#' createControlRegions
#' Given a GRanges object of query regions, create a background set of peaks
#' that have the same length distribution based on the flanking regions of the
#' peaks.
#' @param queryRegions GRanges object containing coordinates of input query
#' regions imported by the \code{\link{importBed}} function.
#' @return GRanges object that contains the same number of regions as query
#' regions
#' @examples
#' data(queryRegions)
#' controlRegions <- createControlRegions(queryRegions = queryRegions)
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @export
createControlRegions <- function (queryRegions) {
upFlank <- GenomicRanges::flank(queryRegions, start = TRUE, width=200)
downFlank <- GenomicRanges::flank(queryRegions, start = FALSE, width=200)
#randomly select up or downstream flanking regions
s <- sample(c(0:1), length(queryRegions), replace = TRUE)
flanks <- upFlank
flanks[s==1] <- downFlank[s==1]
df <- data.frame(seqnames = GenomicRanges::seqnames(queryRegions),
start = GenomicRanges::start(queryRegions),
end = GenomicRanges::end(queryRegions),
strand = GenomicRanges::strand(queryRegions),
width = GenomicRanges::width(queryRegions))
df$flankStart <- GenomicRanges::start(flanks)
df$flankEnd <- GenomicRanges::end(flanks)
df$randomFlankStart <- apply(X = df[,6:7], 1,
FUN = function(x) sample(x[1]:x[2], 1))
df$randomFlankEnd <- df$randomFlankStart + df$width - 1
controlRegions <- df[1] #control intervals
controlRegions$start <- df$randomFlankStart
controlRegions$end <- df$randomFlankEnd
controlRegions$id <- paste(controlRegions$seqnames,
df$strand, sep=':')
controlRegions$score <- 1
controlRegions$strand <- df$strand
#convert to Granges object
controlRegions <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(controlRegions)
#' extractSequences
#' Given a GRanges object and a genome version (hg19, mm9, ce10 or dm3), this
#' function extracts the DNA sequences for all genomic regions found in an input
#' object.
#' @param queryRegions GRanges object containing coordinates of input query
#' regions imported by the \code{\link{importBed}} function
#' @param genomeVersion A character string to denote the BS genome library
#' required to extract sequences. Available options are hg19, mm9, ce10 and
#' dm3.
#' @return DNAStringSet object will be returned
#' @examples
#' data(queryRegions)
#' sequences <- extractSequences(queryRegions = queryRegions,
#' genomeVersion = 'hg19')
#' @importFrom BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19 Hsapiens
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevelsStyle
#' @importFrom Biostrings getSeq
#' @export
extractSequences <- function (queryRegions, genomeVersion) {
seqDb <- checkSeqDb(genomeVersion)
style <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(queryRegions)
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(seqDb) <- style
sequences <- Biostrings::getSeq(seqDb, queryRegions)
names(sequences) <- paste('seq', 1:length(sequences), sep='_')
return (sequences)
#' Generate K-mers
#' Given a list of characters, generates all possible fixed length strings
#' @param k The length of the strings to be generated
#' @param letters A character vector
#' @return Vector of strings
#' @examples
#' generateKmers(3, c('A', 'C', 'G'))
#' @export
generateKmers <- function(k, letters = c("A", "C", "G", "T")) {
kmer <- c()
for(i in 1:k){
kmer <- unlist(lapply(letters, function(x){paste(kmer, x, sep="")}))
countPattern <- function(seqs, patterns, maxMismatch = 0, nCores = 1) {
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nCores)
parallel::clusterExport(cl = cl, varlist = c('seqs', 'patterns', 'maxMismatch'),
envir = environment())
M <- do.call(rbind, pbapply::pblapply(cl = cl, X = patterns,
FUN = function(x) {
Biostrings::vcountPattern(x, seqs,
max.mismatch = maxMismatch)
rownames(M) <- patterns
#' @importFrom IRanges width
#' @importFrom Biostrings vmatchPattern
extractMatches <- function(seqs, patterns, minMismatch = 0, maxMismatch = 0) {
matches <- lapply(patterns, function(x) {
m <- Biostrings::vmatchPattern(pattern = x, subject = seqs, max.mismatch = maxMismatch)
m <- unlist(m[lengths(m) > 0])
if(length(m) == 0) {
# remove out of bounds matches
m <- m[start(m) >= 1]
m <- m[end(m) <= IRanges::width(seqs[names(m)])]
m <- split(m, names(m))
common <- intersect(names(m), names(seqs))
if(length(common) == 0) {
paste(unlist(Biostrings::extractAt(seqs[common], m[common])))
names(matches) <- patterns
#' Find Differential Motifs
#' @param querySeqs A DNAStringSet object that is the regions of interest.
#' @param controlSeqs A DNAStrintSet object that serve as the control
#' @param motifWidth A Positive integer (default: 6) for the generated k-mers. Warning: we recommend
#' using values below 10 as the computation gets exponentially difficult as the
#' motif width is increased.
#' @param motifN A positive integer (default:1) denoting the maximum number of
#' motifs that should be returned by the \code{findDifferentialMotifs} function
#' @param maxMismatch A positive integer (default: 1) - maximum number of
#' mismatches to allow when searching for k-mer matches in sequences.
#' @param nCores A positive integer (default:1) number of cores used for
#' parallel execution.
#' @import ranger
#' @examples
#' data(queryRegions)
#' # get query and control sequences
#' querySeqs <- extractSequences(queryRegions[1:500], 'hg19')
#' controlRegions <- createControlRegions(queryRegions[1:500])
#' controlSeqs <- extractSequences(controlRegions, 'hg19')
#' #run motif discovery
#' motifResults <- findDifferentialMotifs(querySeqs = querySeqs,
#' controlSeqs = controlSeqs,
#' motifWidth = 5,
#' motifN = 1,
#' maxMismatch = 0,
#' nCores = 1)
#' #summarize motif results
#' getMotifSummaryTable(motifResults)
#' @export
findDifferentialMotifs <- function(querySeqs,
motifWidth = 6,
motifN = 1,
nCores = 1,
maxMismatch = 1) {
kmers <- generateKmers(k = motifWidth)
selected <- seq(1:length(querySeqs))
if(length(querySeqs) > 1000) {
selected <- sample(1:length(querySeqs), 1000)
query <- countPattern(querySeqs[selected], kmers, maxMismatch, nCores)
ctrl <- countPattern(controlSeqs[selected], kmers, maxMismatch, nCores)
# only keep patterns that are more frequent in the query
queryHits <- apply(query, 2, function(x) sum(x > 0))
controlHits <- apply(ctrl, 2, function(x) sum(x > 0))
candidates <- names(which(log2((queryHits + 1) / (controlHits+1)) > 0))
if(length(candidates) == 0) {
warning("Couldn't find any motifs that occur more often in the query sequences
compared to the background. Returning NULL. ")
query <- query[,candidates]
ctrl <- ctrl[,candidates]
# train a random forest model
df <- as.data.frame(rbind(query[,candidates], ctrl[,candidates]))
df$label <- as.factor(c(rep("query", nrow(query)),
rep("ctrl", nrow(ctrl))))
fit <- ranger::ranger(label ~ ., df, importance = 'impurity')
var.imp <- sort(ranger::importance(fit), decreasing = T)
#get top variables
max <- ifelse(motifN < length(candidates), motifN, length(candidates))
top <- names(var.imp[1:max])
results <- list("counts_query" = query[,top, drop = F],
"counts_ctrl" = ctrl[,top,drop = F],
"matches_query" = extractMatches(seqs = querySeqs,
patterns = top,
maxMismatch = maxMismatch),
"matches_ctrl" = extractMatches(seqs = controlSeqs,
patterns = top,
maxMismatch = maxMismatch))
#' run motifRG
#' @export
runMotifRG <- function() {
#' runMotifDiscovery
#' This function builds a random forest classifier to find the top most
#' discriminative motifs in the query regions compared to the background. The
#' background sequences are automatically generated based on the query regions.
#' First, k-mers of a fixed length are generated. The query and control sequences
#' are searched for k-mers allowing for mismatches. A random forest model is
#' trained to find the most discriminative motifs.
#' @param queryRegions GRanges object containing coordinates of input query
#' regions imported by the \code{\link{importBed}} function
#' @param resizeN Integer value (default: 0) to resize query regions if they are
#' shorter than the value of \code{resize}. Set to 0 to disable resize.
#' @param sampleN A positive integer value. The queryRegions are randomly
#' downsampled to include intervals as many as \code{sampleN}. The input will
#' be downsampled only if this value is larger than zero and less than the
#' total number of input intervals.
#' @param genomeVersion A character string to denote the BS genome library
#' required to extract sequences. Example: 'hg19'
#' @param motifWidth A Positive integer (default: 6) for the generated k-mers.
#' Warning: we recommend using values below 10 as the computation gets
#' exponentially difficult as the motif width is increased.
#' @param motifN A positive integer (default:5) denoting the maximum number of
#' motifs that should be returned by the \code{findDifferentialMotifs}
#' function
#' @param maxMismatch A positive integer (default: 1) - maximum number of
#' mismatches to allow when searching for k-mer matches in sequences.
#' @param nCores A positive integer (default:1) number of cores used for
#' parallel execution.
#' @return A list of four objects: k-mer count matrices for query and background
#' and lists of string matches for the top discriminating motifs (motifN).
#' @examples
#' data(queryRegions)
#' motifResults <- runMotifDiscovery(queryRegions = queryRegions[1:1000],
#' genomeVersion = 'hg19',
#' motifWidth = 6,
#' resize = 15,
#' motifN = 1,
#' maxMismatch = 1,
#' nCores = 1)
#' @export
runMotifDiscovery <- function (queryRegions, resizeN = 0, motifWidth = 6,
sampleN = 0, genomeVersion, maxMismatch = 1,
motifN = 5, nCores = 1) {
if(sampleN > 0 && length(queryRegions) > sampleN) {
message("Randomly sampling query regions for motif analysis.
Downsampling to ",sampleN," regions")
queryRegions <- sample(queryRegions, sampleN)
if(resizeN > 0) {
resizeIntervals <- width(queryRegions) < resizeN
if(sum(resizeIntervals) > 0){
message("Found ",sum(resizeIntervals)," query regions shorter than ",
resizeN, " bps. Resizing those regions to ",resizeN,' bps')
queryRegions[resizeIntervals] <- GenomicRanges::resize(
x = queryRegions[resizeIntervals],
width = 15,
fix = 'center')
message('extracting sequences from fasta..')
querySeqs <- extractSequences(queryRegions, genomeVersion)
message('extracting background sequences from fasta..')
controlRegions <- createControlRegions(queryRegions)
controlSeqs <- extractSequences(controlRegions, genomeVersion)
message('running motif discovery ... ')
motifResults <- findDifferentialMotifs(querySeqs = querySeqs,
controlSeqs = controlSeqs,
motifWidth = motifWidth,
motifN = motifN,
maxMismatch = maxMismatch,
nCores = nCores)
#' getMotifSummaryTable
#' Get summary stats for top discovered motifs
#' @param motifResults Output object of \code{runMotifDiscovery} function
#' @return A data.frame object containing summary statistics about the
#' discovered motifs
#' @examples
#' data(queryRegions)
#' motifResults <- runMotifDiscovery(queryRegions = queryRegions[1:1000],
#' genomeVersion = 'hg19',
#' resize = 15,
#' motifN = 1,
#' maxMismatch = 1,
#' nCores = 2)
#' motifSummary <- getMotifSummaryTable(motifResults)
#' @importFrom stats fisher.test
#' @export
getMotifSummaryTable <- function(motifResults){
if(!is.null(motifResults)) {
df <- data.frame('patterns' = names(motifResults$matches_query),
'queryHits' = colSums(motifResults$counts_query), # total number of motifs in sequences
'controlHits' = colSums(motifResults$counts_ctrl),
'querySeqs' = colSums(motifResults$counts_query > 0), #number of seqs with motifs
'controlSeqs' = colSums(motifResults$counts_ctrl > 0),
'queryFraction' = round(colSums(motifResults$counts_query > 0) /
nrow(motifResults$counts_query), 2),
'controlFraction' = round(colSums(motifResults$counts_ctrl > 0) /
nrow(motifResults$counts_ctrl), 2))
# for each motif pattern, calculate p-value and odds ratio of the motif
# occurrence in query sequences compared to the control sequences.
df <- cbind(df, do.call(rbind, apply(df, 1, function(r) {
querySeqCount <- as.numeric(r[4])
ctrlSeqCount <- as.numeric(r[5])
t <- fisher.test(matrix(data = c(querySeqCount, ctrlSeqCount,
nrow(motifResults$counts_query) - querySeqCount,
nrow(motifResults$counts_ctrl) - ctrlSeqCount),
nrow = 2), alternative = 'greater')
return(data.frame('oddsRatio' = round(t$estimate[[1]], 2),
'pvalue' = t$p.value))
} else {
return(data.frame('patterns' = 'NONE',
'queryHits' = 0,
'controlHits' = 0,
'querySeqs' = 0,
'controlSeqs' = 0,
'queryFraction' = 0,
'controlFraction' = 0,
'oddsRatio' = 1,
'pvalue' = 1))
#' discoverFeatureSpecificMotifs
#' This function groups query regions based on their overlap with different
#' transcript features and generates a table of top enriched motif and matching
#' patterns for each given transcript feature type along with some other motif
#' discovery related statistics.
#' @param queryRegions GRanges object containing coordinates of input query
#' regions imported by the \code{\link{importBed}} function
#' @param txdbFeatures A list of GRanges objects where each GRanges object
#' corresponds to the genomic coordinates of gene features such as promoters,
#' introns, exons, 5'/3' UTRs and whole transcripts.
#' This list of GRanges objects are obtained by the function
#' \code{\link{getTxdbFeaturesFromGRanges}} or \code{\link{getTxdbFeatures}}.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \code{\link{runMotifRG}} function.
#' Important arguments are 'genomeVersion' and motifN. If motifN is bigger
#' than 1, then multiple motifs will be found but only the top motif will be
#' plotted.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(gff)
#' data(queryRegions)
#' txdbFeatures <- getTxdbFeaturesFromGRanges(gffData = gff)
#' discoverFeatureSpecificMotifs(queryRegions = queryRegions,
#' genomeVersion = 'hg19', txdbFeatures = txdbFeatures,
#' motifN = 1, nCores = 1)}
#' @return A data.frame object
#' @export
discoverFeatureSpecificMotifs <- function(queryRegions, txdbFeatures, ...) {
results <- lapply(names(txdbFeatures), function(f) {
message("Looking for motifs in feature:",f)
featureCoords <- txdbFeatures[[f]]
#find query regions that overlap the target features
q <- queryRegions[unique(queryHits(findOverlaps(queryRegions, featureCoords)))]
if(length(q) > 0) {
motifResults <- runMotifDiscovery(queryRegions = q, ...)
names(results) <- names(txdbFeatures)
#' getPWM
#' Given a vector of strings of equal width, generate a position-specific
#' weight matrix based on the frequency of occurrence of the unique letters
#' found in the sequences.
#' @param sequences vector of strings of equal widths.
#' @param letters vector of characters to consider as the an alphabet
#' @examples
#' sequences = c("GGAGAG", "GAAGAA", "TGAGAA", "GGAGAA", "GAAGAA")
#' getPWM(sequences)
#' @return A matrix of position-specific-weights.
#' @export
getPWM <- function(sequences, letters = c('A', 'C', 'G', 'T')) {
chars <- strsplit(sequences, '')
if(length(unique(lengths(chars))) > 1) {
stop("getPWM: All sequences must be of the same width.")
m <- do.call(rbind, chars) # matrix of chars
# for each position, count occurrences
counts <- apply(m, 2, function(y) {
sapply(letters, function(l) {
sum(y == l)
# convert counts to fractions
pwm <- apply(counts, 2, function(x) x / sum(x))
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