## ##########################################################################
## ##########################################################################
## Code for testing directionality in paths:
## ##########################################################################
#' Test a path for directionality
#' This is the core function of this package. It takes a path, and a
#' choice of statistical measure and computes a statistical significance
#' for the directionality of that path.
#' @param path - An n x m matrix representing a series of n points in
#' dimension m.
#' @param from - The starting place along the path which will be
#' treated as the center of the sphere. This defaults to 1.
#' @param to - The end point of the path. This defaults to
#' nrow(path).
#' @param d - The dimension under consideration. This defaults to
#' ncol(path)
#' @param statistic - Allowable values are 'median', 'mean' or 'max'
#' @param randomizationParams - A character vector which is used to
#' control the production of randomized paths for comparison.
#' @param N - The number of random paths to generated for statistical
#' comparison to the given path.
#' @return This returns a list giving whose entries are:
#' pValue - the p-value for the path and statistic in question;
#' sphericalData - a list containing the projections of the path to
#' the sphere, the center of that sphere and the statistic for
#' distance to that center;
#' randomDistances - the corresponding distances for randomly chosen;
#' paths;
#' randomizationParams - the choice of randomization parameters
#' @export
#' @importFrom rgl open3d spheres3d lines3d points3d
#' @importFrom pracma Norm dot cross
#' @examples
#' randomizationParams = c('byPermutation','permuteWithinColumns')
#' p = testPathForDirectionality(path=straight_path,
#' randomizationParams=randomizationParams,
#' statistic='median',N=100)
#' q = testPathForDirectionality(path=crooked_path,from=6,
#' randomizationParams=randomizationParams,
#' statistic='median',N=100)
testPathForDirectionality = function(path,from=1,to=nrow(path),d=ncol(path),
## ###################################################
## Subset to the data which is under consideration:
path = path[from:to,seq_len(d)]
## ###################################################
## Get the spherical data:
sphericalData = getSphericalData(path,statistic)
## ###################################################
## Generate random paths:
randomPaths = generateRandomPaths(path,
## ###################################################
## Compute the distance statistics for random paths:
distances = getDistanceDataForPaths(randomPaths,statistic)
## ###################################################
## Return the p-value:
idx = distances <= sphericalData$distance
pValue = max(1,sum(idx)) / N
answer = list()
answer$pValue = pValue
answer$sphericalData = sphericalData
answer$randomDistances = distances
answer$randomizationParams = randomizationParams
## ##########################################################################
#' Project a path onto the unit sphere
#' This function takes a path in d dimensional space and projects it onto
#' the d-1 sphere. It takes as additional arguments the starting and ending
#' points under consideration and the dimension to be considered.
#' @param path - This is an mxn dimensional matrix. Each row is
#' considered a point.
#' @param from - The starting place along the path which will be
#' treated as the center of the sphere. This defaults to 1.
#' @param to - The end point of the path. This defaults to
#' nrow(path).
#' @param d - The dimension under consideration. This defaults to
#' ncol(path)
#' @return This returns a projection of the path onto the d-1 sphere
#' in the form of a (to - from) x d matrix.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' projection1 = projectPathToSphere(straight_path)
#' projection2 = projectPathToSphere(crooked_path,from=6)
projectPathToSphere = function(path,from=1,to=nrow(path),d=ncol(path))
## ###################################################
## Subset to the data under consideration:
path = path[from:to,seq_len(d)]
n = nrow(path)
## ###################################################
## Create and populate a matrix with projections:
projection = matrix(0,nrow=n-1,ncol=d)
for(i in 2:n)
v = path[i,] - path[1,]
projection[i-1,] = v / Norm(v)
## ###################################################
#' Find a center for points on the unit sphere
#' This function takes a set of points on the d-1 sphere
#' in d-space and finds a center for these. Depending on
#' choice of statistic, this center is a point on the
#' sphere which minimizes either the median distance, the
#' mean distance or the maximum distance of the center to
#' the given points. "Distance" here is taken to mean
#' angle between the points, i.e., arccos of their dot
#' product.
#' @param points - A set of n points on the (d-1) sphere given as an n
#' x d matrix.
#' @param statistic - The statistic to be minimized. Allowable values
#' are 'median','mean' or 'max'.
#' @param normalize - If this is set to TRUE, the function will start
#' by normalizing the input points.
#' @return This returns a point in dimension d given as a vector.
#' @importFrom stats median optim
#' @export
#' @examples
#' projection = projectPathToSphere(straight_path)
#' center = findSphereClusterCenter(projection,'mean')
findSphereClusterCenter = function(points,statistic,normalize=FALSE)
n = nrow(points)
## ###################################################
# Normalize if necessary:
for(i in seq_len(n))
points[i,] = points[i,] / Norm(points[i,])
## ###################################################
## Function to be minimised
minFunction = function(x){
norm = Norm(x)
unitVector = x/norm
if (norm < 0.1){
distances = findSphericalDistance(unitVector,points)
if (statistic == "max"){
if (statistic == "median"){
if (statistic == "mean"){
## ###################################################
## Choose a possible center as a start for minimisation
meanPoint = colMeans(points)
optimStart = meanPoint/Norm(meanPoint)
## ###################################################
## Find center which minimises spherical distances.
minResult = optim(optimStart, minFunction, control = list(maxit = 1000))
center = minResult$par/Norm(minResult$par)
## ###################################################
#' Find the spherical distance from a given point to a
#' set of points.
#' This function takes a point (typically a center) and
#' a set of points and finds the spherical distance between
#' the given point and each of the others. If requested, it
#' will first normalize all of them.
#' @param center - The proposed point from which distance to
#' the others should be measured. This is a numerical vector
#' of length d.
#' @param points - The set of target points for which spherical
#' distance to the center should be calculated. This is in the
#' form of a n x d matrix.
#' @param normalize - If this is set to TRUE, the function will start
#' by normalizing the input points.
#' @return This returns a vector of n spherical distances in
#' radians.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' distances = findSphericalDistance(straight_path_center,
#' straight_path_projection)
findSphericalDistance = function(center,points,normalize=FALSE)
n = nrow(points)
## ###################################################
## Normalize if necessary:
center = center / Norm(center)
for(i in seq_len(n))
points[i,] = points[i,] / Norm(points[i,])
## ###################################################
## Find spherical distances:
distances = numeric(n)
for(i in seq_len(n))
distances[i] = acos(round(dot(center,points[i,]),7))
## ###################################################
#' This is a simplified wrapper for pathToSphericalData
#' It handles the case in which from, to and d are all
#' given by the dimensions of the path
#' @param path - an m x n matrix. Each row is considered a point
#' @param statistic - one of 'mean','median' or 'max'
#' @return This function returns a list whose elements are the
#' projections of the path to the sphere, the center for those
#' projections, the median, mean or max distance from the center
#' to those projections and the name of the statistic used.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sphericalData = getSphericalData(straight_path,'max')
getSphericalData = function(path,statistic)
from = 1
to = nrow(path)
d = ncol(path)
## ###################################################
#' Find the spherical data for a given path
#' This function takes a path and returns a list containing
#' its projection to the sphere, the center for that projection,
#' the spherical distance from the center to the points of the
#' projection and the name of the statistic used.
#' @param path - This is an mxn dimensional matrix. Each row is
#' considered a point.
#' @param from - The starting place along the path which will be
#' treated as the center of the sphere. This defaults to 1.
#' @param to - The end point of the path. This defaults to
#' nrow(path).
#' @param d - The dimension under consideration. This defaults to
#' ncol(path)
#' @param statistic - One of 'median', 'mean' or 'max'
#' @return This function returns a list whose elements are the
#' projections of the path to the sphere, the center for those
#' projections, the median, mean or max distance from the center
#' to those projections and the name of the statistic used.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sphericalData = pathToSphericalData(straight_path,from=1,
#' to=nrow(straight_path), d=3,
#' statistic='median')
pathToSphericalData = function(path,from,to,d,statistic)
returnValues = list()
## ###################################################
## Subset to the data under consideration:
path = path[from:to,seq_len(d)]
n = nrow(path)
## ###################################################
## Get the projections of the path to the sphere
projections = projectPathToSphere(path)
returnValues$projections = projections
## ###################################################
## Find the center of those projections according to the
## chosen statistic.
center = findSphereClusterCenter(projections,statistic)
returnValues$center = center
## ###################################################
## Find the distance to report:
distances = findSphericalDistance(center,projections)
if(statistic == 'median')
distance = median(distances)
if(statistic == 'mean')
distance = mean(distances)
if(statistic == 'max')
distance = max(distances)
returnValues$distance = distance
## ###################################################
## Append the name of the statistic:
returnValues$statistic = statistic
## ###################################################
#' Produce random paths modeled on a given path
#' This function takes a path and produces N random paths of the same
#' dimension and length based on it. This can be done either by
#' permuting the entries in path or by taking steps from the initial
#' point of path. Exact behaviour is controlled by
#' randomizationParams.
#' @param path - This is an mxn dimensional matrix. Each row is
#' considered a point.
#' @param from - The starting place along the path which will be
#' treated as the center of the sphere. This defaults to 1.
#' @param to - The end point of the path. This defaults to
#' nrow(path).
#' @param d - The dimension under consideration. This defaults to
#' ncol(path)
#' @param randomizationParams - A character vector controling the
#' randomization method used. It's first entry must be either
#' 'byPermutation' or 'bySteps' See the vignette for further
#' details.
#' @param N - The number of random paths required.
#' @return This function returns a list of random paths. Each path is
#' a matrix.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' randomizationParams = c('byPermutation','permuteWithinColumns')
#' randomPaths = generateRandomPaths(crooked_path,from=6,to=nrow(crooked_path),
#' d=ncol(crooked_path),randomizationParams=randomizationParams,
#' N=10)
generateRandomPaths = function(path,from=1,to=nrow(path),d=ncol(path),
if(! randomizationParams[1] %in% c('byPermutation','bySteps'))
msg = "randomizationParams[1] must be either
'byPermutation'or 'bySteps'"
## ###################################################
## Subset to the data under consideration:
path = path[from:to,seq_len(d)]
if(randomizationParams[1] == 'byPermutation')
if(randomizationParams[1] == 'bySteps')
## ###################################################
## ' Produce randomized paths by permutation
## ' Not exported
## '
## ' This function produces randomized paths from a given path via
## ' permutation of its entries. This can be done either by random
## ' permutation within each column thereby preserving the range of
## ' values within each column or by random permutation of all entries
## ' in the matrix.
## '
## ' @param path - An n x d matrix.
## ' @param randomizationParams - A character vector used to control the
## ' behavior of the function.
## ' @param N - The number of paths required.
## ' @return This function returns a list of random paths.
generateRandomPathsByPermutation =
randomPathList = list()
n = nrow(path)
d = ncol(path)
## ###################################################
## This handles the case where we wish to permute within each column:
if(randomizationParams[2] == 'permuteWithinColumns')
for(i in seq_len(N))
randomPath = path
for(j in seq_len(d))
perm = sample(n,n)
randomPath[,j] = randomPath[perm,j]
randomPathList[[i]] = randomPath
## ###################################################
## This handles the case where we wish to permute at random:
if(randomizationParams[2] == 'permuteAsMatrix')
M = n * d
a = as.numeric(path)
for(i in seq_len(N))
b = as.numeric(path)
perm = sample(M,M)
b = b[perm]
randomPathList[[i]] = matrix(b,nrow=n)
## ###################################################
## ' Produce randomized paths by steps
## ' Not exported
## '
## ' This function produces randomized paths from a given path by taking
## ' steps in space. This can be done either requiring that these steps
## ' have the same Euclidean length as those of the original path or
## ' allowing them to all have unit length. It can also be done
## ' requiring the path to stay in the non-negative orthant or allowing
## ' arbitrary values.
## '
## ' @param path - An n x d matrix.
## ' @param randomizationParams - A character vector used to control the
## ' behavior of the function.
## ' @param N - The number of paths required.
## ' @return This function returns a list of random paths.
generateRandomPathsBySteps = function(path,randomizationParams,N)
n = nrow(path)
d = ncol(path)
## ###################################################
## Find the length of the steps if required:
stepLengths = rep(1,n-1)
if('preserveLengths' %in% randomizationParams)
stepLengths = getStepLengths(path)
## ###################################################
## Generate the random paths:
randomPathList = list()
for(i in seq_len(N))
randomPath = matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=d)
randomPath[1,] = path[1,]
for(j in seq_len(n-1))
randomPath[j+1,] = randomPath[j,] +
stepLengths[j] * generateRandomUnitVector(d)
if('nonNegative' %in% randomizationParams)
idx = randomPath < 0
randomPath[idx] = - randomPath[idx]
randomPathList[[i]] = randomPath
## ###################################################
#' Find the step lengths:
#' This finds the lengths of the steps along a path
#' @param path - This is an mxn dimensional matrix. Each row is
#' considered a point.
#' @param from - The starting place along the path which will be
#' treated as the center of the sphere. This defaults to 1.
#' @param to - The end point of the path. This defaults to
#' nrow(path).
#' @param d - The dimension under consideration. This defaults to
#' ncol(path)
#' @return This function returns the length of each step in a path.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' stepLengths = getStepLengths(path=crooked_path)
#' stepLengths = getStepLengths(path=crooked_path,from=4)
getStepLengths = function(path,from=1,to=nrow(path),d=ncol(path))
## ###################################################
## Subset to the data under consideration:
path = path[from:to,seq_len(d)]
n = nrow(path)
stepLengths = numeric(n-1)
for(i in seq_len(n-1))
stepLengths[i] = Norm(path[i+1,] - path[i,])
## ###################################################
#' Produce distance statistics for random paths
#' This function takes a list of paths and a choice of
#' statistic (median, mean or max) and returns that statistic
#' for the appropriate center for each path. Each path
#' is an n x d matrix. In use, it is assumed that these
#' will be the randomized paths. It is therefore assumed
#' that they are already of the correct dimensions.
#' @param paths - A list of paths. Each of these is an n x d matrix.
#' @param statistic - Allowable values are 'median', 'mean' or 'max'.
#' @return This returns a vector of n distances.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' paths =
#' generateRandomPaths(path=straight_path,randomizationParam='bySteps',N=5)
#' distance = getDistanceDataForPaths(paths=paths,statistic='max')
getDistanceDataForPaths = function(paths,statistic)
n = nrow(paths[[1]])
N = length(paths)
distances = numeric(N)
## ###################################################
## Iterate over paths:
for(i in seq_len(N))
sphericalData = getSphericalData(paths[[i]],statistic)
distances[i] = sphericalData$distance
## ###################################################
#' Generate random unit vector.
#' This function generates a random unit vector in
#' in dimension d.
#' @param d - The dimension.
#' @return A unit vector in dimension d.
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @export
#' @examples
#' randomUnitVector = generateRandomUnitVector(5)
generateRandomUnitVector = function(d)
x = rnorm(d)
return(x / Norm(x))
## ###################################################
#' Measure a path's progression
#' This function measures the progress of a path in a specified
#' direction. This direction will typically be the center of its
#' projection onto the sphere as revealed using your favorite
#' statistic.
#' @param path - An n x d matrix
#' @param from - The point along the path to be taken as the starting
#' point. This defaults to 1.
#' @param to - The point along the path to be used as the end point.
#' This defaults to nrow(path).
#' @param d - The dimension to be used. This defaults to ncol(path).
#' @param direction - A non-zero numeric whose length is the the
#' dimension.
#' @return This returns a numeric given the signed distance projection
#' of the path along the line through its starting point in the
#' given direction.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' progress =
#' pathProgression(straight_path,direction=straight_path_center)
#' progress =
#' pathProgression(crooked_path,from=6,direction=crooked_path_center)
pathProgression = function(path,from=1,to=nrow(path),d=ncol(path),
path = path[from:to,seq_len(d)]
direction = direction / Norm(direction)
distance = numeric(nrow(path)-1)
for(i in 2:nrow(path))
delta = path[i,] - path[1,]
distance[i-1] = dot(delta,direction)
## ##########################################################################
#' Portion of cell variance in a given direction
#' This function takes a direction and a set of cells epressed in PCs
#' and determines the fraction of total variance in the given
#' direction.
#' @param direction - a numeric giving the direction expressed in PCs
#' @param cells - a set of cells given as a matrix where each row is a
#' cell and each column is a PC. This must have at least as many
#' PCs as the direction
#' @return The fraction of total variance (across that many PCs) in
#' the given direction.
#' @export
varianceInDirection = function(direction,cells)
numPCs = length(direction)
cells = cells[,1:numPCs]
varianceInCells = c()
for(pc in colnames(cells))
varianceInCells[pc] = var(cells[,pc])
totalVariance = sum(varianceInCells)
progression = pathProgression(path=cells,direction=direction)
varianceInDirection = var(progression)
return(varianceInDirection / totalVariance)
## ##########################################################################
#' Sample a path from single cell data
#' This function takes vector of pseudotime values, and a matrix of attribute
#' values (cell x attribute). It also optionally takes the number of pseudotime
#' windows to sample a single cell from. This defaults to 10.
#' The function returns a matrix of sampled attribute values which form the
#' coordinates of the sampled path. The matrix of attribute values should
#' consist of numeric values relevant to a pseudotime trajectory i.e. gene
#' expression values or PCA projections. The vector of pseudotime values should
#' be named according to cell names. Simarly the row names of the matrix of
#' attribute values should be cell names. Row names for the returned matrix of
#' the sampled path give the window number a cell was sampled from.
#' @param attributes - An n x d (cell x attribute) matrix of numeric attributes
#' for single cell data. Rownames should be cell names.
#' @param pseudotime - A named numeric vector of pseudotime values for cells.
#' @param nWindows - The number of windows pseudotime should be split into to
#' sample cells from. Defaults to 10.
#' @return sampledPath - A path consisting of a matrix of attributes of sampled
#' cells. The rownames refer to the pseudotime windows cell was sampled from.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' samplePath(chol_attributes, chol_pseudo_time_normalised)
#' samplePath(hep_attributes, hep_pseudo_time_normalised)
samplePath = function(attributes, pseudotime, nWindows = 10){
samplePathTest(attributes, pseudotime, nWindows)
## ###################################################
## Set parameters for path.
start = min(pseudotime)
end = max(pseudotime)
pathLength = end - start
windowSize = pathLength/nWindows
sampledPath = matrix(, nrow = 0, ncol = ncol(attributes))
## Vector to save window number as pseudotime windows with no cells will be
windowNumber = c()
for (i in seq_len(nWindows)){
cells = names(pseudotime[pseudotime >= (i-1) * windowSize +
start & pseudotime < i * windowSize + start])
windowAttributes = attributes[cells,]
## ###################################################
## Case when only one cell falls within a pseudotime window.
## Turn windowAttributes into a matrix.
if (is.null(dim(windowAttributes))){
windowAttributes = t(matrix(windowAttributes))
## ###################################################
## Case when no cells fall within a pseudotime window.
if (nrow(windowAttributes) == 0){
## ###################################################
## Randomly sample cell from pseudotime window.
chosenIndex = sample(seq_len(nrow(windowAttributes)), 1)
chosenAttributes = windowAttributes[chosenIndex,]
sampledPath = rbind(sampledPath, chosenAttributes)
## ###################################################
## Save window number.
windowNumber = c(windowNumber, i)
rownames(sampledPath) = windowNumber
## ##########################################################################
#' Analyse a single cell trajectory.
#' This function analyses a single cell trajectory by sampling multiple paths
#' and comparing each path to random paths.
#' It takes vector of pseudotime values, and a matrix of attribute values
#' (cell x attribute).
#' It also optionally takes the number of pseudotime windows to sample a single
#' cell from. This defaults to 10.
#' The function returns a list of Answers for each comparison of a sampled path
#' to a random path.
#' @param attributes - An n x d (cell x attribute) matrix of numeric attributes
#' for single cell data. Rownames should be cell names.
#' @param pseudotime - A named numeric vector of pseudotime values for cells.
#' @param randomizationParams - A character vector which is used to
#' control the production of randomized paths for comparison.
#' @param statistic - Allowable values are 'median', 'mean' or 'max'.
#' @param nSamples - The number of sampled paths to generate (default 1000).
#' @param nWindows - The number of windows pseudotime should be split into to
#' sample cells from (defaults to 10).
#' @param d - The dimension under consideration. This defaults to
#' ncol(attributes).
#' @param N - The number of random paths to generated for statistical
#' comparison to the given path (defaults to 1000).
#' @return This returns a list, where each entry is itself a list containing
#' information comparing a sampled path to random paths.
#' These entries consist of:
#' pValue - the p-value for the path and statistic in question;
#' sphericalData - a list containing the projections of the path to
#' the sphere, the center of that sphere and the statistic for
#' distance to that center;
#' randomDistances - the corresponding distances for randomly chosen;
#' paths;
#' randomizationParams - the choice of randomization parameters
#' @export
#' @examples
#' chol_answers = analyseSingleCellTrajectory(chol_attributes[,seq_len(3)],
#' chol_pseudo_time_normalised,
#' nSamples = 10,
#' randomizationParams =
#' c('byPermutation',
#' 'permuteWithinColumns'),
#' statistic = "mean",
#' N = 1)
#' hep_answers = analyseSingleCellTrajectory(hep_attributes[,seq_len(3)],
#' hep_pseudo_time_normalised,
#' nSamples = 10,
#' randomizationParams =
#' c('byPermutation',
#' 'permuteWithinColumns'),
#' statistic = "mean",
#' N = 1)
analyseSingleCellTrajectory = function(attributes,
nSamples = 1000,
nWindows = 10,
d = ncol(attributes),
N = 1000)
analyseSingleCellTrajectoryTest(attributes, pseudotime,
randomizationParams, statistic,
nSamples, nWindows, d, N)
## ###################################################
## List to contain results:
answers = list()
## ###################################################
## Sample paths and test each one for directionality
for (i in seq_len(nSamples)){
path = samplePath(attributes, pseudotime, nWindows = nWindows)
answers[[i]] = testPathForDirectionality(path, randomizationParams =
randomizationParams, statistic = statistic, N = N, d = d)
if (i %% 100 == 0){
print(paste(i, "sampled paths analysed"))
## ##########################################################################
#' Analyse branch point.
#' This function takes a single cell trajectory and analyses it starting from
#' successively later points in pseudotime, with the rationale that a more
#' consistent directionality will be followed after the branch point.
#' @param attributes - An n x d (cell x attribute) matrix of numeric attributes
#' for single cell data. Rownames should be cell names.
#' @param pseudotime - A named numeric vector of pseudotime values for cells.
#' @param randomizationParams - A character vector which is used to
#' control the production of randomized paths for comparison.
#' @param statistic - Allowable values are 'median', 'mean' or 'max'.
#' @param start - The first pseudotime value (percentage of the trajectory)
#' from which to analyse the trajectory from.
#' Defaults to 25\% of the way through the trajectory.
#' @param stop - The last pseudotime value (as a percentage of the trajectory)
#' from which to analyse the trajectory from.
#' Defaults to 75\% of the way through the trajectory.
#' @param step - The size of the step to take between successively later
#' starting points in pseudotime.
#' Defaults to 5\% of the trajectory length.
#' @param nSamples - The number of sampled paths to generate (defaults to 1000).
#' @param nWindows - The number of windows pseudotime should be split into to
#' sample cells from (defaults to 10).
#' @param d - The dimension under consideration. This defaults to
#' ncol(attributes).
#' @param N - The number of random paths to generated for statistical
#' comparison to the given path (defaults to 1000).
#' @return This returns a list of results for analyseSingleCellTrajectory,
#' named by trajectory starting point.
#' Each result from analyseSingleCellTrajectory is a list which contains an
#' entry for each sampled path.
#' Each of these entries is a list containing information comparing the
#' sampled path in question
#' to random paths. The entries consist of:
#' pValue - the p-value for the path and statistic in question;
#' sphericalData - a list containing the projections of the path to
#' the sphere, the center of that sphere and the statistic for
#' distance to that center;
#' randomDistances - the corresponding distances for randomly chosen;
#' paths;
#' randomizationParams - the choice of randomization parameters
#' @export
#' @examples
#' chol_branch_point_results = analyseBranchPoint(chol_attributes[,seq_len(3)],
#' chol_pseudo_time[!is.na(chol_pseudo_time)],
#' randomizationParams = c('byPermutation',
#' 'permuteWithinColumns'),
#' statistic = "mean",
#' start = 0,
#' stop = 50,
#' step = 5,
#' nSamples = 10,
#' N = 1)
analyseBranchPoint = function(attributes,
start = (max(pseudotime) - min(pseudotime))*0.25,
stop = (max(pseudotime) - min(pseudotime))*0.75,
step = (max(pseudotime) - min(pseudotime))*0.05,
nSamples = 1000,
nWindows = 10,
d = ncol(attributes),
N = 1)
analyseBranchPointTest(attributes, pseudotime, randomizationParams,
statistic, start, stop, step,
nSamples, nWindows, d, N)
## ###################################################
## list to contain results
results = list()
## ###################################################
## iterate through successively later starting points
for (i in seq(start, stop, step)){
print(paste0("analysing trajectory from ", i, " onwards"))
pseudotime_selected = pseudotime[pseudotime >= i]
pseudotime_selected =
(pseudotime_selected -
- min(pseudotime_selected))*100
attributes_selected = attributes[names(pseudotime_selected),]
results[[as.character(i)]] =
pseudotime_selected, randomizationParams,
statistic, nSamples, nWindows, d, N)
## ##########################################################################
#' Get distances between trajectories.
#' This function compares two single cell trajectories (representative of
#' different lineages within the same dataset),
#' and finds the minimum euclidean distance between the first and the second
#' trajectory at each point in pseudotime.
#' Please note, attributes can either be values for single cells, or attributes
#' which have been smoothed over pseudotime.
#' Likewise the pseudotime values should be for single cells, or for smoothed
#' attributes over pseudotime
#' @param attributes1 - An n x d (cell x attribute) matrix of numeric
#' attributes for the first single cell trajectory.
#' @param pseudotime1 - A named numeric vector of pseudotime values for the
#' first single cell trajectory,
#' names should match rownames of atrributes1.
#' @param attributes2 - An n x d (cell x attribute) matrix of numeric
#' attributes for the sencond single cell trajectory.
#' @return results - a dataframe containing pseudotime values
#' (for the first trajectory), and distances (the minimimum euclidian
#' distance between the two trajectories at that point in pseudotime).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' distances = distanceBetweenTrajectories(chol_attributes,
#' chol_pseudo_time[!is.na(chol_pseudo_time)],
#' hep_attributes)
distanceBetweenTrajectories = function(attributes1,
distanceBetweenTrajectoriesTest(attributes1, pseudotime1, attributes2)
## ###################################################
## dataframe to store distances
results = data.frame(pseudotime = numeric(), distances = numeric())
## ###################################################
## iterate through points for first trajectory
for (name in names(pseudotime1)){
distances = c()
## ###################################################
## iterate through points in second trajectory and calculate euclidean
## distance to point in first trajectory
for (i in seq_len(nrow(attributes2))){
distances = c(distances, Norm(attributes1[name,]
- attributes2[i,]))
## ###################################################
## store the minimum distance
results = rbind(results, data.frame(pseudotime = pseudotime1[[name]],
distance = min(distances)))
results = results[order(results$pseudotime),]
## ##########################################################################
## ##########################################################################
## Code for plotting paths and their spherical data:
## ###################################################
#' Find an orthonormal basis in dimension 3
#' Given a vector in R3, this normalizes it and then uses it as
#' the first basis vector in an orthonormal basis. We'll use
#' this to find circles around points on the sphere.
#' @param x - A vector of length 3
#' @return This function returns an orthonormal basis in
#' the the form of a 3 x 3 matrix in which the first vector is
#' parallel to v
#' @export
#' @examples
#' anOrthonormalBasis = orthonormalBasis(c(1,1,1))
orthonormalBasis = function(x)
x = x / Norm(x)
B = matrix(0,nrow=3,ncol=3)
## ###################################################
## The first basis element:
B[1,] = x
## ###################################################
## Find a vector not colinear with x:
y = rep(0,3)
while(dot(x,y) < 1e-3)
y = generateRandomUnitVector(3)
## ###################################################
## Get the portion of y perpendicular to x:
y = y - dot(x,y) * x
y = y / Norm(y)
B[2,] = y
## ###################################################
## The third basis element is the cross product:
B[3,] = cross(x,y)
## ###################################################
#' Circle on the unit sphere
#' Find a circle on the unit 2-sphere
#' Given a point on the unit 2-sphere and a radius given
#' as a spherical distance, this finds the circle.
#' It's not clear to me this should be exported, but it's
#' handy to do this for testing and debugging.
#' @param center - The center of the circle.
#' @param radius - The radius of the circle.
#' @param N - The number of segments to approximate the circle. It
#' defaults to 36.
#' @return This returns an approximation to the the circle as a N+1 x
#' 3 matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pole = c(1,0,0)
#' radius = pi / 4
#' circle = circleOnTheUnitSphere(pole,radius)
circleOnTheUnitSphere = function(center,radius,N=36)
## ###################################################
## For sanity:
center = center / Norm(center)
## ###################################################
## Get the orthonormal basis:
B = orthonormalBasis(center)
## ###################################################
## The planar center of the circle:
ctr = cos(radius) * center
## ###################################################
## The planar radius of the circle:
R = sin(radius)
## ###################################################
## We sweep out the circle with these:
x = R * B[2,]
y = R * B[3,]
theta = (0:N) * (2 * pi / N)
circle = matrix(0,nrow=N+1,ncol=3)
for(i in seq_len((N+1)))
circle[i,] = ctr + cos(theta[i]) * x + sin(theta[i]) * y
## ###################################################
#' Plot a path, its projection, its center and its circle
#' This function assumes you have a path in dimension 3 and you have
#' found the projection for the portion under consideration, the
#' center for its projection and the circle (i.e., radius) for the
#' appropriate statistic. Scales the path to keep it comparable to
#' the sphere and plots all this in your favorite color. It can be
#' called repeatedly to add additional paths in different colors.
#' @param path - A path of dimension 3 in the form of an N x 3 matrix.
#' @param from - The starting place of the section under
#' consideration. This is used for marking the relevant
#' portion. It defaults to 1.
#' @param to - Likewise. It defaults to nrow(path).
#' @param projection - The projection of the relevant portion of the
#' path.
#' @param center - The center of the projection points.
#' @param radius - The radius of the circle.
#' @param color - The color to use for this path and its associated
#' data.
#' @param circleColor - Sets the colour of the circle.
#' Defaults to white.
#' @param pathPointSize - Sets the size of points which represent the
#' path. Defaults to 8.
#' @param projectionPointSize - Sets the size of points which represent the
#' projected path. Defaults to 8.
#' @param scale - The path will be start (its actual start) at 0 and
#' will be scaled so that its most distant point will be at this
#' distance from the origin. This is to keep it comparable in
#' size to the sphere. It defaults to 1.5. Caution should be used
#' here when plotting multiple paths.
#' @param newFigure - When plotting a single figure or the first of
#' multiple figures, this should be set to TRUE which is its
#' default. Otherwise, set this to FALSE in order to add
#' additional paths to the same figure.
#' @return This returns 0.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' plotPathProjectionCenterAndCircle(path=straight_path,
#' projection=straight_path_projection,
#' center=straight_path_center,
#' radius=straight_path_radius,
#' color='red',
#' newFigure=TRUE)
plotPathProjectionCenterAndCircle = function(path,
pathPointSize = 8,
projectionPointSize = 8,
## ###################################################
## Constants. Maybe they should become parameters?
centerSize = 15
pathLineWidth = 3
circleLineWidth = 3
relevantPortionPointHump = 4
relevantPortionLineHump = 3
alpha = .2
## ###################################################
## Translate the path to begin at the origin and scale:
N = nrow(path)
distances = numeric(N)
offset = path[1,]
for(i in seq_len(N))
path[i,] = path[i,] - offset
distances[i] = Norm(path[i,])
path = (scale / max(distances)) * path
## ###################################################
## Are we starting a new figure?
## ###################################################
## Plot the path and mark the relevant portion:
## ###################################################
## Plot the projection:
## ###################################################
## Plot the center:
## ###################################################
## Plot the circle:
circle = circleOnTheUnitSphere(center,radius)
## ###################################################
#' Visualise Trajectory Stats
#' This function creates plots and extracts statistics for comparisons of
#' metrics for sampled paths to random paths. It can also create plots for
#' comparing two sets of sampled paths by providing the traj2Data argument.
#' @param traj1Data - the result of analyseSingleCellTrajectory
#' @param metric - either "pValue" or "distance"
#' @param average - if there are multiple distances available for each
#' sampled trajectory, calculate the average using "mean" or "median"
#' (defaults to "mean").
#' @param traj2Data - traj2Data either an empty list or the result of
#' analyseSingleCellTrajectory
#' @return a list containing:
#' stats - output of wilcox test (paired if comparing sampled to random paths,
#' unpaired if comparing sampled paths for two different trajectories)
#' values - dataframe containing plotted data in long format
#' plot - ggplot object
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_violin geom_boxplot labs aes
#' @importFrom stats wilcox.test
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cholResultDistance = visualiseTrajectoryStats(chol_answers, "distance")
#' hepResultDistance = visualiseTrajectoryStats(hep_answers, "distance")
#' distanceComparison = visualiseTrajectoryStats(chol_answers, "distance",
#' traj2Data = hep_answers)
visualiseTrajectoryStats = function(traj1Data,
average = "mean",
traj2Data = list())
visualiseTrajectoryStatsTest(traj1Data, metric, average, traj2Data)
## ###################################################
## Set averageFunc as actual function
if (average == "mean"){
averageFunc = mean
if (average == "median"){
averageFunc = median
## ###################################################
## Set up dataframe which will be populated with data to plot in long format
values = data.frame(type = character(), value = numeric())
## ###################################################
## Code for comparing 2 trajectories
if (length(traj2Data) > 0){
for (i in seq_len(length(traj1Data))){
## ###################################################
## Populate values data frame with distance data
if (metric == "distance"){
values = rbind(values, data.frame(type = "Trajectory 1",
value = traj1Data[[i]]$sphericalData$distance))
values = rbind(values, data.frame(type = "Trajectory 2",
value = traj2Data[[i]]$sphericalData$distance))
## ###################################################
## Populate values data frame with pValue data
if (metric == "pValue"){
values = rbind(values, data.frame(type = "Trajectory 1",
value = traj1Data[[i]]$pValue))
values = rbind(values, data.frame(type = "Trajectory 2",
value = traj2Data[[i]]$pValue))
## ###################################################
## Use unpaired wilcox test to compare values for 2 trajectories
stats = wilcox.test(values[values$type == "Trajectory 1",]$value,
values[values$type == "Trajectory 2",]$value)
## ###################################################
## Code for comparing sampled pathways to random pathways
if (length(traj2Data) == 0){
## Here we can only compare distance metrics
if (metric != "distance"){
print("Metric must be distance to compare sampled to random
for (i in seq_len(length(traj1Data))){
values = rbind(values, data.frame(type = "Sampled",
value = traj1Data[[i]]$sphericalData$distance))
values = rbind(values, data.frame(type = "Random",
value = averageFunc(traj1Data[[i]]$randomDistances)))
## ###################################################
## Use paired wilcox test to compare values sampled and random pathways,
## as random trajectories are parametised based on the sampled pathways
stats = wilcox.test(values[values$type == "Sampled",]$value,
values[values$type == "Random",]$value, paired = TRUE)
## ###################################################
## Create violin plot with overlaid box plot
p = ggplot(values, aes(x=type, y=value)) +
geom_violin() + geom_boxplot(width=0.1) + labs(y = metric, x = "")
results = list(stats = stats,values = values, plot=p)
return(list(stats = stats,values = values, plot=p))
## ###################################################
#' Visualise Branch Point Stats
#' This function creates plots and extracts statistics for analysing branch
#' points. It returns plots and underlying data for visualising distance
#' metrics and -log10 transformed pvalues (comparison to random trajectories)
#' for trajectories with different starting points.
#' @param branchPointData - the result of analyseBranchPoint
#' @param average - if there are multiple distances available for each
#' sampled trajectory, calculate the average using "mean" or "median" (defaults
#' to "mean").
#' @return a list containing:
#' branchPointValues - dataframe containing data underlying distance plot in
#' long format
#' pValues- dataframe containing data underlying p-value plot in long format
#' distancePlot - ggplot object, violin plots of distance metric for sampled
#' paths for different trajectory different starting points
#' pValue - ggplot object, line plot of -log10 transformed p-values for
#' comparing sampled paths to random paths for different trajectory starting
#' points
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_violin geom_boxplot geom_line geom_point
#' labs aes xlab ylab
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cholBranchPointStats = visualiseBranchPointStats(chol_branch_point_results)
visualiseBranchPointStats = function(branchPointData,
average = "mean")
visualiseBranchPointStatsTest(branchPointData, average)
## ###################################################
## Set up dataframe which will be populated with data to plot in long format
branchPointValues = data.frame(type = character(), value = numeric(),
trajectoryStart = numeric())
## ###################################################
## Set up dataframe to store pvalues
pValues = data.frame(trajectoryStart = numeric(),pValue = numeric())
## ###################################################
## Iterate through branch points
for (name in names(branchPointData)){
trajectoryStart = as.numeric(name)
results = visualiseTrajectoryStats(branchPointData[[name]], "distance",
average = average)
values = results$values
values$trajectoryStart = trajectoryStart
branchPointValues = rbind(branchPointValues, values)
pValue = results$stats$p.value
pValues = rbind(pValues, data.frame(pValue = pValue,
trajectoryStart = trajectoryStart))
## ###################################################
## calculate -log10(pValue)
pValues$logPValue = -log10(pValues$pValue)
## ###################################################
## create violin plot of distances
branchPointValues$trajectoryStart =
distancePlot =
ggplot(branchPointValues[branchPointValues$type != "Random",],
aes(x=trajectoryStart, y=value)) +
geom_violin() + geom_boxplot(width=0.1) + xlab('trajectory start') +
ylab('mean distance')
## ###################################################
## create line plot of -log10 transformed p-values
pValuePlot = ggplot(pValues, aes(x=trajectoryStart, y=logPValue, group=1)) +
geom_line( size = 1.5) + geom_point(size = 3) +
xlab('Trajectory start') + ylab('-log10(p-value)')
return(list(branchPointValues = branchPointValues, pValues = pValues,
distancePlot = distancePlot, pValuePlot = pValuePlot))
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