# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# remove indices if they exist
# multiple (starwars, storms, storms) with their name
selected_columns <- list()
selected_columns_with_source <- list()
for(d in names(ds)){
# select two columns randomly
selected_columns[[d]] <- ds[[d]] %>%
names() %>%
# force the name to be "_source.<field>" to cmp more easily after
selected_columns_with_source[[d]] <- selected_columns[[d]] %>%
paste0("_source.", x)
}) %>%
unlist(use.names = FALSE)
# assign var to global env
assign("selected_columns", selected_columns, envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign("selected_columns_with_source", selected_columns_with_source, envir = .GlobalEnv)
# remove var from global env
rm(selected_columns, envir = .GlobalEnv)
rm(selected_columns_with_source, envir = .GlobalEnv)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# start search ----
test_that("kibior::search, wrong args", {
single_index_name <- ds[[1]]
# args to test
a = list(
c("w", "e", "s", "h"),
c("name", "nope"),
list("w", "e", "s", "h"),
# index name
for(i in a){
if(!is.null(i) && !is.character(i)){
expect_error(kc$search(index_name = i, head = FALSE))
# bulk
for(i in a){
expect_error(kc$search(single_index_name, bulk_size = i, head = FALSE))
# max size
for(i in a){
if(!is.null(i)){ # if max_size is not null, else it returns everything
expect_error(kc$search(single_index_name, max_size = i, head = FALSE))
# scroll timer
for(i in a){
expect_error(kc$search(single_index_name, scroll_timer = i, head = FALSE))
# keep metadata
for(i in a){
expect_error(kc$search(single_index_name, keep_metadata = i, head = FALSE))
expect_error(kc$search(single_index_name, keep_metadata = NA, head = FALSE))
# columns filters
for(i in a){
# if columns is not null or string, else it returns everything
if(!is.null(i) && !is.character(i)){
expect_error(kc$search(single_index_name, columns = i, head = FALSE))
# columns filters with metadata
for(i in a){
# if columns is not null or string, else it returns everything
if(!is.null(i) && !is.character(i)){
expect_error(kc$search(single_index_name, keep_metadata = TRUE, columns = i, head = FALSE))
# query
for(i in a){
if(is.character(i) && i != "NOPE"){ # this works but returns no results
expect_error(kc$search(single_index_name, query = i, head = FALSE))
# head
for(i in a){
expect_error(kc$search(single_index_name, head = i))
expect_error(kc$search(single_index_name, head = NA))
test_that("kibior::search, query size error", {
index <- names(ds)[[1]]
ds[[1]] %>% kc$push(index)
# produces string of length nb containing only "a"
produce_str <- function(nb){
replicate(nb, "a") %>%
unlist(use.names = FALSE) %>%
paste0(collapse = "")
for(i in c(10, 100, 1000, 3000)){
p <- produce_str(i)
# full query under 4096 bytes, so this return something (empty)
res <- kc$search(index, query = p)[[index]]
# expect_null(res)
expect_equal(typeof(res), "list")
expect_equal(class(res), "list")
expect_length(res, 0)
# by default, ES limit is 4096 bytes
expect_error(kc$search(index, query = produce_str(10000)))
test_that("kibior::search, nominal simple case, get one index", {
purrr::imap(ds, kc$push)
for(d in names(ds)){
r <- kc$search(d, head = FALSE)[[d]]
# columns
expected_columns <- c("kid", names(ds[[d]]))
expect_setequal(names(r), expected_columns)
# dim
expect_equal(nrow(r), nrow(ds[[d]]))
test_that("kibior::search, nominal simple case, get two indices", {
ds_names <- ds %>%
head(2) %>%
# get "starwars" and "storms" datasets
r <- kc$search(ds_names, head = FALSE)
expect_length(r, 2)
expect_setequal(ds_names, names(r))
# test names
for(d in ds_names){
expect_setequal(c("kid", names(ds[[d]])), names(r[[d]]))
# test dimensions
for(d in ds_names){
expect_equal(nrow(ds[[d]]), nrow(r[[d]]))
test_that("kibior::search, nominal simple case, get indices via pattern", {
# get "starwars" and "storms" datasets
expected_ds <- c("starwars", "storms")
r <- kc$search("s*", head = FALSE)
expect_length(r, 2)
expect_setequal(expected_ds, names(r))
# test names
for(d in expected_ds){
expect_setequal(c("kid", names(ds[[d]])), names(r[[d]]))
# test dimensions
for(d in expected_ds){
expect_equal(nrow(ds[[d]]), nrow(r[[d]]))
test_that("kibior::search, wrong index names", {
false_indices <- c("aaaa", "bbbb", "cccc")
for(i in false_indices){
expect_null(kc$search(i, head = TRUE))
expect_null(kc$search(i, head = FALSE))
test_that("kibior::search, nominal simple case, single index, no impact regarding bulk_size", {
for(b in cpt_loop){
for(d in names(ds)){
r <- kc$search(d, bulk_size = b, head = FALSE)[[d]]
expect_setequal(names(r), c("kid", names(ds[[d]])))
expect_equal(nrow(r), nrow(ds[[d]]))
test_that("kibior::search, nominal simple case, multiple indices, no impact regarding bulk_size", {
for(b in cpt_loop){
r <- kc$search(c("starwars", "storms"), bulk_size = b, head = FALSE)
expect_length(r, 2)
# dimension
expect_setequal(names(r$starwars), c("kid", names(dplyr::starwars)))
expect_setequal(names(r$storms), c("kid", names(dplyr::storms)))
expect_equal(nrow(r$starwars), nrow(dplyr::starwars))
expect_equal(nrow(r$storms), nrow(dplyr::storms))
test_that("kibior::search, nominal simple case, get via pattern, no impact regarding bulk_size", {
for(b in cpt_loop){
# get starwars and storms datasets
r <- kc$search("s*", bulk_size = b, head = FALSE)
expect_length(r, 2)
# dimension
expect_setequal(names(r$starwars), c("kid", names(dplyr::starwars)))
expect_setequal(names(r$storms), c("kid", names(dplyr::storms)))
expect_equal(nrow(r$starwars), nrow(dplyr::starwars))
expect_equal(nrow(r$storms), nrow(dplyr::storms))
test_that("kibior::search, bulk_size vs. max_size", {
# default value, bulk_size > max_size
# bulk_size should be restricted to max_size
r <- kc$search("s*", max_size = 10, head = FALSE)
expect_setequal(names(r), names(ds))
for(i in names(r)){
expect_equal(nrow(r[[i]]), 10)
expect_setequal(names(r[[i]]), c("kid", names(ds[[i]])) )
# explicit: should behave the same
r <- kc$search("s*", bulk_size = 5000, max_size = 10, head = FALSE)
expect_setequal(names(r), c("starwars", "storms"))
for(i in names(r)){
expect_equal(nrow(r[[i]]), 10)
expect_setequal(names(r[[i]]), c("kid", names(ds[[i]])) )
# identical values bulk_Size == max_size
index <- names(ds)[[1]]
m <- 50
r <- kc$search(index, bulk_size = m, max_size = m, head = FALSE)[[index]]
expect_setequal(names(r), c("kid", names(ds[[1]])))
s <- if(m > nrow(ds[[1]])) nrow(ds[[1]]) else m
expect_equal(nrow(r), s)
test_that("kibior::search, single index, nominal expected max_size asked", {
# arbitrary sizes
for(s in cpt_loop){
for(d in names(ds)){
r <- kc$search(d, bulk_size = min(cpt_loop), max_size = s, head = FALSE)[[d]]
expect_setequal(names(r), c("kid", names(ds[[d]])))
# size
co <- kc$count(d)[[d]]
if(s > co){
expect_equal(nrow(r), co)
} else {
expect_equal(nrow(r), s)
test_that("kibior::search, multiple indices, nominal expected max_size asked", {
# arbitrary sizes
for(s in cpt_loop){
r <- kc$search(c("starwars", "storms"), bulk_size = min(cpt_loop), max_size = s, head = FALSE)
expect_length(r, 2)
# dimensions
expect_setequal(names(r$starwars), c("kid", names(dplyr::starwars)))
expect_setequal(names(r$storms), c("kid", names(dplyr::storms)))
swco <- kc$count("starwars")[["starwars"]]
stco <- kc$count("storms")[["storms"]]
if(s > swco){
expect_equal(nrow(r$starwars), swco)
} else {
expect_equal(nrow(r$starwars), s)
if(s > stco){
expect_equal(nrow(r$storms), stco)
} else {
expect_equal(nrow(r$storms), s)
test_that("kibior::search, indices via pattern, nominal expected max_size asked", {
# arbitrary sizes
for(s in cpt_loop){
r <- kc$search("s*", bulk_size = min(cpt_loop), max_size = s, head = FALSE)
expect_length(r, 2)
# dimensions
expect_setequal(names(r$starwars), c("kid", names(dplyr::starwars)))
expect_setequal(names(r$storms), c("kid", names(dplyr::storms)))
swco <- kc$count("starwars")[["starwars"]]
stco <- kc$count("storms")[["storms"]]
if(s > swco){
expect_equal(nrow(r$starwars), swco)
} else {
expect_equal(nrow(r$starwars), s)
if(s > stco){
expect_equal(nrow(r$storms), stco)
} else {
expect_equal(nrow(r$storms), s)
test_that("kibior::search, nominal too short scroll timer", {
# really short timer 1 nanosecond so the scroll connection expires
# and cannot retrieve the data
for(d in names(ds)){
expect_error(kc$search(d, scroll_timer = "1ns", head = FALSE))
test_that("kibior::search, wrong scroll timer", {
for(d in names(ds)){
expect_error(kc$search(d, scroll_timer = "NOOOOOPE", head = FALSE))
test_that("kibior::search, keep metadata, single index", {
for(d in names(ds)){
# ask meta
r <- kc$search(d, keep_metadata = TRUE, head = FALSE)[[d]]
expect_equal(r[["_index"]][[1]], d)
expect_setequal(r[["_id"]], r[["_source.kid"]])
# compare colnames with no metadata result
rr <- kc$search(d, keep_metadata = FALSE, head = FALSE)[[d]]
expect_equal(nrow(rr), nrow(r))
colnames <- names(r) %>%
lapply(function(x){ if(startsWith(x, "_source.")) x else NULL }) %>%
lapply(function(x){ gsub("_source.", "", x) }) %>%
unlist(use.names = FALSE)
expect_setequal(colnames, names(rr))
test_that("kibior::search, keep metadata, multiple indices", {
# ask meta
r <- kc$search(c("starwars", "storms"), keep_metadata = TRUE, head = FALSE)
expect_length(r, 2)
# dimensions
for(i in names(r)){
# test some metadata cols
expect_true(all(c("_index", "_version") %in% names(r[[i]])))
# select cols with "_source." in the name and remove the rest
colnames <- names(r[[i]]) %>%
lapply(function(x){ if(startsWith(x, "_source.")) x else NULL }) %>%
lapply(function(x){ gsub("_source.", "", x) }) %>%
unlist(use.names = FALSE)
expect_true(all(names(ds[[i]]) %in% colnames))
test_that("kibior::search, keep metadata, indices via pattern", {
# ask meta
r <- kc$search("s*", keep_metadata = TRUE, head = FALSE)
expect_length(r, 2)
# dimensions
for(i in names(r)){
expect_true(all(c("_index", "_version") %in% names(r[[i]])))
# select cols with "_source." in the name and remove the rest
colnames <- names(r[[i]]) %>%
lapply(function(x){ if(startsWith(x, "_source.")) x else NULL }) %>%
lapply(function(x){ gsub("_source.", "", x) }) %>%
unlist(use.names = FALSE)
expect_true(all(names(ds[[i]]) %in% colnames))
test_that("kibior::search, nominal, single index, columns NULL is complete", {
for(d in names(ds)){
r <- kc$search(d, columns = NULL, head = FALSE)[[d]]
expect_setequal(names(r), c("kid", names(ds[[d]])) )
test_that("kibior::search, nominal, multiple indices, columns NULL is complete", {
r <- kc$search(c("starwars", "storms"), columns = NULL, head = FALSE)
expect_length(r, 2)
for(i in names(r)){
expect_setequal(names(r[[i]]), c("kid", names(ds[[i]])) )
test_that("kibior::search, nominal, indices via pattern, columns NULL is complete", {
r <- kc$search("s*", columns = NULL, head = FALSE)
expect_length(r, 2)
for(i in names(r)){
expect_setequal(names(r[[i]]), c("kid", names(ds[[i]])) )
test_that("kibior::search, nominal, one index, select some columns, without metadata", {
for(d in names(ds)){
# ask for randomly selected columns
r <- kc$search(d, columns = selected_columns[[d]], head = FALSE)[[d]]
expect_setequal(names(r), selected_columns[[d]])
test_that("kibior::search, nominal, one index, select some columns, with metadata", {
for(d in names(ds)){
# select two mentionned columns
r <- kc$search(d, columns = selected_columns[[d]], keep_metadata = TRUE, head = FALSE)[[d]]
# compare with "_source.<field>"
expect_true(all(selected_columns_with_source[[d]] %in% names(r)))
test_that("kibior::search, nominal, all indices, select one field only present in two datasets, without metadata", {
# we want to test specific names of columns
# the field "name" is present in "starwars" and "storms" dataset only
# should no get anything from "storms" dataset
r <- kc$search("*", columns = "name", keep_metadata = FALSE, head = FALSE)
expect_length(r, length(names(ds)))
expect_true("name" %in% names(r$starwars))
expect_true(!("_index" %in% names(r$starwars)))
expect_true("name" %in% names(r$storms))
expect_true(!("_index" %in% names(r$storms)))
test_that("kibior::search, nominal, all indices, select one field only present in two datasets, with metadata", {
# we want to test specific names of columns
# the field "name" is present in "starwars" and "storms" dataset only
# should no get anything from "storms" dataset
r <- kc$search("*", columns = "name", keep_metadata = TRUE, head = FALSE)
expect_length(r, length(names(ds)))
expect_true("" %in% names(r$starwars))
expect_true("_index" %in% names(r$starwars))
expect_true("" %in% names(r$storms))
expect_true("_index" %in% names(r$storms))
test_that("kibior::search, head search, one index", {
# head on
r <- kc$search("starwars", head = TRUE)
expect_length(r, 1)
expect_equal(nrow(r$starwars), kc$head_search_size)
expect_setequal(names(r$starwars), c("kid", names(dplyr::starwars)))
# head off
r <- kc$search("starwars", head = FALSE)
expect_length(r, 1)
expect_equal(nrow(r$starwars), nrow(dplyr::starwars))
expect_setequal(names(r$starwars), c("kid", names(dplyr::starwars)))
test_that("kibior::search, head search, all indices", {
# head on
r <- kc$search("*", head = TRUE)
expect_length(r, length(ds))
for(i in names(r)){
expect_equal(nrow(r[[i]]), kc$head_search_size)
expect_setequal(names(r[[i]]), c("kid", names(ds[[i]])))
# head off
r <- kc$search("*", head = FALSE)
expect_length(r, length(ds))
for(i in names(r)){
expect_equal(nrow(r[[i]]), nrow(ds[[i]]))
expect_setequal(names(r[[i]]), c("kid", names(ds[[i]])))
test_that("kibior::search, size to return", {
# push a ds smaller than head size
small <- ds[[1]] %>% head(kc$head_search_size - 2) # default is 5, -> 3
small %>% kc$push("small")
new_ds <- list("small" = small)
# if head on, then
# ds size > head size, ds are restricted to head size
# ds size < head size, ds are full
r <- kc$search("*", head = TRUE)
for(i in names(new_ds)){
if(nrow(new_ds[[i]]) > kc$head_search_size){
expect_equal(nrow(r[[i]]), kc$head_search_size)
} else {
expect_equal(nrow(r[[i]]), nrow(new_ds[[i]]))
# if head off, and max size set them
# if max size >= ds size, then
# ds are full
# else
# ds are restricted to max size
for(m in c(2, 5, 100, 10500)){
r <- kc$search("*", max_size = m, bulk_size = m, head = FALSE)
if(nrow(new_ds[[i]]) > m){
expect_equal(nrow(r[[i]]), m)
} else {
expect_equal(nrow(r[[i]]), nrow(new_ds[[i]]))
# if head off, and no max_size then
# ds are full
r <- kc$search("*", max_size = NULL, head = FALSE)
for(i in names(new_ds)){
expect_equal(nrow(r[[i]]), nrow(new_ds[[i]]))
# delete tmp
# end search
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