#' @title Checking user file
#' @description Check if the user provide a file with at least one
#' column (species_id) specified/fill-up to perform the merging of libraries
#' @param userFile A file provided by the user
#' @param condition condition to considere for merging
#' @author Sara Fonseca Costa
#' @return User data frame
#' @return Vector name of columns detected
#' @import data.table
#' @import sjmisc
#' @import dplyr
#' @noMd
#' @noRd
checkUserFile <- function(userFile, condition){
## read and check columns of input file
userFileCheck <- condition %in% names(userFile)
if(!("species_id" %in% colnames(userFile)) | !("species_id" %in% condition)) {
stop("the condition \"species_id\" should exist and be fill-up in order to do the merging.\n",
"Please verify that \"species_id\" is present in your input file and that ",
"the condition is choosed to merge.")
if(is_empty(userFile[,"species_id"]) ==TRUE) {
stop("Some rows have empty value for the \"species_id\" column.\n",
"\"species_id\" should always be provided.")
## no column is detected in the input file
if (FALSE %in% userFileCheck){
stop("All provided merging condition should correspond to column name.\n",
"condition to merge: ", paste(condition, ""), "\n",
"column names :", paste(colnames(userFile), ""))
#' @title Approaches used to merge/combine libraries
#' @description For a set of libraries calculate the adjusted p-values using BH method
#' for each gene id OR calculate the inverse fdr correction to be applied to each gene ID
#' in a set of libraries that use q-values.
#' The call of genes as present is done based on the assumption that at least one library
#' have an adjusted p-value < cutoff or have a q-value < fdr_inverse.
#' @param allFiles List with all libraries to be treated
#' @param approach Approach selected to merge libraries, BH or fdr_inverse
#' @param cutoff Threshold value to be applied to call expressed genes
#' @author Sara Fonseca Costa
#' @return data frame with minimum pValue or qValue detected (dependent of the approach selected) and the calls
#' @import data.table
#' @import dplyr
#' @noMd
#' @noRd
approachesMerging <- function(allFiles, approach, cutoff){
librariesData <- try(do.call("cbind", allFiles), silent = TRUE)
## select gene_id
select_info <- librariesData[,1]
if (approach == "BH"){
## select all pValues column from all libraries
select_pValue = librariesData[, grepl("^pValue", names(librariesData))]
if(is_empty(select_pValue) == TRUE){
stop("Select the appropriated method for your quantitative metric: BH for p-values OR fdr_inverse for q-values", "\n")
## calculate the p.adjusted values using a vector of original pValues for each gene_id
collect_padjValues <- apply(select_pValue, 1, function (x) p.adjust(x[1:length(select_pValue)], method = "BH"))
collect_padjValues <- as.data.frame(t(collect_padjValues))
collect_padjValues$minimum_pValue <- do.call(pmin, c(collect_padjValues, list(na.rm = TRUE)))
## data frame with all information (gene_id + all adjusted pvalues of all libraries)
allInfo <- data.frame(select_info, collect_padjValues)
## provide info just about id and minimum_pValue detected
allInfo <- allInfo %>% dplyr::select("select_info", "minimum_pValue")
colnames(allInfo)[1] <- c("id")
## perform the calls
allInfo$call <- ifelse(allInfo$minimum_pValue <= as.numeric(cutoff), "present", "absent")
## replace NA (that are values = 0 in the abundance) per absent calls
allInfo$call[is.na(allInfo$call)] <- "absent"
} else if (approach == "fdr_inverse"){
## select all qValues column from all libraries
select_qValue = librariesData[, grepl("^qValue", names(librariesData))]
if(is_empty(select_qValue) == TRUE){
stop("Select the appropriated method for your quantitative metric: BH for p-values OR fdr_inverse for q-values", "\n")
select_qValue$minimum_qValue <- do.call(pmin, c(select_qValue, list(na.rm = TRUE)))
## data frame with all information (gene_id + minimum q-Value detected of all libraries)
allInfo <- data.frame(select_info, select_qValue)
## provide info just about id and minimum_qValue detected
allInfo <- allInfo %>% dplyr::select("select_info", "minimum_qValue")
colnames(allInfo)[1] <- c("id")
## Calculate FDR inverse
fdrInverse <- (1-((1-as.numeric(cutoff))^(1/(length(select_qValue)-1))))
## calls using the fdr_inverse
allInfo$call <- ifelse(allInfo$minimum_qValue <= fdrInverse, "present", "absent")
## replace NA (that are values = 0 in the abundance) per absent calls
allInfo$call[is.na(allInfo$call)] <- "absent"
} else {
stop("The approach provided is not recognized.", "\n", "Please choose: BH (for p-values) or fdr_inverse (for q-values).", "\n")
#' @title Calls of expression in combined libraries
#' @description Merging/combine libraries based in a condition specified by the user.
#' The merging can be done using the p-values of the libraries, by applying the BH method,
#' or using the q-values of the libraries using the fdr_inverse method.
#' @param userFile A file provided by the user with correspondent conditions
#' @param approach Approach used to do the merging of libraries
#' @param condition Condition/s where the merging should be done
#' @param cutoff Cutoff that should be applied to call Present/Absent genes
#' @param outDir Directory where the output files should be saved
#' @author Sara Fonseca Costa
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' callsMerging_species <- merging_libraries(userFile = 'PATH_USER_FILE', approach = 'BH',
#' condition = 'species_id', cutoff = 0.05, outDir = 'PATH_OUTPUT')
#' callsMerging_species_sex <- merging_libraries(userFile = 'PATH_USER_FILE', approach = 'fdr_inverse',
#' condition = c(species_id, sex), cutoff = 0.01, outDir = 'PATH_OUTPUT')
#' callsMerging_all <- merging_libraries(userFile = 'PATH_USER_FILE', approach = 'fdr_inverse',
#' condition = c(species_id, anatEntity, devStage, sex, strain), cutoff = 0.05, outDir = 'PATH_OUTPUT')
#' }
#' @return A dataframe containing the minimum quantitative value (p-value or q-value) and
#' the calls to each gene id for the referent condition.
merging_libraries <- function(userFile = NULL, approach = "BH", condition = "species_id", cutoff = 0.05, outDir = NULL) {
## check user input
userFile <- read.table(file = userFile, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
checkUserFile(userFile = userFile, condition = condition)
# retrieve unique condition combination to merge
uniqueCondition <- unique(userFile[condition])
# init variable used to keep only libraries corresponding to one condition
filtered_libraries <- userFile
for(currentRowIndex in seq(nrow(uniqueCondition))) {
currentRow <- uniqueCondition[currentRowIndex,]
# init name of the file where merged libraries will be stored depending on condition
conditionFileName = ""
# for each unique condition
for(currentColumnIndex in seq(length(currentRow))) {
# update name of file for each condition
conditionFileName = paste0(conditionFileName, "_", condition[currentColumnIndex], "=",
filtered_libraries <- filtered_libraries[filtered_libraries[[condition[currentColumnIndex]]] ==
#retrieve all abundance files corresponding to condition
if (approach == "BH"){
allFiles <- list.files(path = file.path(filtered_libraries$output_directory), pattern="gene_level_abundance\\+calls.tsv",
full.names=T, recursive = TRUE)
} else {
allFiles <- list.files(path = file.path(filtered_libraries$output_directory), pattern="gene_level_abundance\\+calls_qValue.tsv",
full.names=T, recursive = TRUE)
message("Using ", length(allFiles), " libraries for condition: ", paste(condition,""),
" with values: ",paste(currentRow, ""))
allFiles <- lapply(allFiles, read.delim)
#merge calls based on condition
callsFile <- approachesMerging(allFiles = allFiles, approach = approach, cutoff = cutoff)
#write file with merged results
write.table(callsFile, file = paste0(outDir, "/Calls_merging_",approach, "_", "cutoff=", cutoff,
conditionFileName, ".tsv"), sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
#take all rows of the input file into consideration before filtering on an other set of condition
filtered_libraries <- userFile
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