!")
x <- sort(x,FALSE)
y <- sort(y,TRUE)
cptplot <- plot(x, type='p', lty=3, lwd=1, main="", xlab="Samples", ylab=LABEL, cex=1.5, pch=1, xlim=c(0,length(x)))
for(i in 1:length(y)) {
if(i==1) {
text(y[i],y[i],y[i], cex=1.0, pos=4, col="orange")
## display in terms of sample group profiles
text(y[i],y[i],y[i], cex=1.0, pos=4, col="grey")
} else{
text(y[i],y[i],y[i], cex=1.0, pos=4, col="grey")
######### END: sub-functions used by the cptSamples main function #########
#read sample and sample zscores
st <- x[,c(1,2)]
colnames(st)[2] <- "zscore"
#correct for empty cells or NAs
st_rmv_na <- st[!is.na(st[ncol(st)]), ]
#check if the zscores are numeric and sort them
st_rmv_na$zscore <- as.numeric(as.character(st_rmv_na$zscore))
st_rmv_na_sort = sortData(st_rmv_na,ncol(st_rmv_na),'TRUE')
#identify the changepoints
cpts = perDiffcpt(st_rmv_na_sort$zscore,cpt_data,cpt_method,cpt_max)
#check for the number of changepoints identified
warning("No changepoints identified in the data set!")
#add estimated changepoint locations to the data
changepoints <- cptAdd(st_rmv_na_sort,cpts)
#append changepoints to the original data frame
cpt_out <- data.frame(st_rmv_na_sort,changepoints)
all_cutoffs <- cptLocate_all(cpt_out,cpts,2)
cpt_out_sort <- sortData(cpt_out,ncol(cpt_out)-1,'FALSE' )
#plot all changepoints identified
Y_LABEL <- "Zscores"
#generate the data frame with all changepoints
#format the data file for reading usability
#any changepoint other than 1 is designated as '0'
#plot changepoints within the data identified
cpt_out$sample_groups <- cpt_out$changepoints
cpt_out [, ncol(cpt_out) ][ cpt_out [ ,ncol(cpt_out) ] >1 ] <- "0"
cpt_out [, ncol(cpt_out)-1 ][ cpt_out [ ,ncol(cpt_out)-1 ] == 1000 ] <- "NA"
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