
Defines functions readCircs MungeColumn

Documented in MungeColumn readCircs

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#' read a tabular circRNA candidate list
#' \code{readCircs} loads a list of circRNA candidates into a \code{data.table}.
#' Currently supported input formats are find_circ.py and find_circ2.py.
#' Not intended to be used directly, but will stay exported for the time being.
#' If find_circ2.py is used, fifth column will be renamed to \code{n_reads}
#' (from \code{n_frags} or \code{counts}, depending on the find_circ2 release) for
#' backwards compatibility and old time's sake. Will rename "lin" to "norm" in
#' find_circ2 input name column for the same reason.
#' Expects \code{<myproject>/fc2/circ_splice_sites.bed} as input, and assumes
#' the existence of \code{<myproject>/fc2/lin_splice_sites.bed}.
#' @param file Input file location, a character string such as
#'             \code{/home/user/my_circRNA_project/circ_splice_sites.bed}
#' @param subs A character string, keep only lines containing it in the name column.
#' @param qualfilter should quality filtering be performed?
#' @param keepCols An integer vector. Which input columns should be returned?
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @return A data table.
#' @export
readCircs <- function(file, subs = "all", qualfilter = TRUE, keepCols = 1:6,
                      ...) {

    DT <- fread(file, sep = "\t", header = T) # maybe add colClasses later

  # try to figure out what tool the data are coming from
  if (ncol(DT) %in% 18:19 & names(DT)[1] == "# chrom") {
    # read find_circ
    setnames(DT, "# chrom", "chrom")
    DT <- DT[!grepl("#", DT$chrom)]
    # change column classes where needed
    # ***due to find_circ.py logic of putting a header line
    #    in the middle of the output file, all columns are
    #    character after fread()
    char.class <- c("chrom", "name", "strand", "tissues", "signal",
                    "strandmatch", "category")
    for (col in setdiff(colnames(DT), char.class)){
      set(DT, j = col, value = as.integer(DT[[col]]))

  } else if (ncol(DT) >= 21 & names(DT)[1] == "#chrom"){
    # read find_circ2
    DT.lin <- fread(sub("circ_splice_sites.bed$", "lin_splice_sites.bed", file),
                    sep = "\t", header = T)
    DT.lin$name <- sub("lin", "norm", DT.lin$name)
    DT <- rbind(DT.lin, DT)

    # read find_circ2
    setnames(DT, "#chrom", "chrom")
    setnames(DT, names(DT)[5], "n_reads") # TODO: this is dirty af

    DT <- DT[!grepl("#", DT$chrom)]
  } else if (ncol(DT) == 12 & names(DT)[1] == "circRNA_ID") {
    # read CIRI2
    setnames(DT, c("name", "chrom", "start", "end", "n_reads", "SM_MS_SMS",
                   "n_reads_nonjunction", "junction_reads_ratio",
                   "circRNA_type", "gene_id", "strand", "junction_reads_ID"))

  if (subs != "all") {
    DT <- DT[grep(subs, DT$name)]

  if (qualfilter == TRUE) {
    DT <- qualFilter(DT)

  DT <- DT[, keepCols, with = F]


# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#' load circRNA detection output to a SummarizedExperiment object
#' Function that reads an arbitrary number of circRNA lists and returns a
#' SummarizedExperiment object. The resulting object contains unified circ RNA
#' coordinates as GRanges and counts of back-spliced and linearly spliced reads
#' for each circRNA in each sample
#' @param keep.linear A boolean indicating whether to keep the counts of
#'        linearly spliced transcripts
#' @param wobble Number of nucleotides around the splicing border that should be
#'        considered when collapsing circular transcripts - helps with mapping
#'        imprecision
#' @param subs A character string, keep only lines containing it in the name column
#' @param qualfilter A boolean. Should quality filtering be performed?
#' @param keepCols An integer vector. Which input columns should be returned?
#' @param colData A \code{data.frame} object that contains input files
#'        and sample names to be used for further analysis. Sample names should
#'        be unique characters
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @return A \code{SummarizedExperiment} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname summarizeCircs-methods
#' @export
           function(colData = NULL,
                    keep.linear = TRUE,
                    wobble = 5,
                    subs = "all",
                    qualfilter = TRUE,
                    keepCols = 1:6,

#' @aliases summarizeCircs,data.frame-method
#' @rdname summarizeCircs-methods
setMethod("summarizeCircs", signature("data.frame"),
          function(colData, keep.linear, wobble, subs, qualfilter, keepCols){

            # munge input
            # -------------------------------------- #
            coldata.cnams <- c("sample", "filename")
            if (!all(coldata.cnams %in% colnames(colData)))
               stop(paste(setdiff(coldata.cnams, colnames(colData),
                            "is missing from colData")))

            circ.files <- as.character(colData$filename)

            if (any(duplicated(colData$sample)))
               stop("Sample names must be unique characters")

            if (!all(file.exists(circ.files)))
              stop("Supplied circ files do not exist")

            # load circs
            # -------------------------------------- #
            circs <- lapply(circ.files, readCircs, subs, qualfilter, keepCols)
            names(circs) <- colData$sample

            dcircs <- rbindlist(circs)
            dcircs$set <- factor(rep(names(circs), sapply(circs, nrow)),
                                 levels = names(circs))

            # process circular and linear if input is find_circ
            # TODO: find a better way to recognize CIRI2
            if (!("SM_MS_SMS" %in% names(circs[[1]]))) {
              # find_circ
              if (grepl("_circ_norm_", dcircs$name[1]) |
                  grepl("_circ_circ_", dcircs$name[1])) {
                message(paste("funky naming scheme used, will convert",
                              "_circ_norm_ to _norm_ and _circ_circ_ to _circ_",
                              "before everything crashes"))
                dcircs$name <- sub("_circ_norm_", "_norm_", dcircs$name)
                dcircs$name <- sub("_circ_circ_", "_circ_", dcircs$name)
              dcircs$type <- ifelse(grepl("circ", dcircs$name), "circ",

              dcircs <- split(dcircs, dcircs$type)

              circ.gr <-
                                         keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
            } else {
              # CIRI2
              circ.gr <-  makeGRangesFromDataFrame(as.data.frame(dcircs),
                                                   keep.extra.columns = TRUE)

            # prepare the wobble
            # -------------------------------------- #
            circ.gr.s <- resize(resize(circ.gr, fix = "start", width = 1),
                                fix = "center", width = wobble)
            circ.gr.e <- resize(resize(circ.gr, fix = "end",   width = 1),
                                fix = "center", width = wobble)

            circ.fos <-
                                                       ignore.strand = FALSE))))
            circ.foe <-
                                                       ignore.strand = FALSE))))

            merge.fos <- merge(circ.fos, circ.foe, by = "queryHits", all = TRUE)
            merge.fos$fac <- with(merge.fos,

            #circ.gr.reduced <- sort(unlist(range(split(circ.gr, merge.fos$fac),
            #                                     ignore.strand = FALSE)))
            # TODO: wobble logic is naive, should be improved to select the best
            # expressed circRNA as a referent one
            circ.gr.reduced <- unlist(range(split(circ.gr, merge.fos$fac),
                                            ignore.strand = FALSE))

            # prepare the assays object
            # TODO: this screams refactoring
            # -------------------------------------- #
            message("Fetching circular expression")

            assays <- list()
            # TODO: find a better way to recognize CIRI2
            if (!("SM_MS_SMS" %in% names(circs[[1]]))) {

              n_reads.dt <- MungeColumn(merge.fos, circ.gr, circ.gr.reduced,
              n_uniq.dt  <- MungeColumn(merge.fos, circ.gr, circ.gr.reduced,

              assays$circ      <- as.matrix(n_reads.dt[, -1, with = FALSE])
              assays$circ.uniq <- as.matrix( n_uniq.dt[, -1, with = FALSE])

            } else {

              n_reads.dt <- MungeColumn(merge.fos, circ.gr, circ.gr.reduced,
              assays$circ      <- as.matrix(n_reads.dt[, -1, with = FALSE])


            if (keep.linear == TRUE){
              message("Processing linear transcripts")
              linear <- ProcessLinear(dcircs, circ.gr.reduced, wobble)
              assays <- c(assays, linear)

            if (class(colData) == "data.frame")
                colData <- DataFrame(colData)

            sex <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = assays,
                                        rowRanges = circ.gr.reduced,
                                        colData = colData)


#' @aliases summarizeCircs,character-method
#' @rdname summarizeCircs-methods
setMethod("summarizeCircs", signature("character"),
          function(colData, keep.linear, wobble, subs, qualfilter, keepCols){

            message("Constructing colData...")
            colData <- data.frame(sample   = sub(".candidates.bed", "",
                                  filename = colData,
                                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

            summarizeCircs(colData = colData,
                           keep.linear = keep.linear,
                           wobble = wobble,
                           subs = subs,
                           qualfilter = qualfilter,
                           keepCols = keepCols)

#' Title
#' Function that, based on circRNA candidate list and collapsed circRNA
#' candidate list
#' summarizes a numeric input column into a matrix that can be hooked to
#' SummarizedExperiment
#' @param merge.fos merge fos
#' @param circ.gr circs
#' @param circ.gr.reduced reduced circs
#' @param column.name column to extract
#' @return a matrix
#' @export
MungeColumn <- function(merge.fos, circ.gr, circ.gr.reduced, column.name) {

  if (!(column.name %in% colnames(elementMetadata(circ.gr)))) {
    stop("unknown column name: ", column.name)

  circ.ex <- merge.fos[, .(queryHits, fac)]
  circ.ex$nreads <- values(circ.gr)[[column.name]][circ.ex$queryHits]
  circ.ex$set <- circ.gr$set[circ.ex$queryHits]
  circ.ex.matrix <- dcast.data.table(formula = fac~set,
                                     fun.aggregate = sum,
                                     fill = 0,
                                     value.var = "nreads",
                                     data = circ.ex)
  circ.ex.matrix <- circ.ex.matrix[match(names(circ.gr.reduced),

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#' Title
#' Function that extracts the linear splicing isoforms for each circ RNA
#' @param dcircs dcircs
#' @param circ.gr.reduced reduced circs
#' @param wobble how many nucleotides of wobble to tolerate?
#' @return a list
#' @export
ProcessLinear <- function(dcircs, circ.gr.reduced, wobble){

    lin.gr <-  makeGRangesFromDataFrame(as.data.frame(dcircs[["linear"]]),
                                       keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
    circ.gr.s <- resize(resize(circ.gr.reduced, fix = "start", width = 1),
                        fix = "center", width = wobble)
    circ.gr.e <- resize(resize(circ.gr.reduced, fix = "end",   width = 1),
                        fix = "center", width = wobble)

    cfos <- data.table(as.matrix(findOverlaps(resize(lin.gr, fix = "start",
                                                     width = 1),
                                              ignore.strand = FALSE)))
    cfoe <- data.table(as.matrix(findOverlaps(resize(lin.gr, fix = "end",
                                                     width = 1),
                                              ignore.strand = FALSE)))

    cfos$nreads <- lin.gr$n_reads[cfos$queryHits]
    cfos$set <- lin.gr$set[cfos$queryHits]
    cfos$queryHits <- factor(cfos$subjectHits,
                             levels = 1:length(circ.gr.reduced))
    cfos.cast <- dcast.data.table(formula = queryHits~set, fun.aggregate = sum,
                                  fill = 0, value.var = "nreads", data = cfos,
                                  drop = FALSE)
    cfos.cast <- cfos.cast[match(names(circ.gr.reduced), cfos.cast$queryHits)]

    cfoe$nreads <- lin.gr$n_reads[cfoe$queryHits]
    cfoe$set <- lin.gr$set[cfoe$queryHits]
    cfoe$queryHits <- factor(cfoe$subjectHits,
                             levels = 1:length(circ.gr.reduced))
    cfoe.cast <- dcast.data.table(formula = queryHits~set, fun.aggregate = sum,
                                  fill = 0, value.var = "nreads", data = cfoe,
                                  drop = FALSE)
    cfoe.cast <- cfoe.cast[match(names(circ.gr.reduced), cfoe.cast$queryHits)]

    return(list(linear.start = as.matrix(cfos.cast[, -1, with = FALSE]),
                linear.end   = as.matrix(cfoe.cast[, -1, with = FALSE])))
BIMSBbioinfo/ciRcus documentation built on May 5, 2019, 10:25 a.m.