
Defines functions visualiseBranchPointStats visualiseTrajectoryStats plotPathProjectionCenterAndCircle circleOnTheUnitSphere orthonormalBasis distanceBetweenTrajectories analyseBranchPoint analyseSingleCellTrajectory samplePath varianceInDirection pathProgression generateRandomUnitVector getDistanceDataForPaths getStepLengths generateRandomPathsBySteps generateRandomPathsByPermutation generateRandomPaths pathToSphericalData getSphericalData findSphericalDistance findSphereClusterCenter projectPathToSphere testPathForDirectionality

Documented in analyseBranchPoint analyseSingleCellTrajectory circleOnTheUnitSphere distanceBetweenTrajectories findSphereClusterCenter findSphericalDistance generateRandomPaths generateRandomUnitVector getDistanceDataForPaths getSphericalData getStepLengths orthonormalBasis pathProgression pathToSphericalData plotPathProjectionCenterAndCircle projectPathToSphere samplePath testPathForDirectionality varianceInDirection visualiseBranchPointStats visualiseTrajectoryStats

## ##########################################################################
## ##########################################################################
## Code for testing directionality in paths:

## ##########################################################################
#' Test a path for directionality
#' This is the core function of this package.  It takes a path, and a
#' choice of statistical measure and computes a statistical significance
#' for the directionality of that path.
#' @param path - An n x m matrix representing a series of n points in
#'     dimension m.
#' @param from - The starting place along the path which will be
#'     treated as the center of the sphere.  This defaults to 1.
#' @param to - The end point of the path.  This defaults to
#'     nrow(path).
#' @param d - The dimension under consideration.  This defaults to
#'     ncol(path)
#' @param statistic - Allowable values are 'median', 'mean' or 'max'
#' @param randomizationParams - A character vector which is used to
#'     control the production of randomized paths for comparison.
#' @param N - The number of random paths to generated for statistical
#'     comparison to the given path.
#' @return This returns a list giving whose entries are:
#'   pValue - the p-value for the path and statistic in question;
#'   sphericalData - a list containing the projections of the path to
#'     the sphere, the center of that sphere and the statistic for
#'     distance to that center;
#'   randomDistances - the corresponding distances for randomly chosen;
#'     paths;
#'   randomizationParams - the choice of randomization parameters
#' @export
#' @importFrom rgl open3d spheres3d lines3d points3d
#' @importFrom pracma Norm dot cross
#' @examples
#' randomizationParams = c('byPermutation','permuteWithinColumns')
#' p = testPathForDirectionality(path=straight_path,
#'                               randomizationParams=randomizationParams,
#'                               statistic='median',N=100)
#' q = testPathForDirectionality(path=crooked_path,from=6,
#'                               randomizationParams=randomizationParams,
#'                               statistic='median',N=100)
testPathForDirectionality = function(path,from=1,to=nrow(path),d=ncol(path),

    ## ###################################################
    ## Subset to the data which is under consideration:
    path = path[from:to,seq_len(d)]

    ## ###################################################
    ## Get the spherical data:
    sphericalData = getSphericalData(path,statistic)

    ## ###################################################
    ## Generate random paths:
    randomPaths = generateRandomPaths(path,

    ## ###################################################
    ## Compute the distance statistics for random paths:
    distances = getDistanceDataForPaths(randomPaths,statistic)

    ## ###################################################
    ## Return the p-value:
    idx = distances <= sphericalData$distance
    pValue = max(1,sum(idx)) / N

    answer = list()
    answer$pValue = pValue
    answer$sphericalData = sphericalData
    answer$randomDistances = distances
    answer$randomizationParams = randomizationParams


## ##########################################################################
#' Project a path onto the unit sphere
#' This function takes a path in d dimensional space and projects it onto
#' the d-1 sphere.  It takes as additional arguments the starting and ending
#' points under consideration and the dimension to be considered.
#' @param path - This is an mxn dimensional matrix. Each row is
#'     considered a point.
#' @param from - The starting place along the path which will be
#'     treated as the center of the sphere.  This defaults to 1.
#' @param to - The end point of the path.  This defaults to
#'     nrow(path).
#' @param d - The dimension under consideration.  This defaults to
#'     ncol(path)
#' @return This returns a projection of the path onto the d-1 sphere
#'     in the form of a (to - from) x d matrix.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' projection1 = projectPathToSphere(straight_path)
#' projection2 = projectPathToSphere(crooked_path,from=6)
projectPathToSphere = function(path,from=1,to=nrow(path),d=ncol(path))

    ## ###################################################
    ## Subset to the data under consideration:
    path = path[from:to,seq_len(d)]
    n = nrow(path)

    ## ###################################################
    ## Create and populate a matrix with projections:
    projection = matrix(0,nrow=n-1,ncol=d)

    for(i in 2:n)
        v = path[i,] - path[1,]
        projection[i-1,] = v / Norm(v)


## ###################################################
#' Find a center for points on the unit sphere
#' This function takes a set of points on the d-1 sphere
#' in d-space and finds a center for these.  Depending on
#' choice of statistic, this center is a point on the
#' sphere which minimizes either the median distance, the
#' mean distance or the maximum distance of the center to
#' the given points. "Distance" here is taken to mean
#' angle between the points, i.e., arccos of their dot
#' product.
#' @param points - A set of n points on the (d-1) sphere given as an n
#'     x d matrix.
#' @param statistic - The statistic to be minimized.  Allowable values
#'     are 'median','mean' or 'max'.
#' @param normalize - If this is set to TRUE, the function will start
#'     by normalizing the input points.
#' @return This returns a point in dimension d given as a vector.
#' @importFrom stats median optim
#' @export
#' @examples
#' projection = projectPathToSphere(straight_path)
#' center = findSphereClusterCenter(projection,'mean')
findSphereClusterCenter = function(points,statistic,normalize=FALSE)

    n = nrow(points)

    ## ###################################################
                                        # Normalize if necessary:
        for(i in seq_len(n))
            points[i,] = points[i,] / Norm(points[i,])

    ## ###################################################
    ## Function to be minimised
    minFunction = function(x){
        norm = Norm(x)
        unitVector = x/norm
        if (norm < 0.1){
        distances = findSphericalDistance(unitVector,points)
        if (statistic == "max"){

        if (statistic == "median"){

        if (statistic == "mean"){
    ## ###################################################
    ## Choose a possible center as a start for minimisation
    meanPoint = colMeans(points)
    optimStart = meanPoint/Norm(meanPoint)

    ## ###################################################
    ## Find center which minimises spherical distances.
    minResult = optim(optimStart, minFunction, control = list(maxit = 1000))

    center = minResult$par/Norm(minResult$par)

## ###################################################
#' Find the spherical distance from a given point to a
#' set of points.
#' This function takes a point (typically a center) and
#' a set of points and finds the spherical distance between
#' the given point and each of the others.  If requested, it
#' will first normalize all of them.
#' @param center - The proposed point from which distance to
#' the others should be measured.  This is a numerical vector
#' of length d.
#' @param points - The set of target points for which spherical
#' distance to the center should be calculated.  This is in the
#' form of a n x d matrix.
#' @param normalize - If this is set to TRUE, the function will start
#' by normalizing the input points.
#' @return This returns a vector of n spherical distances in
#' radians.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' distances = findSphericalDistance(straight_path_center,
#'     straight_path_projection)
findSphericalDistance = function(center,points,normalize=FALSE)

    n = nrow(points)

    ## ###################################################
    ## Normalize if necessary:
        center = center / Norm(center)
        for(i in seq_len(n))
            points[i,] = points[i,] / Norm(points[i,])

    ## ###################################################
    ## Find spherical distances:
    distances = numeric(n)
    for(i in seq_len(n))
        distances[i] = acos(round(dot(center,points[i,]),7))


## ###################################################
#' This is a simplified wrapper for pathToSphericalData
#' It handles the case in which from, to and d are all
#' given by the dimensions of the path
#' @param path - an m x n matrix.  Each row is considered a point
#' @param statistic - one of 'mean','median' or 'max'
#' @return This function returns a list whose elements are the
#'     projections of the path to the sphere, the center for those
#'     projections, the median, mean or max distance from the center
#'     to those projections and the name of the statistic used.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sphericalData = getSphericalData(straight_path,'max')
getSphericalData = function(path,statistic)

    from = 1
    to = nrow(path)
    d = ncol(path)


## ###################################################
#' Find the spherical data for a given path
#' This function takes a path and returns a list containing
#' its projection to the sphere, the center for that projection,
#' the spherical distance from the center to the points of the
#' projection and the name of the statistic used.
#' @param path - This is an mxn dimensional matrix. Each row is
#'     considered a point.
#' @param from - The starting place along the path which will be
#'     treated as the center of the sphere.  This defaults to 1.
#' @param to - The end point of the path.  This defaults to
#'     nrow(path).
#' @param d - The dimension under consideration.  This defaults to
#'     ncol(path)
#' @param statistic - One of 'median', 'mean' or 'max'
#' @return This function returns a list whose elements are the
#'     projections of the path to the sphere, the center for those
#'     projections, the median, mean or max distance from the center
#'     to those projections and the name of the statistic used.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sphericalData = pathToSphericalData(straight_path,from=1,
#'                                     to=nrow(straight_path), d=3,
#'                                     statistic='median')
pathToSphericalData = function(path,from,to,d,statistic)

    returnValues = list()
    ## ###################################################
    ## Subset to the data under consideration:
    path = path[from:to,seq_len(d)]
    n = nrow(path)

    ## ###################################################
    ## Get the projections of the path to the sphere
    projections = projectPathToSphere(path)
    returnValues$projections = projections

    ## ###################################################
    ## Find the center of those projections according to the
    ## chosen statistic.
    center = findSphereClusterCenter(projections,statistic)
    returnValues$center = center

    ## ###################################################
    ## Find the distance to report:
    distances = findSphericalDistance(center,projections)
    if(statistic == 'median')
        distance = median(distances)

    if(statistic == 'mean')
        distance = mean(distances)

    if(statistic == 'max')
        distance = max(distances)

    returnValues$distance = distance

    ## ###################################################
    ## Append the name of the statistic:
    returnValues$statistic = statistic


## ###################################################
#' Produce random paths modeled on a given path
#' This function takes a path and produces N random paths of the same
#' dimension and length based on it.  This can be done either by
#' permuting the entries in path or by taking steps from the initial
#' point of path.  Exact behaviour is controlled by
#' randomizationParams.
#' @param path - This is an mxn dimensional matrix. Each row is
#'     considered a point.
#' @param from - The starting place along the path which will be
#'     treated as the center of the sphere.  This defaults to 1.
#' @param to - The end point of the path.  This defaults to
#'     nrow(path).
#' @param d - The dimension under consideration.  This defaults to
#'     ncol(path)
#' @param randomizationParams - A character vector controling the
#'     randomization method used.  It's first entry must be either
#'     'byPermutation' or 'bySteps'  See the vignette for further
#'     details.
#' @param N - The number of random paths required.
#' @return This function returns a list of random paths.  Each path is
#'     a matrix.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' randomizationParams = c('byPermutation','permuteWithinColumns')
#' randomPaths = generateRandomPaths(crooked_path,from=6,to=nrow(crooked_path),
#'               d=ncol(crooked_path),randomizationParams=randomizationParams,
#'               N=10)
generateRandomPaths = function(path,from=1,to=nrow(path),d=ncol(path),

    if(! randomizationParams[1] %in% c('byPermutation','bySteps'))
        msg = "randomizationParams[1] must be either
        'byPermutation'or 'bySteps'"

    ## ###################################################
    ## Subset to the data under consideration:
    path = path[from:to,seq_len(d)]

    if(randomizationParams[1] == 'byPermutation')

    if(randomizationParams[1] == 'bySteps')


## ###################################################
## ' Produce randomized paths by permutation
## ' Not exported
## '
## ' This function produces randomized paths from a given path via
## ' permutation of its entries.  This can be done either by random
## ' permutation within each column thereby preserving the range of
## ' values within each column or by random permutation of all entries
## ' in the matrix.
## '
## ' @param path - An n x d matrix.
## ' @param randomizationParams - A character vector used to control the
## '     behavior of the function.
## ' @param N - The number of paths required.
## ' @return This function returns a list of random paths.
generateRandomPathsByPermutation =
    randomPathList = list()
    n = nrow(path)
    d = ncol(path)

    ## ###################################################
    ## This handles the case where we wish to permute within each column:
    if(randomizationParams[2] == 'permuteWithinColumns')
        for(i in seq_len(N))
            randomPath = path
            for(j in seq_len(d))
                perm = sample(n,n)
                randomPath[,j] = randomPath[perm,j]
            randomPathList[[i]] = randomPath

    ## ###################################################
    ## This handles the case where we wish to permute at random:
    if(randomizationParams[2] == 'permuteAsMatrix')
        M = n * d
        a = as.numeric(path)
        for(i in seq_len(N))
            b = as.numeric(path)
            perm = sample(M,M)
            b = b[perm]
            randomPathList[[i]] = matrix(b,nrow=n)

## ###################################################
## ' Produce randomized paths by steps
## ' Not exported
## '
## ' This function produces randomized paths from a given path by taking
## ' steps in space. This can be done either requiring that these steps
## ' have the same Euclidean length as those of the original path or
## ' allowing them to all have unit length.  It can also be done
## ' requiring the path to stay in the non-negative orthant or allowing
## ' arbitrary values.
## '
## ' @param path - An n x d matrix.
## ' @param randomizationParams - A character vector used to control the
## '     behavior of the function.
## ' @param N - The number of paths required.
## ' @return This function returns a list of random paths.
generateRandomPathsBySteps = function(path,randomizationParams,N)
    n = nrow(path)
    d = ncol(path)

    ## ###################################################
    ## Find the length of the steps if required:
    stepLengths = rep(1,n-1)
    if('preserveLengths' %in% randomizationParams)
        stepLengths = getStepLengths(path)

    ## ###################################################
    ## Generate the random paths:
    randomPathList = list()
    for(i in seq_len(N))
        randomPath = matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=d)
        randomPath[1,] = path[1,]

        for(j in seq_len(n-1))
            randomPath[j+1,] = randomPath[j,] +
                stepLengths[j] * generateRandomUnitVector(d)

        if('nonNegative' %in% randomizationParams)
            idx = randomPath < 0
            randomPath[idx] = - randomPath[idx]

        randomPathList[[i]] = randomPath


## ###################################################
#' Find the step lengths:
#' This finds the lengths of the steps along a path
#' @param path - This is an mxn dimensional matrix. Each row is
#'     considered a point.
#' @param from - The starting place along the path which will be
#'     treated as the center of the sphere.  This defaults to 1.
#' @param to - The end point of the path.  This defaults to
#'     nrow(path).
#' @param d - The dimension under consideration.  This defaults to
#'     ncol(path)
#' @return This function returns the length of each step in a path.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' stepLengths = getStepLengths(path=crooked_path)
#' stepLengths = getStepLengths(path=crooked_path,from=4)
getStepLengths = function(path,from=1,to=nrow(path),d=ncol(path))

    ## ###################################################
    ## Subset to the data under consideration:
    path = path[from:to,seq_len(d)]
    n = nrow(path)

    stepLengths = numeric(n-1)
    for(i in seq_len(n-1))
        stepLengths[i] = Norm(path[i+1,] - path[i,])


## ###################################################
#' Produce distance statistics for random paths
#' This function takes a list of paths and a choice of
#' statistic (median, mean or max) and returns that statistic
#' for the appropriate center for each path.  Each path
#' is an n x d matrix.  In use, it is assumed that these
#' will be the randomized paths.  It is therefore assumed
#' that they are already of the correct dimensions.
#' @param paths - A list of paths.  Each of these is an n x d matrix.
#' @param statistic - Allowable values are 'median', 'mean' or 'max'.
#' @return This returns a vector of n distances.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' paths =
#'     generateRandomPaths(path=straight_path,randomizationParam='bySteps',N=5)
#' distance = getDistanceDataForPaths(paths=paths,statistic='max')
getDistanceDataForPaths = function(paths,statistic)

    n = nrow(paths[[1]])
    N = length(paths)
    distances = numeric(N)

    ## ###################################################
    ## Iterate over paths:
    for(i in seq_len(N))
        sphericalData = getSphericalData(paths[[i]],statistic)
        distances[i] = sphericalData$distance


## ###################################################
#' Generate random unit vector.
#' This function generates a random unit vector in
#' in dimension d.
#' @param d - The dimension.
#' @return A unit vector in dimension d.
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @export
#' @examples
#' randomUnitVector = generateRandomUnitVector(5)
generateRandomUnitVector = function(d)

    x = rnorm(d)
    return(x / Norm(x))

## ###################################################
#' Measure a path's progression
#' This function measures the progress of a path in a specified
#' direction.  This direction will typically be the center of its
#' projection onto the sphere as revealed using your favorite
#' statistic.
#' @param path - An n x d matrix
#' @param from - The point along the path to be taken as the starting
#'     point.  This defaults to 1.
#' @param to - The point along the path to be used as the end point.
#'     This defaults to nrow(path).
#' @param d - The dimension to be used.  This defaults to ncol(path).
#' @param direction - A non-zero numeric whose length is the the
#'     dimension.
#' @return This returns a numeric given the signed distance projection
#'     of the path along the line through its starting point in the
#'     given direction.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' progress =
#'     pathProgression(straight_path,direction=straight_path_center)
#' progress =
#'     pathProgression(crooked_path,from=6,direction=crooked_path_center)
pathProgression = function(path,from=1,to=nrow(path),d=ncol(path),

    path = path[from:to,seq_len(d)]
    direction = direction / Norm(direction)
    distance = numeric(nrow(path)-1)
    for(i in 2:nrow(path))
        delta = path[i,] - path[1,]
        distance[i-1] = dot(delta,direction)

## ##########################################################################
#' Portion of cell variance in a given direction
#' This function takes a direction and a set of cells epressed in PCs
#' and determines the fraction of total variance in the given
#' direction.
#' @param direction - a numeric giving the direction expressed in PCs
#' @param cells - a set of cells given as a matrix where each row is a
#'     cell and each column is a PC.  This must have at least as many
#'     PCs as the direction
#' @return The fraction of total variance (across that many PCs) in
#'     the given direction.
#' @export
varianceInDirection = function(direction,cells)
    numPCs = length(direction)
    cells = cells[,1:numPCs]

    varianceInCells = c()
    for(pc in colnames(cells))
        varianceInCells[pc] = var(cells[,pc])

    totalVariance = sum(varianceInCells)

    progression = pathProgression(path=cells,direction=direction)
    varianceInDirection = var(progression)

    return(varianceInDirection / totalVariance)

## ##########################################################################
#' Sample a path from single cell data
#' This function takes vector of pseudotime values, and a matrix of attribute
#' values (cell x attribute). It also optionally takes the number of pseudotime
#' windows to sample a single cell from. This defaults to 10.
#' The function returns a matrix of sampled attribute values which form the
#' coordinates of the sampled path. The matrix of attribute values should
#' consist of numeric values relevant to a pseudotime trajectory i.e. gene
#' expression values or PCA projections. The vector of pseudotime values should
#' be named according to cell names. Simarly the row names of the matrix of
#' attribute values should be cell names. Row names for the returned matrix of
#' the sampled path give the window number a cell was sampled from.
#' @param attributes - An n x d (cell x attribute) matrix of numeric attributes
#' for single cell data. Rownames should be cell names.
#' @param pseudotime - A named numeric vector of pseudotime values for cells.
#' @param nWindows - The number of windows pseudotime should be split into to
#' sample cells from. Defaults to 10.
#' @return sampledPath - A path consisting of a matrix of attributes of sampled
#' cells. The rownames refer to the pseudotime windows cell was sampled from.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' samplePath(chol_attributes, chol_pseudo_time_normalised)
#' samplePath(hep_attributes, hep_pseudo_time_normalised)
samplePath = function(attributes, pseudotime, nWindows = 10){

    samplePathTest(attributes, pseudotime, nWindows)

    ## ###################################################
    ## Set parameters for path.
    start = min(pseudotime)
    end = max(pseudotime)
    pathLength = end - start
    windowSize = pathLength/nWindows

    sampledPath = matrix(, nrow = 0, ncol = ncol(attributes))

    ## Vector to save window number as pseudotime windows with no cells will be
    windowNumber = c()

    for (i in seq_len(nWindows)){
        cells = names(pseudotime[pseudotime >= (i-1) * windowSize +
            start & pseudotime < i * windowSize + start])
        windowAttributes =  attributes[cells,]

        ## ###################################################
    ## Case when only one cell falls within a pseudotime window.
    ## Turn windowAttributes into a matrix.
    if (is.null(dim(windowAttributes))){
            windowAttributes = t(matrix(windowAttributes))

    ## ###################################################
    ## Case when no cells fall within a pseudotime window.
    if (nrow(windowAttributes) == 0){

    ## ###################################################
    ## Randomly sample cell from pseudotime window.
    chosenIndex = sample(seq_len(nrow(windowAttributes)), 1)
        chosenAttributes = windowAttributes[chosenIndex,]

    sampledPath = rbind(sampledPath, chosenAttributes)

    ## ###################################################
    ## Save window number.
    windowNumber = c(windowNumber, i)

    rownames(sampledPath) = windowNumber

## ##########################################################################
#' Analyse a single cell trajectory.
#' This function analyses a single cell trajectory by sampling multiple paths
#' and comparing each path to random paths.
#' It takes vector of pseudotime values, and a matrix of attribute values
#' (cell x attribute).
#' It also optionally takes the number of pseudotime windows to sample a single
#' cell from. This defaults to 10.
#' The function returns a list of Answers for each comparison of a sampled path
#' to a random path.
#' @param attributes - An n x d (cell x attribute) matrix of numeric attributes
#' for single cell data. Rownames should be cell names.
#' @param pseudotime - A named numeric vector of pseudotime values for cells.
#' @param randomizationParams - A character vector which is used to
#'     control the production of randomized paths for comparison.
#' @param statistic - Allowable values are 'median', 'mean' or 'max'.
#' @param nSamples - The number of sampled paths to generate (default 1000).
#' @param nWindows - The number of windows pseudotime should be split into to
#'     sample cells from (defaults to 10).
#' @param d - The dimension under consideration.  This defaults to
#'     ncol(attributes).
#' @param N - The number of random paths to generated for statistical
#'     comparison to the given path (defaults to 1000).
#' @return This returns a list, where each entry is itself a list containing
#'   information comparing a sampled path to random paths.
#'   These entries consist of:
#'   pValue - the p-value for the path and statistic in question;
#'   sphericalData - a list containing the projections of the path to
#'     the sphere, the center of that sphere and the statistic for
#'     distance to that center;
#'   randomDistances - the corresponding distances for randomly chosen;
#'     paths;
#'   randomizationParams - the choice of randomization parameters
#' @export
#' @examples
#' chol_answers = analyseSingleCellTrajectory(chol_attributes[,seq_len(3)],
#'                                          chol_pseudo_time_normalised,
#'                                          nSamples = 10,
#'                                          randomizationParams =
#'                                                      c('byPermutation',
#'                                                    'permuteWithinColumns'),
#'                                          statistic = "mean",
#'                                          N = 1)
#' hep_answers = analyseSingleCellTrajectory(hep_attributes[,seq_len(3)],
#'                                          hep_pseudo_time_normalised,
#'                                          nSamples = 10,
#'                                          randomizationParams =
#'                                                    c('byPermutation',
#'                                                    'permuteWithinColumns'),
#'                                          statistic = "mean",
#'                                          N = 1)
analyseSingleCellTrajectory = function(attributes,
                                    nSamples = 1000,
                                    nWindows = 10,
                                    d = ncol(attributes),
                                    N = 1000)

    analyseSingleCellTrajectoryTest(attributes, pseudotime,
                                    randomizationParams, statistic,
                                    nSamples, nWindows, d, N)

    ## ###################################################
    ## List to contain results:
    answers = list()

    ## ###################################################
    ## Sample paths and test each one for directionality
    for (i in seq_len(nSamples)){
        path = samplePath(attributes, pseudotime, nWindows = nWindows)
        answers[[i]] = testPathForDirectionality(path, randomizationParams =
            randomizationParams, statistic = statistic, N = N, d = d)
        if (i %% 100 == 0){
            print(paste(i, "sampled paths analysed"))

## ##########################################################################
#' Analyse branch point.
#' This function takes a single cell trajectory and analyses it starting from
#' successively later points in pseudotime, with the rationale that a more
#' consistent directionality will be followed after the branch point.
#' @param attributes - An n x d (cell x attribute) matrix of numeric attributes
#'    for single cell data. Rownames should be cell names.
#' @param pseudotime - A named numeric vector of pseudotime values for cells.
#' @param randomizationParams - A character vector which is used to
#'     control the production of randomized paths for comparison.
#' @param statistic - Allowable values are 'median', 'mean' or 'max'.
#' @param start - The first pseudotime value (percentage of the trajectory)
#'     from which to analyse the trajectory from.
#'     Defaults to 25\% of the way through the trajectory.
#' @param stop - The last pseudotime value (as a percentage of the trajectory)
#'     from which to analyse the trajectory from.
#'     Defaults to 75\% of the way through the trajectory.
#' @param step - The size of the step to take between successively later
#'     starting points in pseudotime.
#'     Defaults to 5\% of the trajectory length.
#' @param nSamples - The number of sampled paths to generate (defaults to 1000).
#' @param nWindows - The number of windows pseudotime should be split into to
#'     sample cells from (defaults to 10).
#' @param d - The dimension under consideration.  This defaults to
#'     ncol(attributes).
#' @param N - The number of random paths to generated for statistical
#'     comparison to the given path (defaults to 1000).
#' @return This returns a list of results for analyseSingleCellTrajectory,
#'    named by trajectory starting point.
#'    Each result from analyseSingleCellTrajectory is a list which contains an
#'    entry for each sampled path.
#'    Each  of these entries is a list containing information comparing the
#'    sampled path in question
#'    to random paths. The entries consist of:
#'    pValue - the p-value for the path and statistic in question;
#'    sphericalData - a list containing the projections of the path to
#'     the sphere, the center of that sphere and the statistic for
#'     distance to that center;
#'    randomDistances - the corresponding distances for randomly chosen;
#'     paths;
#'    randomizationParams - the choice of randomization parameters
#' @export
#' @examples
#' chol_branch_point_results = analyseBranchPoint(chol_attributes[,seq_len(3)],
#'                          chol_pseudo_time[!is.na(chol_pseudo_time)],
#'                          randomizationParams = c('byPermutation',
#'                                          'permuteWithinColumns'),
#'                          statistic = "mean",
#'                          start = 0,
#'                          stop = 50,
#'                          step = 5,
#'                          nSamples = 10,
#'                          N = 1)
analyseBranchPoint = function(attributes,
                            start = (max(pseudotime) - min(pseudotime))*0.25,
                            stop = (max(pseudotime) - min(pseudotime))*0.75,
                            step = (max(pseudotime) - min(pseudotime))*0.05,
                            nSamples = 1000,
                            nWindows = 10,
                            d = ncol(attributes),
                            N = 1)

    analyseBranchPointTest(attributes, pseudotime, randomizationParams,
                        statistic, start, stop, step,
                        nSamples, nWindows, d, N)

    ## ###################################################
    ## list to contain results
    results = list()

    ## ###################################################
    ## iterate through successively later starting points
    for (i in seq(start, stop, step)){
        print(paste0("analysing trajectory from ", i, " onwards"))
        pseudotime_selected = pseudotime[pseudotime >= i]
        pseudotime_selected =
            (pseudotime_selected -
            - min(pseudotime_selected))*100
        attributes_selected = attributes[names(pseudotime_selected),]
        results[[as.character(i)]] =
            pseudotime_selected, randomizationParams,
            statistic, nSamples, nWindows, d, N)


## ##########################################################################
#' Get distances between trajectories.
#' This function compares two single cell trajectories (representative of
#' different lineages within the same dataset),
#' and finds the minimum euclidean distance between the first and the second
#' trajectory at each point in pseudotime.
#' Please note, attributes can either be values for single cells, or attributes
#' which have been smoothed over pseudotime.
#' Likewise the pseudotime values should be for single cells, or for smoothed
#' attributes over pseudotime
#' @param attributes1 - An n x d (cell x attribute) matrix of numeric
#'    attributes for the first single cell trajectory.
#' @param pseudotime1 - A named numeric vector of pseudotime values for the
#'    first single cell trajectory,
#'    names should match rownames of atrributes1.
#' @param attributes2 - An n x d (cell x attribute) matrix of numeric
#'    attributes for the sencond single cell trajectory.
#' @return results - a dataframe containing pseudotime values
#'     (for the first trajectory), and distances (the minimimum euclidian
#'     distance between the two trajectories at that point in pseudotime).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' distances = distanceBetweenTrajectories(chol_attributes,
#'                                  chol_pseudo_time[!is.na(chol_pseudo_time)],
#'                                  hep_attributes)
distanceBetweenTrajectories = function(attributes1,

    distanceBetweenTrajectoriesTest(attributes1, pseudotime1, attributes2)

    ## ###################################################
    ## dataframe to store distances
    results = data.frame(pseudotime = numeric(), distances =  numeric())

    ## ###################################################
    ## iterate through points for first trajectory
    for (name in names(pseudotime1)){
        distances = c()

        ## ###################################################
        ## iterate through points in second trajectory and calculate euclidean
        ## distance to point in first trajectory
        for (i in seq_len(nrow(attributes2))){
            distances = c(distances, Norm(attributes1[name,]
            - attributes2[i,]))

        ## ###################################################
        ## store the minimum distance
        results = rbind(results, data.frame(pseudotime = pseudotime1[[name]],
            distance = min(distances)))

    results = results[order(results$pseudotime),]

## ##########################################################################
## ##########################################################################
## Code for plotting paths and their spherical data:

## ###################################################
#' Find an orthonormal basis in dimension 3
#' Given a vector in R3, this normalizes it and then uses it as
#' the first basis vector in an orthonormal basis.  We'll use
#' this to find circles around points on the sphere.
#' @param x - A vector of length 3
#' @return This function returns an orthonormal basis in
#' the the form of a 3 x 3 matrix in which the first vector is
#' parallel to v
#' @export
#' @examples
#' anOrthonormalBasis = orthonormalBasis(c(1,1,1))
orthonormalBasis = function(x)

    x = x / Norm(x)
    B = matrix(0,nrow=3,ncol=3)

    ## ###################################################
    ## The first basis element:
    B[1,] = x

    ## ###################################################
    ## Find a vector not colinear with x:
    y = rep(0,3)
    while(dot(x,y) < 1e-3)
        y = generateRandomUnitVector(3)

    ## ###################################################
    ## Get the portion of y perpendicular to x:
    y = y - dot(x,y) * x
    y = y / Norm(y)
    B[2,] = y

    ## ###################################################
    ## The third basis element is the cross product:
    B[3,] = cross(x,y)


## ###################################################
#' Circle on the unit sphere
#' Find a circle on the unit 2-sphere
#' Given a point on the unit 2-sphere and a radius given
#' as a spherical distance, this finds the circle.
#' It's not clear to me this should be exported, but it's
#' handy to do this for testing and debugging.
#' @param center - The center of the circle.
#' @param radius - The radius of the circle.
#' @param N - The number of segments to approximate the circle. It
#'     defaults to 36.
#' @return This returns an approximation to the the circle as a N+1 x
#'     3 matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pole = c(1,0,0)
#' radius = pi / 4
#' circle = circleOnTheUnitSphere(pole,radius)
circleOnTheUnitSphere = function(center,radius,N=36)

    ## ###################################################
    ## For sanity:
    center = center / Norm(center)

    ## ###################################################
    ## Get the orthonormal basis:
    B = orthonormalBasis(center)

    ## ###################################################
    ## The planar center of the circle:
    ctr = cos(radius) * center

    ## ###################################################
    ## The planar radius of the circle:
    R = sin(radius)

    ## ###################################################
    ## We sweep out the circle with these:
    x = R * B[2,]
    y = R * B[3,]

    theta = (0:N) * (2 * pi / N)
    circle = matrix(0,nrow=N+1,ncol=3)
    for(i in seq_len((N+1)))
        circle[i,] = ctr + cos(theta[i]) * x + sin(theta[i]) * y


## ###################################################
#' Plot a path, its projection, its center and its circle
#' This function assumes you have a path in dimension 3 and you have
#' found the projection for the portion under consideration, the
#' center for its projection and the circle (i.e., radius) for the
#' appropriate statistic.  Scales the path to keep it comparable to
#' the sphere and plots all this in your favorite color.  It can be
#' called repeatedly to add additional paths in different colors.
#' @param path - A path of dimension 3 in the form of an N x 3 matrix.
#' @param from - The starting place of the section under
#'     consideration.  This is used for marking the relevant
#'     portion. It defaults to 1.
#' @param to - Likewise.  It defaults to nrow(path).
#' @param projection - The projection of the relevant portion of the
#'     path.
#' @param center - The center of the projection points.
#' @param radius - The radius of the circle.
#' @param color - The color to use for this path and its associated
#'     data.
#' @param circleColor - Sets the colour of the circle.
#'     Defaults to white.
#' @param pathPointSize - Sets the size of points which represent the
#'     path. Defaults to 8.
#' @param projectionPointSize - Sets the size of points which represent the
#'     projected path. Defaults to 8.
#' @param scale - The path will be start (its actual start) at 0 and
#'     will be scaled so that its most distant point will be at this
#'     distance from the origin.  This is to keep it comparable in
#'     size to the sphere. It defaults to 1.5.  Caution should be used
#'     here when plotting multiple paths.
#' @param newFigure - When plotting a single figure or the first of
#'     multiple figures, this should be set to TRUE which is its
#'     default.  Otherwise, set this to FALSE in order to add
#'     additional paths to the same figure.
#' @return This returns 0.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' plotPathProjectionCenterAndCircle(path=straight_path,
#'                                  projection=straight_path_projection,
#'                                  center=straight_path_center,
#'                                  radius=straight_path_radius,
#'                                  color='red',
#'                                  newFigure=TRUE)
plotPathProjectionCenterAndCircle = function(path,
                                            pathPointSize = 8,
                                            projectionPointSize = 8,

    ## ###################################################
    ## Constants.  Maybe they should become parameters?
    centerSize = 15
    pathLineWidth = 3
    circleLineWidth = 3
    relevantPortionPointHump = 4
    relevantPortionLineHump = 3
    alpha = .2

    ## ###################################################
    ## Translate the path to begin at the origin and scale:
    N = nrow(path)
    distances = numeric(N)
    offset = path[1,]
    for(i in seq_len(N))
        path[i,] = path[i,] - offset
        distances[i] = Norm(path[i,])
    path = (scale / max(distances)) * path

    ## ###################################################
    ## Are we starting a new figure?

    ## ###################################################
    ## Plot the path and mark the relevant portion:


    ## ###################################################
    ## Plot the projection:
    ## XXXX

    ## ###################################################
    ## Plot the center:
    ## XXXX

    ## ###################################################
    ## Plot the circle:
    circle = circleOnTheUnitSphere(center,radius)


## ###################################################
#' Visualise Trajectory Stats
#' This function creates plots and extracts statistics for comparisons of
#' metrics for sampled paths to random paths. It can also create plots for
#' comparing two sets of sampled paths by providing the traj2Data argument.
#' @param traj1Data - the result of analyseSingleCellTrajectory
#' @param metric - either "pValue" or "distance"
#' @param average - if there are multiple distances available for each
#'     sampled trajectory, calculate the average using "mean" or "median"
#'     (defaults to "mean").
#' @param traj2Data - traj2Data either an empty list or the result of
#'     analyseSingleCellTrajectory
#' @return a list containing:
#'  stats - output of wilcox test (paired if comparing sampled to random paths,
#'  unpaired if comparing sampled paths for two different trajectories)
#'  values - dataframe containing plotted data in long format
#'  plot - ggplot object
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_violin geom_boxplot labs aes
#' @importFrom stats wilcox.test
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cholResultDistance = visualiseTrajectoryStats(chol_answers, "distance")
#' hepResultDistance = visualiseTrajectoryStats(hep_answers, "distance")
#' distanceComparison = visualiseTrajectoryStats(chol_answers, "distance",
#'     traj2Data = hep_answers)
visualiseTrajectoryStats = function(traj1Data,
                                    average = "mean",
                                    traj2Data = list())

    visualiseTrajectoryStatsTest(traj1Data, metric, average, traj2Data)

    ## ###################################################
    ## Set averageFunc as actual function
    if (average == "mean"){
        averageFunc = mean

    if (average == "median"){
        averageFunc = median

    ## ###################################################
    ## Set up dataframe which will be populated with data to plot in long format
    values = data.frame(type = character(), value = numeric())

    ## ###################################################
    ## Code for comparing 2 trajectories
    if (length(traj2Data) > 0){
        for (i in seq_len(length(traj1Data))){

            ## ###################################################
            ## Populate values data frame with distance data
            if (metric == "distance"){
                values = rbind(values, data.frame(type = "Trajectory 1",
                    value = traj1Data[[i]]$sphericalData$distance))
                values = rbind(values, data.frame(type = "Trajectory 2",
                    value = traj2Data[[i]]$sphericalData$distance))

            ## ###################################################
            ## Populate values data frame with pValue data
            if (metric == "pValue"){
                values = rbind(values, data.frame(type = "Trajectory 1",
                                                value = traj1Data[[i]]$pValue))
                values = rbind(values, data.frame(type = "Trajectory 2",
                                                value = traj2Data[[i]]$pValue))

        ## ###################################################
        ## Use unpaired wilcox test to compare values for 2 trajectories
        stats = wilcox.test(values[values$type == "Trajectory 1",]$value,
                            values[values$type == "Trajectory 2",]$value)

    ## ###################################################
    ## Code for comparing sampled pathways to random pathways
    if (length(traj2Data) == 0){

        ## Here we can only compare distance metrics
        if (metric != "distance"){
            print("Metric must be distance to compare sampled to random
        for (i in seq_len(length(traj1Data))){
            values = rbind(values, data.frame(type = "Sampled",
                value = traj1Data[[i]]$sphericalData$distance))
            values = rbind(values, data.frame(type = "Random",
                value = averageFunc(traj1Data[[i]]$randomDistances)))

        ## ###################################################
        ## Use paired wilcox test to compare values sampled and random pathways,
        ## as random trajectories are parametised based on the sampled pathways
        stats = wilcox.test(values[values$type == "Sampled",]$value,
            values[values$type == "Random",]$value, paired = TRUE)

    ## ###################################################
    ## Create violin plot with overlaid box plot
    p = ggplot(values, aes(x=type, y=value)) +
        geom_violin() + geom_boxplot(width=0.1) + labs(y = metric, x = "")
    results = list(stats = stats,values = values, plot=p)
    return(list(stats = stats,values = values, plot=p))

## ###################################################
#' Visualise Branch Point Stats
#' This function creates plots and extracts statistics for analysing branch
#' points. It returns plots and underlying data for visualising distance
#' metrics and -log10 transformed pvalues (comparison to random trajectories)
#' for trajectories with different starting points.
#' @param branchPointData - the result of analyseBranchPoint
#' @param average - if there are multiple distances available for each
#' sampled trajectory, calculate the average using "mean" or "median" (defaults
#' to "mean").
#' @return a list containing:
#'  branchPointValues - dataframe containing data underlying distance plot in
#'    long format
#'  pValues- dataframe containing data underlying p-value plot in long format
#'  distancePlot - ggplot object, violin plots of distance metric for sampled
#'     paths for different trajectory different starting points
#'  pValue - ggplot object, line plot of -log10 transformed p-values for
#'    comparing sampled paths to random paths for different trajectory starting
#'    points
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_violin geom_boxplot geom_line geom_point
#'    labs aes xlab ylab
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cholBranchPointStats = visualiseBranchPointStats(chol_branch_point_results)
visualiseBranchPointStats = function(branchPointData,
                                    average = "mean")

    visualiseBranchPointStatsTest(branchPointData, average)

    ## ###################################################
    ## Set up dataframe which will be populated with data to plot in long format
    branchPointValues = data.frame(type = character(), value = numeric(),
        trajectoryStart = numeric())

    ## ###################################################
    ## Set up dataframe to store pvalues
    pValues = data.frame(trajectoryStart = numeric(),pValue = numeric())

    ## ###################################################
    ## Iterate through branch points
    for (name in names(branchPointData)){
        trajectoryStart = as.numeric(name)
        results = visualiseTrajectoryStats(branchPointData[[name]], "distance",
            average = average)
        values = results$values
        values$trajectoryStart = trajectoryStart
        branchPointValues = rbind(branchPointValues, values)
        pValue = results$stats$p.value
        pValues = rbind(pValues, data.frame(pValue = pValue,
            trajectoryStart = trajectoryStart))

    ## ###################################################
    ## calculate -log10(pValue)
    pValues$logPValue = -log10(pValues$pValue)

    ## ###################################################
    ## create violin plot of distances
    branchPointValues$trajectoryStart =
    distancePlot =
        ggplot(branchPointValues[branchPointValues$type != "Random",],
        aes(x=trajectoryStart, y=value)) +
        geom_violin() + geom_boxplot(width=0.1) + xlab('trajectory start') +
        ylab('mean distance')

    ## ###################################################
    ## create line plot of -log10 transformed p-values
    pValuePlot = ggplot(pValues, aes(x=trajectoryStart, y=logPValue, group=1)) +
        geom_line( size = 1.5) + geom_point(size = 3) +
        xlab('Trajectory start') + ylab('-log10(p-value)')

    return(list(branchPointValues = branchPointValues, pValues = pValues,
                distancePlot = distancePlot, pValuePlot = pValuePlot))
AnnaLaddach/TrajectoryGeometry documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 5:57 p.m.