# @set "class=ChipEffectSet"
# @RdocMethod calculateBaseline
# @title "Estimates the baseline signal chromosome by chromosome"
# \description{
# @get "title".
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
# \item{chromosomes}{An @integer @vector specifying for which chromsosomes
# the baseline should be estimated.
# If @NULL, all chromosomes are considered.}
# \item{ploidy}{An @integer specifying the ploidy that the baseline
# should have.}
# \item{defaultPloidy}{An @integer specifying the default ploidy of
# chromosomes that have not explicitly been allocated one.}
# \item{all}{If @TRUE, signals are averaged also for cells that are not
# on the genome.}
# \item{force}{If @TRUE, the CEL file that stores the is recreated.}
# \item{verbose}{See @see "R.utils::Verbose".}
# \item{...}{Not used.}
# }
# @author "HB"
# \seealso{
# @see "getAverageFile".
# @seeclass
# }
setMethodS3("calculateBaseline", "ChipEffectSet", function(this, chromosomes=NULL, ploidy=2, defaultPloidy=NA, all=FALSE, force=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, ...) {
cdf <- getCdf(this)
gi <- getGenomeInformation(cdf)
allChromosomes <- getChromosomes(gi)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Validate arguments
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Argument 'chromosomes':
if (is.null(chromosomes)) {
chromosomes <- allChromosomes
} else {
chromosomes <- Arguments$getChromosomes(chromosomes,
# Argument 'ploidy':
ploidy <- Arguments$getInteger(ploidy, range=c(1,8))
# Argument 'verbose':
verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
if (verbose) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "Estimating the baseline signals for each chromosome")
verbose && enter(verbose, "Getting CEL file to store baseline signals")
csBaseline <- getBaseline(this, force=force, verbose=less(verbose))
verbose && exit(verbose)
verbose && enter(verbose, "Checking for non-estimated cells")
ds <- getData(csBaseline, fields="intensities", verbose=less(verbose))$intensities
ncells <- length(ds)
todo <- which(isZero(ds))
ntodo <- length(todo)
# Not needed anymore
ds <- NULL
verbose && printf(verbose, "Found %d (%.1f%%) non-estimated cells.\n",
ntodo, 100*ntodo/ncells)
verbose && exit(verbose)
# Garbage collect
gc <- gc()
verbose && print(verbose, gc)
n <- length(this)
for (chromosome in chromosomes) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "Chromosome ", chromosome)
verbose && enter(verbose, "Identifying units on chromosome")
units <- getUnitsOnChromosome(gi, chromosomes=chromosome)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Units:")
verbose && str(verbose, units)
verbose && exit(verbose)
verbose && enter(verbose, "Identifying cells for these units")
cells <- getCellIndices(this, units=units)
# Not needed anymore
units <- NULL
cells <- unlist(cells, use.names=FALSE)
cells <- sort(cells)
ncells <- length(cells)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Cells:")
verbose && str(verbose, cells)
verbose && exit(verbose)
if (!force) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "Checking for non-estimated loci")
cells <- intersect(cells, todo)
nkeep <- length(cells)
verbose && printf(verbose, "Found %d (%.1f%%) non-estimated loci.\n",
nkeep, 100*nkeep/ncells)
verbose && exit(verbose)
if (nkeep == 0) {
verbose && cat(verbose, "Baseline averages already exist for all loci on this chromosome.")
verbose && exit(verbose)
# Not needed anymore
cells <- NULL
verbose && enter(verbose, "Identifying samples that have the baseline ploidy and those that have not")
ploidies <- sapply(this, FUN=getPloidy, chromosome=chromosome,
isBaseline <- (ploidies == ploidy)
nB <- sum(isBaseline, na.rm=TRUE)
# Number of samples with non-baseline ploidies.
nM <- n - nB
verbose && printf(verbose, "Number of samples with ploidy %d: %d\n",
ploidy, nB)
verbose && printf(verbose, "Number of other samples: %d\n", nM)
# Assert that there are samples with the baseline ploidy
if (nB == 0) {
throw("Cannot estimate baseline signals. No samples with ploidy ", ploidy, " available.")
verbose && exit(verbose)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Baseline samples
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
verbose && enter(verbose, "Processing samples with baseline ploidy")
verbose && enter(verbose, "Extracting subset of samples")
# Baseline samples
csB <- extract(this, which( isBaseline), onDuplicates="error")
verbose && printf(verbose, "Baseline samples (with ploidy %d):\n", ploidy)
verbose && print(verbose, csB)
verbose && exit(verbose)
verbose && enter(verbose, "Calculating average")
csBavg <- getAverageFile(csB, indices=cells, force=force, verbose=less(verbose))
verbose && exit(verbose)
verbose && enter(verbose, "Reading the average signals")
muBs <- getData(csBavg, indices=cells, fields="intensities", verbose=less(verbose))$intensities
# Not needed anymore
csBavg <- NULL
verbose && str(verbose, muBs)
# verbose && cat(verbose, "Summary of log2(mu2s)")
# verbose && print(verbose, summary(log2(muBs)))
verbose && exit(verbose)
verbose && exit(verbose)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Other samples?
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if (nM > 0) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "Processing samples with non-baseline ploidies")
verbose && enter(verbose, "Extracting subset of samples")
csM <- extract(this, which(!isBaseline), onDuplicates="error")
verbose && cat(verbose, "All other samples:")
verbose && print(verbose, csM)
verbose && exit(verbose)
verbose && enter(verbose, "Calculating average")
csMavg <- getAverageFile(csM, indices=cells, force=force, verbose=less(verbose))
verbose && exit(verbose)
verbose && enter(verbose, "Reading the average signals")
muMs <- getData(csMavg, indices=cells, fields="intensities", verbose=less(verbose))$intensities
# Not needed anymore
csMavg <- NULL
verbose && str(verbose, muMs)
verbose && exit(verbose)
verbose && exit(verbose)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Estimating the shift
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Note, all of this is on the intensity and not the log scale.
verbose && enter(verbose, "Estimating the baseline bias correction")
# 1) Get the differences the two groups for each locus.
cs <- (muBs / muMs)
verbose && str(verbose, cs)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Summary of log2(cs*)")
verbose && print(verbose, summary(log2(cs)))
# 2) Get the average difference across all loci.
c <- median(cs, na.rm=TRUE)
# Not needed anymore
cs <- NULL
verbose && printf(verbose, "Bias correction: log2(c*)=%.3f\n", log2(c))
verbose && exit(verbose)
# 3) Weighted average of the two groups
verbose && enter(verbose, "Estimating the weighted average of the two groups at each locus")
# The estimate of the baseline according to the non-baseline samples
muBs2 <- muMs * c
# Not needed anymore
muMs <- NULL
verbose && cat(verbose, "Summary of log2(muBs*)")
verbose && print(verbose, summary(log2(muBs2)))
# The weights for the two groups
wB <- nB/n
wM <- 1-wB
ds <- wB*muBs + wM*muBs2
# Not needed anymore
muBs <- muBs2 <- NULL
verbose && exit(verbose)
} else {
ds <- muBs
verbose && cat(verbose, "All samples have baseline ploidy and are used to estimate the baseline signals.")
verbose && cat(verbose, "Summary of baseline signals log2(ds)")
verbose && print(verbose, summary(log2(ds)))
verbose && enter(verbose, "Storing baseline signals")
ds <- cbind(intensities=ds, cell=cells)
muBs <- updateDataFlat(csBaseline, data=ds, verbose=less(verbose))
# Not needed anymore
ds <- NULL
verbose && exit(verbose)
# Mark cells as done
todo <- setdiff(todo, cells)
# Not needed anymore
cells <- NULL
# Garbage collect
gc <- gc()
verbose && print(verbose, gc)
verbose && exit(verbose)
} # for (chromosome ...)
if (all) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "Calculate the average signal for all cells not on a chromosome")
cells <- todo
# Not needed anymore
todo <- NULL
ncells <- length(cells)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of remaining cells: ", length(cells))
if (ncells > 0) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "Checking for non-estimated cells")
keep <- todo[cells]
nkeep <- length(keep)
cells <- cells[keep]
# Not needed anymore
keep <- NULL
verbose && printf(verbose, "Found %d (%.1f%%) non-estimated loci.\n",
nkeep, 100*nkeep/ncells)
verbose && exit(verbose)
if (nkeep > 0) {
csRavg <- getAverageFile(this, indices=cells, force=force, verbose=less(verbose))
verbose && enter(verbose, "Reading the average signals")
ds <- getData(csRavg, indices=cells, fields="intensities", verbose=less(verbose))$intensities
# Not needed anymore
csRavg <- NULL
verbose && str(verbose, ds)
verbose && exit(verbose)
verbose && enter(verbose, "Storing baseline signals")
ds <- cbind(intensities=ds, cell=cells)
muBs <- updateDataFlat(csBaseline, data=ds, verbose=less(verbose))
# Not needed anymore
ds <- NULL
verbose && exit(verbose)
} # if (nkeep > 0)
} # if (ncells > 0)
} # if (all)
verbose && exit(verbose)
}, protected=TRUE) # calculateBaseline()
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