#' GAPGOM internal - Directed acyclic graph (DAG) mathematical functions/DAG
#' navigation functions.
#' These functions are internal functions and should not be called by the user.
#' Mathematical calculations and navigations functions for directed acyclic
#' graphs (DAG). These functions do a multitude of things; calculate longest
#' paths between two nodes, calculate edge weight and retrieving a common
#' ancestor in the GO DAG given two GO ids.
#' @section Notes:
#' Internal functions all used in topo_ic_sim_titj().
#' @return output is different on a case-to-case basis
#' @name dag_funcs
#' @keywords internal
#' Common Ancestor for two GOIDs
#' @rdname dag_funcs
.common_ancestors <- function(go_id1, go_id2, ontology, organism, go_annotation,
information_content) {
root_count <- max(information_content[information_content != Inf])
information_content["all"] = 0
p1 <- information_content[go_id1]/root_count
p2 <- information_content[go_id2]/root_count
if (is.na(p1) | is.na(p2))
if (p1 == 0 | p2 == 0)
ancestor1 <- unlist(go_annotation[[go_id1]], FALSE, FALSE)
ancestor2 <- unlist(go_annotation[[go_id2]], FALSE, FALSE)
# always intersect all GOIDs, even if they are the same.
common_ancestors <- intersect(ancestor1, ancestor2)
#' Weighting subgraphs to get shortest and longest paths. Weighting edges is
#' done by assigning average inverse half information_content from two
#' corresponding nodes.
#' @importFrom graph edgeMatrix eWV
#' @importFrom igraph igraph.from.graphNEL set.edge.attribute
#' @rdname dag_funcs
.set_edge_weight <- function(sub_graph, information_content) {
edge_matrix <- edgeMatrix(sub_graph)
weighted_edge_matrix <- eWV(sub_graph, edge_matrix, useNNames = TRUE)
weights <- unlist(
lapply(seq_along(names(weighted_edge_matrix)), function(i) {
go <- strsplit(names(weighted_edge_matrix)[i], "->")
ic1 <- information_content[go[[1]][1]]
ic2 <- information_content[go[[1]][2]]
w1 <- 0
w2 <- 0
if (!is.na(ic1) & ic1 != 0)
w1 <- 1/(2 * ic1)
if (!is.na(ic2) & ic2 != 0)
w2 <- 1/(2 * ic2)
return(w1 + w2)
sub_igraph <- igraph.from.graphNEL(sub_graph)
sub_igraph <- set.edge.attribute(sub_igraph,
name = "weight",
value = weights)
#' Calculate weighted long path (winformation_content) between root and a
#' disjunctive common ancestor by topological sorting algorithm.
#' @import igraph
#' @rdname dag_funcs
.longest_path <- function(weighted_dag, go_annotation, last_common_ancestor,
root, information_content) {
# set internal igraph functions to null to appease R CMD check
to <- NULL
nei <- NULL
# make weighted subgraph (Subgraph from a disjunctive common ancestor to root)
weighted_subgraph <- subGraph(c(get(last_common_ancestor, go_annotation),
last_common_ancestor), weighted_dag)
weighted_subgraph <- .set_edge_weight(weighted_subgraph, information_content)
tsg <- topological.sort(weighted_subgraph)
# Set root path attributes Root distance
V(weighted_subgraph)[tsg[1]]$rdist <- 0
# Path to root
V(weighted_subgraph)[tsg[1]]$rpath <- tsg[1]
# Get longest path from root to every node
L = 0
for (node in tsg[-1]) {
if (tsg[node][[1]]$name == root) {
# Get distance from node's predecessors
w <- E(weighted_subgraph)[to(node)]$weight
# Get distance from root to node's predecessors
d <- V(weighted_subgraph)[nei(node, mode = "in")]$rdist
# Add distances (assuming one-one corr.)
wd <- w + d
# Set node's distance from root to max of added distances
mwd <- max(wd)
V(weighted_subgraph)[node]$rdist <- mwd
# Set node's path from root to path of max of added distances
mwdn <- as.vector(V(weighted_subgraph)[nei(node, mode = "in")])[
match(mwd, wd)]
V(weighted_subgraph)[node]$rpath <- list(c(unlist(V(weighted_subgraph)[
mwdn]$rpath), node))
L <- length(V(weighted_subgraph)[node]$rpath[[1]]) - 1
# Longest path length is the largest distance from root
lpl <- max(V(weighted_subgraph)$rdist, na.rm = TRUE)
information_content_lca <- information_content[last_common_ancestor][[1]]
if (!is.na(information_content_lca) & information_content_lca != 0)
lpl <- lpl + (1/(2 * information_content_lca))
return(lpl * L)
#' Gets last common ancestors in a special data.frame format.
#' @rdname dag_funcs
.get_last_common_ancestors<-function(go1, go2, ontology, organism, root,
go_annotation, information_content) {
common_ancestors <- .common_ancestors(go1, go2, ontology, organism,
go_annotation, information_content)
len_comanc <- length(common_ancestors)
if (len_comanc != 0 & all(!is.na(common_ancestors))) {
return(data.table(GO1=rep(go1, len_comanc), GO2=rep(go2, len_comanc),
LCA=common_ancestors)) # only return df if there's results. otherwise NA.
#' Gets short path info between a go_id and its last common ancestor.
#' @importFrom igraph igraph.from.graphNEL
#' @importFrom graph ftM2graphNEL subGraph
#' @importFrom AnnotationDbi get
#' @importFrom RBGL sp.between
#' @rdname dag_funcs
.get_short_path_info <- function(go_id, last_common_ancestor, weighted_graph,
go_annotation, information_content) {
sg <- subGraph(c(get(go_id, go_annotation), go_id), weighted_graph)
sg <- .set_edge_weight(sg, information_content)
sg <- igraph.to.graphNEL(sg)
sp <- sp.between(sg, go_id, last_common_ancestor)
ic_sp <- sp[[1]]$length
length_sp <- length(sp[[1]]$path_detail)
ic_go <- information_content[go_id]
if (!is.na(ic_go) & ic_go != 0) {
# return only if ic is present/not 0.
ic_sp <- ic_sp+(1/(2*ic_go))
return(data.frame(ICGo_x=ic_sp, LGo_x=length_sp))
#' Evaluaties disjunctive common ancestors for a particular common ancestor.
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar getTxtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise group_by
#' @importFrom data.table as.data.table rbindlist
#' @rdname dag_funcs
.find_disjunctive_lcas <- function(lcas, topoargs){
disjunctive_lcas <- c()
for (lca in lcas) {
immediate_children_x <- switch(topoargs$ontology,
MF = topoargs$GOMFCHILDREN[[lca]],
BP = topoargs$GOBPCHILDREN[[lca]],
CC = topoargs$GOCCCHILDREN[[lca]])
if(length(intersect(immediate_children_x, lcas)) == 0) {
disjunctive_lcas <- c(disjunctive_lcas, lca)
#' Evaluaties all_go_pairs_df and calculates topoicsim scores for only
#' necessary go's. E.g. go pairs that will be 0 will be skipped.
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar getTxtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @importFrom plyr ddply
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise group_by
#' @importFrom data.table as.data.table rbindlist
#' @rdname dag_funcs
.all_go_similarities <-function(all_go_pairs_df, topoargs, drop=NULL) {
# set internal df refrences to null to appease R CMD check
Distance <- NULL
if (nrow(all_go_pairs_df) < 1) {
message("Could not resolve any GOs!")
if (topoargs$verbose) {message("Started calculating all go's.")}
# Filter out go's present in pre-calculation or ones already present in
# all_go_pairs (happens if user has specified it).
if (topoargs$verbose) {message("Filtering out precalculated values...")}
removal_rows <- c()
for (i in seq_len(nrow(all_go_pairs_df))) {
pair <- all_go_pairs_df[i,]
go1 <- pair[[1]]
go2 <- pair[[2]]
if (!is.na(topoargs$all_go_pairs[go1, go2])) {
removal_rows <- c(removal_rows, i)
} else if (!is.na(topoargs$all_go_pairs[go2, go1])) {
removal_rows <- c(removal_rows, i)
} else if (topoargs$use_precalculation) {
if (go1 %in% colnames(topoargs$selected_freq_go_pairs) &
go2 %in% colnames(topoargs$selected_freq_go_pairs)) {
# set precalculated value.
topoargs$all_go_pairs <- .set_values(go1, go2, topoargs$all_go_pairs,
topoargs$selected_freq_go_pairs[go1, go2])
# set row for removal.
removal_rows <- c(removal_rows, i)
# filter out gos (if necessary)
if (!is.null(removal_rows)) {
all_go_pairs_df <- as.data.frame(all_go_pairs_df)[-removal_rows,]
# set progress bar
if (topoargs$progress_bar) {
message("Resolving common ancestors...")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(all_go_pairs_df), style = 3)
} else if (topoargs$verbose) {
message("Resolving common ancestors...")
# find last common ancestors (lcas)
all_lcas <- apply(all_go_pairs_df[, c(1, 2)], 1, function(go_pair) {
if (topoargs$progress_bar) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, getTxtProgressBar(pb)+1)
return(.get_last_common_ancestors(go_pair[1], go_pair[2], topoargs$ontology,
topoargs$organism, topoargs$root, topoargs$go_annotation, topoargs$IC))
# adding lcas to go pairs
if (is.null(all_lcas)) {
go_lca_pairs <- as.data.frame(cbind("GO1", "GO2", "LCA"))
else {
go_lca_pairs <- as.data.frame(rbindlist(all_lcas))
# remove "all" and "root" as lca's
go_lca_pairs <- go_lca_pairs[(go_lca_pairs[,3] != "all"),]
go_lca_pairs <- go_lca_pairs[(go_lca_pairs[,3] != topoargs$root),]
if (nrow(go_lca_pairs) < 1) {
message("\nCould not resolve any GOs!")
# grab amount of dplyr rows.
go_lca_pairs_n <- nrow(ddply(go_lca_pairs, .(GO1, GO2),
function(x) {return("row")}))
# and quit if it is 0...
if (go_lca_pairs_n < 1) {
message("\nCould not resolve any GOs!")
# set progress bar
if (topoargs$progress_bar) {
message("Resolving disjunctive common ancestors...")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = go_lca_pairs_n, style = 3)
} else if (topoargs$verbose) {
message("Resolving disjunctive common ancestors...")
# resolve disjunctive common ancestors too.
go_lca_pairs <- ddply(go_lca_pairs, .(GO1, GO2), function(x) {
if (topoargs$progress_bar) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, getTxtProgressBar(pb)+1)
lcas <- x$LCA
return(x[(lcas %in% .find_disjunctive_lcas(lcas, topoargs)),])
colnames(go_lca_pairs)<-c("GO", "GO", "LCA")
# convert "go1 go2 -> LCA" to "go1->LCA and go2->LCA" so we get all unique
# go - lca pairs
gos_lcas <- rbind(go_lca_pairs[,c(1, 3)], go_lca_pairs[,c(2, 3)])
colnames(go_lca_pairs)<-c("GO1", "GO2", "LCA")
gos_lcas <- unique(gos_lcas)
# prepare lca's
lcas <- unique(gos_lcas[,2])
lcas <- lcas[!is.na(lcas)]
lcas <- lcas[lcas!="all"]
lcas <- lcas[lcas!=topoargs$root]
if (topoargs$progress_bar) {
message("Calculating short paths...")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(gos_lcas), style = 3)
} else if (topoargs$verbose) {
message("Calculating short paths...")
# compute scores (IC and short path length) for "go1->LCA and go2->LCA"
go_lca_pair_scores_list <- apply(gos_lcas[,c(1, 2)], 1, function(go_terms) {
InfoGO <- .get_short_path_info(go_terms[1], go_terms[2],
topoargs$weighted_dag, topoargs$go_annotation, topoargs$IC)
ic_sp <- as.numeric(InfoGO$ICGo_x)
length_sp <- as.numeric(InfoGO$LGo_x)
if (topoargs$progress_bar) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, getTxtProgressBar(pb)+1)
return(data.table(GO1=go_terms[1], LCA=go_terms[2], ICSP=ic_sp,
# bind results
go_lca_pair_scores <- rbindlist(go_lca_pair_scores_list)
if (topoargs$progress_bar) {
message("Calculating long paths...")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(lcas), style = 3)
} else if (topoargs$verbose) {
message("Calculating long paths...")
# compute scores for longest path from lcas to root
lca_scores_list <- sapply(lcas, function(lca) {
wLP_x_root <- .longest_path(topoargs$weighted_dag, topoargs$go_annotation,
lca, topoargs$root, topoargs$IC)
if (topoargs$progress_bar) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, getTxtProgressBar(pb)+1)
return(cbind(LCA=lca, wLP=wLP_x_root))
lca_scores <- as.data.frame(cbind(LCA=lca_scores_list[1,],
rownames(lca_scores) <- c()
if (topoargs$progress_bar) {
message("Merging into all_go_pairs...")
} else if (topoargs$verbose) {
message("Merging into all_go_pairs...")
# merge scores
merged_scores <- merge(go_lca_pairs, go_lca_pair_scores, by = NULL,
by.x = c("GO1", "LCA"), by.y = c("GO1", "LCA"))
merged_scores <- merge(merged_scores, go_lca_pair_scores, by = NULL,
by.x = c("GO2", "LCA"), by.y = c("GO1", "LCA"))
merged_scores <- merge(merged_scores, lca_scores, by = NULL, by.x = "LCA",
by.y = "LCA")
# compute final scores
wSP_ti_tj_x <- (merged_scores$ICSP.x + merged_scores$ICSP.y)*
(merged_scores$LengthSP.x + merged_scores$LengthSP.y - 2)
D_ti_tj <- wSP_ti_tj_x/as.numeric(merged_scores$wLP)
go_distance_df <- data.frame(GO1=merged_scores$GO1, GO2=merged_scores$GO2,
go_similarity_df <- summarise(group_by(go_distance_df, GO1, GO2),
sim_ti_tj <- round(1-(atan(go_similarity_df$a_min)/(pi/2)), 3)
go_similarity_df <- data.frame(go_similarity_df, sim_ti_tj)
go_similarity_df <- go_similarity_df[,-3]
# AA5 = final dataframe as "GO1 GO2 Sim_ti_tj"
# update all go pairs
for (i in seq_len(nrow(go_similarity_df))) {
row <- go_similarity_df[i,]
go1 <- row[[1]]
go2 <- row[[2]]
topo_score <- row[[3]]
topoargs$all_go_pairs <- .set_values(go1, go2, topoargs$all_go_pairs,
if (topoargs$verbose | topoargs$progress_bar) {message("Done!")}
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