# created on Sept. 25, 2021
# (1) obtain initial parameter estimates
getIniParaEst = function(
fmla = ~Age + Sex,
probeID.var = "probeid",
gene.var = "gene",
chr.var = "chr",
bound.alpha = c(0.001, 6),
bound.beta = c(0.001, 6),
bound.k = c(0.001, 0.9999),
scaleFlag = TRUE
# get expression levels
# rows of 'dat' are probes; columns are samples
dat.s=t(apply(dat, 1, function(x) { return(x/sd(x, na.rm=TRUE))}))
# number of probes
G = nrow(EsetDiff)
# number of samples
n = ncol(EsetDiff)
# get phenotype data
# get design matrix
# the first column of 'tX' is a vector of ones for intercept
tX=model.matrix(fmla, data=pDat) #n*(p+1)
# QWL: obtain covariate names
# QWL: calculate p = number of covariates
p = ncol(tX)-1
###Get initial estimates from limma
result_limma = lmFitPaired2(
esDiff = EsetDiff,
formula = fmla,
pos.var.interest = 0, # focus on intercept
pvalAdjMethod = "fdr", # control fdr < 0.05
alpha = 0.05,
gene.var = gene.var,
chr.var = chr.var,
verbose = FALSE)
####calculate the initial values of para's for each cluster/get initial cluster with limma
frame_unsorted = result_limma$frame.unsorted
# first check adjust p-values
over_expressed_sub_script = which(frame_unsorted$stats > 0 & frame_unsorted$p.adj < 0.05)
under_expressed_sub_script = which(frame_unsorted$stats < 0 & frame_unsorted$p.adj < 0.05)
cutoff.nSig = 5
if(length(over_expressed_sub_script) <= cutoff.nSig || length(under_expressed_sub_script) <= cutoff.nSig)
## use un-adjusted p-values
#over_expressed_sub_script = which(frame_unsorted$stats > 0 & frame_unsorted$pval < 0.05)
#under_expressed_sub_script = which(frame_unsorted$stats < 0 & frame_unsorted$pval < 0.05)
#if(length(over_expressed_sub_script) <= cutoff.nSig || length(under_expressed_sub_script) <= cutoff.nSig)
# use top 100 genes
frame = result_limma$frame
frame100 = frame[1:100,]
over_expressed_sub_script=frame100$pos[which(frame100$stats>0) ]
under_expressed_sub_script=frame100$pos[which(frame100$stats<0) ]
myset = 1:G
non_diff_sub_script = myset[-c(over_expressed_sub_script, under_expressed_sub_script)]
# initial memGenes record probe cluster membership
memGenes.ini = rep("OE",G)
# pi.overExpressed, pi.UnderExpressed, pi.non-differentially expressed
pi_prior = c(
pi_prior[3] = 1 - pi_prior[1] - pi_prior[2]
# add names for pi_prior
names(pi_prior) = c("pi.OE", "pi.UE", "pi.NE")
over_expressed_EsetDiff = EsetDiff[over_expressed_sub_script,]
under_expressed_EsetDiff = EsetDiff[under_expressed_sub_script,]
non_diff_EsetDiff = EsetDiff[non_diff_sub_script,]
##cluster 1###
###parameters in cluster 1: alpha1, beta1, k1, eta1
data_matrix_of_EsetDiff = exprs(over_expressed_EsetDiff) # G1 x n matrix
# QWL: for each subject, get median expression levels as an estimate average of hat{mu}_g
muhat = apply(data_matrix_of_EsetDiff, 2, median, na.rm= TRUE) # n x 1 vector
# QWL: hat{tau}_g^{(0)}, g=1,..., G1
temp_tau = 1 / (apply(data_matrix_of_EsetDiff, 1, mad, na.rm=TRUE)^2) # G1 x 1 vector
# QWL: add description
# omega = k1*average(tau_g^{-1})
# so k1 = omega*average(tau_g)
omega = mad(muhat)^2
k1 = omega * median(temp_tau, na.rm=TRUE)
tt.median = median(temp_tau, na.rm=TRUE)
tt.mad = mad(temp_tau, na.rm=TRUE)
alpha1 = (tt.median/tt.mad)^2
beta1 = tt.median/(tt.mad^2)
if(alpha1 > bound.alpha[2] || alpha1 < bound.alpha[1])
alpha1 = runif(1, min = bound.alpha[1], max = bound.alpha[2])
if(beta1 > bound.beta[2] || beta1 < bound.beta[1])
beta1 = runif(1, min = bound.beta[1], max = bound.beta[2])
# QWL: estimate eta_1
# to handle missing values, we can use lm()
fmla1 = as.formula(paste("logmu1", paste(as.character(fmla), collapse=""), collapse = ""))
tt1=lm(formula=fmla1, data=pDat)
## End of cluster1##
##cluster 2 ##
###parameters in cluster 2: alpha2, beta2, k2, eta2
data_matrix_of_EsetDiff = exprs(under_expressed_EsetDiff)
# QWL: for each subject, get median expression levels as an estimate average of hat{mu}_g
muhat = apply(data_matrix_of_EsetDiff, 2, median, na.rm= TRUE) # n x 1 vector
# estimate of tau_{g}
temp_tau = 1 / (apply(data_matrix_of_EsetDiff, 1, mad, na.rm=TRUE)^2)
# QWL: add description
# omega = k2*average(tau_g^{-1})
# so k2 = omega*average(tau_g)
omega = mad(muhat)^2
k2 = omega * median(temp_tau, na.rm=TRUE)
tt.median = median(temp_tau, na.rm=TRUE)
tt.mad = mad(temp_tau, na.rm=TRUE)
alpha2 = (tt.median/tt.mad)^2
beta2 = tt.median/(tt.mad^2)
if(alpha2 > bound.alpha[2] || alpha2 < bound.alpha[1])
alpha2 = runif(1, min = bound.alpha[1], max = bound.alpha[2])
if(beta2 > bound.beta[2] || beta2 < bound.beta[1])
beta2 = runif(1, min = bound.beta[1], max = bound.beta[2])
# get initial eat from fomula
# QWL: estimate eta_2
# to handle missing values, we can use lm()
fmla2 = as.formula(paste("lognmu2", paste(as.character(fmla), collapse=""), collapse = ""))
tt2=lm(formula=fmla2, data=pDat)
##End of cluster 2##
## cluster 3####
######parameters in cluster 3: alpha3, beta3, k3, eta3
data_matrix_of_EsetDiff = exprs(non_diff_EsetDiff)
# estimate of tau_{g}
temp_tau = 1 / (apply(data_matrix_of_EsetDiff, 1, mad, na.rm=TRUE)^2)
tt.median = median(temp_tau, na.rm=TRUE)
tt.mad = mad(temp_tau, na.rm=TRUE)
alpha3 = (tt.median/tt.mad)^2
beta3 = tt.median/(tt.mad^2)
if(alpha3 > bound.alpha[2] || alpha3 < bound.alpha[1])
alpha3 = runif(1, min = bound.alpha[1], max = bound.alpha[2])
if(beta3 > bound.beta[2] || beta3 < bound.beta[1])
beta3 = runif(1, min = bound.beta[1], max = bound.beta[2])
# QWL: we can use limma results to roughly estimate theta_g
theta_g = coef3[, -1, drop=FALSE]
eta3 = apply(theta_g, 2, median, na.rm = TRUE)
omega=sum(diag(var(theta_g, use = "na.or.complete")), na.rm=TRUE)
k3 = omega * median(temp_tau, na.rm=TRUE)
######end of cluster 3 ###
if(k1 > bound.k[2] || k1 < bound.k[1])
k1 = runif(1, min = bound.k[1], max = bound.k[2])
if(k2 > bound.k[2] || k2 < bound.k[1])
k2 = runif(1, min = bound.k[1], max = bound.k[2])
if(k3 > bound.k[2] || k3 < bound.k[1])
k3 = runif(1, min = bound.k[1], max = bound.k[2])
#psi = c(alpha1, beta1, k1, eta1, alpha2, beta2, k2, eta2, alpha3, beta3, k3, eta3)
# get more stable initial parameter estimates
psi = c((alpha1+alpha2)/2, (beta1+beta2)/2, (k1+k2)/2, (eta1+eta2)/2,
(alpha1+alpha2)/2, (beta1+beta2)/2, (k1+k2)/2, (eta1+eta2)/2,
alpha3, beta3, k3, eta3)
# QWL: need to have adaptive length for 'eta1', 'eta2' and 'eta3'
names(psi)=c("alpha1", "beta1", "k1",
paste("eta1", c(0, 1:p), sep="."),
"alpha2", "beta2", "k2",
paste("eta2", c(0, 1:p), sep="."),
"alpha3", "beta3", "k3",
paste("eta3", 1:p, sep="."))
t_pi = pi_prior
memGenes.limma = rep("NE", G)
memGenes.limma[which(result_limma$memGenes == 1)] = "OE"
memGenes.limma[which(result_limma$memGenes == 3)] = "UE"
res = list(psi = psi,
t_pi = t_pi,
memGenes.ini = memGenes.ini,
memGenes.limma = memGenes.limma,
tX = tX,
res.limma = result_limma)
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