
Defines functions supercell_2_sce

Documented in supercell_2_sce

#' Super-cells to SingleCellExperiment object
#' This function transforms super-cell gene expression and super-cell partition into \link[SingleCellExperiment]{SingleCellExperiment} object
#' @param SC.GE gene expression matrix with genes as rows and cells as columns
#' @param SC super-cell (output of \link{SCimplify} function)
#' @param fields which fields of \code{SC} to use as cell metadata
#' @param do.preproc whether to do prepocessing, including data normalization, scaling, HVG, PCA, nearest neighbors, \code{TRUE} by default, change to \code{FALSE} to speed up conversion
#' @param var.genes set of genes used as a set of variable features of SingleCellExperiment (by default is the set of genes used to generate super-cells)
#' @param is.log.normalized whether \code{SC.GE} is log-normalized counts. If yes, then SingleCellExperiment field \code{assay name = 'logcounts'} else \code{assay name = 'counts'}
#' @param do.center whether to center gene expression matrix to compute PCA
#' @param do.scale whether to scale gene expression matrix to compute PCA
#' @param ncomponents number of principal components to compute
#' @return \link[SingleCellExperiment]{SingleCellExperiment} object
#' data(cell_lines)
#' SC           <- SCimplify(cell_lines$GE, gamma = 20)
#' SC$ident     <- supercell_assign(clusters = cell_lines$meta, supercell_membership = SC$membership)
#' SC.GE        <- supercell_GE(cell_lines$GE, SC$membership)
#' sce          <- supercell_2_sce(SC.GE = SC.GE, SC = SC, fields = c("ident"))
#' @export

supercell_2_sce <- function(SC.GE, SC, fields = c(),
                            var.genes = NULL,
                            do.preproc = TRUE,
                            is.log.normalized = TRUE,
                            do.center = TRUE,
                            do.scale = TRUE,
                            ncomponents = 50){

  N.c <- ncol(SC.GE)
    warning(paste0("supercell_size field of SC is missing, size of all super-cells set to 1"))
    supercell_size <- rep(1, N.c)
  } else {
    supercell_size <- SC$supercell_size

  if(length(supercell_size) != N.c){
    stop(paste0("length of SC$supercell_size has to be the same as number of super-cells ", N.c))

  ## Name all cells to create Seurat Object
    colnames(SC.GE) <- as.character(1:N.c)

  ## If fields is numerical (not recommended), map them to names
    fields <- names(SC)[fields]

  ## Keep only available fiedls
  fields <- intersect(fields, names(SC))

  if(length(fields) > 0){
    SC.fields <- SC[fields]
  } else {
    SC.fields <- NULL

  ## Keep only fields that are specific to cells
  SC.field.length <- lapply(SC.fields, length)
  SC.fields       <- SC.fields[which(SC.field.length == N.c)]

  meta     <- data.frame(size = SC$supercell_size, row.names = colnames(SC.GE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  if(length(SC.fields) > 0){
    meta <- cbind(meta, SC.fields)

  ## Sort highly variable genes by name
    var.genes <- sort(SC$genes.use)

  sce <- NA
  if(requireNamespace("SingleCellExperiment", quietly=TRUE)){
    ## If SC.GE is log-normalized gene expression, than field data has to be rewritten
      sce <- SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(logcounts=SC.GE), # load as normalized data
                                                        colData = meta,
                                                        rowData = data.frame(gene_names = SC.GE@Dimnames[[1]]))
    } else {
      sce <- SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(counts=SC.GE),
                                                        colData = meta,
                                                        rowData = data.frame(gene_names = SC.GE@Dimnames[[1]]))
  } else {
    warning("`supercell_2_sce()` requires `SingleCellExperiment` library to create SingleCellExperiment object")

  if(!do.preproc) return(sce)

  if(requireNamespace("SingleCellExperiment", quietly=TRUE) & requireNamespace("SummarizedExperiment", quietly=TRUE)){
    ## Sample-weighted scaling
    SummarizedExperiment::assay(sce, "scale.data") <- t(as.matrix(corpcor::wt.scale(Matrix::t(SC.GE),
                                                                                    w = meta$size,
                                                                                    center = do.center,
                                                                                    scale = do.scale)))

    ## Storing pre-computed set of HVG
    SummarizedExperiment::metadata(sce) <- list(var.genes = var.genes)
  } else {
    warning("`supercell_2_sce()` requires `SummarizedExperiment` library to create store additional asseys and metadata")

  if(requireNamespace("SingleCellExperiment", quietly=TRUE)){
    my_pca <- supercell_prcomp(X = Matrix::t(SC.GE), genes.use = var.genes,
                               fast.pca = TRUE,
                               supercell_size = meta$supercell_size,
                               k = ncomponents,
                               do.scale = do.scale, do.center = do.center)

    colnames(my_pca$x) <- paste0('PC', 1:ncol(my_pca$x))
    rownames(my_pca$x) <- NULL
    SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(sce, "PCA") <- my_pca$x
    SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(sce, "PCA_weighted") <- my_pca$x
  } else {
    warning("`supercell_2_sce()` requires `SingleCellExperiment` library to manipulate SingleCellExperiment objects")

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SuperCell documentation built on Oct. 25, 2024, 5:07 p.m.