
Defines functions supercell_DimPlot supercell_plot

Documented in supercell_DimPlot supercell_plot

#' Plot metacell NW
#' @param SC.nw a super-cell (metacell) network (a field \code{supercell_network} of the output of \link{SCimplify})
#' @param group an assigment of metacells to any group (for ploting in different colors)
#' @param color.use colros to use for groups, if \code{NULL}, an automatic palette of colors will be applied
#' @param lay.method method to compute layout of the network (for the moment there several available: "nicely"
#' for \link[igraph]{layout_nicely} and "fr" for \link[igraph]{layout_with_fr}, "components" for \link[igraph]{layout_components},
#' "drl" for \link[igraph]{layout_with_drl}, "graphopt" for \link[igraph]{layout_with_graphopt}). If your dataset has clear clusters, use "components"
#' @param lay a particular layout of a graph to plot (in is not \code{NULL}, \code{lay.method} is ignored and new layout is not computed)
#' @param alpha a rotation of the layout (either provided or computed)
#' @param seed a random seed used to compute graph layout
#' @param main a title of a plot
#' @param do.frames whether to keep vertex.frames in the plot
#' @param do.extra.log.rescale whether to log-scale node size (to balance plot if some metacells are large and covers smaller metacells)
#' @param do.directed whether to plot edge direction
#' @param log.base base with thich to log-scale node size
#' @param do.extra.sqtr.rescale  whether to sqrt-scale node size (to balance plot if some metacells are large and covers smaller metacells)
#' @param frame.color color of node frames, black by default
#' @param weights edge weights used for some layout algorithms
#' @param min.cell.size do not plot cells with smaller size
#' @param return.meta whether to return all the meta data
#' @return plot of a super-cell network
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(cell_lines) # list with GE - gene expression matrix (logcounts), meta - cell meta data
#' GE <- cell_lines$GE
#' cell.meta <- cell_lines$meta
#' SC <- SCimplify(GE,  # gene expression matrix
#'                 gamma = 20) # graining level
#' # Assign metacell to a cell line
#' SC2cellline  <- supercell_assign(
#'     clusters = cell.meta, # single-cell assignment to cell lines
#'     supercell_membership = SC$membership) # single-cell assignment to metacells
#' # Plot metacell network colored by cell line
#' supercell_plot(SC$graph.supercells, # network
#'                group = SC2cellline, # group assignment
#'                main = "Metacell colored by cell line assignment",
#'                lay.method = 'nicely')
#' }
#' @export

supercell_plot <- function(SC.nw,
                           group = NULL,
                           color.use = NULL,
                           lay.method = c("nicely", "fr", "components", "drl", "graphopt"),
                           lay = NULL,
                           alpha = 0,
                           seed = 12345,
                           main = NA,
                           do.frames = TRUE,
                           do.extra.log.rescale = FALSE,
                           do.directed = FALSE,
                           log.base = 2,
                           do.extra.sqtr.rescale = FALSE,
                           frame.color = "black",
                           weights = NULL,
                           min.cell.size = 0,
                           return.meta = FALSE){

  N.SC <- igraph::vcount(SC.nw)
  if(is.null(igraph::V(SC.nw)$size)) igraph::V(SC.nw)$size <- 1
  vsize <- igraph::V(SC.nw)$size

  cells.to.remove <- which(vsize < min.cell.size)
  cells.to.use    <- setdiff(1:N.SC, cells.to.remove)

  vsize <- sqrt(vsize)
    vsize <- log(vsize+1, base = log.base)
    vsize <- sqrt(vsize)

  if(is.null(group)) group <- rep(1, N.SC)
    group <- group + (1 - min(group)) # min group to 1
  if(!is.character(group)) group <- as.character(group)
  if(length(group) != N.SC) stop(paste("Vector groups has to be the same length as number of super-cells:", N.SC))

  N.groups <- length(unique(group))

  if(is.null(color.use)) color.use <- scales::hue_pal()(N.groups)
  if(length(color.use) != N.groups) stop(paste("Vector color.use has to be the same length as number of groups:", N.groups, "\n"))

    names(color.use) <- sort(unique(group))

  if(!is.null(weights) & length(cells.to.remove)>0){
    weights <- weights[-sort(unique(unlist(igraph::incident_edges(SC.nw, cells.to.remove))))]

    SC.nw <- igraph::delete_vertices(SC.nw, cells.to.remove)

  if(is.null(lay)){ # compute new layout
    lay.method <- lay.method[1]
    if(is.na(lay.method) | is.nan(lay.method) | is.null(lay.method)) lay.method = "nicely"

    lay.method <- match(lay.method,  c("nicely", "fr", "components", "drl", "graphopt", "dh"))

    if(is.na(lay.method)) stop(paste("Unknown layout!\n"))

    if(lay.method == "components" & igraph::vcount(SC.nw) > 5000){
      warning("Number of super-cells is too large for the 'components' layout, lay.method was changed to 'nicely'!\n")

    if(lay.method == 1)
      lay <- igraph::layout_nicely(SC.nw, weights = weights)
    else if (lay.method == 2)
      lay <- igraph::layout_with_fr(SC.nw, weights = weights)
    else if (lay.method == 3)
      lay <- igraph::layout_components(SC.nw)
    else if (lay.method == 4)
      lay <- igraph::layout_with_drl(SC.nw, weights = weights)
    else if (lay.method == 5)
      lay <- igraph::layout_with_graphopt(SC.nw)
    else stop(paste("Unknown lay.method", lay.method, "\n"))

  # do rotation
    if((alpha %% (2*pi)) != 0){
      M.rotation  <- matrix(c(cos(alpha), sin(alpha),
                              -sin(alpha), cos(alpha)), byrow = T, ncol = 2)
      lay.rotated <- lay %*% M.rotation
    } else {
      lay.rotated <- as.matrix(lay)
  } else {
    stop(paste("Alpha has to be numeric! \n"))

  v.colors <- color.use[group]
  ifelse(do.frames, v.frame.colors <- rep(frame.color, length(v.colors)), v.frame.colors <- v.colors)

  plot(igraph::as.undirected(SC.nw), vertex.label = NA, vertex.color = v.colors[cells.to.use],
       vertex.frame.color = v.frame.colors[cells.to.use],
       layout = lay.rotated, main = main, vertex.size = vsize[cells.to.use])

    p <- grDevices::recordPlot()
    res <- list(p = p,
                lay = lay,
                lay.rotated = lay.rotated,
                alpha = alpha,
                group = group[cells.to.use],
                cells.to.use = cells.to.use,
                vsize.used = vsize[cells.to.use],
                vsize.actual = igraph::V(SC.nw)$size,
                v.colors = v.colors)

#' Plot metacell 2D plot (PCA, UMAP, tSNE etc)
#' Plots 2d representation of metacells
#' @param SC SuperCell computed metacell object (the output of \link{SCimplify})
#' @param groups an assigment of metacells to any group (for ploting in different colors)
#' @param dim.1 dimension to plot on X-axis
#' @param dim.2 dimension to plot on Y-axis
#' @param color.use colros to use for groups, if \code{NULL}, an automatic palette of colors will be applied
#' @param dim.name name of the dimensionality reduction to plot (must be a field in \code{SC})
#' @param asp aspect ratio
#' @param alpha a rotation of the layout (either provided or computed)
#' @param title a title of a plot
#' @param do.sqtr.rescale  whether to sqrt-scale node size (to balance plot if some metacells are large and covers smaller metacells)
#' @return \link[ggplot2]{ggplot}
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang .data

supercell_DimPlot <- function(
  groups = NULL,
  dim.name = "PCA",
  dim.1 = 1,
  dim.2 = 2,
  color.use = NULL,
  asp = 1,
  alpha = 0.7,
  title = NULL,
  do.sqtr.rescale = FALSE

  N.SC <- SC$N.SC

  if(!(dim.name %in% names(SC))){
    stop(paste("dim.name", dim.name,
               "field is not found in SC. Please,
               compute dimensionality reduction or assign `SC[[dim.name]]` to a layout result.
               For instance, `SC[[dim.name]] <- supercell_tSNE(SC)`"))

  if(length(groups) == 1){ #groups stands for SC field name
    if(!(groups %in% names(SC))){
      stop(paste("groups", groups, "is not found in SC. Please provide correct  group name field"))
    real_groups <- SC[[groups]]
  } else {
    real_groups <- groups

  if(length(real_groups) != N.SC){
    stop(paste0("Length of groups (n = ", length(real_groups), ") != real number of super-cells (n = ", N.SC, ")"))

    lay <- SC[[dim.name]]$layout
  } else {
    lay <- SC[[dim.name]]

  colnames(lay) <- NULL

  if(max(dim.1, dim.2) > ncol(lay)){
    warning(paste("dim.1 or dim.2 are out of bounds, the default values are set (dim.1 <- 1, dim.2 <- 2)"))
    dim.1 <- 1
    dim.2 <- 2
  lay.df                <- data.frame(lay[,c(dim.1, dim.2)])
  lay.df$groups         <- real_groups
  lay.df$supercell_size <- SC$supercell_size
  lay.df$size           <- SC$supercell_size

    lay.df$size <- sqrt(lay.df$size)

  g <- ggplot2::ggplot(
    ggplot2::aes(x = .data$X1, y = .data$X2, color = .data$groups, fill = .data$groups, size = .data$size)
  ) +
    ggplot2::scale_size_continuous(range = c(0.5, 0.5*max(log1p((SC$supercell_size))))) +
    ggplot2::labs(x = paste0(dim.name, "-", dim.1), y = paste0(dim.name, "-", dim.2),  title = title) +
    ggplot2::geom_point(alpha = alpha) +
    ggplot2::theme_classic() +
    ggplot2::theme(asp = asp)

    g <- g + ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = color.use)
    g <- g + ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = color.use)



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SuperCell documentation built on Oct. 25, 2024, 5:07 p.m.