#' @title A function to map either multiple or single CpGs based on overlaps
#' @importFrom IRanges mergeByOverlaps distance
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics as.data.frame
#' @param probe_id_locations Either a dataframe or GRanges object containing
#' probe IDs and their locations. If dataframe: must contain columns named "ID",
#' "seqnames", "Start", "End", and "Strand". If GRanges: should have locations
#' ("seqnames", "ranges", "strand"), as well as metadata column "ID". Start and
#' end locations should be 1-based coordinates. Note that any row with NA values
#' will not be used.
#' @param WGBS_data Either a GRanges object or methylKit object (methylRaw,
#' methylBase, methylRawDB, or methylBaseDB) of CpG locations and their
#' methylation values. Contains locations ("seqnames", "ranges", "strand") and
#' metadata column(s) of methylation values of sample(s) (i.e. one column per
#' sample). These methylation values must be between 0 and 1.
#' @param multipleMapping When searching for matches for probes not directly
#' covered in WGBS data, should WGBS CpGs which have already been mapped to
#' another probe still be considered? If TRUE, then yes. If FALSE, then no.
#' @param cutoff The maximum number of basepairs distance to consider for probes
#' which have not been directly covered in the WGBS data. Default value is 10.
#' @param overlaps_df A data frame containing the WGBS data and probe IDs
#' combined by overlaps
#' @return A dataframe with column for CpG IDs containing all of the maped CpGs
#' based on overlaps
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
mapByOverlaps <- function(WGBS_data, probe_id_locations, cutoff,
multipleMapping) {
overlaps_df <- mergeByOverlaps(WGBS_data, probe_id_locations)
# mapping CpG locations to probe locations by overlap
if (nrow(overlaps_df) == 0) {
overlaps_df$distance <- numeric()
if (nrow(overlaps_df) > 0) {
overlaps_df[, "distance"] <- NA
# since there is no gap, say distance is NA
if (cutoff > 0) {
# only need to do "nearlyOverlaps" if cutoff > 0
allresults <- mapByNearOverlaps(
WGBS_data, probe_id_locations, cutoff,
multipleMapping, overlaps_df
if (cutoff == 0) {
## if cutoff is 0, then all results are just exact overlaps
allresults <- overlaps_df
## cleaning up
allresults <- allresults[, -c(1, NCOL(allresults) - 2, NCOL(allresults))]
allresults <- allresults[c(ncol(allresults), seq_len(ncol(allresults) - 1))]
## if a probe was mapped to multiple CpGs,take the mean value
if (nrow(allresults) > 0) {
allresults <- aggregate(
x = allresults[, -1],
by = list(ID = allresults[, 1]),
FUN = mean
## set column names to match WGBS data
for (i in seq(2, ncol(allresults))) {
colnames(allresults)[i] <-
colnames(mcols(WGBS_data))[i - 1]
## the return value is a dataframe with column for CpG IDs
colnames(allresults)[1] <- "IDs"
allresults <- as.data.frame(allresults)
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