
(Predict Response from Expression Data and Identify Cell line/Clinical Targets and Trends)

Additional details about this package can be found in our publication oncoPredict: an R package for predicting in vivo or cancer patient drug response and biomarkers from cell line screening data

An R package for drug response prediction and drug-gene association prediction. The prepared GDSC and CTRP matrices for the calcPhenotype() are located in the oncoPredict OSF. * For drug response prediction, use calcPhenotype. * For pre-clinical biomarker discovery, use GLDS. * For clinical biomarker discovery, use IDWAS (for CNV or somatic mutation association with drug response) or indicate cc=TRUE (for gene expression association with drug response) in calcPhenotype(). * The link to updated CCLE gene expression data is found at depmap. We provide GDSC1/GDSC2 pre-processed expression and response data, as well as CTRP response data and depmap's CCLE expression data (18Q2) here.






Figure 1.

Flowchart displaying the 3 primary functionalities available through oncoPredict (calcPhenotype, GLDS, IDWAS) as well as the files generated from each function and parameters. Functions and files generated are bold.

Figure 1_ Overview of pRRophetic_plus (a flow chart or similar diagram to highlight the package’s abilities)   (2)

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oncoPredict documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:05 a.m.