# Parse main input functions
# These functions check the validity of the main input file
# and convert different input format into long format.
#' Check the validity of the input phylogenetic profile file
#' @description Check if input file has one of the following format: orthoXML,
#' multiple FASTA, tab-delimited matrix (wide or long), or list of OMA IDs.
#' @export
#' @param filein input file
#' @return The format of the input file format, or type of error
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @author Vinh Tran tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de
#' @seealso \code{\link{checkOmaID}}
#' @examples
#' filein <- system.file(
#' "extdata", "test.main.wide", package = "PhyloProfile", mustWork = TRUE
#' )
#' checkInputValidity(filein)
checkInputValidity <- function(filein) {
if (missing(filein) | is.null(filein)) return("No input file given!")
inputDt <- data.frame(fread(
file = filein, sep = "\t", header = FALSE, check.names = FALSE,
fill = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
if (is.na(inputDt[1, ncol(inputDt)])) {
} else {
names(inputDt) <- as.character(unlist(inputDt[1, ]))
# XML format (starts with <?xml)
if (grepl("<?xml", colnames(inputDt)[1])) {
# FASTA format (starts with ">" )
else if (grepl(">", colnames(inputDt)[1]) == TRUE) {
# LONG or WIDE format (starts with "geneID")
else {
if (grepl("geneID", colnames(inputDt)[1])) {
# LONG format
if (is.na(pmatch("ncbi", colnames(inputDt)[3])) ||
is.na(pmatch("ncbi", colnames(inputDt)[4])) ||
is.na(pmatch("ncbi", colnames(inputDt)[5]))) {
# WIDE format
else {
tmp <- inputDt[inputDt == ""][1]
if (!is.na(tmp) & tmp == "") {
} else return("wide")
else {
if (grepl("\\s", inputDt[1, 1])) return("invalidFormat")
# OMA ids
ids <- unique(inputDt[,1])
if (length(ids) < 2) ids <- rep(ids, 2)
invalidOma <- checkOmaID(ids)
if (length(invalidOma) == 0) {
} else return(invalidOma)
#' Parse orthoXML input file
#' @export
#' @param inputFile input file in xml format
#' @return A data frame of input data in long-format containing seed gene IDs (
#' or orthologous group IDs), their orthologous proteins together with the
#' corresponding taxonomy IDs and values of (up to) two additional variables.
#' @author Vinh Tran tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de
#' @importFrom xml2 read_xml
#' @importFrom xml2 xml_find_all
#' @importFrom xml2 xml_attr
#' @importFrom data.table dcast setDT
#' @examples
#' inputFile <- system.file(
#' "extdata", "test.main.xml", package = "PhyloProfile", mustWork = TRUE
#' )
#' xmlParser(inputFile)
xmlParser <- function(inputFile = NULL){
if (is.null(inputFile)) stop("Input file is NULL!")
scoreType <- scoreValue <- NULL
data <- read_xml(inputFile)
# get all genes for each taxon
species <- xml_find_all(data, ".//species")
geneSpec <- xml_find_all(species, ".//gene")
refGeneID <- xml_attr(geneSpec, "id")
if (length(geneSpec) == 0)
stop("Unsupported XML format! Please check the file header!")
if (grepl("protId", geneSpec[1])) {
orthoID <- as.data.frame(unlist(strsplit(
xml_attr(geneSpec, "protId"), split = '|', fixed = TRUE
)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[,1]
} else if (grepl("geneId", geneSpec[1])) orthoID <- xml_attr(geneSpec, "id")
speciesID <- xml_attr(species, "NCBITaxId")
speciesIDrep <- unlist(
lapply(species, function (x) length(xml_find_all(x, ".//gene"))))
speciesDf <- data.frame(
ncbiID = rep(paste0("ncbi", speciesID), speciesIDrep),
refGeneID = refGeneID, orthoID = orthoID, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# get orthologs and their scores
orthoGroup <- xml_find_all(data, ".//orthologGroup")
groupID <- xml_attr(orthoGroup, "id")
genes <- xml_find_all(orthoGroup, ".//geneRef")
refGeneID <- xml_attr(genes, "id")
score <- xml_find_all(genes, ".//score")
if (length(score) > 0) {
scorePair <- lapply(
score, function (x) c(xml_attr(x, "id"), xml_attr(x, "value")))
scorePair <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, scorePair))
groupIDrep <- unlist(lapply(
function (x) ncol(scorePair)*length(xml_find_all(x, ".//geneRef")))
orthoDf <- data.frame(
geneID = rep(groupID, groupIDrep),
refGeneID = rep(refGeneID, each = ncol(scorePair)),
scoreType = scorePair$V1, scoreValue = scorePair$V2,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
orthoDf <- data.table::dcast(
setDT(orthoDf), geneID+refGeneID ~ scoreType, value.var="scoreValue"
} else {
groupIDrep <- unlist(lapply(
function (x) length(xml_find_all(x, ".//geneRef")))
orthoDf <- data.frame(
geneID = rep(groupID, groupIDrep),
refGeneID = refGeneID,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# merge into final dataframe
finalDf <- merge(speciesDf, orthoDf, all.y = TRUE, by = "refGeneID")
# remove refGeneID column and reorder columns
finalDf <- finalDf[, -1]
refcols <- c("geneID", "ncbiID", "orthoID")
finalDf <- finalDf[, c(refcols, setdiff(names(finalDf), refcols))]
# remove columns that contains only NA
finalDf <- finalDf[, colSums(is.na(finalDf)) < nrow(finalDf)]
# convert geneID, ncbiID and orthoID to factors
finalDf[seq_len(3)] <- lapply(finalDf[seq_len(3)], as.factor)
# convert var1, var2 to numeric, suppressing warnings
if (ncol(finalDf) > 3) {
finalDf[4:min(5, ncol(finalDf))] <- lapply(
finalDf[4:min(5, ncol(finalDf))],
function(col) suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(col)))
#' Parse multi-fasta input file
#' @export
#' @param inputFile input multiple fasta file. Check extdata/test.main.fasta or
#' https://github.com/BIONF/PhyloProfile/wiki/Input-Data#multi-fasta-format for
#' the supported FASTA header.
#' @return A data frame of input data in long-format containing seed gene IDs (
#' or orthologous group IDs), their orthologous proteins together with the
#' corresponding taxonomy IDs and values of (up to) two additional variables.
#' @author Vinh Tran tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de
#' @importFrom Biostrings readAAStringSet
#' @examples
#' inputFile <- system.file(
#' "extdata", "test.main.fasta", package = "PhyloProfile", mustWork = TRUE
#' )
#' fastaParser(inputFile)
fastaParser <- function(inputFile = NULL){
if (is.null(inputFile)) stop("Input file is NULL!")
# split sequence IDs into columns
fastaFile <- Biostrings::readAAStringSet(inputFile)
seqID <- names(fastaFile)
tmpDf <- data.frame(
do.call(rbind, strsplit(seqID, "\\|")), stringsAsFactors = FALSE
orthoID <- tmpDf[,3]
if (!is.null(nrow(tmpDf[,-c(1,2, ncol(tmpDf) - 1, ncol(tmpDf))])))
orthoID <- do.call(paste, tmpDf[,-c(1,2, ncol(tmpDf) - 1, ncol(tmpDf))])
faDf <- data.frame(
geneID = tmpDf[,1],
ncbiID = tmpDf[,2],
orthoID = orthoID,
var1 = tmpDf[, ncol(tmpDf) - 1],
var2 = tmpDf[, ncol(tmpDf)],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
faDf$orthoID <- gsub(" ", "|", faDf$orthoID)
# remove columns that contains only NA
faDf <- faDf[, colSums(is.na(faDf)) < nrow(faDf)]
#' Transform input file in wide matrix into long matrix format
#' @export
#' @param inputFile input file in wide matrix format
#' @return A data frame of input data in long-format containing seed gene IDs (
#' or orthologous group IDs), their orthologous proteins together with the
#' corresponding taxonomy IDs and values of (up to) two additional variables.
#' @author Vinh Tran tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @examples
#' inputFile <- system.file(
#' "extdata", "test.main.wide", package = "PhyloProfile", mustWork = TRUE
#' )
#' wideToLong(inputFile)
wideToLong <- function(inputFile = NULL){
if (is.null(inputFile)) stop("Input file is NULL!")
wideDataframe <- data.frame(fread(
file = inputFile, sep = "\t", header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
ncbiIDs <- colnames(wideDataframe[, c(-1)])
orthoInfo <- data.frame(
rbind, strsplit(as.character(unlist(wideDataframe[, c(-1)])), "#")
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
longDataframe <- data.frame(
geneID = rep(wideDataframe$geneID, time = ncol(wideDataframe) - 1),
ncbiID = rep(ncbiIDs, time = 1, each = nrow(wideDataframe)),
orthoID = orthoInfo$X1,
var1 = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(orthoInfo$X2)),
var2 = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(orthoInfo$X3)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
longDataframe[seq_len(3)] <- lapply(longDataframe[seq_len(3)], as.factor)
#' Create a long matrix format for all kinds of input phylogenetic profiles
#' @export
#' @param inputFile input profile file in orthoXML, multiple FASTA,
#' tab-delimited matrix format (wide or long).
#' @return A data frame of input data in long-format containing seed gene IDs (
#' or orthologous group IDs), their orthologous proteins together with the
#' corresponding taxonomy IDs and values of (up to) two additional variables.
#' @author Vinh Tran tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @seealso \code{\link{xmlParser}}, \code{\link{fastaParser}},
#' \code{\link{wideToLong}}
#' @examples
#' inputFile <- system.file(
#' "extdata", "test.main.wide", package = "PhyloProfile", mustWork = TRUE
#' )
#' createLongMatrix(inputFile)
createLongMatrix <- function(inputFile = NULL){
if (is.null(inputFile)) stop("Input file is NULL!")
inputType <- checkInputValidity(inputFile)
if (inputType == "xml") longDataframe <- xmlParser(inputFile)
else if (inputType == "fasta") longDataframe <- fastaParser(inputFile)
else if (inputType == "long") {
longDataframe <- data.frame(fread(
file = inputFile, sep = "\t", header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = TRUE
else if (inputType == "wide") longDataframe <- wideToLong(inputFile)
else return(NULL)
# Remove duplicated rows
longDataframe <- dplyr::distinct(longDataframe)
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