# Practical functions to create igraph objects, weight Protein-Protein
# Interaction (PPI) networks and prioritize genes in the wppi package.
#' Igraph object from OmniPath network
#' Creation of igraph object from PPI OmniPath database with information
#' regarding proteins and gene symbols.
#' @param op_data Data frame (tibble) of OmniPath PPI interactions from
#' \code{\link{wppi_omnipath_data}}.
#' @return Igraph PPI graph object with vertices defined by UniProt ID and
#' Gene Symbol, and edges based on interactions, for all connections in
#' OmniPath.
#' @examples
#' graph_op <- graph_from_op(wppi_omnipath_data())
#' edges_op <- igraph::E(graph_op)
#' vertices_op <- igraph::V(graph_op)
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr select distinct
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_data_frame
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{wppi_omnipath_data}}
graph_from_op <- function(op_data) {
# NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
source_genesymbol <- target_genesymbol <- target <- source <- NULL
edges <- op_data %>%
dplyr::select(-c(source_genesymbol, target_genesymbol))
node_source <- op_data %>%
dplyr::select(source, source_genesymbol)
node_target <- op_data %>%
dplyr::select(target, target_genesymbol)
names(node_source) <- c("UniProt_ID", "Gene_Symbol")
names(node_target) <- c("UniProt_ID", "Gene_Symbol")
nodes <- rbind(node_source, node_target) %>%
op_graph <- graph_from_data_frame(
d = edges,
vertices = nodes
#' Check which genes of interest are or not in OmniPath
#' @param graph_op Igraph object based on OmniPath PPI interactions from
#' \code{\link{graph_from_op}}.
#' @param gene_set Character vector with known-disease specific genes from
#' which is built the functional weighted PPI.
#' @param in_network Logical: whether to return the genes in the network or
#' the missing ones.
#' @return Character vector with genes corresponding to the query.
#' @examples
#' # genes mapped and not mapped in OmniPath
#' graph_op <- graph_from_op(wppi_omnipath_data())
#' genes_interest <-
#' c("ERCC8", "AKT3", "NOL3", "GFI1B", "CDC25A", "TPX2", "SHE")
#' genes_mapped <- in_omnipath(graph_op, genes_interest, 1)
#' genes_notmapped <- in_omnipath(graph_op, genes_interest, 0)
#' @importFrom igraph vertex_attr
#' @export
#' @seealso \itemize{
#' \item{\code{\link{wppi_omnipath_data}}}
#' \item{\code{\link{graph_from_op}}}
#' }
in_omnipath <- function(graph_op, gene_set, in_network = TRUE) {
idx_vertex_bool <- gene_set %in% vertex_attr(graph_op)$Gene_Symbol
if (in_network) {
} else {
#' Extract PPI subgraph by genes of interest
#' From the igraph object of a PPI network obtained from OmniPath extracts a
#' subnetwork around the provided genes of interest. The size of the graph
#' is determined by the \code{sub_level} parameter, i.e. the maximum number
#' of steps (order) from the genes of interest.
#' @param graph_op Igraph object based on OmniPath PPI interactions from
#' \code{\link{graph_from_op}}.
#' @param gene_set Character vector of gene symbols. These are the genes of
#' interest, for example known disease specific genes.
#' @param sub_level Integer larger than 0 defining the order of neighborhood
#' (number of steps) from the genes of interest. If not specified, the
#' first-order neighbors are used.
#' @return Igraph graph object with PPI network of given genes of interest
#' and their x-order degree neighbors.
#' @examples
#' # Subgraphs of first and second order
#' graph_op <- graph_from_op(wppi_omnipath_data())
#' genes_interest <-
#' c("ERCC8", "AKT3", "NOL3", "GFI1B", "CDC25A", "TPX2", "SHE")
#' graph_op_1 <- subgraph_op(graph_op, genes_interest, 1)
#' graph_op_2 <- subgraph_op(graph_op, genes_interest, 2)
#' @importFrom igraph vertex_attr induced_subgraph V ego
#' @export
subgraph_op <- function(graph_op, gene_set, sub_level = 1L) {
# sub_level indicates the neighbor-level of given genes
idx_mapped <- which(vertex_attr(graph_op)$Gene_Symbol %in% gene_set)
vertices_mapped <- V(graph_op)[idx_mapped]
if (sub_level == 0L) {
op_subgraph <- induced_subgraph(graph_op, vertices_mapped)
} else {
new_nodes <- unlist(
order = sub_level,
nodes = idx_mapped,
mode = "all",
mindist = 0
op_subgraph <- induced_subgraph(graph_op, new_nodes)
#' Shared neighbors of connected vertices
#' For each interacting pair of proteins in the PPI network, store the nodes
#' of the common neighbors. This function works for any igraph graph.
#' @param graph_op Igraph object based on OmniPath PPI interactions from
#' \code{\link{graph_from_op}}.
#' @return Data frame (tibble) with igraph vertex IDs of connected pairs of
#' vertices (source and target), a list column with the IDs of their
#' common neighbors, and a column with the number of neighbors.
#' @examples
#' graph_op <- graph_from_op(wppi_omnipath_data())
#' genes_interest <-
#' c("ERCC8", "AKT3", "NOL3", "GFI1B", "CDC25A", "TPX2", "SHE")
#' graph_op_1 <- subgraph_op(graph_op, genes_interest, 1)
#' shared_neighbors <- common_neighbors(graph_op_1)
#' @importFrom igraph get.edgelist neighbors
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom purrr map2 map_int
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate filter
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{graph_from_op}}
common_neighbors <- function(graph_op) {
# NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
nr_neighbors <- NULL
graph_op %>%
get.edgelist(names = FALSE) %>%
`colnames<-`(c('source', 'target')) %>%
as_tibble %>%
neighbors = map2(
function(i, j){
neighbors(graph_op, i),
neighbors(graph_op, j)
nr_neighbors = map_int(neighbors, length)
) %>%
filter(nr_neighbors != 0L)
#' Weighted adjacency matrix
#' Converts adjacency to weighted adjacency using network topology
#' information (shared neighbors between connected nodes via
#' \code{\link{common_neighbors}}) integrated with genome and phenotype
#' factors from GO and HPO annotation terms (functionality computed by
#' \code{\link{functional_annot}}). At the end, the weighted adjacency
#' matrix is normalized by column.
#' @param graph_op Igraph object based on OmniPath PPI interactions from
#' \code{\link{graph_from_op}}.
#' @param GO_data Data frame with GO annotations as provided by
#' \code{\link{wppi_go_data}}.
#' @param HPO_data Data frame with HPO annotations as provided by
#' \code{\link{wppi_hpo_data}}.
#' @return Weighted adjacency matrix based on network topology and functional
#' similarity between interacting proteins/genes based on ontology
#' databases.
#' @examples
#' db <- wppi_data()
#' GO_data <- db$go
#' HPO_data <- db$hpo
#' # Genes of interest
#' genes_interest <-
#' c("ERCC8", "AKT3", "NOL3", "GFI1B", "CDC25A", "TPX2", "SHE")
#' # Graph object with PPI
#' graph_op <- graph_from_op(db$omnipath)
#' graph_op_1 <- subgraph_op(graph_op, genes_interest, 1)
#' # Filter ontology data
#' GO_data_filtered <- filter_annot_with_network(GO_data, graph_op_1)
#' HPO_data_filtered <- filter_annot_with_network(HPO_data, graph_op_1)
#' # Weighted adjacency
#' w_adj <- weighted_adj(graph_op_1, GO_data_filtered, HPO_data_filtered)
#' @importFrom igraph vertex_attr vcount ecount
#' @importFrom progress progress_bar
#' @importFrom purrr walk2
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %<>%
#' @importFrom Matrix .__C__dgTMatrix colSums
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom tidyr replace_na
#' @export
#' @seealso \itemize{
#' \item{\code{\link{random_walk}}}
#' \item{\code{\link{prioritization_genes}}}
#' \item{\code{\link{common_neighbors}}}
#' \item{\code{\link{graph_from_op}}}
#' \item{\code{\link{subgraph_op}}}
#' \item{\code{\link{score_candidate_genes_from_PPI}}}
#' \item{\code{\link{wppi_go_data}}}
#' \item{\code{\link{wppi_hpo_data}}}
#' }
weighted_adj <- function(
HPO_data) {
log_info('Calculating weighted adjacency matrix.')
# creating the adjacency matrix and the weight matrices
adj_data <-
graph_op %>%
igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(sparse = TRUE) %>%
matrix_neighbors <- matrix_weights <- 0L * adj_data
# checking and preprocessing annotation databases
go_msg <- 'not using GO'
} else {
GO_data <- filter_annot_with_network(GO_data, graph_op)
GO_data <- process_annot(GO_data)
go_msg <- annot_summary_msg(GO_data)
hpo_msg <- 'not using HPO'
} else {
HPO_data <- filter_annot_with_network(HPO_data, graph_op)
HPO_data <- process_annot(HPO_data)
hpo_msg <- annot_summary_msg(HPO_data)
'Graph size: %d nodes and %d edges; %s; %s.',
# all the genes in the PPI
genes_op <- vertex_attr(graph_op)$Gene_Symbol
# loop to weight PPI based on annotation databases
pb <- progress_bar$new(
total = sum(adj_data != 0L),
format = ' Weighted adjacency matrix [:bar] :percent eta: :eta'
adj_i <- adj_data@i + 1
adj_j <- adj_data@j + 1
for (w in 1:length(adj_i)) {
i <- adj_i[w]
j <- adj_j[w]
gene_i <- genes_op[i]
gene_j <- genes_op[j]
matrix_weights[i, j] <-
functional_annot(GO_data, gene_i, gene_j)
) +
functional_annot(HPO_data, gene_i, gene_j)
neighbors_data <- common_neighbors(graph_op)
if(nrow(neighbors_data) != 0L){
for (i in seq(nrow(neighbors_data))) {
x <- neighbors_data[i, ]
matrix_neighbors[x[[1]], x[[2]]] <- x[[4]]
# normalization by column
matrix_weights %<>%
`+`(matrix_neighbors) %>%
sweep(2, colSums(.), FUN = "/")
# for zero divisions
matrix_weights@x %<>% replace_na(0)
log_info('Finished calculating weighted adjacency matrix.')
#' Random Walk with Restart (RWR)
#' RWR on the normalized weighted adjacency matrix.
#' The RWR algorithm estimates each protein/gene relevance based on the
#' functional similarity of genes and disease/phenotype, and the topology
#' of the network. This similarity score between nodes measures how closely
#' two proteins/genes are related in a network. Thus, enabling to identify
#' which candidate genes are more related to our given genes of interest.
#' @param weighted_adj_matrix Matrix object corresponding to the weighted
#' adjacency from \code{\link{weighted_adj}}.
#' @param restart_prob Positive value between 0 and 1 defining the restart
#' probability parameter used in the RWR algorithm. If not specified, 0.4
#' is the default value.
#' @param threshold Positive value depicting the threshold parameter in the
#' RWR algorithm. When the error between probabilities is smaller than the
#' threshold defined, the algorithm stops. If not specified, 1e-5 is
#' the default value.
#' @return Matrix of correlation/probabilities for the functional
#' similarities for all proteins/genes in the network.
#' @examples
#' db <- wppi_data()
#' GO_data <- db$go
#' HPO_data <- db$hpo
#' # Genes of interest
#' genes_interest <-
#' c("ERCC8", "AKT3", "NOL3", "GFI1B", "CDC25A", "TPX2", "SHE")
#' # Graph object with PPI
#' graph_op <- graph_from_op(db$omnipath)
#' graph_op_1 <- subgraph_op(graph_op, genes_interest, 1)
#' # Filter ontology data
#' GO_data_filtered <- filter_annot_with_network(GO_data, graph_op_1)
#' HPO_data_filtered <- filter_annot_with_network(HPO_data, graph_op_1)
#' # Weighted adjacency
#' w_adj <- weighted_adj(graph_op_1, GO_data_filtered, HPO_data_filtered)
#' # Random Walk with Restart
#' w_rw <- random_walk(w_adj)
#' @export
#' @seealso \itemize{
#' \item{\code{\link{weighted_adj}}}
#' \item{\code{\link{prioritization_genes}}}
#' \item{\code{\link{score_candidate_genes_from_PPI}}}
#' }
random_walk <- function(
restart_prob = 0.4,
threshold = 1e-5) {
'Performing random walk with restart ',
'(restart probablilty: %g, threshold: %g, number of genes: %d).'
matrix_rw <- 0L * weighted_adj_matrix
nr_proteins <- ncol(matrix_rw)
vector0 <- matrix(0, nr_proteins, 1)
vector_prob0 <- matrix(1 / nr_proteins, nr_proteins, 1)
pb <- progress_bar$new(
total = nr_proteins,
format = ' Random walk [:bar] :percent eta: :eta'
for (i in seq(nrow(matrix_rw))) {
start_vector <- vector0
start_vector[i] <- 1
q_previous <- vector_prob0
q_next <-
(1 - restart_prob) *
(weighted_adj_matrix %*% q_previous) +
restart_prob * start_vector
while (any((q_next - q_previous)^2 > threshold)) {
q_previous <- q_next
q_next <-
(1 - restart_prob) *
(weighted_adj_matrix %*% q_previous) +
restart_prob *
matrix_rw[i, ] <- q_next
#' Candidate genes prioritization
#' Ranks candidate genes based on correlation with the given seed
#' genes of interest. For this, the source proteins/genes (i.e. starting
#' nodes) are reduced to the candidate genes and the target proteins/genes
#' (i.e. end nodes) to the given genes of interest. Each candidate gene
#' score is defined by the sum of its correlations towards the known
#' disease-related genes.
#' @param graph_op Igraph object based on OmniPath PPI interactions from
#' \code{\link{graph_from_op}}.
#' @param prob_matrix Matrix object with correlations/probabilities of the
#' all nodes in the network from \code{\link{random_walk}}.
#' @param genes_interest Character vector with known-disease specific genes.
#' @param percentage_genes_ranked Positive integer (range between 0 and 100)
#' specifying the percentage (%) of the total candidate genes in the
#' network returned in the output. If not specified, the score of all the
#' candidate genes is delivered.
#' @return Data frame with the ranked candidate genes based on the functional
#' score inferred from given ontology terms, PPI and Random Walk with
#' Restart parameters.
#' @examples
#' db <- wppi_data()
#' GO_data <- db$go
#' HPO_data <- db$hpo
#' # Genes of interest
#' genes_interest <-
#' c("ERCC8", "AKT3", "NOL3", "GFI1B", "CDC25A", "TPX2", "SHE")
#' # Graph object with PPI
#' graph_op <- graph_from_op(db$omnipath)
#' graph_op_1 <- subgraph_op(graph_op, genes_interest, 1)
#' # Filter ontology data
#' GO_data_filtered <- filter_annot_with_network(GO_data, graph_op_1)
#' HPO_data_filtered <- filter_annot_with_network(HPO_data, graph_op_1)
#' # Weighted adjacency
#' w_adj <- weighted_adj(graph_op_1, GO_data_filtered, HPO_data_filtered)
#' # Random Walk with Restart
#' w_rw <- random_walk(w_adj)
#' # Ranked candidate genes
#' scores <- prioritization_genes(graph_op_1, w_rw, genes_interest)
#' @importFrom igraph vertex_attr vcount
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %<>%
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange desc filter
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom logger log_info
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @export
#' @seealso \itemize{
#' \item{\code{\link{graph_from_op}}}
#' \item{\code{\link{weighted_adj}}}
#' \item{\code{\link{random_walk}}}
#' \item{\code{\link{score_candidate_genes_from_PPI}}}
#' }
prioritization_genes <- function(
percentage_genes_ranked = 100) {
'Calculating WPPI gene scores ',
'(genes of interest: %d, genes in network: %d).'
# NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
score <- NULL
percentage_genes_ranked %<>% `/`(100) %>% min(1)
genes_op <- vertex_attr(graph_op)$Gene_Symbol
genes_bool <- genes_op %in% genes_interest
# filter rows for all genes except the ones of interest,
# filter column with only genes of interest
prob_matrix_reduced <- prob_matrix[!genes_bool, genes_bool]
# get score for each row gene by summing all probabilities of the row
genes_candidate <- genes_op[!genes_bool]
proteins_candidate <- vertex_attr(graph_op)$name[!genes_bool]
score = if(is.null(dim(prob_matrix_reduced)))
else apply(prob_matrix_reduced, 1, sum),
gene_symbol = genes_candidate,
uniprot = proteins_candidate
) %>%
arrange(desc(score)) %>%
score >= quantile(score, 1 - percentage_genes_ranked)
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