#' Calculate the phylogenetic gene age from the phylogenetic profiles
#' @export
#' @usage estimateGeneAge(processedProfileData, taxaCount, rankName, refTaxon,
#' var1CO, var2CO, percentCO, taxDB = NULL)
#' @param processedProfileData dataframe contains the full processed
#' phylogenetic profiles (see ?fullProcessedProfile or ?parseInfoProfile)
#' @param taxaCount dataframe counting present taxa in each supertaxon
#' @param rankName working taxonomy rank (e.g. "species", "genus", "family")
#' @param refTaxon reference taxon name (e.g. "Homo sapiens", "Homo" or
#' "Hominidae")
#' @param var1CO cutoff for var1. Default: c(0, 1)
#' @param var2CO cutoff for var2. Default: c(0, 1)
#' @param percentCO cutoff for percentage of species present in each
#' supertaxon. Default: c(0, 1)
#' @param taxDB Path to the taxonomy DB files
#' @return A dataframe contains estimated gene ages for the seed proteins.
#' @author Vinh Tran tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de
#' @importFrom data.table setDT setnames
#' @importFrom dplyr count
#' @seealso \code{\link{parseInfoProfile}} for creating a full processed
#' profile dataframe; \code{\link{getNameList}} and
#' \code{\link{getTaxonomyMatrix}} for getting taxonomy info,
#' \code{\link{fullProcessedProfile}} for a demo input dataframe
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' data("fullProcessedProfile", package="PhyloProfile")
#' rankName <- "class"
#' refTaxon <- "Mammalia"
#' processedProfileData <- fullProcessedProfile
#' taxonIDs <- levels(as.factor(processedProfileData$ncbiID))
#' sortedInputTaxa <- sortInputTaxa(
#' taxonIDs, rankName, refTaxon, NULL, NULL
#' )
#' taxaCount <- sortedInputTaxa %>% dplyr::count(supertaxon)
#' var1Cutoff <- c(0, 1)
#' var2Cutoff <- c(0, 1)
#' percentCutoff <- c(0, 1)
#' estimateGeneAge(
#' processedProfileData,
#' taxaCount,
#' rankName,
#' refTaxon,
#' var1Cutoff, var2Cutoff, percentCutoff
#' )
estimateGeneAge <- function(
processedProfileData, taxaCount, rankName, refTaxon,
var1CO = c(0, 1), var2CO = c(0, 1), percentCO = c(0, 1), taxDB = NULL
if (rankName == "strain") stop("Please select a higher rank than STRAIN!")
rankList <- c(
"genus", "family", "class", "phylum", "kingdom", "norank_33154",
"superkingdom", "root"
# get selected (super)taxon ID
taxList <- getNameList(taxDB)
superID <- taxList[
taxList$fullName == refTaxon & taxList$rank == rankName,]$ncbiID
# full non-duplicated taxonomy data
Dt <- getTaxonomyMatrix(taxDB)
# subset of taxonomy data, containing only ranks from rankList
subDt <- Dt[, c("abbrName", rankList)]
# get (super)taxa IDs for one of representative species
firstLine <- Dt[Dt[, rankName] == superID, ][1, ]
supFirstLine <- firstLine[, c("abbrName", rankList)]
# compare each taxon IDs with selected taxon & create a "category" DF
subDtTmp <- subDt
if (supFirstLine$norank_33154 %in% c(554915, 33154)) {
subDtTmp$norank_33154 %in% c(554915, 33154) &
subDtTmp$superkingdom == 2759
] <- supFirstLine$norank_33154
} else {
!(subDtTmp$norank_33154 %in% c(554915, 33154)) &
subDtTmp$superkingdom == 2759
] <- supFirstLine$norank_33154
catList <- lapply(
seq(nrow(subDtTmp)), function (x) {
cath <- subDtTmp[x, ] %in% supFirstLine
cath <- paste0(cath, collapse = "")})
catDf <- data.frame(ncbiID = as.character(subDtTmp$abbrName),
cath = do.call(rbind, catList), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
catDf$cath <- gsub("TRUE", "1", catDf$cath)
catDf$cath <- gsub("FALSE", "0", catDf$cath)
# get main input data
mdData <- droplevels(processedProfileData)
# filter by var1, var2 ..
mdData <- subset(
mdData, mdData$var1 >= var1CO[1] & mdData$var1 <= var1CO[2]
& mdData$var2 >= var2CO[1] & mdData$var2 <= var2CO[2])
# calculate % present taxa
finalPresSpecDt <- calcPresSpec(mdData, taxaCount)
mdData <- mdData[
, c("geneID", "supertaxon","ncbiID","orthoID","var1","var2")
mdDataFull <- Reduce(
function(x, y) merge(x, y, by = c("geneID", "supertaxon"), all.x=TRUE),
list(mdData, finalPresSpecDt))
# add "category" into mdData
mdDtExt <- merge(mdDataFull, catDf, by = "ncbiID", all.x = TRUE)
mdDtExt$var1[mdDtExt$var1 == "NA" | is.na(mdDtExt$var1)] <- 0
mdDtExt$var2[mdDtExt$var2 == "NA" | is.na(mdDtExt$var2)] <- 0
# remove cat for "NA" orthologs and also for orthologs that dont fit cutoffs
if (nrow(mdDtExt[mdDtExt$orthoID == "NA" | is.na(mdDtExt$orthoID), ]) > 0)
mdDtExt[mdDtExt$orthoID == "NA" | is.na(mdDtExt$orthoID),]$cath <- NA
mdDtExt <- mdDtExt[stats::complete.cases(mdDtExt), ]
# filter by %specpres
mdDtExt <- mdDtExt[
mdDtExt$presSpec >=percentCO[1] & mdDtExt$presSpec<= percentCO[2],
# get the furthest common taxon with selected taxon for each gene
geneAgeDf <- as.data.frame(tapply(mdDtExt$cath, mdDtExt$geneID, min))
data.table::setDT(geneAgeDf, keep.rownames = TRUE)[]
data.table::setnames(geneAgeDf, seq_len(2), c("geneID", "cath")) #col names
row.names(geneAgeDf) <- NULL # remove row names
### move NA cat to working taxonomy rank
if (rankName == "genus")
geneAgeDf$cath[is.na(geneAgeDf$cath)] <- "011111111"
else if (rankName == "family")
geneAgeDf$cath[is.na(geneAgeDf$cath)] <- "001111111"
else if (rankName == "class")
geneAgeDf$cath[is.na(geneAgeDf$cath)] <- "000111111"
else if (rankName == "phylum")
geneAgeDf$cath[is.na(geneAgeDf$cath)] <- "000011111"
else if (rankName == "kingdom")
geneAgeDf$cath[is.na(geneAgeDf$cath)] <- "000001111"
else if (rankName == "superkingdom")
geneAgeDf$cath[is.na(geneAgeDf$cath)] <- "000000011"
geneAgeDf$cath[is.na(geneAgeDf$cath)] <- "111111111"
### merge ranks that are lower than ref rank to ref rank
index <- 0
if (rankName != "species")
index <- match(rankName, rankList)
maxCat <- paste0(
paste(rep(0,index), collapse = ""), paste(rep(1,9-index), collapse = "")
geneAgeDf$cath[geneAgeDf$cath > maxCat] <- maxCat
### convert cat into geneAge
domainDfList <- lapply(
geneAgeDf[geneAgeDf$cath == "000000001",]$geneID,
function (x) {
orthoList <- mdDtExt[
mdDtExt$geneID == x & mdDtExt$cath == "000000001",]$ncbiID
orthoDomainID <- levels(as.factor(
subDt[subDt$abbrName %in% orthoList,]$superkingdom))
orthoDomainName <- levels(as.factor(c(
taxList$fullName[taxList$ncbiID == supFirstLine$superkingdom],
taxList$fullName[taxList$ncbiID %in% orthoDomainID]
if (length(orthoDomainName) == 3) {
age <- paste0("10_", paste(orthoDomainName, collapse = "-"))
} else {
age <- paste0("09_", paste(orthoDomainName, collapse = "-"))
return(data.frame(geneID = x, age, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
konList <- lapply(
geneAgeDf[geneAgeDf$cath == "000000111",]$geneID,
function (x) {
orthoList <- mdDtExt[
mdDtExt$geneID == x & mdDtExt$cath == "000000111",]$ncbiID
orthoKonID <- levels(as.factor(
subDt[subDt$abbrName %in% orthoList,]$norank_33154))
superKingdom <- taxList$ncbiID[
taxList$ncbiID == supFirstLine$superkingdom
& taxList$rank == "superkingdom"]
if (superKingdom == 2759) {
orthoKonID <- unique(c(orthoKonID, supFirstLine$norank_33154))
if (length(orthoKonID) == 1) {
age <- paste0(
"06_", taxList$fullName[taxList$ncbiID == orthoKonID])
} else {
ukon <- levels(as.factor(orthoKonID%in%c(33154, 554915)))
if (length(ukon) == 1) {
if (ukon == TRUE) {
age <- "07_Unikonta"
} else {
age <- "07_Bikonta"
} else {
age <- "08_Eukaryote"
} else {
age <- paste0(
"08_", taxList$fullName[
taxList$ncbiID == supFirstLine$superkingdom])
return(data.frame(geneID = x, age, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
sarList <- lapply(
geneAgeDf[geneAgeDf$cath == "000001111",]$geneID,
function (x) {
if (
taxList$fullName[taxList$ncbiID == supFirstLine$kingdom] =="Sar"
) {
orthoList <- mdDtExt[
mdDtExt$geneID == x & mdDtExt$cath == "000001111",]$ncbiID
sarTaxDt <- Dt[
Dt$abbrName %in% orthoList,
colnames(Dt) %in%
c("norank_33630", "norank_543769", "norank_33634")]]
check <- lapply(
function(x) {
if (length(unique(x)) == 1) return(unique(x))
else return(NULL)
if (is.null(unlist(check))) {
age <- paste0(
taxList$fullName[taxList$ncbiID == supFirstLine$kingdom]
} else {
age <- paste0(
taxList$fullName[taxList$ncbiID == unlist(check)])
} else {
age <- paste0(
taxList$fullName[taxList$ncbiID == supFirstLine$kingdom])
return(data.frame(geneID = x, age, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
geneAgeDfPre <- do.call(rbind, c(domainDfList, konList, sarList))
if (!(is.null(geneAgeDfPre)))
geneAgeDf <- merge(geneAgeDf, geneAgeDfPre, by = "geneID", all.x = TRUE)
geneAgeDf$age[geneAgeDf$cath == "000000011"] <- paste0(
"08_", taxList$fullName[taxList$ncbiID == supFirstLine$superkingdom])
geneAgeDf$age[geneAgeDf$cath == "000011111"] <- paste0(
"04_", taxList$fullName[taxList$ncbiID == supFirstLine$phylum])
geneAgeDf$age[geneAgeDf$cath == "000111111"] <- paste0(
"03_", taxList$fullName[taxList$ncbiID == supFirstLine$class])
geneAgeDf$age[geneAgeDf$cath == "001111111"] <- paste0(
"02_", taxList$fullName[taxList$ncbiID == supFirstLine$family])
geneAgeDf$age[geneAgeDf$cath == "011111111"] <- paste0(
"01_", taxList$fullName[taxList$ncbiID == supFirstLine$genus])
geneAgeDf$age[geneAgeDf$cath == "111111111"] <- paste0(
"00_", taxList$fullName[
taxList$fullName == refTaxon & taxList$rank == rankName])
# return geneAge data frame
geneAgeDf <- geneAgeDf[, c("geneID", "cath", "age")]
#' Create data for plotting gene ages
#' @param geneAgeDf data frame containing estimated gene ages for seed proteins
#' @return A dataframe for plotting gene age plot containing the absolute number
#' and percentage of genes for each calculated evolutionary ages and the
#' corresponding position for writting those number on the plot.
#' @author Vinh Tran tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de
#' @importFrom dplyr count
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{estimateGeneAge}}
#' @examples
#' geneAgeDf <- data.frame(
#' geneID = c("100136at6656", "100265at6656", "101621at6656", "103479at6656"),
#' cath = c("0000001", "0000011", "0000001", "0000011"),
#' age = c("07_LUCA", "06_Eukaryota", "07_LUCA", "06_Eukaryota")
#' )
#' geneAgePlotDf(geneAgeDf)
geneAgePlotDf <- function(geneAgeDf){
if (is.null(geneAgeDf)) stop("Gene age data is NULL!")
age <- NULL
plotDf <- geneAgeDf %>% dplyr::count(age)
plotDf$level <- substring(plotDf$age, 1,2)
levelDf <- data.frame(
level = c("00", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "08", "10"),
rank = c(
" (Species)", " (Genus)", " (Family)", " (Class)", " (Phylum)",
" (Kingdom)", " (Superkingdom)"," (LUCA)"
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
plotDf <- merge(plotDf, levelDf, by = "level", all.x = TRUE)
plotDf[is.na(plotDf)] <- ""
plotDf$name <- paste0(substring(plotDf$age, 4), plotDf$rank)
plotDf$name <- factor(plotDf$name, levels = plotDf$name)
plotDf$percentage <- round(plotDf$n / sum(plotDf$n) * 100, 1)
outDf <- plotDf[, c("name", "n", "percentage")]
colnames(outDf) <- c("name", "count", "percentage")
#' Create gene age plot
#' @param geneAgePlotDf data frame required for plotting gene age (see
#' ?geneAgePlotDf)
#' @param textFactor increase factor of text size
#' @param font font of text. Default = Arial"
#' @return A gene age distribution plot as a ggplot2 object
#' @author Vinh Tran tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{estimateGeneAge}} and \code{\link{geneAgePlotDf}}
#' @examples
#' geneAgePlotDf <- data.frame(
#' name = c("Streptophyta (Phylum)", "Bikonta", "Eukaryota (Superkingdom)"),
#' count = c(7, 1, 30),
#' percentage = c(18, 3, 79)
#' )
#' createGeneAgePlot(geneAgePlotDf, 1, "sans")
createGeneAgePlot <- function (geneAgePlotDf, textFactor = 1, font = "Arial"){
name <- count <- percentage <- x <- y <- NULL
arrowDf <- data.frame(time = c(0, 0), y = c(0, nrow(geneAgePlotDf) + 1))
n <- nlevels(as.factor(geneAgePlotDf$name))
mycolors <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(
RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11, "Spectral"))(n)
p <- ggplot(data = geneAgePlotDf, aes(x = name, y = count, fill = name)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 0.5) +
aes(label = paste0(percentage, "%")),
position = position_dodge(0.9),
size = 3.5 + 1 * textFactor, hjust = 0
) +
data = data.frame(x = c(0, 0), y = c(0, nrow(geneAgePlotDf) + 1)),
aes(y = x, x = y),
arrow = arrow(
length = unit(0.30,"cm"), ends = "last", type = "closed"
) +
data = NULL,
aes(y = 0, x = (nrow(geneAgePlotDf) + 1) * 0.92, label = "time"),
vjust = -0.5,
angle = 90, alpha = 0.2
) +
coord_flip() +
theme_minimal() +
legend.position = "none",
axis.title.y = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12 * textFactor),
axis.text = element_text(size = 12 * textFactor),
text = element_text(family = font)
) +
scale_fill_manual(values = mycolors) +
scale_x_discrete(limits = rev(levels(geneAgePlotDf$name))) +
labs(y = "Number of genes")
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