#' Write an integrated similarity network consisting of selected networks.
#' @param patientIDs (data.frame) patient identifiers. Columns include
#' internally-generated identifiers (GM_ID) and user-provided identifiers
#' (ID)
#' @param netIDs (data.frame) network metadata. Columns include
#' internal network name (NET_ID), user-provided name (NETWORK).
#' If a third optional column named "isBinary" is provided, and contains
#' binary values (i.e. 1 and 0), that indicates that the network contains
#' only binary weights and an alternate similarity computation (PropBinary)
#' will be used (see description).
#' @param netDir (char) path to directory containing interaction networks.
#' Note that these are networks where the node IDs have been recoded by
#' GeneMANIA (e.g. 1,2,3)
#' @param keepNets (char or data.frame) networks to include in integrated net
#' If data.frame must be in "NETWORK" column,other columns will be
#' ignored. Mainly included as convenience so pathway scores can passed
#' in table format
#' (NETWORK), and a multiplier constant for edges in that network (WEIGHT)
#' @param filterEdgeWt (numeric) keep edges with raw edge
#' weight strictly greater than this value. Note that "raw" refers to
#' this filter being applied before the multiplier is applied.
#' @param aggNetFunc (char, one of: [MEAN|MAX]) Aggregate the network
#' 2) MEAN: average of weighted edges (raw x netDx score)
#' 3) MAX: max of raw edge weight
#' @param limitToTop (integer) limit to top strongest connections. Set to
#' Inf to list all connections.
#' @param verbose (logical) print messages if TRUE
#' @param plotEdgeDensity (logical) plot density plot of edge weights, one
#' per input net. Used to troubleshoot problems introduced by specific nets.
#' @return (list)
#' 1) filterEdgeWt (numeric) Value of filterEdgeWt parameter
#' 2) aggNetFunc (char) Value of aggNetFunc parameter
#' 3) limitToTop (integer) Value of limitToTop parameter
#' 4) aggNet (matrix) Value of limitToTop parameter
#' File format is:
#' 1) source patient (SOURCE)
#' 2) target patient (TARGET)
#' 3) network name (NET_NAME)
#' 4) weight similarity for the network (WT_SIM)
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @export
writeWeightedNets <- function(patientIDs,netIDs,netDir,keepNets,
pid <- patientIDs
netid <- netIDs
aggNetFunc <- toupper(aggNetFunc)
if (!aggNetFunc %in% c("MEAN","MAX")) {
stop("aggNetFunc should be one of: MAX|MEAN\n")
if (missing(keepNets)) {
keepNets <- netid$NETWORK
if (class(keepNets)=="character") {
keepNets <- data.frame(NETWORK=keepNets,WEIGHT=1)
keepNets[,1] <- as.character(keepNets[,1])
simMode <- "normal"
if (any(colnames(netid) %in% "isBinary")) {
message("Binary status provided; switching to BinProp mode of similarity!")
colnames(netid)[3]<- "isBinary"
simMode <- "BinProp"
nets <- merge(x=netid,y=keepNets,by="NETWORK")
if (simMode =="normal") {
nets <- nets[,c("NETWORK","NET_ID","WEIGHT")]
} else {
nets <- nets[,c("NETWORK","NET_ID","WEIGHT","isBinary")]
nets$NET_ID <- as.character(nets$NET_ID)
# clean name
x <- sub(".profile$","",nets$NETWORK)
x <- sub("_cont.txt","",x)
nets$NETWORK_NAME <- x
numPat <- nrow(pid)
# buffer for pairwise interactions
intColl <- matrix(0,nrow=numPat,ncol=numPat)
# num interactions
numInt <- matrix(0,nrow=numPat,ncol=numPat)
contNets <- 1:nrow(nets)
# aggregate nets - binary mode
if (simMode=="BinProp") {
intColl <- matrix(0,nrow=numPat,ncol=numPat)
binNets <- which(nets[,"isBinary"]>0)
message(sprintf("Got %i binary nets", length(binNets)))
for (i in binNets) {
nf<- sprintf(netDir,nets$NET_ID[i],sep=getFileSep())
ints <- read.delim(nf,sep="\t",header=F,as.is=T)
ints <- subset(ints, ints[,3]>=filterEdgeWt) # probably never needed but
# harmless
if (nrow(ints)>=1) {
midx <- rbind(as.matrix(ints[,c(1:2)]),
intColl[midx] <- intColl[midx] + ints[,3] # increase tally for pairs
# with shared events
numInt[midx] <- 1 # count all binary nets exactly once, as we will
# create a single measure for them all.
if (length(binNets)>0) {
# finally divide by total num binary nets to get proportion similarity
intColl <- intColl/length(binNets)
# now convert to the range between filterEdgeWts and 1 to put on
# par with correlation-based nets
tmp <- qexp(intColl)
midx <- which(numInt > 0)
oldVal <- intColl[midx]
intColl[midx] <- ((tmp[midx]/max(tmp[midx]))*(1-filterEdgeWt))
intColl[midx] <- intColl[midx] + filterEdgeWt
contNets <- setdiff(contNets, which(nets[,"isBinary"]>0))
message(sprintf("%i continuous nets left",length(contNets)))
# aggregate nets - continuous-valued nets
for (i in contNets) {
nf <- paste(netDir,sprintf("1.%s.txt", nets$NET_ID[i]),sep=getFileSep())
ints <- read.delim(nf,sep="\t",header=F,as.is=T)
oldcount <- nrow(ints)
ints <- subset(ints, ints[,3]>=filterEdgeWt)
if (verbose) {
message(sprintf("Edge wt filter: %i -> %i interactions",
if (nrow(ints)>=1) {
midx <- rbind(as.matrix(ints[,c(1:2)]),
if (aggNetFunc=="MEAN") {
# count each edge in both directions so that the upper
# and lower triangle of the matrix are filled.
still_empty <- which(is.na(intColl[midx]))
if (any(still_empty))
intColl[midx[still_empty]] <- 0
intColl[midx] <- intColl[midx] + ints[,3]#*nets$WEIGHT[i])
if (plotEdgeDensity) {
tmp <- na.omit(as.numeric(ints[,3]))
numInt[midx] <- numInt[midx] + 1
} else if (aggNetFunc=="MAX"){
intColl[midx] <- pmax(intColl[midx],ints[,3],na.rm=TRUE)
if (plotEdgeDensity) {
numInt[midx] <- numInt[midx] + 1
if (verbose) message(sprintf("\t%s: %i: %i interactions added",
basename(nf),i, nrow(midx)))
} # finished aggregating nets
if (verbose) message(sprintf("Total of %i nets merged", nrow(nets)))
intColl[which(numInt < 1)] <- NA
# write average PSN
if (aggNetFunc=="MEAN") tmp <- intColl/numInt # take mean
else tmp <- intColl # max value is already in
if (!is.infinite(limitToTop)) {
if (limitToTop >= ncol(intColl)) limitToTop <- Inf
# limit top edges
if (!is.infinite(limitToTop)){
message(sprintf("* Limiting to top %i edges per patient",
for (k in 1:ncol(intColl)) {
mytop <- order(tmp[k,],decreasing=TRUE)
if (limitToTop <= (length(mytop)-1)) {
tmp[k,mytop[(limitToTop+1):length(mytop)]] <- NA
# now flatten matrix, remove bottom triangle, etc.,
if (is.infinite(limitToTop)) {
tmp[lower.tri(tmp,diag=TRUE)] <- NA # symmetric, remove dups
ints <- melt(tmp)
message(sprintf("\n\t%i pairs have no edges (counts directed edges)",
ints <- na.omit(ints)
# remove duplicate edges that have been encoded in both directions
if (!is.infinite(limitToTop)) {
torm <- c()
n <- nrow(ints)
# painfully slow, need way to vectorize this.
# this pass-through is needed for initial pruning of duplicates
for (k in 1:(n-1)) {
dup <- which(ints[(k+1):n,2]==ints[k,1] &
if (any(dup)) torm <- c(torm,dup)
message(sprintf("\tRemoving %i duplicate edges",
if (length(torm)>0) ints <- ints[-torm,]
x <- paste(ints[,1],ints[,2],sep=".")
y <- paste(ints[,2],ints[,1],sep=".")
z <- which(y %in% x)
if (any(z)) {
ints <- ints[-z,]
message(sprintf("\tSecond pass-through: removed %i more dups",
x <- paste(ints[,1],ints[,2],sep=".")
y <- paste(ints[,2],ints[,1],sep=".")
dup <- intersect(x,y)
if (length(dup)>0) {
stop("still have duplicates");
den <- choose(ncol(intColl),2)
message(sprintf("\tSparsity = %i/%i (%i %%)",
nrow(ints), den, round((nrow(ints)/den)*100)))
# resolve to patient name
midx <- match(ints[,1],pid$GM_ID)
if (all.equal(pid$GM_ID[midx],ints[,1])!=TRUE) {
stop("column 1 doesn't match\n")
ints$SOURCE <- pid$ID[midx]; rm(midx)
midx <- match(ints[,2],pid$GM_ID)
if (all.equal(pid$GM_ID[midx],ints[,2])!=TRUE) {
stop("column 2 doesn't match\n")
ints$TARGET <- pid$ID[midx]
ints <- ints[,c(4,5,3,1,2)]
colnames(ints)[1:3] <- c("source","target","weights")
out <- list(
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