#' Abstract definition of electrode class in RAVE
#' @description This class is not intended for direct use. Please
#' create new child classes and implement some key methods.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # To run this example, please download demo subject (~700 MB) from
#' #
#' generator <- RAVEAbstarctElectrode
#' # load demo subject electrode 14
#' e <- generator$new("demo/DemoSubject", number = 14)
#' # set epoch
#' e$subject$epoch_names
#' e$set_epoch("auditory_onset")
#' head(e$epoch$table)
#' # set epoch range (-1 to 2 seconds relative to onset)
#' e$trial_intervals <- c(-1,2)
#' # or to set multiple ranges
#' e$trial_intervals <- list(c(-2,-1), c(0, 2))
#' # set reference
#' e$subject$reference_names
#' reference_table <- e$subject$meta_data(
#' meta_type = "reference",
#' meta_name = "default")
#' ref_name <- subset(reference_table, Electrode == 14)[["Reference"]]
#' # the reference is CAR type, mean of electrode 13-16,24
#' ref_name
#' # load & set reference
#' ref <- generator$new(e$subject, ref_name)
#' e$set_reference(ref)
#' }
#' @export
RAVEAbstarctElectrode <- R6::R6Class(
classname = 'RAVEAbstarctElectrode',
portable = FALSE,
cloneable = TRUE,
private = list(
intervals = list(),
.type = 'Unknown',
.location = "Others",
.power_enabled = FALSE,
.is_reference = FALSE
public = list(
#' @field subject subject instance (\code{\link{RAVESubject}})
subject = NULL,
#' @field number integer stands for electrode number or reference ID
number = integer(0),
#' @field reference reference electrode, either \code{NULL} for no reference
#' or an electrode instance inherits \code{RAVEAbstarctElectrode}
reference = NULL,
#' @field epoch a \code{\link{RAVEEpoch}} instance
epoch = NULL,
#' @description constructor
#' @param subject character or \code{\link{RAVESubject}} instance
#' @param number current electrode number or reference ID
#' @param quiet reserved, whether to suppress warning messages
initialize = function(subject, number, quiet = FALSE){
self$subject <- restore_subject_instance(subject)
self$number <- number
self$reference <- NULL
self$epoch <- NULL
#' @description set reference for instance
#' @param reference \code{NULL} or \code{RAVEAbstarctElectrode} instance
#' instance
set_reference = function(reference){
is.null(reference) || (
inherits(reference, 'RAVEAbstarctElectrode') &&
reference$type == self$type
msg = sprintf('set_reference must receive either NULL or a electrode of the same type (%s)', sQuote(self$type))
self$reference <- reference
self_epoch <- !is.null(self$epoch)
ref_epoch <- !is.null(reference$epoch)
if(self_epoch && ref_epoch && !identical(self$epoch$name, reference$epoch$name)){
# compare epoch names
stop("Electrode ", self$number, " has different epoch name to its reference: ",
self$epoch$name, " != ", reference$epoch$name, ".")
} else if (self_epoch && !ref_epoch){
self$reference$epoch <- self$epoch
} else if (!self_epoch && ref_epoch){
self$epoch <- self$reference$epoch
self$reference$trial_intervals <- self$trial_intervals
#' @description set epoch instance for the electrode
#' @param epoch characters or \code{\link{RAVEEpoch}} instance. For
#' characters, make sure \code{"epoch_<name>.csv"} is in meta folder.
set_epoch = function(epoch){
if(!inherits(epoch, 'RAVEEpoch')){
epoch <- RAVEEpoch$new(subject = self$subject, name = epoch)
self$reference$epoch <- epoch
self$epoch <- epoch
#' @description method to clear cache on hard drive
#' @param ... implemented by child instances
clear_cache = function(...){
#' @description method to clear memory
#' @param ... implemented by child instances
clear_memory = function(...){
#' @description method to load electrode data
#' @param type data type such as \code{"power"}, \code{"phase"},
#' \code{"voltage"}, \code{"wavelet-coefficient"}, or others
#' depending on child class implementations
load_data = function(type){
#' @description load electrode block-wise data (with reference),
#' useful when epoch is absent
#' @param blocks session blocks
#' @param type data type such as \code{"power"}, \code{"phase"},
#' \code{"voltage"}, \code{"wavelet-coefficient"}.
#' @param simplify whether to simplify the result
#' @returns If \code{simplify} is enabled, and only one block is loaded,
#' then the result will be a vector (\code{type="voltage"}) or a matrix
#' (others), otherwise the result will be a named list where the names
#' are the blocks.
load_blocks = function(blocks, type, simplify = TRUE) {
active = list(
#' @field type signal type of the electrode, such as 'LFP', 'Spike', and
#' 'EKG'; default is 'Unknown'
type = function(){
#' @field power_enabled whether the electrode can be used in power analyses
#' such as frequency, or frequency-time analyses;
#' this usually requires transforming the electrode raw voltage signals
#' using signal processing methods such as 'Fourier', 'wavelet', 'Hilbert',
#' 'multi-taper', etc. If an electrode has power data, then it's power data
#' can be loaded via \code{\link{prepare_subject_power}} method.
power_enabled = function(){
#' @field is_reference whether this instance is a reference electrode
is_reference = function(){
#' @field location location type of the electrode, see
#' \code{\link{LOCATION_TYPES}} for details
location = function(v){
if(!v %in% LOCATION_TYPES){
warning("Unsupported electrode location type: ", v, ". Use `Others` instead.")
v <- "Others"
private$.location <- v
#' @field exists whether electrode exists in subject
exists = function(){
self$number %in% self$subject$electrodes
#' @field preprocess_file path to preprocess 'HDF5' file
preprocess_file = function(){
file.path(self$subject$preprocess_path, "voltage", sprintf('electrode_%s.h5', self$number))
#' @field power_file path to power 'HDF5' file
power_file = function(){
file.path(self$subject$data_path, 'power', sprintf('%s.h5', self$number))
#' @field phase_file path to phase 'HDF5' file
phase_file = function(){
file.path(self$subject$data_path, 'phase', sprintf('%s.h5', self$number))
#' @field voltage_file path to voltage 'HDF5' file
voltage_file = function(){
file.path(self$subject$data_path, 'voltage', sprintf('%s.h5', self$number))
#' @field reference_name reference electrode name
reference_name = function(){
} else {
ref <- stringr::str_remove_all(self$reference$number, '(\\.h5$)|(^ref_)')
sprintf('ref_%s', ref)
#' @field epoch_name current epoch name
epoch_name = function(){
stop("No epoch assigned. Please use `$set_epoch` method to set epoch.")
#' @field cache_root run-time cache path; \code{NA} if epoch or trial
#' intervals are missing
cache_root = function(){
stop("No epoch assigned. Please use `$set_epoch` method to set epoch.")
stop("No trial intervals added. Please set trial intervals, for example, by:\n",
" x$trial_intervals <- list(c(-1,2)) \n",
"to load 1 second before onset and 2 seconds after onset.")
intv <- paste(
sapply(self$trial_intervals, function(x){
re <- sprintf("%s%.3f", c("M", "", "P")[sign(x) + 2], abs(x))
re <- stringr::str_remove_all(re, "[.]{0,1}[0]+$")
paste(re, collapse = "-")
collapse = "_"
cache_path <- get("cache_root", envir = asNamespace('raveio'), inherits = FALSE)()
# save to cache_path/project/subject/epoch/cachename
# cachename = reference + elec type
nb <- stringr::str_remove_all(self$number, "(^ref_)|(\\.h5$)")
file.path(cache_path, self$subject$project_name,
self$subject$subject_code, self$epoch$name,
intv, nb)
#' @field trial_intervals trial intervals relative to epoch onset
trial_intervals = function(v){
private$intervals <- list()
} else {
private$intervals <- validate_time_window(v)
self$reference$trial_intervals <- private$intervals
#' @name new_electrode
#' @title Create new electrode channel instance or a reference signal instance
#' @param subject characters, or a \code{\link{RAVESubject}} instance
#' @param number integer in \code{new_electrode}, or characters in
#' \code{new_reference}; see 'Details' and 'Examples'
#' @param signal_type signal type of the electrode or reference; can be
#' automatically inferred, but it is highly recommended to specify a value;
#' see \code{\link{SIGNAL_TYPES}}
#' @param ... other parameters passed to class constructors, respectively
#' @returns Electrode or reference instances that inherit
#' \code{\link{RAVEAbstarctElectrode}} class
#' @details In \code{new_electrode}, \code{number} should be a positive
#' valid integer indicating the electrode number. In \code{new_reference},
#' \code{number} can be one of the followings:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{'noref'}, or \code{NULL}}{no reference is needed}
#' \item{\code{'ref_X'}}{where \code{'X'} is a single number, then the
#' reference is another existing electrode; this could occur in
#' bipolar-reference cases}
#' \item{\code{'ref_XXX'}}{\code{'XXX'} is a combination of multiple
#' electrodes that can be parsed by \code{\link[dipsaus]{parse_svec}}. This
#' could occur in common average reference, or white matter reference. One
#' example is \code{'ref_13-16,24'}, meaning the reference signal is an
#' average of electrode 13, 14, 15, 16, and 24.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Download subject demo/DemoSubject (~500 MB)
#' # Electrode 14 in demo/DemoSubject
#' subject <- as_rave_subject("demo/DemoSubject")
#' e <- new_electrode(subject = subject, number = 14, signal_type = "LFP")
#' # Load CAR reference "ref_13-16,24"
#' ref <- new_reference(subject = subject, number = "ref_13-16,24",
#' signal_type = "LFP")
#' e$set_reference(ref)
#' # Set epoch
#' e$set_epoch(epoch = 'auditory_onset')
#' # Set loading window
#' e$trial_intervals <- list(c(-1, 2))
#' # Preview
#' print(e)
#' # Now epoch power
#' power <- e$load_data("power")
#' names(dimnames(power))
#' # Subset power
#' subset(power, Time ~ Time < 0, Electrode ~ Electrode == 14)
#' # Draw baseline
#' tempfile <- tempfile()
#' bl <- power_baseline(power, baseline_windows = c(-1, 0),
#' method = "decibel", filebase = tempfile)
#' collapsed_power <- collapse2(bl, keep = c(2,1))
#' # Visualize
#' dname <- dimnames(bl)
#' image(collapsed_power, x = dname$Time, y = dname$Frequency,
#' xlab = "Time (s)", ylab = "Frequency (Hz)",
#' main = "Mean power over trial (Baseline: -1~0 seconds)",
#' sub = glue('Electrode {e$number} (Reference: {ref$number})'))
#' abline(v = 0, lty = 2, col = 'blue')
#' text(x = 0, y = 20, "Audio onset", col = "blue", cex = 0.6)
#' # clear cache on hard disk
#' e$clear_cache()
#' ref$clear_cache()
#' }
#' @export
new_electrode <- function(subject, number, signal_type, ...){
number <- as.integer(number)
stopifnot(length(number) && !
subject <- restore_subject_instance(subject, strict = FALSE)
signal_type_expected <- subject$electrode_types[subject$electrodes == number]
signal_type <- signal_type_expected
} else {
signal_type <- match.arg(signal_type, choices = SIGNAL_TYPES)
if(signal_type_expected != signal_type){
catgl("Electrode {number} has signal type {signal_type_expected} but loaded as {signal_type}. This might cause some issues later", level = "WARNING")
generator <- get(sprintf("%s_electrode", signal_type),
envir = asNamespace('raveio'),
inherits = FALSE)
if(!inherits(generator, "R6ClassGenerator")){
stop("Cannot find class definition for electrode with ", signal_type, " signal type.")
generator$new(subject = subject, number = number, ...)
#' @rdname new_electrode
#' @export
new_reference <- function(subject, number, signal_type, ...){
if(!length(number) || number == "noref"){ return(NULL) }
subject <- restore_subject_instance(subject, strict = FALSE)
elec <- dipsaus::parse_svec(gsub("[^0-9 ,-]", "", number))
sel <- subject$electrodes %in% elec
stop("Cannot determine the signal type of ", number, ". Please specify `signal_type`")
signal_type <- subject$electrode_types[sel][[1]]
} else {
signal_type <- match.arg(signal_type, choices = SIGNAL_TYPES)
generator <- get(sprintf("%s_reference", signal_type),
envir = asNamespace('raveio'),
inherits = FALSE)
if(!inherits(generator, "R6ClassGenerator")){
stop("Cannot find class definition for reference with ", signal_type, " signal type.")
generator$new(subject = subject, number = number, ...)
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