# @RdocDefault doCRMAv1
# @alias doCRMAv1.AffymetrixCelSet
# @alias doASCRMAv1
# @alias doASCRMAv1.default
# @title "Estimation and assessment of raw copy numbers at the single locus level (CRMA v1)"
# \description{
# @get "title" based on [1].
# The algorithm is processed in bounded memory, meaning virtually
# any number of arrays can be analyzed on also very limited computer
# systems.
# }
# \usage{
# @usage doCRMAv1,AffymetrixCelSet
# @usage doCRMAv1,default
# @usage doASCRMAv1,default
# }
# \arguments{
# \item{csR, dataSet}{An @see "AffymetrixCelSet" (or the name of an @see "AffymetrixCelSet").}
# \item{shift}{An tuning parameter specifying how much to shift the
# probe signals before probe summarization.}
# \item{combineAlleles}{A @logical specifying whether allele probe pairs
# should be summed before modeling or not.}
# \item{lengthRange}{An optional @numeric vector of length two passed
# to @see "FragmentLengthNormalization".}
# \item{arrays}{A @integer @vector specifying the subset of arrays
# to process. If @NULL, all arrays are considered.}
# \item{drop}{If @TRUE, the summaries are returned, otherwise
# a named @list of all intermediate and final results.}
# \item{verbose}{See @see "Verbose".}
# \item{...}{Additional arguments used to set up @see "AffymetrixCelSet" (when argument \code{dataSet} is specified).}
# }
# \value{
# Returns a named @list, iff \code{drop == FALSE}, otherwise
# only @see "ChipEffectSet" object.
# }
# \section{Allele-specific or only total-SNP signals}{
# If you wish to obtain allele-specific estimates for SNPs, which
# are needed to call genotypes or infer parent-specific copy numbers,
# then use argument \code{combineAlleles=FALSE}. Total copy number
# signals are still available.
# If you know for certain that you will not use allele-specific
# estimates, you will get slightly less noisy signals
# (very small difference) if you use \code{combineAlleles=TRUE}.
# \code{doASCRMAv1(...)} is a wrapper for
# \code{doCRMAv1(..., combineAlleles=FALSE)}.
# }
# \references{
# [1] H. Bengtsson, R. Irizarry, B. Carvalho & T.P. Speed.
# \emph{Estimation and assessment of raw copy numbers at the
# single locus level},
# Bioinformatics, 2008.\cr
# }
# \seealso{
# For CRMA v2 (recommended by authors), which is a single-array
# improvement over CRMA v1, see @see "doCRMAv2".
# }
# @author "HB"
setMethodS3("doCRMAv1", "AffymetrixCelSet", function(csR, shift=+300, combineAlleles=TRUE, lengthRange=NULL, arrays=NULL, drop=TRUE, verbose=FALSE, ...) {
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Validate arguments
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Argument 'csR':
className <- "AffymetrixCelSet"
if (!inherits(csR, className)) {
throw(sprintf("Argument 'csR' is not a %s: %s", className, class(csR)[1]))
# Argument 'shift':
shift <- Arguments$getNumeric(shift)
# Argument 'combineAlleles':
combineAlleles <- Arguments$getLogical(combineAlleles)
# Argument 'arrays':
if (!is.null(arrays)) {
throw("Not supported. Argument 'arrays' should be NULL.")
arrays <- Arguments$getIndices(arrays, max=length(csR))
# Argument 'drop':
drop <- Arguments$getLogical(drop)
# Argument 'verbose':
verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
verbose && enter(verbose, "CRMAv1")
verbose && cat(verbose, "Arguments:")
verbose && cat(verbose, "combineAlleles: ", combineAlleles)
arraysTag <- seqToHumanReadable(arrays)
verbose && cat(verbose, "arrays:")
verbose && str(verbose, arraysTag)
# Backward compatibility
ram <- list(...)$ram
if (!is.null(ram)) {
.Defunct("Argument 'ram' of doCRMAv1() is defunct. Instead use setOption(aromaSettings, \"memory/ram\", ram).")
# List of objects to be returned
res <- list()
if (!drop) {
res <- c(res, list(csR=csR))
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Setup data set to be processed
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
verbose && cat(verbose, "Data set")
verbose && print(verbose, csR)
if (!is.null(arrays)) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "CRMAv1/Extracting subset of arrays")
csR <- extract(csR, arrays, onDuplicates="error")
verbose && cat(verbose, "Data subset")
verbose && print(verbose, csR)
verbose && exit(verbose)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# CRMAv1
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
verbose && enter(verbose, "CRMAv1/Allelic crosstalk calibration")
acc <- AllelicCrosstalkCalibration(csR, model="CRMA", tags="*,v1")
verbose && print(verbose, acc)
csC <- process(acc, verbose=verbose)
verbose && print(verbose, csC)
verbose && exit(verbose)
if (!drop) {
res <- c(res, list(acc=acc, csC=csC))
# Clean up
# Not needed anymore
csR <- acc <- NULL
gc <- gc()
verbose && print(verbose, gc)
verbose && enter(verbose, "CRMAv1/Probe summarization")
plm <- RmaCnPlm(csC, mergeStrands=TRUE, combineAlleles=combineAlleles,
verbose && print(verbose, plm)
if (length(findUnitsTodo(plm)) > 0) {
# Fit CN probes quickly (~5-10s/array + some overhead)
units <- fitCnProbes(plm, verbose=verbose)
verbose && str(verbose, units)
# Fit remaining units, i.e. SNPs (~5-10min/array)
units <- fit(plm, verbose=verbose)
verbose && str(verbose, units)
# Not needed anymore
units <- NULL
verbose && print(verbose, gc)
ces <- getChipEffectSet(plm)
verbose && print(verbose, ces)
verbose && exit(verbose)
if (!drop) {
res <- c(res, list(ces=ces, plm=plm))
# Clean up
# Not needed anymore
plm <- csC <- NULL
gc <- gc()
verbose && enter(verbose, "CRMAv1/PCR fragment-length normalization")
fln <- FragmentLengthNormalization(ces, target="zero", lengthRange=lengthRange)
verbose && print(verbose, fln)
cesN <- process(fln, verbose=verbose)
verbose && print(verbose, cesN)
verbose && exit(verbose)
if (!drop) {
res <- c(res, list(fln=fln, cesN=cesN))
# Clean up
# Not needed anymore
fln <- ces <- NULL
gc <- gc()
verbose && enter(verbose, "CRMAv1/Export to technology-independent data files")
dsNList <- exportTotalAndFracB(cesN, verbose=verbose)
verbose && print(verbose, dsNList)
verbose && exit(verbose)
if (!drop) {
res <- c(res, list(dsNList=dsNList))
# Clean up
# Not needed anymore
cesN <- NULL
gc <- gc()
verbose && exit(verbose)
# Return only the final results?
if (drop) {
res <- dsNList
}) # doCRMAv1()
setMethodS3("doCRMAv1", "default", function(dataSet, ..., verbose=FALSE) {
.require <- require
.require("aroma.affymetrix") || throw("Package not loaded: aroma.affymetrix")
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Validate arguments
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Argument 'dataSet':
dataSet <- Arguments$getCharacter(dataSet)
# Argument 'verbose':
verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
verbose && enter(verbose, "CRMAv1")
verbose && enter(verbose, "CRMAv1/Setting up CEL set")
csR <- AffymetrixCelSet$byName(dataSet, ..., verbose=less(verbose, 50),
verbose && print(verbose, csR)
verbose && exit(verbose)
dsNList <- doCRMAv1(csR, ..., verbose=verbose)
# Clean up
# Not needed anymore
csR <- NULL
gc <- gc()
verbose && exit(verbose)
setMethodS3("doASCRMAv1", "default", function(...) {
.require <- require
.require("aroma.affymetrix") || throw("Package not loaded: aroma.affymetrix")
doCRMAv1(..., combineAlleles=FALSE)
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