getAverageFile.CnagCfhSet: Calculates the mean and the standard deviation of the cell...

getAverageFile.CnagCfhSetR Documentation

Calculates the mean and the standard deviation of the cell signal (intensity, standard deviation etc.) across the CFH set


Calculates the mean and the standard deviation of the cell signal (intensity, standard deviation etc.) across the CFH set.


## S3 method for class 'CnagCfhSet'
getAverageFile(this, name=NULL, prefix="average", indices="remaining",
  field=c("intensities", "stdvs"), mean=c("median", "mean"), sd=c("mad", "sd"),
  na.rm=TRUE, g=NULL, h=NULL, ..., cellsPerChunk=moreCells * 10^7/length(this),
  moreCells=1, force=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)



The label of the calculated parameters. If NULL, a default name format <prefix>-<mean>-<sd> is used.


An integer vector specifying which cells to consider. If "remaining", only parameters for cells that have not been are calculated. If NULL, all cells are used.


A character of a function specifying the function used to calculate the average.


A character of a function specifying the function used to calculate the standard deviation.


If TRUE, NAs are excluded before, otherwise not.


Not used.


A integer specifying the total number of cells (across arrays) read into memory per chunk.


A double scalar indicating if more or less cells should be used per chunk.


If TRUE, parameters for cells already calculated are recalculated, otherwise not.


If TRUE, progress details are printed, otherwise not. May also be a Verbose object.


The parameter estimates are stored as a CFH file of the same class as the data files in the set. The CFH file is named <name>.cel and placed in the directory of the set. Currently there is no specific data class for this file, but the average cell signals are stored as "intensities", the standard deviation of the cell signals as "stddevs", and the number of data points used for each estimate is stored as "pixels".


Returns an CnagCfhSet of the same class as the CFH set averaged.

See Also

For more information see CnagCfhSet.

aroma.affymetrix documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:32 a.m.