#' Bossa Similarity
#' Calculate the similarity matrix of Bossa scores which are obtained by boosting
#' on single attribute.
#' @param data A data.frame or matrix(\code{n*p}) of original categorical data.
#' @param is.pca A logical variable indicating if the Bossa scores should transformed
#' to principle components and then calculate the similarity matrix. It is recommended
#' when processing the ultra-dimension data.
#' @param pca.sum.prop A numeric indicating how many components should be reserved
#' in order to make this proportion of variance. The default is \code{pca.sum.prop = 0.95}.
#' @param n.comp The number of components of PCA. The default is \code{n.comp = 50}.
#' @param fix.pca.comp A numeric variable indicating whether choosing the fixed
#' number of components or the fixed proportion of variance and the default is to
#' choose fixed proportion.
#' @param alpha A power scaling for Bossa scores, representing the weight of
#' variable sigma value.
#' @param A logical indicator whether show the details of the process.
#' @name BossaSimi
#' @examples {
#' ## generate sparse data from the toy model of CIDR
#' <- data.frame(g.1 = c(0, 5, 0, 6, 8, 6, 7, 7), g.2 = c(5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 7, 5, 7))
#' ## with low-dimensional data, pca is uncessary
#' bossa.change <- BossaSimi(, is.pca = FALSE)
#' ## data after normalization
#' data.after <- bossa.change$U.score.non.pca
#' ## similarity matrix of normalized data
#' data.simi <- bossa.change$bossa.simi
#' }
#' @return An object including Bossa scores, Bossa dissimilarity and Bossa similarity(for
#' \code{\link{OverlapClust}}.
#' @export
BossaSimi <- function(data, is.pca = TRUE, pca.sum.prop = 0.95, fix.pca.comp = FALSE,
n.comp = 50, alpha = 1, = FALSE) {
if (! {
if (is.matrix(data)) {
data <-
delete.ind <- which(apply(data, 2, sum) == 0)
if (length(delete.ind) > 0) data <- data[, -c(delete.ind)]
n <- dim(data)[1]
p <- dim(data)[2]
if (!all(apply(data, 2, sum) != 0))
warning("The input data contains 'All Zero' gene which should be deleted.")
if (!all(complete.cases(data)))
warning("The input data contains missing value.")
data <- na.omit(data)
# if (!all(data == as.integer(data))) warning('the input data should be
# binary or odinary')
if( cat("Do transformation...\n")
U.score <- apply(data, 2, FUN = function(x) {
expres <- rle(sort(x))
expres.level <- expres$values
prop.level <- expres$lengths/n
n.level <- length(expres.level)
P <- prop.level[-n.level]
q <- qnorm(cumsum(P))
e <- -diff(c(0, exp(-q^2/2), 0))/sqrt(2 * pi)/prop.level
U.score.x <- vector(length = n)
for (j in 1:n.level) {
U.score.x[x == expres.level[j]] <- round(e[j],2)
U.score.non.pca <- U.score
# Do pca to get small dimension version of U.score
if (is.pca) {
data.pca <- prcomp(U.score)
if( cat("done")
data.pca.sdev <- data.pca$sdev
var.prop <- data.pca.sdev^2/sum(data.pca.sdev^2)
var.prop.sum <- cumsum(var.prop)
sum.prop.index <- which(var.prop.sum > pca.sum.prop)[1]
if (!fix.pca.comp) {
if( cat(paste("need", sum.prop.index, "components to get", pca.sum.prop,
"% variance"))
data.pca.x <- data.pca$x[, 1:sum.prop.index]
} else {
if (n.comp > n | n.comp > p)
warning("The proposed number of components is more than the rank of data.",
call. = FALSE)
data.pca.x <- data.pca$x[, 1:min(n.comp, n, p)]
U.score <- data.pca.x
U.score.scale <- apply(U.score, 2, FUN = function(x) x * var(x)^(alpha/2))
bossa.simi <- U.score.scale %*% cor(U.score) %*% t(U.score.scale)
max <- max(bossa.simi)
min <- min(bossa.simi)
diff <- max - min
bossa.disimi <- (max - bossa.simi)/(max - min)
U.score.non.pca <-
row.names(U.score.non.pca) <- row.names(data)
colnames(U.score.non.pca) <- colnames(data)
row.names(bossa.simi) <- row.names(data)
colnames(bossa.simi) <- row.names(data)
return(list(U.score.non.pca = U.score.non.pca, bossa.simi = bossa.simi,
bossa.disimi = bossa.disimi))
#' Overlap Clustering
#' Do overlap clustering with Bossa similarity in different levels of \code{p}.
#' @param data.simi The similarity matrix of Bossa scores obtained by \code{\link{BossaSimi}}
#' @param p A set of quantiles(90%, 75% and median) of the positive values of
#' similarity matrix to form clusters at different levels of within-cluster similarity.
#' @param lin A tuning parameter to control the size of each overlap cluster before
#' merging, smaller lin leads to larger cluster size.
#' @param A logical indicator whether show the details of the process.
#' @import stats
#' @return A list including two data.frame: overlap sub-clusters and cluster center for each.
#' @examples {
#' data(
#' ## calculate the similarity matrix
#' bossa.simi <- BossaSimi($bossa.simi
#' overlap.clust <- OverlapClust(bossa.simi)
#' }
#' @export
OverlapClust <- function(data.simi, p = c(0.9, 0.75, 0.5), lin = 0.25, = FALSE) {
n <- dim(data.simi)[1]
if( cat("Do overlap clustering for", n, "observations...")
overlap.clu <- cbind(first.clu = rep(0, n), belong.layer = rep(0, n))
n.clu <- 1
clust <- list()
simi.tri <- data.simi[lower.tri(data.simi)]
core.thresh <- quantile(simi.tri[simi.tri > 0], p)
self <- diag(data.simi) <- data.frame()
for (l in 1:length(p)) {
thresh <- core.thresh[l]
jump0 <- 0
# Look for the critical centers ------------------------
while (jump0 == 0) {
max.var.idx <- which.max(self)[1]
if(n.clu == 0) n.clu = 1
clust[[n.clu]] <- max.var.idx
candidt <- sort(data.simi[max.var.idx, ], decreasing = T, index.return = T)
candidt.idx <- (1:n)[candidt$ix[candidt$x > thresh]]
if(length(candidt.idx) > 1) {
for (i in candidt.idx) {
if (i == max.var.idx)
candidt.simi <- data.simi[i, c(unlist(clust[[n.clu]]), i)]
candidt.simi.check <- candidt.simi[1] # distance between i and the center
if (lin < 0 || lin >= 1)
warning("The parameter 'lin' is not appropriate.")
candidt.simi.check <- ifelse(lin > 0 & lin < 1, quantile(candidt.simi,
lin), ifelse(lin == 0, min(candidt.simi), candidt.simi.check))
if (candidt.simi.check > thresh)
clust[[n.clu]] <- append(clust[[n.clu]], i)
} <- sum(overlap.clu[unlist(clust[[n.clu]]), 1] == 0)
if( cat(paste(, " new points are assigned to the current cluster, sum to ",
length(clust[[n.clu]]), " cells.\n", sep = ""))
if ( > 1 & n.clu <= 50) {
self[unlist(clust[[n.clu]])] <- 0 <- ifelse(1:n %in% unlist(clust[[n.clu]]), 1,
overlap.clu <- cbind(overlap.clu,
change.position.1 <- as.logical( & overlap.clu[,
1] == 0
overlap.clu[change.position.1, 1] <- n.clu
change.position.2 <- as.logical( & overlap.clu[,
2] == 0
overlap.clu[change.position.2, 2] <- l <- rbind(, c(l, max.var.idx))
n.clu <- n.clu + 1
} else {
jump0 <- 1
clust <- clust[-n.clu]
if (n.clu == 1)
n.clu <- 0
# Consider the non-neighbours of max variance points ------------------
if (n.clu == 0)
sum.layer.0 <- sum(overlap.clu[, 2] == l)
if(sum.layer.0 > 0) {
candidt.idx.2 <- which(overlap.clu[, 2] != l)
candidt.clu <- which([, 1] == l)
for (i in candidt.idx.2) {
clu.simi <- sapply(candidt.clu, FUN = function(j) {
candidt.simi <- data.simi[i, unlist(clust[[j]])]
candidt.simi.check <- max(candidt.simi)
candidt.simi.check <- ifelse(lin > 0 & lin < 1,
quantile(candidt.simi, lin),
ifelse(lin == 0,
max.simi <- max(clu.simi)
if (max.simi > thresh) {
max.clu.idx <- candidt.clu[which.max(clu.simi)]
clust[[max.clu.idx]] <- append(clust[[max.clu.idx]], i)
if (overlap.clu[i, 1] == 0)
overlap.clu[i, 1] <- max.clu.idx
if (overlap.clu[i, 2] == 0)
overlap.clu[i, 2] <- l
overlap.clu[i, 2 + max.clu.idx] <- 1
sum.layer.1 <- sum(overlap.clu[, 2] == l)
new <- sum.layer.1 - sum.layer.0
if (l > 1)
if( cat(paste("After second search, there are", new, "new cells are assigned.\n\n", sep = " "))
sum.clu <- dim(overlap.clu)[2] - 2
colnames(overlap.clu) <- c("first.clu", "belong.layer",
paste("clust.", 1:sum.clu, sep = ""))
return(list(overlap.clu = overlap.clu, =
#' Calculate the share matrix among overlap clusters.
#' @param overlap.clu The result of overlap clustering.
#' @keywords internal
ClustShare <- function(overlap.clu) {
m <- dim(overlap.clu)[2]
share.mat <- matrix(0, m, m)
for (i in 1:(m - 1)) {
for (j in i:m) {
share.mat[i, j] <- share.mat[j, i] <- sum(overlap.clu[, i] == 1 & overlap.clu[, j] ==
diag(share.mat) <- colSums(overlap.clu)
#' Do a test before merging two overlap clusters.
#' Do a test before merging two overlap clusters. Pairwise comparisons are processed
#' to show if those two clusters should be merged.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param data A data.frame with two columns of two overlap sub-clusters.
#' @param r A numeric indicating tetrachoric correlation coefficient.
TestMergeClust <- function(data, r) {
n <- dim(data)[1]
P <- list()
for (i in 1:2) {
dat <- data[, i]
rlei <- rle(sort(dat))
labeli <- rlei$values
pri <- rlei$lengths/n
leni <- length(labeli)
P[[i]] <- pri[-leni]
p1 <- P[[1]]
p2 <- P[[2]]
K1 <- length(p1) + 1
K2 <- length(p2) + 1
q1 <- qnorm(cumsum(p1))
q2 <- qnorm(cumsum(p2))
e1 <- -diff(c(0, exp(-q1^2/2), 0))/sqrt(2 * pi)/c(p1, 1 - sum(p1))
e2 <- -diff(c(0, exp(-q2^2/2), 0))/sqrt(2 * pi)/c(p2, 1 - sum(p2))
U1 <- e1[data[, 1] + 1]
U2 <- e2[data[, 2] + 1]
stat <- sum(U1 * U2)
Low <- c(-Inf, q1)
Up <- c(q1, Inf)
q2l <- c(-Inf, q2)
q2u <- c(q2, Inf)
cvs <- 0
cv <- 0
for (i in 1:K1) {
f1 <- function(x) {
dnorm(x) * pnorm((q2u[1] - r * x)/sqrt(1 - r^2))
If1 <- integrate(f1, lower = Low[i], upper = Up[i])$value
cv <- cv + If1 * e1[i] * e2[1]
cvs <- cvs + If1 * e1[i]^2 * e2[1]^2
fk2 <- function(x) {
dnorm(x) * pnorm((r * x - q2l[K2])/sqrt(1 - r^2))
Ifk2 <- integrate(fk2, lower = Low[i], upper = Up[i])$value
cv <- cv + Ifk2 * e1[i] * e2[K2]
cvs <- cvs + Ifk2 * e1[i]^2 * e2[K2]^2
if (K2 > 2) {
for (j in 2:(K2 - 1)) {
f <- function(x) {
dnorm(x) * (pnorm((q2u[j] - r * x)/sqrt(1 - r^2)) - pnorm((q2l[j] -
r * x)/sqrt(1 - r^2)))
If <- integrate(f, lower = Low[i], upper = Up[i])$value
cv <- cv + If * e1[i] * e2[j]
cvs <- cvs + If * e1[i]^2 * e2[j]^2
vu <- n * (cvs - cv^2)
sstat <- stat/sqrt(vu)
pval <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(sstat)))
return(list(stat = sstat, pval = pval))
#' Determine key features of each overlap clusters.
#' @param cdata Overlap clustering result.
#' @param cri A tuning parameter, if p value smaller than cri, then reject
#' the NULL hypothesis and merge overlap sub-clusters. And cri can be any numeric less
#' than \code{1}, if \code{cri = 1} then the criteria will be reset to \code{0.05/N}
#' (N is the number of all overlap sub-cluster), and if \code{cri = 2} then the
#' criteria \code{0.05/N(N-1)}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom psych tetrachoric
#' @return A list including the recommend parameter to cut trees in HC \code{scrit0, scrit1},
#' the separate overlap sub-clusters \code{sep.clu}, and highly similar sub-clusters \code{mer.clu},
#' statistics for merging \code{clu.math.stat}
KeyFeature <- function(cdata, cri, sum.clu) {
cdata <- cdata[, -c(1, 2)]
criter <- ifelse(cri < 1,
cri, ifelse(cri == 1,
0.05/sum.clu/(sum.clu - 1)))
n <- dim(cdata)[1]
m <- dim(cdata)[2]
cmax <- max(apply(cdata, 2, max))
r <- psych::tetrachoric(cdata, smooth = FALSE)$rho
Stats <- matrix(0, m, m)
Pval <- matrix(1, m, m)
for (i in 1:(m - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):m) {
# coding change to 0:k-------------
c1 <- cdata[, i]
uc1 <- unique(c1)
sc1 <- sort(uc1)
for (c1i in sc1) {
c1[c1 == c1i] <- (1:length(uc1))[sc1 == c1i] - 1
c2 <- cdata[, j]
uc2 <- unique(c2)
sc2 <- sort(uc2)
for (c2i in sc2) {
c2[c2 == c2i] <- (1:length(uc2))[sc2 == c2i] - 1
tij <- TestMergeClust(cbind(c1, c2), r[i, j])
Stats[i, j] <- tij$stat
Pval[i, j] <- tij$pval
Sp <- Stats
Sp[Pval > criter] <- 0
Pp <- Pval
Pp[Pval > criter] <- 1
Pp[Sp < 0] <- 1
psortp <- sort(Pp, index.return = T)
featindp <- psortp$ix[psortp$x < 1]
flenp <- length(featindp)
if (flenp == 0) {
kfeatp <- 0
} else {
kfeatp <- rep(0, flenp)
for (ii in 1:flenp) {
fii <- floor(featindp[ii]/m)
fij <- featindp[ii] - fii * m
kfeatp[ii] <- paste(colnames(cdata)[fij],
colnames(cdata)[fii + 1], sep = ", ")
Sn <- Stats
Sn[Pval > criter] <- 0
Pn <- Pval
Pn[Pval > criter] <- 1
Pn[Sn > 0] <- 1
psortn <- sort(Pn, index.return = T)
featindn <- psortn$ix[psortn$x < 1]
flenn <- length(featindn)
if (flenn == 0) {
kfeatn <- 0
} else {
kfeatn <- rep(0, flenn)
for (ii in 1:flenn) {
fii <- floor(featindn[ii]/m)
fij <- featindn[ii] - fii * m
kfeatn[ii] <- paste(colnames(cdata)[fij],
colnames(cdata)[fii + 1], sep = ",")
stat <- Stats
stat <- stat + t(stat) - diag(diag(stat))
maxs <- max(stat)
mins <- min(stat)
crit <- qnorm(criter)
stat <- (maxs - stat)/(maxs - mins)
scrit0 <- (maxs + crit)/(maxs - mins)
scrit1 <- (maxs - crit)/(maxs - mins)
return(list(mer.clu = kfeatp, sep.clu = kfeatn, clu.math.stat = stat, scrit0 = scrit0,
scrit1 = scrit1))
#' Assign the left points
#' Assign the left points to the cluster which is of largest similarity
#' @param overlap.clu The label of each overlap clusters.
#' @param sum.clu The number of overlap clusters
#' @param data.simi Similarity matrix
#' @param n The number of observations
#' @import stats
#' @keywords internal
AssignLeftClust <- function(overlap.clu, sum.clu, data.simi, n = n){
non.core.ind <- (1:n)[apply(overlap.clu[, -c(1, 2)], 1, sum) == 0]
if(length(non.core.ind) > 0){
for (i in non.core.ind) {
maxci <- rep(0, sum.clu)
ij <- 0
for (j in 1:sum.clu) {
ij <- ij + 1
maxci[ij] <- quantile(data.simi[i, overlap.clu[, 1] == j],
max.ind <- which.max(maxci)
overlap.clu[i, 1] <- max.ind
overlap.clu[i, (max.ind + 2)] <- 1
#' Clust Merge
#' With every recommended k, merge the overlap clusters depending on the distance
#' between those.
#' @param tree.size The label of each overlap clusters.
#' @keywords internal
ClustMerge <- function(tree.size, clu.hc, n, overlap.clu, data.simi)
k <- max(tree.size)
tree.merge.index <- cutree(clu.hc, k = k)
new.overlap.clu <- data.frame(cell = rownames(data.simi))
for (clu in 1:k) {
clu.ind <- which(tree.merge.index == clu)
new.overlap <- overlap.clu[, (clu.ind[1] + 2)]
for (j in clu.ind) {
new.overlap <- (overlap.clu[, j + 2] | new.overlap)
new.overlap.clu <- cbind(new.overlap.clu, new.overlap)
colnames(new.overlap.clu) <- c("cell", paste("merge.clu", 1:k, sep = ""))
for (i in 1:dim(new.overlap.clu)[1]) {
for (j in 2:dim(new.overlap.clu)[2]) {
new.overlap.clu[i, j] <- as.numeric(new.overlap.clu[i, j])
#' Reindex cluster labels in ascending order
#' Given an \code{\link[stats]{hclust}} object and the number of clusters \code{k}
#' this function reindex the clusters inferred by \code{cutree(hc, k)[hc$order]}, so that
#' they appear in ascending order. This is particularly useful when plotting
#' heatmaps in which the clusters should be numbered from left to right.
#' @param hc an object of class hclust
#' @param k number of cluster to be inferred from hc
#' @keywords internal
OrderClust <- function(hc, k) {
clusts <- cutree(hc, k)
labels <- names(clusts)
names(clusts) <- 1:length(clusts)
ordering <- clusts[hc$order]
new.index <- NULL
j <- 1
for (i in unique(ordering)) {
tmp <- rep(j, length(ordering[ordering == i]))
names(tmp) <- names(ordering[ordering == i])
new.index <- c(new.index, tmp)
j <- j + 1
clusts <- new.index
clusts <- clusts[order(as.numeric(names(clusts)))]
names(clusts) <- labels
OverlapNote <- function(overlap.clu){
K <- length(overlap.clu)
overlap.note <- list()
for(j in 1:K){
overlap <- overlap.clu[[j]]
k.sub <- dim(overlap)[2] - 1
names <- colnames(overlap)
cell.sum <- apply(overlap[,-1], 2, sum)
sub.cell <- sapply(1:k.sub, function(x){
cell.vec <- overlap$cell[overlap[,1+x] == 1] <- cell.vec[1]
for(i in 2:length(cell.vec)){ <- paste(, cell.vec[i], sep = ", ")
new <- paste("There are ",cell.sum, " cells in ",
names[-1], ": ", sub.cell, sep = "")
sub.cell.res <- character()
for(i in 1:k.sub){
sub.cell.res <- paste(new[i], "\n\n\n", sub.cell.res, sep = "")
overlap.note[[j]] <- sub.cell.res
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