#' Super-cells to Seurat object
#' This function transforms super-cell gene expression and super-cell partition into \link[Seurat]{Seurat} object
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @param SC.GE gene expression matrix with genes as rows and cells as columns
#' @param SC super-cell (output of \link{SCimplify} function)
#' @param fields which fields of \code{SC} to use as cell metadata
#' @param do.preproc whether to do prepocessing, including data normalization, scaling, HVG, PCA, nearest neighbors, \code{TRUE} by default, change to \code{FALSE} to speed up conversion
#' @param var.genes set of genes used as a set of variable features of Seurat (by default is the set of genes used to generate super-cells), ignored if \code{!do.preproc}
#' @param is.log.normalized whether \code{SC.GE} is log-normalized counts. If yes, then Seurat field \code{data} is replaced with \code{counts} after normalization (see 'Details' section), ignored if \code{!do.preproc}
#' @param whether to center gene expression matrix to compute PCA, ignored if \code{!do.preproc}
#' @param do.scale whether to scale gene expression matrix to compute PCA, ignored if \code{!do.preproc}
#' @param N.comp number of principal components to use for construction of single-cell kNN network, ignored if \code{!do.preproc}
#' @param output.assay.version version of the seurat assay in output, \code{`"v4"`} by default, \code{`"v5"`} requires \link[Seurat]{Seurat} v5 installed.
#' @details
#' Since the input of \link[Seurat]{CreateSeuratObject} should be unnormalized count matrix (UMIs or TPMs, see \link[Seurat]{CreateSeuratObject}).
#' Thus, we manually set field \code{`assays$RNA@data`} to \code{SC.GE} if \code{is.log.normalized == TRUE}.
#' Avoid running \link[Seurat]{NormalizeData} for the obtained Seurat object, otherwise this will overwrite field \code{`assays$RNA@data`}.
#' If you have run \link[Seurat]{NormalizeData}, then make sure to replace \code{`assays$RNA@data`} with correct matrix by running
#' \code{`your_seurat@assays$RNA@data <- your_seurat@assays$RNA@counts`}.
#' Since super-cells have different size (consist of different number of single cells), we use sample-weighted algorithms for all
#' possible steps of the downstream analysis, including scaling and dimensionality reduction. Thus, generated Seurat object comes
#' with the results of sample-wighted scaling (available as \code{`your_seurat@assays$`} or
#' \code{`your_seurat@assays$RNA@misc[[""]]`} to reproduce if the first one has been overwritten) and PCA (available as
#' \code{`your_seurat@reductions$pca`} or \code{`your_seurat@reductions$pca_weighted`} to reproduce if the first one has been overwritten).
#' @return \link[Seurat]{Seurat} object
#' data(cell_lines)
#' SC <- SCimplify(X=cell_lines$GE, gamma = 20)
#' SC$ident <- supercell_assign(clusters = cell_lines$meta, supercell_membership = SC$membership)
#' SC.GE <- supercell_GE(cell_lines$GE, SC$membership)
#' m.seurat <- supercell_2_Seurat(SC.GE = SC.GE, SC = SC, fields = c("ident"))
#' @export
supercell_2_Seurat <- function(SC.GE, SC, fields = c(),
var.genes = NULL,
do.preproc = TRUE,
is.log.normalized = TRUE, = TRUE,
do.scale = TRUE,
N.comp = NULL,
output.assay.version = "v4"){
N.c <- ncol(SC.GE)
warning(paste0("supercell_size field of SC is missing, size of all super-cells set to 1"))
supercell_size <- rep(1, N.c)
} else {
supercell_size <- SC$supercell_size
if(length(supercell_size) != N.c){
stop(paste0("length of SC$supercell_size has to be the same as number of super-cells ", N.c))
## Name all cells to create Seurat Object
colnames(SC.GE) <- as.character(1:N.c)
counts <- SC.GE
## If fields is numerical, map them to names
fields <- names(SC)[fields]
## Keep only available fiedls
fields <- intersect(fields, names(SC))
if(length(fields) > 0){
SC.fields <- SC[fields]
} else {
SC.fields <- NULL
## Keep only fields that are specific to cells
SC.field.length <- lapply(SC.fields, length)
SC.fields <- SC.fields[which(SC.field.length == N.c)]
meta <- data.frame(size = supercell_size, row.names = colnames(SC.GE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if(length(SC.fields) > 0){
meta <- cbind(meta, SC.fields)
m.seurat <- Seurat::CreateSeuratObject(counts = SC.GE, = meta)
if(packageVersion("Seurat") >= "5"){
#m.seurat[["RNA"]] <- as(object = m.seurat[["RNA"]], Class = "Assay")
m.seurat<-Seurat::SetAssayData(m.seurat, = Seurat::GetAssayData(m.seurat,assay = "RNA",layer = "counts"),assay = "RNA",layer = "counts")
if(!do.preproc) return(m.seurat)
## Data preprocessing (optional, but recommended)
## Normalize data, so Seurat does not generate warning
m.seurat <- Seurat::NormalizeData(m.seurat)
message("Done: NormalizeData")
## If SC.GE is log-normalized gene expression, than field data has to be rewritten
message("Doing: data to normalized data")
#m.seurat@assays$RNA@data <- m.seurat@assays$RNA@counts
m.seurat<-Seurat::SetAssayData(m.seurat, = Seurat::GetAssayData(m.seurat,assay = "RNA",layer = "counts"),assay = "RNA",layer = "data")
## Sample-weighted scaling
if(length(unique(meta$size)) > 1){
message("Doing: weighted scaling")
#m.seurat@assays$ <- t(as.matrix(corpcor::wt.scale(Matrix::t((m.seurat@assays$RNA@data)),
# w = meta$size,
# center =,
# scale = do.scale)))
m.seurat<-Seurat::SetAssayData(m.seurat, = t(as.matrix(corpcor::wt.scale(Matrix::t((Seurat::GetAssayData(m.seurat,layer = "data"))),
w = meta$size,
center =,
scale = do.scale))),assay = "RNA",layer = "")
message("Done: weighted scaling")
} else {
message("Doing: unweighted scaling")
m.seurat <- Seurat::ScaleData(m.seurat)
message("Done: unweighted scaling")
#m.seurat@assays$RNA@misc[[""]] <- m.seurat@assays$
m.seurat<-Seurat::SetAssayData(m.seurat, = Seurat::GetAssayData(m.seurat,layer = ""),assay = "RNA",layer = "")
var.genes <- sort(SC$genes.use)
#if(is.null(N.comp)) N.comp <- min(50, ncol(m.seurat@assays$RNA@counts)-1)
if(is.null(N.comp)) N.comp <- min(50, ncol(Seurat::GetAssayData(m.seurat,layer = "counts"))-1)
Seurat::VariableFeatures(m.seurat) <- var.genes
m.seurat <- Seurat::RunPCA(m.seurat, verbose = F, npcs = max(N.comp))
m.seurat@reductions$pca_seurat <- m.seurat@reductions$pca
my_pca <- supercell_prcomp(X = Matrix::t(SC.GE[var.genes, ]), genes.use = var.genes,
fast.pca = TRUE,
supercell_size = meta$supercell_size,
k = dim(m.seurat@reductions$pca_seurat)[2],
do.scale = do.scale, =
dimnames(my_pca$x) <- dimnames(m.seurat@reductions$pca_seurat)
m.seurat@reductions$pca@cell.embeddings <- my_pca$x
m.seurat@reductions$pca@feature.loadings <- my_pca$rotation
m.seurat@reductions$pca@stdev <- my_pca$sdev
m.seurat@reductions$pca_weighted <- m.seurat@reductions$pca
## Super-cell network:
## 1) create graph field
m.seurat <- Seurat::FindNeighbors(m.seurat, compute.SNN = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
## 2) add self-loops to our super-cell graph to indicate super-cell size (does not work, as Seurat removes loops...)
# SC$graph.supercells <- igraph::add_edges(SC$graph.supercells, edges = rep(1:N.c, each = 2), weight = supercell_size)
adj.mtx <- igraph::get.adjacency(SC$graph.supercells, attr = "weight")
## 3) replace generated Seurat network with the super-cell network
m.seurat@graphs$RNA_nn@i <- adj.mtx@i
m.seurat@graphs$RNA_nn@p <- adj.mtx@p
m.seurat@graphs$RNA_nn@Dim <- adj.mtx@Dim
m.seurat@graphs$RNA_nn@x <- adj.mtx@x
m.seurat@graphs$RNA_nn@factors <- adj.mtx@factors
m.seurat@graphs$RNA_super_cells <- m.seurat@graphs$RNA_nn
} else {
warning("Super-cell graph was not found in SC object, no super-cell graph was added to Seurat object")
if(packageVersion("Seurat") >= "5" & output.assay.version == "v5"){
m.seurat[["RNA"]] <- as(object = m.seurat[["RNA"]], Class = "Assay5")
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